What are the odds that Disney shills are keeping half of this fucking outrage bullshit going?

What are the odds that Disney shills are keeping half of this fucking outrage bullshit going?

The severe autistic screeching from the people upset about Captain Marvel for the last few weeks has been so fucking annoying that I kind of started to WANT to see the fucking movie just out of spite or annoyance of all the annoying retards making Yea Forums gay again.

Could that be an actual part of their marketing budget? Like there's no reason they couldn't do some active measures shit to agitate a bunch of hysterical "incel" strawmen to act like annoying faggots for people to "act against" by consuming their product?

And even if it isn't an active or intentional campaign, it's still fucking working. How many goddamn people are going to now go to see the movie, thinking they're "brave" for standing up to all le edgy trolls?

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In order to fight against oppression, first you need to be oppressed.

No. I am a literal anti feminist, pro white male supporting, anti diversity poster. I want the world to be more white and male centric. My dream is that white men will rise from their slumber and start leading shit again. Also I am not full white.

Almost definitely
>bait Yea Forums with obnoxious virtue signaling
>downvote bomb your own promo material
>blame it on alt right incels
>this attracts the woke left who want to be on le right side of history
>recieve widespread acclaim and Oscar noms because nobody wants to be associated with alt-right incels

You can sit at the front of the oven.

No I am white hispanic which means I get called gringo in my own country and beaner everywhere else. It cause a complex, just look at /pol/. It is full of "white" indians, middle easterners, latinos, etc. that are legit called white their entire lives and think of themselves as white. I call it being "borderline white" where they are convinced they just need a white wife and their children will.be full white. I am convinced full white people hate themselves more than other races do.

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>No. I am a literal anti feminist, pro white male supporting, anti diversity poster.
No shit. Active measures works by keeping the "true believers" constantly agitated and activated. 95% of what active measures is, is willing actors and agents of influence that agree with the underlying messaging strategy and want to participate to fulfill some part of their sense of self.

But are you creating a lot of content? Coming up with a lot of talking points? OPing threads? Screenshotting random twitter strawmen? Or are you just consuming and engaging with things that are already going on?
>I want the world to be more white and male centric
Do you think you'd have a better chance with women if that happened?
>My dream is that white men will rise from their slumber and start leading shit again
We are tho. By overwhelming margins. A company throws a bone and makes 1 out of like 25 movies with a female protagonist, to sell more toys to girls, and you act like you're "white men" are being oppressed.

And of course the irony is you are very actively being "oppressed" and it's overwhelmingly coming from agencies and industrial complexes that happen to generally be run by "white men." They don't really think of you as a "white man" as much of a "useful idiot." You're getting exploited as much as everyone else.

>What are the odds that Disney shills are keeping half of this fucking outrage bullshit going?
100%. they're doing this with every "sjw" movie. they want people to think that going to the movies is some sort of political statement. it has nothing with making/watching good movies anymore (for these types of flicks). it's all about getting people to empty their pockets as an expression of their politics.

I am not white though

why is it fucking ALWAYS non-white foreigners LARPing as "white supremacists?"

For fucks sake shut the fuck up you dumbass nigger. You're not "white." In your "white and male centric" you're literally the same thing as an African. There's no sliding scale. One drop rule. You're part eggplant and you always fucking will be.

Goddamn you brown cucks are hilarious. Keep dancing for us Tio Tomás! If you get enough good boy points maybe you'll get a seat at the table!

I can guarantee brown hands wrote this post

how much you want to bet ese?


i hear this shit from asians too. they want to live in an america that is mostly white and comfy. they dont want the country to be flooded with dangerous spics and niggers. they also dont really want more asians coming over because new asians just copy their businesses.

The point of my post is other countries have different standards for white. These "white" folk are treated and called white their whole lives and identify as such. Why does this upset you?

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Spot on, this is how most marketing teams push their nuwave bullshit

This post is the shillpost if im being honest.

You are incredibly correct. First gen immigrants are usually conservative and anti immigrant.

