>is racism only possible if you're from a more powerful class, i dont think that makes any sense
>it takes place across the platform against white people
>its hypocritical to have a policy that distinguishes that you can make fun of white people all day long but if you decide to make fun of asain folks or fill in the blank, that is racist but making fun of white people isn't
>you can mock white people all day long at nauseam and it doesnt get removed
>but if you mock a black person in the same way it would be considered targeted racism
holy shit joe absolutely based wtf when did he grow a pair ?
Is racism only possible if you're from a more powerful class, i dont think that makes any sense
Other urls found in this thread:
I doubt it. He's a fucking dorsey shill
he literally said all of that youtube.com
starts at 55 minutes
this, he had tim pool talk a good game, but at the end of the podcast he basically stood up for twitter and said tim was an idiot
He only said that when Tim went off the deep end and started talking about his van.
>Twitter is doing a modern interpretation of what free speech should be DUDE
>Ytho? The US goverment already did it AGES ago and it's fucking idiotproof
>REEEEE are you saying you want a US goverment twitter that wouldn't kick you out unless you were explicitly breaking the law REEEEE that's so stupid
This is all common sense and anyone that believes otherwise is more than likely in the minority.
people should just stop using twitter, let the left have it and start using other services ffs
tims points would be more impactful if his voice wasnt so fucking gay
He sounded like Ben Shapiro, with his stoccato voice.
based, fuck Toe Rogan
I thought it was great
>holy shit joe absolutely based wtf when did he grow a pair ?
the episode prior with alex jones
He obviously didn't know or care enough about the Twitter situation to go hard on Dorsey, that's why his first interview was so lame. Luckily he took on the criticism and brought in Tim Cook who did a pretty damn fine job at taking them to task.
>at nauseam
Here’s the podcast for you
>Tim gets confrontational about something
>twitter people say they didn’t know
Twitter is gay
>ok thank you for your feedback
racism = power is just an excuse for niggers to be racist
this bitch still has a career and gets invited to talk about the terrible racism niggers face
Twitter's policy is complete shit and they did a terrible job of justifying it the wake of someone pointing out clearly how flawed and discriminatory it is.
>*deflects in lawyer*
Rogan's gay but Owen's a schizophrenic faggot who can't handle criticism.
Tim had them dead to rights when he essentially got the to admit that:
>they have the power to regulate an enormous swathes of public speech, along with everything that implies, according to their own arbitrary rules.
>They know they have this power and are eager to keep it.
>They will use this power to enforce the idealistic biases and to maintain exclusive control.
Any criticisms of that power will be deflected or answered with mumbled excuses about "doing better" and "combating bullying". Twitter (and other tech companies) will. not. willingly. relinquish. their. Power.
>listens to Joe talk about how he follows women who post themselves fucking other people on twitter
I feel like we're watching the year's greatest and most shocking redemption arc
Wrong you seething subhuman.
just report leftist tweets that are offensive they prolly won't do anything but it's worth a shot
These racist shit is so annoying, look at this:
The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY - kel), and for "little circle", kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.".[5]
Imagine being offended by being called a little circle
Literally kill yourself you pathetic faggots. You want a conspiracy? Look up what a bear means on the west coast where your boy got his wings. Your threads are as cancerous as the yang and aoc bullshit, fucking cultist retards.
Asians are worse. Imagine being offended over being called an "oriental" or a "china man". It's literally what they are.
I want a fucking SC case AS SOON AS they finally admit RBG's been dead and replace her.
The way this woman talks, as though she's speaking just above a croak. I find that a lot of American and Canadian women talk like this, and from the moment I hear that sound I immediately know that they're going to be a cunt. Same goes for how she adds an upwards inflection mid-sentence when she's not asking a question. It's okay when Australians do it because that's how their dialect developed but when Americans do it then it's just condescending, and it's only a specific class/worldview of people who do it. Like gays and faux lisps.
>just report leftist tweets that are offensive they prolly won't do anything but it's worth a shot
They won't do anything at all. Look at the left-wing posts in the Covington case.
Conservatives are banned for very soft reasons, while leftists can do whatever they want and they refuse to ban them.
I mean you can just listen to the episode
I can't tell if you're kidding or not.
T. Sodomite
Impression I got was Jack's scared to death of all the leftist fanatics he has working for him and he doesn't know what to do. Seems like a shrinking violet type.
