2019... we are forgotten

2019... we are forgotten...

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Maybe you shouldnt flood the market with the exact same show?

There are too many talk shows. Hugh jackman and the rock should only have to go on one show. Honestly they should cancel evey show except jimmy fallon since he actually lets people use his show as a platform to sell their movies.

larry wilmore's show was great. fuck the new daily show

Oliver is a HUGE success and the main source of in-depth news for most people in the US. Either through youtube or the show directly

Samantha Bee is one of the highest rated TBS shows

Trevor Noah is suffering tho yer

imagine being this deluded

>larry wilmore's show was great

Are you the man who can finally explain to me what the fuck "Keep it 100" means?

>highest rated TBS shows
such a high standard you have set

I watch all of them, whats the problem?

le current year man is still doing pretty well though, the other 3 or all dead or dying though yeah.
Maybe replace Oliver with that Goblina who had that Netflix talk show for about 5 minutes before it got canned.

idk...you're a brainwashed faggot? that could be it

>this weak tea reply
it's self explanatory user. it's called a metaphor

Why? because i watch the biggest shows on tv? sad

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Not him but yeah, precisely because of that

The john oliver show is still on and pretty good.

I like how you omitted Colbert because it just came out that he is now top dog and is beating Fallon in ratings

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Well, i am the guy you replied to, get a life

Current year man has good segments, but his humor is insufferable, I used to listen to the Bugle and I don't remember it being this bad.
The rest should be canned and their audiences sent to a Russian prison.

Him but suck my dick faggot

Colbert isn't a Daily Show refugee tho, he already had his own show when it ended

I will but only if its a cute feminine one, i dont like man cock

I think it means keeping it real? Who knows man, niggers don’t even know what the words they say mean, they don’t even use “y’all” right since they appropriated from southern whites two years ago, they use it in a possessive sense half the time.

>my identity is the tv-shows i watch

Orange man bad

This but not in the way you hink

i think its fair to say that LWT is more popular today than it has ever been

>there are zoomers browsing Yea Forums who didn't watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report at their peak

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>Oliver is a HUGE success and the main source of in-depth news for most people in the US.

This is how we ended up with a generation who calls themselves "democratic socialists".

Based, /ourguy/ Larry got done dirty

John Oliver just got back from a 2 month break. There's only been 2 episodes so far this year.

>mfw a few years ago in uni my teacher had us watch an entire hour of John Oliver

I don't even know why

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How the FUCK do you go from the friendly Stewart/O'Reilly debates to the "kill all while males" mentality we have now? Stewart had fucking Huckabee on his show, multiple times.

Best moment of TDS was the first time Jon took a swing at Obama and he had to tell his audience it was okay to criticize a black politician. I think it was the moment he realized America was doomed.

>all of them left their countries to be successful

It means to make a point in 100 words or less. Blacks are stupid and can only think in terms of twitter

it's insane how many shows are out pretending to do a news show but really doing a news show with a snarky libshit

Bill Maher has lots of moments like that, where either the audience reacts in the opposite way he intends or their NPC programming leaves them silent until he signals for them to laugh/clap/boo

Maher won't last much longer, the zoomers are fed up with him

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Literally who

>Full Meltdown

Did anyone actually watch that cancer?

Go spend five minutes on /pol/ every day next week. Just five minutes.

Remember when Larry Wilmore blamed white people not watching his show for why it was cancelled? lol Shit was hilarious.

whom was in the wrong here...

>and the main source of in-depth news for most people in the US. Either through youtube or the show directly
You are very retarded.

>Samantha Bee is one of the highest rated TBS shows

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lmao all these pale ass niggas thinkin they black
>hey yall im one of you
nah you a house nigga bitch

But they were clearly booing Coulter and not (((Maher))). If they were really booing (((Maher))) they would have walked out. The fact they didn't and the fact they paid to see (((Bill Maher))), before apparently even knowing who the guests would be, let's you know immediately that the goys who make up the audience are interesting in seeing (((Maher))) and whoever his guests are are of little consequence.
They should let me write these shitty articles, I can do mental gymnastics, semantics, and blatant falsehoods too. Where's my fucking check?


John Oliver has the choice between telling the truth and telling the goys what they're supposed to hear. I say choice, he has as much choice as anyone else, he does as he's told or he loses his job.
You might see that pattern repeat with all of these kind of liberal shows. Then you can just put it down as pure coincidence.

>Oliver is a HUGE success and the main source of in-depth news for most people in the US.

Idiocracy really is becoming real.

In english, please. Nobody here knows niggerspeak