This show started the current trend of changing public opinion on court cases. It's actually really dangerous

This show started the current trend of changing public opinion on court cases. It's actually really dangerous.

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who cares

which "independant" news site are you regurgitating that from?

Meh, I don't care. The judiciary has been legislating from the bench for decades now. There's not much more damage that can be done.

No it didn't. That was Serial and Adnan Sayed.

I'm not. Maybe one of them should. They want to dig up MJ based on an HBO movie.
I understand that. There has always been the jury of public opinion. But there is something different using documentaries to change people's mind.

These are hardly what I'd call "documentaries." They're spin pieces meant to tell a narrative.

Well seeing as though the Judiciary system aint perfect it's only natural and vital for a documentary like this to be made.

then that public deserves what they're getting, no?

>people legit think Adnan Syeed didn't kill that azn bitch now

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No it didn’t, that was the Paradise Lost trilogy on HBO and Erol Morris’s Thin Blue Line before it

>Watch documentary long before this came out about capital punishment in the USA
>Some memester who deals with capital punishment gets interviewed
>By his own admission there's never been "a single person on death row, or executed, who was innocent"
>Jump cuts to an interview with someone on death row, who has already been found innocent, but the (((paperwork))) has been holding everything up for the last three months
>Then it goes on to mention how many people were exonerated after the actual guilty party was found or those exonerated after they were executed because the guilty party was found, albeit too late

This isn't just exclusive to America. There was a case here in Bongistan where someone had murdered some grill and raped her. Once they'd backtraced his DNA they found he'd also been responsible for murders abroad, including one in Australia from three years before. For those past three years someone else was serving a life sentence for something they hadn't actually done. Furthermore, the authorities were now fully aware that he was innocent and the real perpetrator was here in Bongistan.
Take a guess, how long do you think he remained in prison, while knowingly being innocent, before the (((paperwork))) and such could be rectified and he was released? A day? A week? 6 months? A year? WRONG. 11 years. That's how much longer he remained in the prison for something every single person knew he hadn't done 11 fucking years.
The only "actually really dangerous" thing is the (((system))) that is (((ran))) by either legitimate retards or people who legitimately don't care. Either way, you should start asking some questions because you could just as easily be the Joseph K standing there in the dock.

> independant

The news have started the trend of changing public opinion on everything

It is dangerous, but mostly because people are so stupid. If the idea behind a show like this was just to do more research into a case it would be fine. But they intentionally mislead you to think this fucking rapist/murderer is innocent. I'll admit I was on the he's innocent bandwagon after watching the show, but it only takes a small amount of research to know how fucking guilty he is.

Shills who say this about MaM never back it up with solid arguments.

Jay wilds is the real murderer desu

no that terrible podcast that got the arab set free for killing the korean girl in baltimore did it

>literally every single piece of evidence points towards Steven Avery being guilty
>MaM intentionally leaves out loads of information and uses selective editing to twist people's words

Have you done anything except just watch the show?

Oh no! Someone is questioning the system!

This dude is guilty as fuck.

What (((evidence)))?

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy

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The serial podcast exposed how stupid liberal women are. They think reasonable doubt means *any* doubt. They also think everybody who is not white must be innocent. These are the same type of women who write love letters to serial killers.

The Rav 4 on Steven's property, covered in Steven's blood. A bullet with Theresa's DNA, shot from Steven's gun, in his garage. Let me guess, you think these genius cops somehow planted all this?