Alex Jones slipped him some Super Male Vitality
>liberals now love the free market
>alt right wants the government to regulate corporations
What the fuck is going on
>Same goes for how she adds an upwards inflection mid-sentence when she's not asking a question
This has become an actual phenomenon called upspeak. It seems really common with Silicon Valley types.
He's talked about it lots of times other than that episode you fucking casual
>Imagine being offended by a racial slur that's been used to direct hatred and violence against your historically persecuted minority group
Those Jews sure are crazy.
It's always been an excuse for trying to blame whites. When you literally have to change the language in order to make yourself right and fight your cognitive dissonance, you know the other side has won.
Only part true, both sides will support the free market or regulation if it helps their agenda desu
You know where nigger came from?
Nah. Joe disagreed with Tim about whether or not Twitter could make progress without directly being regulated by the US government.
I agree with Tim, but I wouldn't say Joe called him an idiot.
I knew an Iranian woman that went on about how Hitler wasn't so bad and "wouldn't it be great if the Nazis won?" Thinking about it, the most openly racist people I've met have been "people of color."
Joe Rogan has never said anything remotely intelligent prove me wrong
As if the alt-right knew anything about economics.
lel check out this boomer trying to deal with his false dichotomy brainwashing
>nazis dont know about economics
>literally out econ'd everyone so hard they had to start a world war
the only worrying part about this is that they actually enjoy having that power and are planning to use it and are using it for their own goals.
Remember remember the tim of November
Tell me about Tim. Why does he wear the hat?
The nazis literally just borrowed money from everybody bro.
white skin with gook features is really uncanny valley
They're almost all ex libertarians who used to sperg about economics endlessly, ignormaus.
>literally out econ'd everyone so hard they had to start a world war
Jesus christ is this the power of american education?
The power of /pol/ education
The vocal fry and upspeak originated from SoCal but spread and has become something of a shibboleth for young, educated, upper-middle class, coastal striver women. They realized it was becoming recognizable and irritating to the general population, so a few years ago they tried to get out ahead of it with a few apologetics that attempt to reframe the issue into one of women being an oppressed class.
It's kinda nuts. Government interference with Twitter's editorial policy would be a clear violation of Twitter's First Amendment rights. All the 'public utility' shills are opening up a massive can of worms when it comes to the government's role in regulating speech in America.
mixed societies have brought nothing but death and destruction for those who inhabit it
>they had to start a world war
They had to start a WW because they based their entire economy on making war gear and using forced conscripted labor to build the infrastructure.
Only reason why their four year centrally planned economy didn't collapse just like soviet five year centrally planned economy is because they ran out of time.
Mixed societies are the greatest in the world. See America.
Wrong. They used a barter system and made all loans interest free. They fought against the money powers opf the world, so they had to be eliminated
God I miss 2000s O&A Louis.
Also Patrice, but that goes without saying.
they don't deserve their total popularity, it's just what happens when you have information tech, you produce a snowball effect because you're not only contributing your platform, but everyone you also managed to snag into using it
so basically they can go fuck themselves
I've seen in nauseam as well
He's finally waking up
Yeah with a huge ass murder rate and extreme racial hatred. its all for fucking nothing you retard. What's the point? To prove that we all bleed the same? lmao. What a fatal ideological failure
Joe Rogan is what late night was supposed to be.
Fuck Colbert. Fuck John Oliver. Conan is still alright but a bit stale.
Joe Rogan is Mr interview
My niggas
Late night is an absolute joke these days, tv is dead
Who gave them that power?
People who wanted to post about themselves online.
>for instance I mean if someone like me were to get on twitter and say "nigger". Nigger this nigger that, I'd be banned for sure
holy shit based joe
So, promote a culture of intolerance, closed-ness and inter-tribal (social) warfare.
Glad to see that authoritarians always win.
Oh it's another /whiteincel/ good morning faggots don't forget to kill yourselves
Try talking to anybody about this. Seriously, drop this redpill in the chat room in your Overwatch game and see how people react.
A lot of people are so stupid and need to be told how to think. The prevailing thought in our Zeitgeist on this topic is, “everybody who isn’t white gets special treatment, and direct attacks on whites is fair game”
This is one of the main reasons Chapelle left comedy, all he did was say blatantly racist shit. But he is a staunch anti-racist activist. So, he was like, “Oh fuck I’m part of the problem.
Black racism truely is a problem. My good black friend won’t let me go to his turbo-ghetto black friend group’s parties, straight-up because I’m white and he says it’d be super uncomfortable and weird. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that “We’re all created equal” includes the word “All”.