Disney shill falseflagging do not reply

very high


>they want to live in an america that is mostly white and comfy
Yeah and they do that by shilling for Americans that are going to ensure that they can literally never do that.

BUILD THE WALL means ALL nonwhites can get fucked. Doesn't matter if they want to act like tapdancing house niggers for white people to make fun of or not. They're not getting in.


*kisses fingertips

so fucking beautiful. Humanity is so hilarious. What a goof!


Latinos believe they can become white in 2 generations

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>Why does this upset you?
Oh I fucking love it. The agents of influence on this board talking about how they "want the world to be more white and male centric" are literally a bunch of LARPing shithole gooks.

How much would it cost for you to suck my dick? I've got 20 American dollars on me if you have change.

I genuinely do not understand you sorry. I just want white people to not disappear or become minorities. What is your main argument against this?

>I just want white people to not disappear or become minorities
like you? Are you disappeared? And what do you care about what people that aren't you do?

And what's wrong with being a minority or going from being a majority to a plurality? What's it even fucking matter to you? This only matters to American Republicans who are concerned that they won't be able to keep enough idiot poor white people voting against their own interests. What the FUCK does that have to do with your shithole hovel?

Like you realize your country might become largely uninhabitable in this century by global warming, which is being caused by "white people" in America, right? You're gonna burn alive and you won't even have anywhere to go because all the white people locked you out lol.

Worrying about racial demographics over the next thousand years when humanity is facing the biggest existential threat in history right now just seems a bit retarded huh? Particularly since you're gonna be the most fucked by the things you're shilling for.

kek. also, in high school my chad friend was dating a middle eastern chick who was from a single mother household. that chick's mom literally told my buddy's mom that she wanted my buddy to breed her daughter so they could start getting rid of the middle eastern genes.

You just made a massive amount of assumptions. All I said was western nations should limit immigration and focus on native birthrates. How does that in anyway invalidate your other points that I mostly agree with?

Every single abuelita I know would adore having white descendants. Mejorar la raza is a real phenomenon.

ok, suppose i go along with the global warming hoax. can you tell me any positive effects from global warming?

tldr dancing to mexican music. Or what you call "white culture" I guess. Gonna go to taco bell in a bit too in honor of your proud and noble heritage.

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the people you trust are killing you. They're training you to kill yourself. PLEASE just do it. For the good of your family. For the good of your people.

I have to be honest I do not understand your points or message even. What are you trying to say?

You're a retard. This is what happens on Yea Forums leading up to ANY big capeshit/SW movie. You just have to filter/weather it and deal with it.

Yeah because of the language difference. Because you're a foreign invader from a shithole country subverting a superior culture that you literally don't understand.

Are you a troll or something? I do not live in the US. What is your point in all of these posts besides an apparent urge to see the US become like the countries you are mocking? Please in simple words: Why do you hate white people?


Not him but in my lifetime (mostly the last decade) my hometown, a nice rural town in the south of England, has changed demographics so fast its near impossible to adjust. Most of those people coming straight from Pakistan and west Africa without first learning the language or customs means they bring a completely different attitude to the surroundings and their neighbours - higher crime rate, litter, antisocial behaviour, graffiti, just general disrespect for the country graciously allowing them a new chance. There are areas of town which I now wouldn't dare to go, and the rest of the town has started to cater to that demographic. It is UNRECOGNISABLE from the town I grew up in. What I worry about is having nowhere that resembles the culture I've been raised to be a part of, not muh white genocide. I'm sure most of us feel the same.

Anecdotal I know but surely you can see why people worry about demographics?

just tell me the positive effects of global warming to prove you're not an npc.

We know who is behind all capeshit spam on Yea Forums

>What is your point in all of these posts besides an apparent urge to see the US become like the countries you are mocking?
We already have m8. That's the whole point of the "immigrant" fear shit. Is that as the country continues to get exploited and corrupted by corporate oligarchies are foreign subverters, the economic opportunities drop, and as a result, so does immigration.

