>recently rewatched a 90's movie
Holy shit, how come 90's movies aged so poorly? Is it the early CGI or the garbage way people dressed back then?
Recently rewatched a 90's movie
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good, boomer
"A 90s movie" is not all 90s movies, op.
>a 90's movie
Just one movie is all it takes to be an expert?
Based anime poster.
Fuck you jurassic park’s practical/digital special effects hold up better than most cgi these days
Jurassic Park is the exception to the rule.
You have to be at least 18 years old to post here
People born in 2001 are now allowed to post here, user
Cars in the 20's are shit compared to what we have now too, what's your point, doofus?
Is it just me or did actually attractive women used to be allowed in film and on television, not just once in a really rare while but like, damn near all the time. Is it just my mind playing tricks on me or did that actually happen? Help me out fellow old guys.
wtf is your dick broken, Son?
It's because they make you realize how shit the world is now. Back then you could say pretty much whatever; now every statement has to go through 3 committees of every type of person imaginable (except white males) to make sure this or that couldn't possibly offend any of them, and everything is bland fucking garbage as a result. Only the stuff that doesn't give a fuck whether or not it offends anyone whether they're a white male or not is any good anymore.
cgi is just a tool used to support the story, it's not supposed to be the point of the film itself
panties cut like that are the best
It's offensive to put attractive women in movies these days
The ones cut so they come off are better
What are those type of panties called?
90s was the last good decade of the American empire before the beginning of its collapse on September 11 2001. If you're a burger you should cherish those years dearly, and any of the art and movies that came out of it, because it was the last time your country was actually 'prosperous' culturally, economically and socially.
>90s movies
>people are happy
>people are having fun
>fat fucks are a rare sight
>minorities are only token sidekicks
>no mutts
>no leftwing trannies
>no right wing incels
You're right OP they have aged poorly compared to what we have nowadays
fucking this
The milk truck just arrived.
I swear, the older I get, the more attractive woman before the 2000's become. Maybe that's because look like women.
bush and the retardlicans truly fucked this country beyond repair
had a brief renaissance under obama but the damage was done
only going to get worse too
>muh the left side is better than the right
Both are entirely fucktarded. The left fucks things up just as bad if not worse than the right.
Most 90s movies didn't use cgi. I think the most notable cgi was actually the star wars special edition remakes, the fallout over which continues to consume the franchise to this day. That aside, the cgi in those remasters was lightyears ahead of contemporaries. The technology was certainly there, but only a select few joints were capable of polished quality, ILM, Pixar, and such.
It's the look i guess. When i had to watch action flicks as a kid with my dad i had no problems with 80s movies, but the 90s ones seem very odd and outdated. It's the forced modernized look that makes these movies so strange today. Also the futuristic scenarios of many block busters look all shitty these days.
At least we didn't get as many reboots in the 90s
>films from 30 years ago inferior to the modern digital era with advancments in technology and and hardware
Wew ladz
I still remember when they stopped being cut like that, it was fucking awful
Shut the fuck up you fat dyke
If only the "script" part hadn't regressed to the era of kvetching sewing circle grannies.
Born after*
>blurred face
>fully clothed
was it Stargate because Stargate looks horrible now
5th Element looks pretty good though
bless you
she looks like she fucks black men
kys cuck
i like to relive the nineties myself personally by having an emphasis on fun, being in shape and only surrounding myself with similar people who make an effort to foster and environment of light heartedness and fun
same here, user. The weird part is that objectively speaking, the styles (apart from panties) are often sexier (Yoga Pants) and there are hundreds of beautiful attention whores on social media to stare at.
Most Americans were blissfully unaware of anything happening outside their country in the 90s, however. That's still true to an extent but 90s was on a different level.
Bush and Obama were both fucking terrible. People only think Bush was worse because his foreign policy blunders were more sensational. (or they are gullible Jon Stewart fans)
Gotta give Georgie credit for great reaction time when dodging shoes, though.
The fact that Americans were blissfully unaware of anything happening around them in the 90s was basically because they were living in prosperous times without any wider existential anxiety about the future of the country. The difference in that bliss is that back then it was filled with ignorant optimism while now it's filled with cultural, economic and existential anxiety.
>goofy sound effects, fun colors, kids and adults have a good time
>plain font, white backgrounds
>ukelele music for everything
>no goofy allowed
you a fucking idiot? the little chips coming out of silicon value have inadvertantly changed the world forever, and California as a state is richer than most countries. The early noughties make the 90s look like a recession, even the recession still hit economic records for the US. This is why you /pol/ fags are as retarded as any liberals, you all think that just because you feel a certain way or your life is shit that it reflects the reality.
man so many classics
Yes i have, read the thread
>user can't delete his post in peace
>imagine being this stupid
This certainly makes a difference among other things.
but where did OP find the uncensored pic?
its not the same woman
Watched empire records. I liked it. Wish there were more 90s movies. The problems seemed much less complicated then.
Technology has improved. The scripts keep getting worse.