Sorry for dumb rant just putting thoughts on paper
So people gave them power, sounds like twitter did nothing wrong
The nazi government ran a huge deficit. They borrowed money all over the place, built up the military and then when their credit was maxxed out they launched the war to take strategic resources from countries with subpart military capabilities, those would then make Germany capable of easily dealing with a war time blockade and would help Germany repay the foreign debts. That was literally the plan and it almost worked.
Nigger loving scum. You'll never be one of them. They hate you and your pale skin but youd do anything to be accepted by these sub humans. And you're proud of it to boot. My good black friend? Christ, I can feel the smugness dripping through my screen like grease off a shitty pizza.
Looks like his time with Alex Jones has done him some good. WE'RE UNDOING THE CONDITIONING
People giving them power doesn't make everything they do right. It's legal what they're doing, but it's not necessarily what's best for people. People join because it becomes popular and influential, and the platform becomes entrenched even when people don't agree with everything they do. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's not flawed and possibly bad for society.
I know Tim is a youtube guy with a fairly popular channel but is there any other reason he was on that episode? I don't know him from anywhere but his channel which I only know from having it in my recommended list.
>My good black friend won’t let me go to his turbo-ghetto black friend group’s parties, straight-up because I’m white and he says it’d be super uncomfortable and weird.
Why do you want to go? Honestly, I'd take their word for it because I probably would just feel uncomfortable.
The Nazis only had money because they borrowed money from most countries in the 30s. WW2 started partly for economical reasons, Germany was fucked if it didn't happen
Germans tried then to appropriate wealth from conquered countries and Jews, among other (rich) minorities that they could target and get away with.
>People join because it becomes popular and influential, and the platform becomes entrenched even when people don't agree with everything they do
Sounds like peple are fucking retarded. Nobody's forcing anyone to go on twitter, if you join then you have to play by their rules, it's a fucking website for fuck's sake, it's possible to live without it. And It's not like kikebook that shares your private information. Oh and if you willingly have an account there too you deserve anything that happens to you.
wouldn't surprised me if that was a child grabbing her ass
>sounds like people are fucking retarded
Can you even imagine how many likes and how much social media cred hell get for being in the same room as some black people? You can almost hear him jizz his pants over the potential virtue signals.
He used to work for vice until he was present at Ferguson or something and blacks targeted him for being white despite him being on their side and half-Korean. Since then he's been 'muh middle ground'.
>Why do you want to go? Honestly, I'd take their word for it because I probably would just feel uncomfortable.
Exactly. Literal niggers are less ideologically blinded than you and possess more common sense.
The talkshow format is dead. There's nothing interesting about a celebrity on a promo run. Every interview is a carefully choreographed performance put together by a team of publicists looking to serve up an inoffensive, non-threatening promotion vehicle instead of an actual person. The stories are rehearsed a thousand times, the host is told what prompts to give, the outfits are carefully chosen, every minute detail is micromanaged so you get as little insight into the person being interviewed as possible.
Why don't you actually learn history instead of parroting whatever retarded shit you learned about second hand? The german economy in the 1930s was only able to redevelop because the government ran huge deficits and issued illegal promissory notes (MEFO bills) to finance the debt and rearm.
How does Joe attract so many powerful people in his podcast?
Why does anybody want to go to a party? Because it can be fun. Get drunk and play some street fighter for a night? I’m game.
You guys are thinking about this too hard and trolling too hard. At least the other spaz is.
Joe Rogan is actually one of the most important people alive today due to his popularity. That or he's a CIA asset.
Yeah, I would not be surprised if he did an episode with Trump.
Basically he keeps track of various cases of deplatforming that happens on twitter and a few other places.
>Black racism truely is a problem. My good black friend won’t let me go to his turbo-ghetto black friend group’s parties, straight-up because I’m white and he says it’d be super uncomfortable and weird
Because ur corny white and dont know how to be cool, no offense
Obama did an interview with Vice on an infinitely smaller podcast.
Alex gave Joe his much needed Red Pills. Joe is based as fuck again. Hopefully faggot Jamie doesn't move him back to cuckery.
>Imagine being offended over being called an "oriental"
US only. It is your liberal thing. Asians always and to this day called orientals.
He also went on mark marons podcast
That might be the same thing. The one where he said 'nigger'.
these "progressives" will shill endlessly (and for free) for any corporation that emptily virtue signals any of their "progressive" talking points, like putting up a faggot flag up somewhere for a few days.
see how quickly they got over weinstein's stuff being covered up for years with simple "these actresses wore all black to some irrelevant event, wow so empowering", or how they eat up all the generic moneygrabbing capeshit if it promotes their ideology. leftists' need for constant "progress" gets them exploited in the ass hard by giant corporations, and they're saying thank you afterwards.