The only actual way to stop immigration is to be a shithole country nobody wants to live in. So the corporate exploiters and oligarchs train their monkey's to only really be happy if they're getting facefucked for everything they're worth.

>Please in simple words: Why do you hate white people?
What language do you speak without google translate? Why do you think you are "white people?" What gives you the sense of entitlement that YOU, some uneducated foreign shitskin, gets to speak for "white people?"

Why do YOU hate white people? Why are YOU translating YOUR shitty cultural bullshit into English and demanding that I act like a beaner like you, for fear of being accused of "hating white people?"

I "hate" degenerate self-loathing LARPer gooks like you I guess. You're pretty pathetic my dude.

>Not him but in my lifetime (mostly the last decade)

klll yourself bongtard tldr


These are your arguments:
>the US is already majority brown so stop trying to change that
>Be quiet brown person for worrying about white people
>Corporations being evil means we have to accept white people will go extinct
Are you mentally ill?

any news is good news, at least captain marvel is a step above a yang thread

Pretty low chances, it's mostly bitter DCucks.

>just tell me the positive effects of global warming to prove you're not an npc.
for Russia and China it's that they'll get more access to water. More access to arctic drilling. Better weather, better land, more economic opportunities.

For the US it's going to cost trillions of dollars and misplace tens of millions.

For central America and Africa and stuff a lot more people are going to die every year from storms and heat strokes and if it sustains on the same course they'll largely all die first.

Humanity is potentially one or two generations from a major extinction event. Most of you useful idiot poor people will be fucking dead.
That's a positive.

You can't even take the blame for your own whining bitching. What a coward.

How does that disprove that spic and bong from worrying about white genocide?

non. Try harder hombre.

How many white women have you raped? You got any drugs for sale? You guys are into roofies right?

>*shits on your doorstep*
>hey man it's just progress why are you complaining
You are fucking strange lad

This entire time I wanted to have a serious discussion but you seem to be incapable of that. I hope you solve your issues soon dude because you are pretty messed up. But humour me. You say global warming matters so much that any and all race or race distinction is irrelevant. Did I at least understand your point through the insults and projection?

>1.5 degree temperature increase
>US becomes shit hole
>russia and china make trillions
fucking classic.

so you think displacing white people, who pioneered the concept of land conservation, is going to be a benefit? you think we're going to import brown people that want to preserve anything?

because everyone's going to die way before "white genocide" happens from people having sex with each other over hundreds of generations.

Like by "white supremacists" standards ONE DROP means you're "extincted." You have a kid with someone that is 1/4 black, that kid is black. Your "genetic whiteness" is now EXTINCT.

And more to the point, what the fuck does "white" have to do with a goddamn thing? "White" people in the US vote for the most retarded, self-defeating shit. Why should I be MORE focused on protecting the people that are making 700,000 white people go bankrupt from medical expenses every year? Fuck them. I fucking hope they go extinct. Dumbass niggers.

This is my personal worldview: FUCK ALL OF YOU. WE ARE ON THE FUCKING TITANIC. SKIN COLOR TRIBALISM DOESN'T MATTER. Like if you want to have a kid, have a fucking kid. Do your part! Ensure YOUR OWN "afterlife" by passing on YOUR OWN genetic sequencing to YOUR OWN people. Stop trying to radically change the country and the economy because poor people fuck more.

>All whites are republican and all republicans are white
I bet you hate your dad too, underage.

>This entire time I wanted to have a serious discussion
lol you probably honestly believe this too. You have no idea how much your mind has been shaped by the shithole you were raised in.
>but you seem to be incapable of that.
Should I speak espanel for you?
>I hope you solve your issues soon
I don't hope anything about you because you're more than likely ENTIRELY fucked. Don't want to get my hopes up LOL.
>because you are pretty messed up.
Said the black white supremacist
>But humour me.
The people you trust want you to kill yourself.
>You say global warming matters
For you oh yeah. You're gonna burn alive.
>that any and all race or race distinction is irrelevant
Yeah I mean "any and all race or race distinction" IS pretty much "irrelevant." Everybody's a nigger to someone.

