name a better season in television
Name a better season in television
Awful bait
The season with Gus was phenomenal. This wasn't all that
Whoa. Its like Walt is half himself and half Heisenberg. This is deep af.
im actually being serious
>that final scene with skyler
>that final scene with saul
>hank finding out the truth
>hanks death
>jesse finally being free
>walt jr finding out the truth
pure kino
The leftovers S1. Now post Maria's boobs
gus isnt even the best bb villain
Tight tight tight.
True Detective S1. I love BB, but it's not even in the same area code as TD S1.
True detective season 1
Hanks death and Sauls final scene are literally the only two good things you listed there.
I'll give you Walt's breakdown, which was done well enough, but this season is far too weighed down in neo-nazi exmachina bullshit to really stand out above say season 4, or ANY season of Mad Men.
>weighed down in neo-nazi exmachina bullshit
t. incel
got s1
Jesus christ I was talking about the fact the Neo Nazis come out of nowhere and are suddenly the big bads of the entire show, fuck off back reddit with your kneejerk reactions
>The season with Gus
That was seasons 2-4. That wasn’t one season. But yes 4 was the best.
t. incel
they never "came out of nowhere" they were introduced in season 4 incel
Don't forget to dilate between raids
No, they're introduced in the first half of season 5, nigger.
wrong, incel
The biggest fucking letdown was that the final scene wasn't of Junior smoking [blue] meth for the first time to ease the depression.
11th season of the simpsons.
why does jessie get to be an angel in the sky?
Does meth help with depression? I would think it would be annoying to be all hopped up on meth when you don't even want to get out of bed.
I didn't know they had los pollos hermanos in Australia
>call me wrong
>Don't provide proof
Based "incel" poster
i think it replaces all feeling with hunger for meth
so its only okay when you do it?
True Detective
The Wire
The X Files
Band of Brothers
One of the most common reasons people start using meth is to escape reality and to manage anxiety/depression.
Something they should have taken advantage of.
I couldn't watch this show because it portrayed meth and it's users so unrealistically. I know how to roll some dope in a pipe but this show was just shits all retarded.
Sorry Malcom's dad. Maybe your heroin show will be better.
The Wire season's 2 & 4
>methhead doesn't like fantastic show because it was not a documentary about methheads