What did you think of the new Murdoch Murdoch?
What did you think of the new Murdoch Murdoch?
Cringo, who the fuck watches this shit?
This is the kind of stuff highschoolers would make and watch. Don't tell me this is for adults...
I like Murdoch-chan's new haircut.
tryhards, it was funny
I'm Glad he's now willing to actually do shit with Murdoch Chan. Beforehand he always seemed too scared to make her do anything.
I tried to get my gf to watch it, but she flat-out refused.
Why did you post this from your phone?
r/pol, t_d, Yea Forumsedditors, and voat
I think the alt right is dead and YANG GANG is now
Like when you asked for sex but she just went over to Tyrone's, Jamal's and Tshawticus' houses?
Pretty ok.
I understand the references, but I don't get the appeal of these kind of videos. Can someone explain?
will $waglord Ku$hner make sure this one is babysat to help keep the narrative going?
MM does have some pretty based episodes but most of it is kind of boring. Hwite Knights, Shills, Speak Freely and Meme Magic are all 10/10.
>It was funny
Do you find IG and Discord memes funny too?
This shit is more autistic than sonichu. At least sonichu has moderately original characters and art. And the stories are somewhat original (they're creative to say the least).
This is just wojacks with different hair spouting shit that retards on /pol/ stole from Reddit.
>/pol/ humor
Of course
But that's fine since it's janitor on which means we can flood the board with gore and other fun stuff
wow that was garbage, is this what tru,mp supporters spend their time on?
Pretty funny. Based on Red Dawn, right?
Should put a green deal on this shit humor, needs a revamp
I love the Ethan Ralph parody. That guy is cringe.
Never got the appeal of this series. It is cringe to me
what the fuck is this
The only reason people started paying attention to him was because he had Metokur on like every day. Now that he's become full cringe Metokur doesn't go on anymore.
Just don't
Don't remind me T_T
He's cringy as fuck. It's time to move on.
I like it because it gives me an idea of what /pol/ is thinking, without actually having to browse /pol/.
Can we get an F in the thread for Diogenes, a true Sargonista right to the very end.
Story wise, it’s pretty good. Looking past the spam of “it’s evil racism” in this thread, it’s a classic reversal cartoon storyline where you laugh at murdoch-chan’s misery due to a series of misfortunes, while she and most “normies” would think she’s doing the right thing. It’s ok.
They became furries?
It's a wonder /pol/fags haven't all killed themselves at this point, after it's become abundantly clear they are worse than the lefties
seething discord tranny
South Park circa 2003
The first one's fake
It looks like it might have its moments buy I simply can't stand that it's a bunch of wojaks and photographs with weird lip syncing.
It mocks /pol/ without being liberal. /pol/cels don't like their reflection
But its not clever or entertaining in how it does it. All because it mocks /pol/ dosn't mean it dosn't suck it self.
It's funny because it's satire
yang is unironically based. too bad the memes will backfire and normal people will avoid him
aesthetic XD
Metokur doesn’t do anything anymore
It's pretty funny. Just like the amerimutts or le american bear, it's good satire
what the fuck is this? why is this fag stealing wojak and naming him murdoch?
Nope, but what would an incel know about women or what they really want.
Is this that cringe tryhard pol cartoon that steals better memes and tries to act like its funny and intelligent for doing so? (Like actual pol does?)
why do leftists on Yea Forums pretend to be annoyed centrists? if you didn't care you would just have hid the thread instead of fight le culture war
You gotta keep up appearnaces if you're gonna pretend you aren't biased so you can play to role of the enlightened faggot.
Imagine being the female voice actor
It's even funnier how they dropped their love of Donnie as soon as it became obvious he was never going to do shit and are now doing nothing but going into threads ctrl+v'ing Discord Tranny at any post they dislike. They've even stopped memeing day of the rope. I love watching how they're just giving up and fading away. 2020 will be amazing, so much cope going on in that board after Bernie obliterates orange man
She would never even talk to you incel.
needs more meme references from 2016 to make it funny
Talk about projection
>after Bernie obliterates orange man
Haha, sorry unlike you I actually have a wife. Now go back to bitching about woman in cartoons.
he moved over to Stream.me in January and was streaming several times a week before they shut down shop just a few days ago
Holy cow, are these the most redpilled podcasters ever? Me thinks so! Long live God Emperor Trump and God bless Israel!
Lying like this is just pathetic user.
this thread was paid for
>Let's allow a democratic president to appoint liberal judges, push gun control, abortion, illegal immigration and every other bullshit leftist ideal all because he tweeted white people once and dude $33 per day lmao
Murdoch Murdoch is the rightwing equivalent of a late night show.
It's not really funny, but they say the thing you agree with so you stand up and clap.
You'd have to have a very low level of self-awareness to not realize this.