He has one of the most popular podcasts currently airing, the long-form and unedited format allows potential guests to feel secure that what they say won't be taken out of context, and Joe isn't known for being confrontational or "standoffish"
It's not hard to figure out why he's so popular and is able to attract guests. What is the alternative? A 6 minute interview on cable programming where you have to deal with commercial breaks, potential edits, and a host who can virtue signal to the crowd at any moment if you say something even slightly controversial?
Those were so fucking good, Jesus Christ. Comedy platinum.
Jamie needs to stick to pulling up videos of chimps getting snatched up by eagles.
I have this rich white friend who likes to talk about how hes not racist and how he gets it. I mean that in he constantly talks about it way. Had some friends in pomona throw a party and he was estatic, whole night he made "white people be lame" jokes and everyone got more and more uncomfortable cuase they wanted to just hang out and talk about work and shit. He kept trying to show them how cool he was and it only highlighted how deep his actual uncomfortablness about minorities was. Had a sheltered mexican friend do the same thing, assumed that becuase theyre both minorities he can speak about their social issues, and again they just wanted to drink a little bit after work
Shut the fuck up retard the president uses it to speak with the people so it’s now a goddamn public platform. The president can just do that
Joe also said that he's playing quake again for the first time in 15 years.
I'm thinking he's back.
>He has one of the most popular podcasts currently airing
>4.7mil subs
>1-2mil on every interview
And on other hand
>usual russian dude
>4.8mil subs
>10+ mil views on his interviews
Why america so pathetic.
He has a massive audience and he isn't a dick to the guests.
Joe needs to start live streaming his quake games.
probably because American media is very decentralized now so joe is competing with other quality content whereas this Russian dude is probably the go-to for Russians and he fills that niche. Same reason fox is the most popular news in the US: no alternatives and all the liberal programs compete for the same liberal audience
What tv show or film are we discussing in here?
This is the media board. Until they give us an /altmedia/ board we’re forced to discuss it here. Fuck your traditional media monopoly
she fucks white guys so its ok
How does he have a massive audience?
The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. If that isn't good enough for you, consider this a Fear Factor thread.
Which Quake does he play?
>probably because American media is very decentralized now so joe is competing with other quality content
Can you name other such popular american channels?
>My good black friend won’t let me go to his turbo-ghetto black friend group’s parties, straight-up because I’m white and he says that I'd be murdered
fixed for what he actually meant
doesn't count because those views aren't really human. same thing with how many views are on indian youtube
>1-2 million views where each viewer is a thoughtful human that speaks and understands english and has emotions, feelings, an internal monologue, etc.
>10+ million views from insectoid monster people that don't have an internal monologue, don't feel pain or emotions like normal english speaking humans do, etc
>how many views are on indian youtube
Thing is, only 140mil people live in Russia, while in US it is 300+ mil.
the best part about watching joe rogan's podcast is coming here and talking to my based rogan bros.
That’s too many Russians already desu
>married a coalburner
>Top 30 most-viewed YouTube videos
>4. "Masha and The Bear - Recipe For Disaster"
>Most liked non-music videos
>6. 170. "Masha and The Bear - Recipe For Disaster"
Just some shitty russian cartoon.
3.5 BILLION views. Get cucked.
Not tv or film. Take your shit to where it belongs.
That's what makes me laugh about this newest re-invention of racism. It's okay to hate other people of other races, so long as you're not "oppressing" them in the process.
Fear Factor is Yea Forums. Joe Rogan, therefore, is Yea Forums. You cannot refute this.
daily reminder that jaime is a fucking annoying lisping faggot
And it's ripping off a Pixar short from like 20 years ago.
Basically he's a well connected guy that managed to get good guests on the show. Since he's a successful stand up comic in LA, he could get other comics to come on the show to plug their up coming gigs. but he's also a commentator for the UFC so he could arrange interviews with fighters. He also does drugs so he could invite crazy hippies and actually have a proper stoner conversation with them. Then he's into all kinds of crazy conspiracy and alternative history stuff so those people come on his show as well.
All of these people ended up on the podcast and learned to accept the fact that most of the time the podcast wasn't about their particular hobby interest. So he had free reign to basically invite anyone on the podcast and talk about basically anything.
