Could this be the truth? Is Brie Larson's attractiveness just too intimidating for you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes I'm extremely scared of Brie Larson's powerful presence, bit she is so strong too and it makes my peepee twitch. I definitely don't deserve a womyn like her. She's so much better than my pathetic existence.

I couldn't fap to Brie even if I went no fap for 6 months while living blindfolded in a dark room.

Shes ugly, inside and out.

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kek this

I'm scared of her lack of ass practice.

Even the ass did not even.


>what, you don't like girls, fairy boy? you a fag or something?

This was written by a very ugly woman. Who else would find Ass-less Brie the Fungal threatening.

what a timeline to be alive

>Everyone loved WW and thought Gal Gadot was charming
>"Incels hate Captain Marvel because it's the first female superhero movie and they are intimidated by Brie Larson"

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It’s weird. I can definitely recognize that she’s very attractive. But it’s sterile. I have zero inclination to see her naked.

>no ass
>would rather fuck niggers than straight white men
>disgusting toe nails
>is a bitch
>is on her period

i dont hate her, she hates me

everybody loved wonder woman and she is 1000x more cute than this goblin

They don't hate attractive female superheroes, they hate arrogant and condescending hollywood actresses who doesn't even have a charisma to play a likeable hero

Based lack of ass practice poster


It's all so tiring.

>is Brie Larson's attractiveness just too intimidating
not for the chinese

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She is average at best.


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And we came so close to getting the thiccest ass in Hollywood in those tights :(

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Who uses this word in real life?

Why do I get the feeling this dumb whore's definition of 'attractive' is some postmodern nonsense that has nothing to do with physical attraction and more in the line of "brave, stronk arthoe with the correct political leaning and accepted opinions"?

She is not so beautiful. She look a bit better than average with all the make up, light effect and special effect.

2 star of 5 based on my pee pee.

>where did brie larson grow up?
more like when will brie larson grow up?

>This is an actual article by a "journalist"


She's unironically extremely unattractive

The most annoying thing about this shitshow are the people who are acting like they can't wrap their head around why people don't like to be insulted.

she's ugly on the inside

>implying Yea Forums didn't make the same noise about Wonder Woman

>tfw your neck will never be as wide as your face

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she's pretty ugly on the outside too in my opinion

Based and hidepilled

Imagine if they'd hired a pretty, pleasant actress to play CM

I love the photo they chose.
She's haggard and brooding, surrounded by men bewildered and repulsed.

Does she have a single expression other than "unlikeable bitch"?

>ugly woman
>"no, she's TOO attractive for you"


She was 20 there, though. She's aged horribly.

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how about "void"?

no need to imagine

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>movie has poor reviews
>shills go into full damage control

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the only reason to watch that PoS


She's not exceptionally attractive, which means her negative charisma completely disqualifies her from being attractive. Unless you have a fetish for her attitude.

Oh God, they're so desperate that they're trying to sell her as a sex symbol.
They've just given up.
As for a direct refutation, I would like to point out that they built an entire FRANCHISE on Kate Beckinsale kicking ass in latex.

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The noise about Gal was the lack of a muscle form for a strong woman. Gal is thin as a stick and WW is built.


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How did her jaw grow half a foot wider
Is that a real thing that happens?

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She looks like a villain, not like the hero of a movie

she flat though


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WTF is wrong with her feet????

This is not Princess Mera

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Angles and lightening.

the fuck

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You know, when this movie came out, I thought she totally nailed acting like a huge condescending bitch.

Turns out that wasn't acting.

It's not even just her feet. She's 27 there but she has the body of a frail lady in her 50s.

>brie is a known shitposter and is probably reading through these threads absolutely seething about people saying she has no ass

she's not attractive it's simple as that. had marvel hired an attractive woman none of this would be occurring

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It wasn't a problem 2 years ago

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She is so fucking hot, though.

The mouse can't do it right.

The title is a lie, people loved wonder woman and nobody hates black widow or the scarlet witch

They dont like angry bitchface feminists who hate men

even i take care better care of my feet than her. and im a man.

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Wonder Woman was shit, though.


Wasn't a problem for gal

because incels love jewish women.

/r/ the original pic of greasy brie

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me on the right

>cardboard cutout

even if you think gal gadot is a ratfaced sticc she at least looks very feminine, warm and in general womanly in WW. And the fake boobplate really helps.

hillary voters

Yeah, I'm extremely scared of Brie Larson's toes.

