Go to door

>go to door
>see this
wat do

also, sopranos thread

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Distract him with my HD televizione

>open the door
>open the door

Oh fuck it's that fucking zip Furio.


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Oh hey Furio, here's that money I owe you
See ya later m8

Shoot them if they threaten my well being? The mob works best in shitty coastie cities where self defense isn't a human right.

>ay tone can you believe that shit

how is it possible, that around half the dialogue in this show is so fucking quotable? Is it simply good writing?
I love many shows, but not a single one comes even close to this

hope I don't gotta bee on my hat


turns out good tv shows are well, good tv shows
spend more time watching mad men, the sopranos and twin peaks instead of whatever flavour of the month shite is trending on netflix nerd

Just the mahnny

how do wire and mad men compare to sopranos? im on s5 and ill need new tv show soon

mad men is pretty good although it has some lulls (mainly season 5), the wire is decent BUT overhyped to fuck by people who rave about it because it was le underdog (didn't perform well when it was airing) and muh blacks although the show does do a good job of looking into and portraying american black life and strife

watch mad men and twin peaks instead

>Decide to start watching Sopranos in 2013
>It's June and the only remaining episode is the season finale
>Prepare everything for the night. Snacks, drinks, etc
>10pm and I turn it on
>Watch the episode. Fucking hell, Tony died
>Night goes on. Approaching midnight
>Read online news as I always do before bed
>"James Gandolfini dead"
>"Rushed to the hospital in Italy at 10:40pm and was pronounced dead 20 minutes later at 11pm"
>Wait a fucking minute
>I started watching at 10pm. Running time was 60 minutes
>mfw Tony died in the series at the exact same fucking time as Gandolfini in real life

Shit was so surreal I had to question my sanity.

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do i need to watch old twin peaks? the only thing i know about it is that it's some kind of murder mystery?

of course you need to watch "old" twin peaks retard, you don't start a tv show from it's newest season

watch some classic lynch beforehand if you're apprehensive about diving into it

Tony doesn't die in the show. You do.

Watched all those and I don't own, nor plan to own Netflix
both pretty good, but nothing quite fills the hole after finishing Gabagools

>“Yes, I think I had that death scene around two years before the end,” Chase explains.
>“Tony was going to get called to a meeting with Johnny Sack in Manhattan, and he was going to go back through the Lincoln Tunnel for this meeting, and it was going to go black there and you never saw him again as he was heading back, the theory being that something bad happens to him at the meeting. But we didn’t do that.”

i didnt know it was new season i thought it was remake.. so which is better TP or MM?

Mad men > the wire
Both aren't as good as the sopranos, but neither is anything else.

They're very different beasts, you can't really compare them imo. I will say that TP is "comfier" if that matters to you.

that’s some twilight zone shit right there.

Give me 1000 dollars.

I liked the wire more than sopranos and mad men, but they're all really good.

both are different and both are good
twin peaks is one of those shows that fluctuates in quality but is overall pretty nice and when it's good it's really fucking good

I must be loyle to my capo

20 years in the can taking it up the ass

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You killed him user. Hope you're proud of yourself.

Mad men is boring reddit shit and the wire is a try hard normie muh gritty cop meme

Satanic black magic

Can you watch a movie where I die tonight please?

The Wire is much more of an ensemble cast with no true "protagonist". This makes it more ambitious of a show, but also makes it more noticable when the show overreaches a bit.

Mad Men has a central protagonist (Don Draper) like The Sopranos and is much more focused on that individual character and his psychology.

>do i need to watch old twin peaks?

Season 1 is the only good season of that show so I don't understand why you wouldn't watch it.

The Wire is even better than the Sopranos.

What the fuck was Gloria's problem?

Also, how come she's never discussed in these threads? One of the most interesting story lines imo

you're trying too hard sweety

Mad Men is pure clasiccal drama kino.
The Wire is overhyped, I wish it wasn't because people expect some magic shit. But it's still a great fucking show with great characters and story telling.

I don't spitshine shoes no more

i manuged to get the drip on him

why did tony rule in favor of ralph at the ralph-paulie sitdown? he had 100 reasons for hating ralph and to get back at him for being an annoying asshole

This, user needs to watch the capeshit movie where that purple nigger snaps spiderman into fucking oblivion, with half of the people on earth.

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Gloria was one of the worst story lines. The only thing it brought to the table was that Tony wants to fuck women who reminds him of his mother.

>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody do the dinosaur

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