Plus I literally watched this podcast on a Yea Forums so if Twitter screencap thread are allowed this should be too
>based on old russian fairy tail
>1 episode from hundreds
>ripping off pixar short
Rogan is insanely popular because he’s extremely personable and even if you think he’s a dummy, he is a terrific conversationalist where most people are absolute social retards
Remember the days when any form of social media was used exclusively by teenagers and you just jerked off to pics of friends of friends in bikinis?
I hate that it has become "serious."
Why does NASA need a twitter? So shit-dick faggots can follow them and talk about how much they fucking love science?
Not really. Part of the whole deal with interviews is that if you're a dick to the person, you wont get interesting people to show up. What's more, you shouldn't insert yourself into the conversation too much, since the point of an interview is to hear from the person being interviewed.
Joe isn't particularly bright nor is he hard to convince, so he's happy to go along to get along without pushing back.
The fact that he did this episode and brought on Tim Pool to ask questions for him shows that he's working in pretty good faith and will respond to legitimate complaints from his audience.
Problem is that normal people don't run the country or society, people with tons of energy -zealous activists- do. Regular people don't have the time or energy to oppose the crazies on every dumb thing that they do, so they're allowed to get away with stuff all of the time.
The only solution is annihilating progressive activists.
When ever racism is brought up on the show he almost always mentions that people are racist against whites too. This is nothing new.
I don't understand why people are so mad at racism. What other way is there to keep the niggers and kikes in check?
>when did he grow a pair ?
When his community called him out for asking softball questions and avoiding any real issues last time.
Remember when everyone played Farmville and made fun of Twitter saying it would be a passing fad like Myspace? Good times
Someone needs to say it. This notion that certain groups of people are somehow "exempt" from even the possibility of being racist is nothing but ridiculous propaganda.
>this is what happens when you believe all the nazi propaganda posted on /pol/
Why isn’t she banned right there? That’s at least 3 targeted racism attacks after 2014. So if I were to report her right now that should be 3 strikes right? Oh wait nevermind, they won’t do anything because they were lying and deflecting the entire podcast and everything they were saying was just retroactive justification for banning right leaning people. So the question is are they actually unaware of their bias or do they know they have one and just think it’s for the “greater good” to allow racism towards whites or coming from blacks?
This cunt is so slippery, the biggest dick in the world doesnt require any lube
>Mix of white people
If this counted as a diverse society by today's standards you'd have an argument.
As this country get more mixed and less white it's getting more miserable in spite of its economy.
The end game is that the US will be a dysfunctional hell-scape like Brazil is. Or the Congo. Or Eritrea. Or Afghanistan. Or Syria. Or hell, Yugoslavia.
Diversity=low social trust=little cooperation between people=low participation in public life=corrupt and unresponsive government
I used to meme about him being dumb because I only listened to clips of him talking about dmt or weed or chimps but now that I actually watch him he’s not even dumb at all. I’d say his iq is atleast 110 and he makes some good points usually. They only time he can’t really keep up is if he has an intellectual on like that bret winesteine guy.
Tim is just pointing out hypocrisy. If they are gonna have rules they should follow them.
He would prefer it be completely open outside of death threats, but since they are not for that they should follow their own policy.
How people still think diversity is good is beyond me. The only argument people have left is “muh food” because even if they do immigrate they create their own little country in the hoat country anyway and don’t blend in with their people.
He's always been alright but he spends so much fucking time around leftists who whisper lies into his ears every fucking day. It's like in LOTR and Gríma (wormtongue) whispering into the Kings ear poisoning him.
The leftist bubble is real and when you're in it you are in another universe.
Joe Rogan is a cunt who entire ideologies are focused around and justified simply based off of what irritates him. If something irritates him he'll find any kind of moral or logical justification for why its bad. He changes his opinions at the drop of a dime and constantly finds a way to steer every conversation with every person that comes on his show back to him and how strongly he feels that his viewpoints are correct. He's an idiot, an opportunist, a shameless shit-stirrer, a conservative shill and, above all else, a terrible interviewer.
>t. only ever watched 5 minutes of Joe's podcast
I would colonise that indian pussy
This shit is so pointless. Twitter execs play dumb and make it painfully clear they have very intent to use the influence of the platform to shape discourse and serve their own ideological leanings.
I think I remember seeing it was 127, took me by surprise
>being so proud of your religion to the point of not doing an X because it may represent a cross
>in your language that circle has a name
>being called by the stuff you put on paper because you have a strong belief in your religion
>being offended by it
Wasn’t that an online bullshit one? There’s no way he’s 127 or if he is he’s playing dumb all the time.