The issue isn't even just that she's not attractive. There are plenty of unattractive women who aren't viscerally hated like this. It's because she's unattractive AND acts like she's hot shit at the same time.

It's the equivalent of being an ugly fat neckbeard and going around acting like you're an alpha male.

remember how this entire board shat on this beautiful lady?

and now we got this new her-o captain bitter spinster.


>how dare you treat women like sex objects you fucking moster
>how dare you not treat this woman like a sex object you fucking moster

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Both. Whichever allows them to bitch at you.

I legitimately didn't know how bad things would get.
Sorry, Gal

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yall just intimidated by strong attractive women.

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She has the body of a 12 year old boy. She is not remotely feminine or womanly

Holy fuck, is this real?
What's the context?

She got no ass
She got not tits

supergirl got redpilled.

Can you provide a fuckin link?

She’s not ugly she’s just average. I’d probably think she’s cute if I saw her IRL but over the internet she’s nothing.

Yes, way too attractive for the common incel so they only respond with hate towards her.

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>Brie Larson's attractiveness
Which is?

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Onions boy
All they like all these Brie Larson bullshit

>tfw even your ass can’t even

>2 pounds of makeup

Fucking disgusting.

meanwhile in reality

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She's not really ugly, but hmshe has a bunch of attractive features all squished together in the same face and it just looks bad and nothing stands out. She's Homer Simpson's perfect car personified. Then top it off with the fact that she's not particularly a warm person or have a charming personality and that just makes her unlikable.

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not straight men
straight WHITE men
big difference

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I thought the entire point Brie has been making is 'I don't have to be attractive to be powerful - and that's okay'.
Something along those lines, I don't really pay attention to shit women say.

Her ass made me watch them. That some of them turned out to be passable action flicks was just a bonus.

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>pretty not beautiful
>cold and unfeminine not sexy
>preachy and austere not warm or friendly
>boring not charismatic
she was miscast. more suited to be a Bond villain or a terminator

Guess what? She still looks fine without it ; not like Larson

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the only winning move is


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I wish they casted Antje Traue instead

how does a hollywood actress have such terrible toenails

you'd think her wranglers would force a team of peducurists on her

what is it with american women and their manjaws, it's grotesque

Can't make-up those dead sociopath eyes, though.

Don't do drugs, kids.

Some must of got a good infection while in the poo in the loo movie, she was probably ankle deep in shite.

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Antje Traue would have provided some screen presence to the role.

What a waste

>without makeup
my sweet little virgin child

She has a greasy Lego head and dead black eyes. Stop saying she's attractive. Only indians like her because she has the skin to move their bloodline up a caste.

Why is she so evil bros?

"That's a good thing", if you ask me


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You would in a milisecond, dont fool yourself. Shes sexy af.

Intimidating? Even if that was the case for a skinny manlet, he can still ask her for her phone number and she will be reduced to fetal position in seconds.

t. pajeet

>where did brie larson grow up?
>more like when will brie larson grow up?
more like when I see brie larson I throw up

If you're a dickbrained retard.



>You would in a milisecond
Hell yeah I would. No doubt about that

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Don't these fucking liberal cucks ever learn?

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two faggots. You can suck off each other

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Imagine her just pissing in your face ha ha XDDD

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>straight men hate attractive female superheroes
What an idiot.

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You have got to be fucking joking me

Postmenopausal HillShills

oof will gamers ever recover?

Look at this webm but only focus on the eyes. Then tell me again that's something worthy of desire.

>even his dog is gay

>she at least looks very feminine, warm and in general womanly in WW
She also acts that way. They made her love babies for a reason. To make her more likeable, more relatable, and more human. Wonder Woman was very much a woman. Captain Toenail is the opposite. She's nothing any girl would want to be, a childless 30 year old fighter pilot. She's a weird sexless alien that no one can relate to.

I only focused on her eyes the first time around already

>Captain Mommy
Man I'd have loved that instead of Brie "The Cheese" Larson

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I wouldn't say she's ugly.
I just think she's a cunt playing a shitty character, or at least a character that has become shitty in the last few years.

>brie "foot fungus" larson
Good one.

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>Brie RestingBitchFace
Also how do they explain a generation of incels that feel in love with Alita?


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So you're a robophile.

Yeah, guys are intimidated by attractive female superheroes

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I wish you were a bit thiccer Gal, Sorry.

hahahahaah, thats legit funny.
Gaymer should get the rope.

