Are you going to see the movie soo good they dug up a dead old man to promote it?

Are you going to see the movie soo good they dug up a dead old man to promote it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is their backlash in the Twitter comments?


What was the point of this? Are they TRYING to intentionally cause backlash at this point?

Holy BAD TASTE, Batman. Does anyone need further proof that the mouse is a vile fucking cancer on the neck of media?

My fucking sides, they just can't stop making it worse.

The Jew has no shame.

everyone thanos killed is coming back to life because not all the infinity stones he acquired were real.

What's in bad taste? Stan Lee was the face of Marvel for its entire life. He had zero dignity when it came to slapping his name and face over any and all Marvel products he could, claiming to have created characters he never created. Disney still uses Walt's name and likeness to push their movies. KFC uses Colonel Sander's name and likeness. And are we pretending this was ever his personal twitter when it's clear he never actually tweeted and it was always an account run by a marketing team? Stan Lee's not even the guy's real name. It's his character/persona. His real life name was Stan Lieber. And yes, he was a fucking Jew. And he doesn't give a shit if you put his face on actual piles of shit because he's fucking dead and GONE.

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if real
this is so fucked up

See100% real

>Using a dead guys twitter to promote a movie
How fucking scummy can they get

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Thanks Disney, we needed that.

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>KFC uses Colonel Sander's
They rebuilt him though.

Wow reddit will not like this


This was probably a scheduled post that they forgot to cancel. I had an account like this with an employer, where you’re expected to post about the companies products via a web interface that uses an algorithm to schedule when a post goes live to maximize visibility. In this case, Stan probably didn’t manage his own account, so it’s still embarassing, but if you’re picturing some intern at Disney logging onto Stan Lee’s twitter from a desktop and writing this then clicking post this morning, you’re wrong.

Not run by Disney. It is ran by his old company POW entertainment. This is from Twitter bio: "Official Twitter account of Stan Lee, co-creator of Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Panther, The Avengers, & more. Powered by POW! Entertainment & #TeamStan"

Yeah, those photos from 2 days ago were totally scheduled.

I honestly wasn't mad about everything surrounding the movie before. Slightly annoyed? Underwhelmed, maybe? Sure. But not angry.

Now I'm fucking pissed. This is disrespectful as fuck. Let the man rest without turning him into an ad puppet. Fuck Disney and fuck Marvel. Any chance of me seeing this movie has vanished.

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Stan Lee did talk a lot about what it meant to him to “make it” in life. He mentioned how he had essentially immortalized himself through comics.

I could see him being ok with something like this after his passing. It would not surprise me in the least if he even asked for it.

Marvel has done so well marketing their films for 10 years yet with Captain Marvel it seems like they've done everything in their power to make people hate them.

Lol sure thing faggot

Why do people think this is disrespectful? Many long dead celebrities have social media pages that promote and push a bunch of stuff if it's related to that person. Run by their estate, or a company they founded, or even maybe a publisher. How is the official, already managed account of a recently deceased celebrity promoting a film he is in, which is part of a franchise with his face and name all over it in any way in bad taste?

>In May 2017, POW! was acquired by Camsing International Holding. Camsing USA vice president Shane Duffy was named CEO while Gill Champion retained the president role.[1] In July 2018, Linking Star Picture was formed as a joint venture of Beijing Film, Beijing Novo United Films, and Hong Kong-based Camsing International. Linking Star would develop five projects from POW! and Chinese superhero movies, with Bob Sabouni, a former vice president of Marvel, consulting for Linking Star.[52]

>Chief creative officer Stan Lee died on November 12, 2018.[53] Camsing stated that they would continue to develop Lee's IP in POW despite his death.[54]

So its not Disney but the chinaman running it, and probably taking money from Disney to post it, or wishing to.

Those are recent photos, dude. Even if it was scheduled months ago, someone still edited it recently.

>using recent photos

Using any dead persons twitter to promote a movie is disgusting.

>why is using a dead guy to promote your product bad?
Fuck off, retard.

Based Disney dabbing on Stan Lee and capeshitters while making billions off them.

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I just dont get what Marvel expected to happen here? Who honestly thought people would react positively to this?

Today I will remind them

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Why is making a dead body dance with strings like a puppet for corporate interests a bad thing?
Holy shit man, you can't be serious

Stan must have really appreciated this post to come back and promote her movie.

Then how did they work in the first place, big brain?

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There is something about going woke that makes people suddenly incompetent and I don't understand it.

That fucking dead fucking jew is probably happy his name is still being used after his death to get more shekels

Cringe and corporatepilled

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>To get more shekels
While he's dead? Lmao

Stan Lee was a corporate whore. By defending him, so are you.

Don't care what he was.

Does he make a cameo in the movie?

>not putting her sticker on a pack of mushrooms

wasted opportunity.

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This shows how little these people think about the idiots they want to go to these movies
They figure they'll eat this shit up


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The normies are onto it

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A corporate shill wouldn't care that a corporate shill was a corporate shill, you fucking corporate shill.

Why mushrooms?

google brie larson toes

If this actually makes you angry you need to get off the internet and take a good long look at how your life turned out.

Stan Lee wasn't your fucking friend. Grow up.

You can still get upset at a company using a dead man's name and image for their own profit without knowing the guy. Difficulty empathizing is a symptom of autism. You should get checked.

>it's not disgusting so long as my tribe is unaffected
Ape level thought process everyone.

>it's real

Lmfao what the actual fucking christ are they thinking with this one?

My sides

How much does the mouse pay you cunts?

I agree, True Believer! Let's all buy tickets for Captain Marvel in theaters tomorrow, March 8th! EXCELSIOR!

wtf are they thinking

>twitter gossip thread
>mobile posting

>twitter gossip

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Someone skipped the know your memes section of their pamphlet.

yeah, I'm sure he wants dyed hair feminist interns to tweet out pretending as him.


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Well, you'd have to be fucking brain dead to go to this shit, so it makes sense I suppose.

Whoaaaa....Jack, I think you might be confused. Weren’t they called “””bawww threads”””? Don’t feel right, nope. Not right is how it feels, guy.

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this is why i hate comics, nobody stays dead.

Literally copy-pasted from a reddit comment.
Either a paid shill or a redditfag. Either way, neck yourself

Why are people do butthurt about the account? Its always been run by someone else. They've been tweeting for months.