>i saw a movie from the 90s
wow, thats so retro, i havent seen anything made before 2009 yet XD XD XD
>the little chips coming out of silicon value have inadvertantly changed the world forever
>some to this day still argue this was actually a GOOD thing, and let's unpack why
sounds comfy
The left at least practice what they preach and get shit done instead of complaining and hiding in imageboards being racist while playing grand strategy nazi larp vidya like hearts of iron and daydreaming about a revolution they're too fat lazy and stupid to make happen. At least in the 90s right wingers were roundly mocked and had no internet outlet to shit the culture up.
>9/11 was 30 years ago
That's a legit thing you know.
Out of all the people irl i know only 3 have seen anything by monty python, which is normiecore as fuck by any reasonable standards and 2 haven't even heard of them.
>Technology has improved.
I actually hate the way modern films look. I don't know how to describe it. Too glossy or something, I'm not good enough with cinematography to correctly describe it.
I want to believe this. Keep it up user.
oh man I jerked off my entire teenhood with that website
>Last site update: January 3, 2016
feels bad man
You can easily relive the 90s. Get off the computer. Do things, go out, don't just order shit online. Don't bombard yourself with shitty media, social media, podcasts, etc.
graduated hs in 96
times were a lot nicer aside from the massive gang problem we had here in California. PC culture was laughed at and mocked by most people.
as far as women were concerned most if the hot girls in school walked around in thigh highs like pic related.
I've been stuck on this look ever since
Miranda Hatfield
Where were you when you heard Kurt Cobain was dead?
Same. Thigh highs and skirts are my fetish.
>Dem high waisted 90s's thongs
>Dem huge tits in tight CK t-shirt
Take me back
That's why I never watch movies from the 20s with car chases in them.
What's that cut called. I really like seeing women wear them
You will never Marry this woman.
Why even live, bros?
Lost Highway
it's because 80s and 90s films were shot on polaroid, develops fast but very low quality.
>The left at least practice what they preach
My mother fucking sides.
>Nobody can be racist or sexist to anyone anymore
>Except white males, we can all be racist & sexist to only them
>because none of that technically counts as racism or sexism because we redefined the words so it can't count
You all are fucking delusionally hypocritical & fight the acknowledgement of this this tooth & fucking nail.
And THAT is why even those of us who used to agree with some of what you said at one time utterly fucking despise you now.
That is indeed MH however she isn't TW Girl and never was. TWG had fucking enormous tits and MH does not.
>TWG had fucking enormous tits
>enormous tits on a twink body
>no ass
You have questionable taste, user
Best I can find is "90s High Cut"
There's still a "Hi-Cut" style but it's doesn't go up to the waist like the old-style hi cut.
OPs pic is also just fucking shopped
the Fish Stinker 9000
go away zoomer
Thanks user
>trannies, the obese, etc only played for jokes
We have to go back
say that again
how do you do this and also live in the real world?
yeah when i was 16 i also thought movies made before i was born looked pretty crummy
The 90's were a great time to be a movie goer. Even if you were short on cash, the dollar theaters were still playing last years blockbuster and other stuff you may not have had a chance to see yet.
It's another "people fondly remember the 90's even though what happened during that decade laid the groundwork for our current social, economic and political disaster" thread.
You think it got better under Obama? Are you retarded?
You could literally say that about everything that happened in the past and yet experienced a huge turn shortly after.
you go to catholic school too, or did they just dress that sexy?
I think you don't remember the 90s that well. The militia movement was real. People are just not used to "normal" people saying niggers have lower IQs on average.
The truth is, people always held these views, but political correctness even in the 90s kept it dormant, the internet
So is Terminator 2
Except he did nothing wrong
recently time traveled and watched a 2010s movie.
holy shit everything was just a cartoon. this anime thing must have really taken off in the future.
>what happened in the past shaped today
whoa what a great insight. i really hope you're high and not just this fucking stupid normally. fucking retard
>mrw you show me this blast from the past look and i get dem E flashbacks and now i wanna drop some pills and go dark but cant bc i got responsibilities n sheeeeit
The right is just as hypocritical as the left. Don't pretend that's not true. The right loves being racist to any race except white people. They bitch and cry the second anyone says even the slightest mean thing about white people. The right also goes after people they feel deserve to be punished the same way the left does. Remember Mike Cernovich going after James Gunn? He was a conservative.
You try and act like only the left does evil things, but give your side a pass when you turn around and do the same thing.
This gash done anything else besides what I got when I did a reverse Google image search?
>boy bands everywhere and reality TV boom
Foreigners really have shit taste when it comes to the USA.
Take the hynogagic pill bro
I think you are just coping with the fact that this whole shit show "liberal democracy" was a facade. The mainstream liberal/conservative mindset of the 90s was probably close to the "end of history" by fukuyama.
The 90s was a lie. All the trends of government services replacing the family. Secularism destroying virtue.
Now the US is in free fall. The left values cultural identity of non whites, the right will pretend to care about white identity.
Or did you really think religion was just going to die out? Or that someones sec was just a different shirt they wear? That all this diversity was compatible with a pro-homosexaul liberal democracy?
This country is done, it's not coming back. Trump represents the yearning for the old days, they aren't coming back. Thing will he materially and spiritually worse for the US. This is why I put faith and family far above country.