I hate both
it's not like there are only 2 women in the world

>Lynda Carter
Now that's my kind of woman. Even now she's a gilf she's still something else

With Kate I could never get over how attractive her face is.

Anglos are so ugly.

Yes, I am fapping to Captain Cheesecunt right now

I still haven't seen this movie.

God bless the bug people. They really don’t like jewesses huh? Lmao

I dont think anyone really think she is THAT attractive for the Hollywood standard.
She is pretty average looking and there is nothing really that stands out about her aesthetically.
I think if she actually was really attractive like Gal Godot you would, ya know... hear people actually saying it?

Honestly, fuck disney. They get no more money from us ever again.

Would you guys really like the film better if Brie wasn't such a charisma vacuum?

She was casted to satisfy people with armpit fetish

>she's too attractive her body isn't like the average!
Do these women think all men look like Thor and Captain America? What part of them being fictional super heroes do they nor understand, fucking retards

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the chink ant people haven't been infected by jew propaganda like the west has. So they're brutally honest about things like gender/race.

Having said that, chinks still have awful taste in movies. They only like Michael Bay brainlet movies full of CGI lasers and explosions and bright colors.

She looks feminine and has two children which kind of gives her a certain vibe you'll never get from a motherless woman like Larsen.

Imagine BDH kidnapping you and forcing you to be her pusy slave omg

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das rite

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>tfw we could have had Captain Thicc Redhead Mommy Marvel instead of the screeching emotionall harpy in the role

why must they punish us in this way :(

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I approve

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Hahahahha wouldn't it have been funny if she was Captain Marvel and then in a later movie she teamed up with Ant-Man and sat on him hahahahahaha and we got closeups of her enormous butt smothering his body hahahahahaha wouldn't that have been hilarious

If you dig the obvious trannie.


>implying being gay is bad

Probably. The Thor solo movies suck but it’s no trial to sit through a couple of hours of Chris Hemsworth smiling at the camera.

The Ghostbusters 2016 style advertising is a dealbreaker though. It’s just too tiresome.

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based pee pee poster

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gays win again

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> tfw you will never be butt-crushed Ant-Man

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And we could have had this instead :(

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why is she in the woods? Is that where she lived?

must be then

Funny that the article uses a shot where half of bries face isnt visible.


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Maybe thats what it is, they only pay attention to, acknowledge, respect and pretty much only SEE attractive men. If you fall outside of their standard you are nothing to them.
Whereas men, well we not only notice beautiful women but men have degrees of standards, we can find beauty in a 5/10 girl if shes cool and sweet, but women? Majority of them are superficial as fuck and only look out for Cap and Thor types.

>>Picturing a girl at a restaurant.
>>Doesn't see the waiter, just sees a dish literally float out to them.

you live in a bubble

from the face up yes, but that body is a no

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Her microcephalic head ruins her face too.

She could look good if she didn't have that resting bitch face.

but even Charlize has that face these days

>tfw no Braptain Marvel

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She's like 90 years old so it's understandable.

charlize is much more charismatic as a bitch because she's also sexy and seductive


Necklet lol. Thick necks are attractive on men. The reason Brie isn't attractive is because she has a masculine face and other masculine features.

>tfw degenerate
you have no power over me

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The coloured version, for your kekking pleasure.
Mera was funny and likeable, and had good chemistry with Aquachad and makes me diamonds

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Why didn't the feminist media shill machine go this full retard for Wonder Woman?

I gave my opinion about thinking Captain Marvel looking like a shit movie.

Now I have two friends getting upset about it. One who is an MCU fanboy who is oblivious to politics and the other who just can't stand it when people criticize things he doesn't personally dislike himself.

What should i do?

>attractive female superheroes
>use that image
Man that is the worst shot of her I've seen so far, they managed to make her look like a woman in her forties

>guys guys! food's here and it came by itself!

Yes, the human skeleton grows wider into adulthood.

In as much as she looks like a washed up high school debbie who delighted in bullying girls who weren't as pretty or rich as her, sure, I guess? Fifteen years ago she'd have been Queen Bitch of the school corridors, and utterly intimidating. Now though? Now she looks like someone struggling to start a secondary career in activism just without a passionate belief in changing anything at all. She won an oscar and still fails to get cast in anything decent, knows which way the wind is blowing, and wants out without losing the adulation of being centre stage wherever she goes.

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Because liking womyn based on how they look is problematic. Who the fuck is this Nazi and why is he allowed to publish toxic masculinity like this?