Gun control and abortions are legit good tho
This shit is crap and belongs on reddit
An argument can be made for abortion strictly in a demographic sense. Gun control is pozzed globohomo shit though. The real problem is suicides (mental health issue, not access to guns) and gang violence. Remove inner cities and guns ain't much of an issue
>third world countries have stricter gun laws than the US, but more death by armed robbery than the US and Europe combined
Smuggling shit in a third world country is easier than getting a gun legally in US
>giving the government and criminals a monopoly on violence
Yikes. Niggers and feminists should get as many abortions as they want.
Murdoch Murdoch is too genuine to be funny. The three creators are actual identitarians.
Based and redpilled.
Look at all the shills repeating the same bot lines in this thread kek. Yea Forums is fucking cringe itself, no one here gives a shit.
This triggers the basedboy
wow based redpilled and enlightened post. above it all
it's not satire, but thats what makes it so funny imo
based but cringe
>oh no it seems i can't refute
>better do an overly ironic impersonation to hide my lack of arguments.
I want to fuck Wojakina
based but bluepilled
The joke is that Stan Lee is a degenerate kike you retard.
>All those Redditors and Trump cucks and Lefty Trannies getting a stroke from a cheap internet cartoon
based quads
>gun control and abortion are good
things only people who live in nigger infested countries say
>the amount of butthurt 1 funny but cringely animated cartoon is causing
It's a beautiful deconstruction of American nationalism.
based and redpilled
arent the voice actors apparently semi famous or ecelebs or something
are there more? you've got potential, i liked it
I like Murdoch Murdoch
The three voices are Gym, his azn wife and they're hapa Elliot.
take this shit back to Yea Forums
Hilpepe is honestly kind of hot.
I think its based heh
>Murdoch Murdoch
is love
>Murdoch Murdoch?
is life
This, yang is based.
peak cringe
Good episode!
it is very goob
okay, this is
wtf i love zionists now
I enjoy watching Murdock Murdock, but holy shit their last AMA made me realize what kind of brainlets they are.
>the entire time they talked about the Aztecs like they were uncultured savages/are even still alive
I don't know if it's rightist propaganda or making fun of rightist propaganda but either way, it blows.
Even when i was on /pol/ i thought this was tryhard shit.
Just confirms that the majority of people on /pol/ are unsuccessful embarassments to the white race. Like those actual mentally ill obese white guys that walk in he street calling people niggers when they're literally subhuman themselves.
>Aztecs like they were uncultured savages/are even still alive
So this is the power of burger education.
Haha i get it broooo
It was pure idiocy.
I get that they were drunk, but honestly if you have no fucking idea about other cultures, you probably shouldnt reserve yourself the right to smacktalk them.
Except for niggers that is.
MM is the shit. Even their worsr is better than mainline TV's best
This. Most people on /pol/are literal NEET incels screaming about the white race while being a net drain themselves. If western nations had continued their euthanasia projects (in action even before Nazi Germany) these fucks wouldn't even be alive. A bunch of low tier genetic scum claiming they represent the white race while being unsuccessful losers.
ITT trannies fucking SEETHING
Unironically the best thing on TV right now
>Shitting on this Randy Stair level shitshow means you're a discordtranny
>What did you think of the new Murdoch Murdoch?
Based and yerrowpirred
One of the best episodes. Had a sort of progression and tied together nicely. Any star child joke is always a winner.
>tfw no Murdoch Chan gf
Agreed. The more these low tier morons are allowed a voice, the more the Jewish sgenda is furthered. They enforce the "dumb goyim" stereotype. If they could stop seething and refusing to partake in the system they might be able to influence it for the better. But as it is they sit and rage while contributing absolutely nothing and give white people a bad name.
>off-topic Yea Forumseddit shit still up
Sounds like you both are projecting a lot
I personally enjoy it but shilling it will not make people fans. Just let people find it on their own and make their own evaluation
Impressive argument.
I unironically loved his photon streams, he was apparently in contact with the guy who played the villain to do an interview but that'll probably happen on Jim time
>What did you think of the new Murdoch Murdoch?
i didn't
Literal sjw talk. Utter fucking embarassment. Keep wondering why no one takes an unemployed, childless 40 year old virgin seriously. That is the future of /pol/.
Disengages retards larping as whites when they're all American mutts. They drool over the first mudblood girl that shows them attention or validation. Whute men shape society around them by being successful and confident, not by being insecure retards receiving state gibs.
There's none to be made, generalizations are just sad and pathetic and not a argument
I've tried watching this because I want to like it but always end up turning it off after a few seconds. I've done this several times over the years. If they want to really make high quality stuff they should watch liquid television and come up with some other gimmicks and just roll this in as one of the gimmicks.
I'm more right wing than you and this stuff is embarrassing. You should not enjoy this if you are over 18.