And more to the point: You're literally never "fix" your autistic feelings about outsiders and boogiemen. You'll never "fix" "white extinction" because it doesn't exist. There are more self-identifying "white people" now than ever in history. Just look at you!

>Did I at least understand your point through the insults and projection?
Cry more muchacho.


Ok so you do not believe in race at all. Cool. You could have started with that and saved us all some time. Have a good one man.

>Ok so you do not believe in race at all.
I mean it's a spectrum of traits that developed in groups of people that moved and developed around the globe and stuff. But what the fuck is "white?" Where does it end? What the fuck is "black?"

Makes more scents to me to just have it be geographically based. Continental Europrean and Northern European and Mediterranean and Hispanic and Slavic are all have very different cultural traditions and superficial features, and they all tell themselves they're "white." So it starts meaning nothing. It's just this concept that people without a lot going on obsess about.

As far as I'm concerned it's pretty lame for ANYONE to have their sense of self super connected to the lottery conditions of their birth. It's like the ONLY shit you didn't have a say in. You haven't done anything better in your life than "be born?"

>You could have started with that and saved us all some time.
Explain what race is. You "race realist" niggers always do this shit. "Oh you have an informed opinion that you've thought and read a lot about?! Guess that allows me to DISREGARD."
>Have a good one man.
have some more white people music

>I want the world to be more white and male centric.
>No I am white hispanic
>I call it being "borderline white"

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>why is it fucking ALWAYS non-white foreigners LARPing as "white supremacists?"

Because it's always people who are insecure about themselves and most whites are pretty content in America.

To be fair, the movie is pretty shit, relatively speaking.

Even Superman, OP as he is, has kryptonite and, even in his current shit movie form, has some qualms on morality of abusing power.

None of that here. CM faces no challenge at all in her movie. None. And kills a bunch of people to, basically, show off.

And there is q fucking "You should smile more" meme. Delivered by a biker dude who couldn't see CM's face while he was saying it. Amazing...

>Do you think you'd have a better chance with women if that happened?
I'm gay bro


Have you seen it or is this the messaging strategy we're going with?

Somehow doubt there are "no challenges at all" in a hundreds million dollar movie with a hollywood script. You punch the challenges into the script formula and bing bang bong.

Like you generally don't start stripping powers until the second or third movie. The first one is always the story of how they get their powers and learn to use them to defeat a similarly powered bad guy while learning a lesson about themselves on the way. Having seen like one trailer months ago, I guarantee the protagonist of this Disney movie "faces challenges."

> And kills a bunch of people to, basically, show off.
Iron-Man does that in the first one. So does Thor in all of them.

This reads like you read memes and leaks about it and you're kind of just bullshitting tbphwyf.

No, just seen it. Even spoiled the biker scene, see?

And she really doesn't struggle throughout the movie. She is captured once, escapes on her own, has no trouble beating a bunch of people up. Captured again, because of a threat to hostages, escapes on her own again, this time getting Superman-level powers. Beats everyone up with even less trouble, blows up a spaceship, and Ronan buggers off. He has like three short scenes in the whole movie.

Jokes are shitty, also.

>No, just seen it. Even spoiled the biker scene, see?
idk what that means. I don't care about the movie.
>And she really doesn't struggle throughout the movie. She is captured once
rare self-burn
>escapes on her own
like Iron Man
>has no trouble beating a bunch of people up.
Like Cap and literally every one else
>Captured again
Like Iron Man

whatever i dont care about your autism. What you're describing is a "plot." But then you're saying it doesn't count on account of her being a gril or whatever. It's all the Mary Sue autism where you just describe standard protagonist tropes in adventure fantasy schlock, then say that they suck just cuz.

I'm sure in like 5 months when I watch it'll probably be just as adequately processed vanilla paste as the rest of them

>What are the odds that Disney shills are keeping half of this fucking outrage bullshit going?
about 200% since they're behind two halves of it

Jesus Christ you are a horrible person, not a single hint of empathy on you. Like the other user said, good luck living this way.