>movie from 2 decades ago

Because while Gal might be a rat-faced kike with a klinefelters syndrome body, she didn't have an horrible personality and didn't act like some sort of stereotypical women's studies professor



Imagine how diferent the reception would be, they would have the entirety of 4channel behind them.

Kai Winn made my flesh crawl every time she was on screen, and when she opened her mouth I could feel myself dying inside. Louise Fletcher is an outstanding actress, wholly under rated. And yet planks of wood like Brie somehow win an oascar?

I am scared by her toes to be honest

Gal gave birth to two kids and served in the IDF. Meanwhile breeeeeee just gives birth to endless streams of SJW verbal diarrhea about white men, as if the pee-oh-see can't see she's white too.

The problem with her toenails is they're rolled up and ingrown, perhaps with a whiff of fungus.

Now, toenails don't normally grow in like that unless you hardly ever walk. The more you walk, the flatter your nails. Proof this bitch does nothing but sit on her ass every day and virtue signals.

If BDH was Captain Marvel, I probably would have been there opening day in my city.

And then I probably would have watched it in IMAX a week later.

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Whoever designed the armour was incredibly generous with the chest area.

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someone has not been visiting the dermatologist and the podologist.

She was like "duh", what did she mean by that? That obviously she plays games or that it is crazy to even think she would play them?

If she was hot and had a good body she would be much more likable. It's because she knows she's ugly that she feels inferior, so she is always miserable and a woke dumb bitch. If she was hot, she would be happy and so would we.

Captain Foot Fungus
Oh no no no no!

i think she rocks!

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People keep saying why doesn't she smile forgetting the last time she did a man sexually harassed her

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>Disney would rather choose Brie over this goddess

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>I hear that Marvel's next movie, Captain Marvel, stares Brie Larson in the title role. This sounds like something that I, a straight male horndog, would hate on principle.
This is journalism.

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And she's a real evil bitch because she turned the kid she adopted into a tranny.

SJWs hates Jews just as much as pol. And SJWs are dangerhair fatties, they obviously hate attractive women and called her a stick, never mind that in the 1970s all actresses portraying superheroines had a body like that and weren't the bloat maxers you see all over in public.


She looks like a standard meth head who peaked in high school.

Link to article?

me on the left

>low T soiboy journalist
>a horndog
He wouldn't know what a hot woman looks like.

>comic legend below 6 feet deep for 3 months
>Disney still using his Twitter to push their shit

The Mouse being classy and exemplary as usual.

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>literally 40 years since the original show ended
>Lynda Carter still living in their heads rent free


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i wished she lived in my head rent free, if you know what i mean

Why are they so stupid?

Is brie just too hot for the big screen?

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She looks like my mom.
How old is she anyway? 40 something?

holy shit, owned

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>How old is she anyway? 40 something?
You would think at least that

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god I fucking hate modern media


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No, I would have definitely watched the movie if they cast someone strong like Julia

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No because she’s not even a 4/10.

She’s pretty fucking ugly.

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me in the back


female superheros need to be the counterpart of male superheros. so huge tits and ass, some ab definition, and a not shitty personality.

its easier for men to hit the steroids to get ripped than it is for women to grow huge tits and ass and still have the perfect amount of muscle.

honestly if nicki minaj who hit the weights hard and made her butt smaller, she would have the superhero image down

Yea Forums eternally btfo


I'm not gay but I'm not sure which one I'd rather fuck

Of course, cinemas everywhere keep alienating poor loners with their singles policy.

I usually enjoy these question-episodes (loved the one with saoirse ronan), but this was the most moronic episode ever

holy based

You honestly think male actors just take steroids and all the muscle just grows out of nowhere? Even with steroids it takes a lot of work to get a body like most male actors have

You know what's worse? She really wanted to play the role and reportingly asked Marvel if she could do it

They turned her down


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based and cuckpilled

She's so cheeky, I love her

It's true, I just finished watching it and I can say her performance is deep and nuanced. Her portrayal of Captain Marvel will stand as one of the greatest performances of all time.

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Even my little sister has bigger ass and she is 6

God damn she is pure female sex in a body even at that age


I'm Irish and I got to say this is a perfect ass.

>Don't objectify female superheroes that's sexist!
>Also why aren't you objectifying female superheroes?

I mean they’re not wrong when it comes to this board

Imagine marrying this. You'd never be unhappy in your life again god damn.

