Discord tranny hate thread
Discord tranny hate thread
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Have sex.
someone got mad that they got called an incel
OK incel
Failed meme.
Go back to discord, incel
Discord Tranny Alert!
>inb4 incel
I've had sex and Captain Marvel looks like gay shit for faggots and children, haha
>how wounded, it becomes
How do trannies have sex?
I hate discord trannies
Jacking off while wearing a dress doesn't count as having had sex, incel
I have sex a lot though. Do you, with all the feminist activism you take part in?
>incels claim that if they finally have sex their problems will go away
>white knights biggest advice to incels is to "get laid"
So, you're agreeing with them, right? A women fucking them would solve their problems and make them much more amenable, right?
So why aren't women doing it? Fucking them as a purely generous venture to make better men, men who aren't misogynistic?
Sounds like women are the problem.
They rub teratomas together.
my dad works at nintendo
I heard one of them already killed himself.
Keep up the good work boys.
Look up Jonathan Yaniv, Jewish King of twitter trannies.
Here's a hint: jonathanyaniv.org
they literally can't die late despite dilating all the time.
reminder to bully all these faggots to early suicide so you spare their parents from this
They get a mentally unstable lonely homosexual to poke their teratomas.
Being molested by your fathers doesn't count as having had sex, trannies. Well, not in the way you think, at least.
Can both sides fuck off? /pol/ is shit, Lefty's are shit. It's all unnecessary bullshit.
>incel incel incel incel
>This cringe response
I bet your breath smells like incel
I agree but /pol/ sucks more
Here's why both sides will never fuck off
Only an incel can treat "I have had sex" as on par with "My dad works at Nintendo", nice job outing yourself
ywn haha
What's the thing about everyone being a tranny now? I don't get it. The incel meme at least makes sense to me. It just is a continuation of the old angry bitter fat virgin nerd stereotype
nothing is worse than trannies, the moment they decide to become one they go off the deep end
can't stand them around
this man has seen hell
Has pol created any actually funny/successful meme? They simply stole pepe and repurposed it. Maga and what not all originated from reddit. And everything we've seen actually originate from pol, like this cringey discord tranny cope, has been utterly unfunny, literal nigger tier bantz.
Also mods when are we instituting that IP system auto banning anyone who's posted/visted Yea Forums,/pol/, or Yea Forums in the last half hour?
>no responses
Have white knights and women finally been beaten at their own game?
I have one. Do you still?
hey I'm working on this story idea that I draw when I'm bored called a Girl and Her Dog. It's about a Girl in the postapocalypse and her giant Fenrir dog.
oh yeah you guys are really known as alpha chads lmao.
>inb4 le epic radical centrist response
nice fridge
>seriously though fuck those racists shitlords IT WAS HER TURN
/pol/ will and always will be welcome here.
btw, not everyone who hates tranny and blacks happen to be /pol/ that was a redditor common mistake.
here's when Girl meets Dog for the first time and offers it a stuffed monkey to make friends
honk honk nigger honk honk
this thread is full of homos
your asspain is palpable
>someone makes a threat to mock incels
>incels that claim "they're not bothered" by it immediately makes a "retaliation" thread
Why does nobody beat this faggot up he blackmails people and makes them kill themselves
Here's your honk, Froggy.
As long as we're chatting I always wonder why people who are so invested in pretending to be against "Toxic Masculinity" are so okay basically screaming "guy who doesn't get laid = inferior worthless man"
But I mean I long since got past the point of expecting these people to stand by any of the shit they pretend to believe. They're just the worst people in the world.
here's when Berserker meets Girl and her Dog