> /pol/ are lower class
Have you ever considered that pushing people out of jobs for expressing opinions means that only those with little to lose publically voice them? I guarantee i have a better career and likely life than yourself yet am fully /pol/, i also love MM.
Them adjusting to a cyberpunk reality is pretty funny IMO
Describe the start then.
Poor shilling overall but it's a slightly different line than 'cringe'.
>"Literal sjw talk."
>goes on in a literal amount of assumptions about the people that access /pol/
>Disengages retards larping as whites when they're all American mutts.
>amerimutt meme was born there by eurofags
Dude you're really projecting this hard.
>I guarantee i have a better career and likely life than yourself yet am fully /pol/, i also love MM.
I know you're "full /pol" because you posted this in a Bolivian Japenese life forum
>maybe it's time we should cut our losses and plow the rice fields
People who don't realize this saterizes /pol/ are missing out
I'm not a pathetic right-wing incel who watches people who hide behind wojacks. So take a wild guess what I think.
Lol it's another three discord trannies pretending to be board sentiment episode again.
/pol/ is so embarassing
pure cringe
memeloving polfags pretending they're above polfags while pandering to their pol brothers. based and redpilled. i could see r/t_d
This. You can tell because MM thread response varies WILDLY depending on time of day. Lots of times you get actual discussion then others 4x the traffic all with the exact same lines.
Here's their whole portfolio
I don't care what you fags say, this shit is hilarious. I lost it at the bug queen.
Rice child fucking based. DM really should do other voiceover work.
Their famous on /pol/ but really only for this cartoon. You should listen to their ama's though they were both pretty great.
Also Murdoch-Chan and Murdoch are IRL engaged.
First was better, they held back on the drinks a bit in the second and DM used up all the time having an autism breakthrough on ted kazinski.
based swaglord
>a net drain
On a society that hates them? okay.
>allowed a voice
I see your nose moshe.
I agree but the 2nd was still fun, its cool finding out they're the only white nationalist e-celebs actually making white babies, and the Japan story was pretty great.
>Lol it's another three discord trannies pretending to be board sentiment episode again.
Consensus cracking
I couldn't give less than a dusty fuck about politics, but I really want to put my penis inside of her.
Based, fuck Trump and fuck Israel.
This is really funny, it just shows that /pol/ really hates white people are only in love with the mythologized uberman.
Buy an ad you literal who faggot.
And are only*
MM cartoons are gay and literally make my face cringe when I try to watch them
Not white people but the only people I actually hate are white leftists desu.
Where is all the r34 though
I thought /pol/ was against blackpilling?
So you only like white people who agree with you politically, the ideal white person. Weird semantic trick you tried to pull but we see through it.
Against blackpilling, for blackdicking.
>black guy with his kid
that's pretty unrealistic
It's called satire. The right can make fun of themselves but the left cannot
It looks more like the final stage of grief with the whole trump train. When's the collective suicice?
>/pol/ only glamorizes ubermensch because they're all losers
>only losers want fascism
>only losers find pride in their race and nationality
>pathetic retarded alt-right incels btfo
>immediately jumping to an illogical conclusion with faulty arguements
>"you only like people that agree with you politically, you're literally just like jews/sjws"
>300 posts >100 unique ips
It's the same shit day in and day out.
the disconnect from trump is because they think he's too kikey, they're only becoming more B&R. It is always unwise to make idols out of the living
>It looks more like the final stage of grief with the whole trump train
That's because you are an insect
Haha, this is epic OP!!
Why are /pol/ so reddit?
No just white people that hate themselves for being white.
>Smuggling shit in a third world country is easier than getting a gun legally in US
Fucking what? I can walk over to the grocery store 2 blocks away, go downstairs to the sporting goods section, and buy a pistol in 15 minutes. The fuck are you on about?
Still on the anger stage I see.
No just annoyed by yang shill bugmen
>"It looks more like the final stage of grief with the whole trump train"
>/pol/ actually likes MM
It isn't 2017 anymore
>non Yea Forums related culture war thread stays up for hours even though jannies and mods have clearly seen it
>non Yea Forums related anti culture war thread pointing out how this board and website as a whole have becomes irredeemable cancer deleted within 5 minutes and banned for 3 days
Whats going on with the jannies and mods? Really hope they get a terminal illness
wish all VPNs werent blocked here
What does that mean?
>almost 6 hours
this thread is protected like the old mm threads were. he MIGHT delete it if he gets too much flak. based Ku$hner employee im guessing
That's because MM is kino
Was this picture made to mock the non Yea Forums related podcast or make it look epic? Legitimately cant tell.
Follow your gfs example.
>That fucking comment section
that was very funny actually. much funnier than any leftist cartoon on right now.
What year do these people live in?
Oh, thank god they're not actually wearing our memes, am I right? That would have been total cringe
these people call others NPCs