Based autist


Whoo boy, you can hear the Wall fast approaching on her.

You know what, youre fucking weak and a coward if you go see this movie. How many times are you going to let people insult until you say "fuck you, im not giving you my money"

>brie larson
what did they mean by this

Duh, we hate large corporations like Disney that have sucked the soul out of movies

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>Would still smash.

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Obese at 6. NA diet.

This isn't even new. They want it both ways with everything.


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well, have you ever seen a female being nice to the waiting staff or having some smalltalk with them?

sorry gal
i always thought you were cute but i apologize on behalf of Yea Forums

I wouldn't kick Amber Heard out of my bed for shitting in it!!!FACT!!!

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>If you don't like Captain Marvel, you must have the BIG GAY
That's quite literally what this article is saying.
This is where we are right now.
This is "professional journalism"

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>women have breasts
cool it with the transphobia

Whatever you want, user. Friends that force you to walk on eggshells are not worth it so you may as well just keep doing what you're doing and not care what they think. It's only a movie, they'll let it go if there is anything to your friendship and you don't try to make it into some kind of issue.
It sounds like y'all may just be spoiled soibois that are used to your comfort zones if y'all'd getting upset. Learning not to care is a critical social skill that y'all'd've lack.

I thought Gal Gadot was fine. Too many slow motion green screen shots in that movie though.


>UN bigots body shaming women

>Why didn't the feminist media shill machine go this full retard for Wonder Woman?

WB doesn't own half the media like the Mouse does!!!FACT!!!

youre either born with tits and ass or youre not. i would say surgery is more extreme than the normal hollywood buffman practice of steroids or HGH plus personal trainer plus dietitians/chefs.

one just takes hard work, and is eventually addictive, the other is get plastic surgery then work out a shitload while taking maintenance levels of female hormones

Cheese Noass must have been sucking every Jew cock in Hollywood if (((they've))) been shilling her for this long!!!FACT!!!

>soulless capeshit produced by the flagship of an artistically and morally bankrupt industry for the sole reason of profit

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>movie not afraid to show sexy men and women
>makes a gajillon bucks
in the end money talks. heres hoping larson get's fired in favour of some qt

Blue cheese is better not as pungent.


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holy shit incel gaymen actually btfo


I vividly remember watching this movie when it came out and not finding that character attractive. Didn’t even know it was Brie desu.


>heres hoping larson get's fired in favour of some qt

That will NEVER happen. Look at Star Wars and how badly Cuntleen Kennedy has trashed it. Disney is more concerned about optics than money it seems these days and I'm surprised the stock holders aren't shitting themselves and raging!!!FACT!!!

She would have been perfect

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But now we get this

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>fuck having and upholding standards n shieet

This makes me love nazis even more

i was talking with my mom about the movie the other day and how sexist the actress is and she told me he was 40+ KEK

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Guess Feige just wants to get out of this nightmare. Have you seen the look on his eyes?

somebody send these replies to respected journalist Melissa Leon, her article was spot on

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>The name of the column is "Gays With Kids"

>the gamergate crowd
Rent free.

Just watch it you fucking incels, you know you are going to anyway it's a marvel movie

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A Yea Forums poster is born

>Could this be the truth? Is Brie Larson's attractiveness just too intimidating for you?

Like Jennifer Lawrence, Brie Larson was hot until she opened her mouth and started speaking, at while point she became an ugly bitch.

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Get rekt faggot!

what the fuck, I'm barely younger and she looks like my mon

>Brie Larson was hot

Not even a cameltoe and two pounds of make-up can save her.

Wouldn't be the first time Disney fucked themselves out of money.

>Remembers Eisner's run

>getting a bitch who destroys your popularity with her craziness and fungus instead of someone who could unite both Reddit and Yea Forums to see the movie

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Would watch in one of those 4X theaters desu

Imagine being this much of a delusional polfaggot to believe Brie was ever hot, even just to make one of your tiresome boomer talk radio opinions

This. Cast somebody who puts as much effort into her role as male actors have to, and cast somebody who isn't going to push misandrist propaganda

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>You know what's worse? She really wanted to play the role and reportingly asked Marvel if she could do it
>They turned her down
I'm not a mommyposter or a brapfag but what the fuck

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It's a fucking crime that Jessica Biel, with as fit of a figure as she has, has not been cast in a DC or Marvel film.

I think literally everyone would have rather had BDH in the role

I'm literally calling the fucking cops right now

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