Erm guys Amazon just Tweeted this out???
Amazon LOTR
grrr refugees
grrr shitskins
grrr amazon is netflix
2nd age kino confirmed
Apologize to Bezos right now
Takes place before or after lotr? Hopefully after.
>rhun, khand and Harad
I like the fact they may explore those regions Tolkien just mentionned, but with the actual climate, you can expect Yas queen kingdoms and minorities like that shadow of mordor game
ok maybe im interested now, surely they cant fuck this up, surely?
>another grimdark medieval series
will we finally get to see based Celebrimbor?
christ you creatures are sensitive
please tell me wtf is wrong with exploring already established people and regions
I can tell you for a fact Tolkien would not allow Yass queen bullshit. He was staunchly conservative.
Definitely before so they can put easter eggs and name drop main characters.
>Erm guys Amazon just Tweeted this out???
go back
They will ruin it as they always do and it will end up like watered down Game of Thrones which is watered down Song of Ice and Flames or whatever it is called which is watered down LOTR. And LOTR is shit to begin with, anyone who has read it knows this.
Tolkien should've stuck to writing children's books correctly labeled as children's book (The Hobbit) and not writing childish literature labeled as epic mythopoeia.
wtf is Numenor, is this something they have invented for the show?
>exploring already established people and regions
tolkien didn't established them, he just said there were a bunch of brown skinned people here, that's all. That meeans amazon can do whatever they want with that
redpill me on the second age
would have preferred 1st age tbqh
its a few thousand years before LOTR
Basically more epic en era, rings of power being used, height of Elvish numbers + power. Chad humans (numenorians) which are all like Aragorn if not greater, Sauron wrecking shit etc etc
>Put names of places on map
fuck off incel
So because he wasn't a rabid anti-semite he couldnt be conservative? How fucking retarded are you? Jews and non-Jews can be conservative, you fucking mongo.
All the conservatives are literal nazis and nazis hate jews get you facts right and go back to /pol/ you incel.
If it's second age and they make Black Numenoreans actually black (they are white like gondorians) then I will be pissed. Just make MERP movies about nazgul instead.
It will be about the final years of Numenor.
honestly sounds great
Black elves and dwarves incoming! Can’t wait for a more diverse Middle Earth!
so they were basically muslims right?
Arabs you mean, but those would be haradrim, these are more of a steppe people.
>height of Elvish numbers + power
That's arguably either the Years of the Trees or the First Age
Numenorians are kino as fuck
Way better than the faggy elves
Is this real?
Wait, I thought these were Haradrim infantery. I can't remember having seen them after the scene at the Black Gate.
>everything not racist or CONFIRMED whites-only is and will always be bad
The fucking state of this sub.
>asoiaf is watered down lotr
this is literally the most moronic opinion I have ever heard about these series.
Tolkien had two quite prominent Queens, one in Numenor and one in Gondor who was supposedly evil from a random tribe, think her son was Castamir the Usurper.
>t tranny
Nah, these are easterlings, says in the filename too. Brass/gold looking armor is a giveaway too, as far as movies go at least.
Reminder that Sauruman weaponized refugees.
Those are supposed to be Easterlings, despite a) approaching the Black Gate from the South instead of, you know, the East, and b) Easterlings being brawny bearded dudes in the books
Real as in not a photoshop or as in from the LOTR tv-series that probably isn't even written yet?
>random tribe
Her name is Beruthiel and she's Black Numenorean, no, castamir is not her son.
Agreed, my concern is more that Amazon's made it clear that they're aping off GOT with this show and Tolkien's universe does not pair well with the cynical nature of that show.
wtf is this?
remembered some cats or some shit, good work user. The appendices is pretty heavy reading, even by Simarillion standards.
A fish
Well what the fuck does it look like
>chosen people
>have a holy mountain
>do evil shit
>god floods the place
>good guys escape on boats
Tolkien was a catholicuck hack.
bit big for a fish
sea dragon
Arnor kino with black Numenorian battles
You can do whatever that fuck you want since the lore is practically non-existent
You know Tolkien had nonwhite regions in his setting, right? This is the best possible outcome, because it has plausible reasons for nonwhite characters to exist without just casting Idris Elba as Elrond
Please don't let it be like this please don't let it be like this
just Ulmo taking a dip
Numenor story is based on Babylon not Israel
>who is Eowyn
They are probably comparing it to Game of Thrones as a marketing strategy desu. As of yet nothing about the story (except for that its set in the second age) is confirmed, even less so the theme of the show and I'd be surprised if this big a project fucks that up.
/ourguy/ confirmed
Numenoreans started travelling to middle earth for the caramel pussy bro, there's a whole story about how one of their Kings leaves his pale dried up bitter roastie wife to nail prime sylvan and harad puss and his voyages get longer and longer cos the pussy game ridiculous.
Past a certain Age a Dark Lord without a Ring can be a bad thing.
who should be cast as Annatar?
LOTR is the final redpill about the shitskin invasion of Mother Europe.
Now amazon will seek to change this.
A sea monster. I.e. a map marking meaning that it's unexplored.
>island is a star
>each region is called -star
Bravo Tolkien
>I can tell you for a fact Tolkien would not allow Yass queen bullshit.
have you actually read the books, or even seen the movies?
I want to smell Sauron's boipusy
are orcs immortal?
Literally me
based and Castimir-pilled
blacks are subhuman dude, we dont want MUH WE WUZ KANGS in fucking Lotr, you fucking nigger lover. now return to your blacked programming while i put on fellowship again
he barely said they existed retard. he didn't write about kangz much at all. this will be all new Diversity Rings(tm) and you know it.
Uhhh...who want's to tell him?
I wouldn't have a problem with middle eastern actors playing Haradrim but that's pretty much it, we don't even know for sure that blacks are in the setting, we just assume that they are in further south, unless Tolkien's "Troll men of Far Harad" are blacks of the setting. No mention of east asians or native american like peoples.
It doesn't matter though, because you will get black gondorian or bree lander extras (hurr durr fantasy, I can't cast what I want even though it's medieval fantasy were people travel even less then in actual middle ages) or Black Numenoreans will black even though they shouldn't. Fuck modern media.
He tapped Saurons boipussy I bet.
Played 3.0 yet?
>You know Tolkien had nonwhite regions in his setting, right?
he said they existed, he wrote like what, 2 lines on Harad? I guarantee we're getting a whole cast of characters from those fucking places now with completely new storylines written by some 30 something year old female writing team
I don't except it to be anything remotely decent.
I just hope it doesn't take too long before shitposters get tired of it.
>already established people
Psuedo-Arabs/Persians/Mongols is one thing, but full-on niggers are literally half-troll and live as savages in the jungles of Far Harad.
According to the books the easterlings were a squat and mongoloid race, known for their skill with the axe and discipline.
race of darker skinned people who live far awy
yes they're clearly African-American
>tolkien threads will be as bad as /got/ once this airs
Dude, the Israeli myth is based on the Babylonian myth, aka the Epic of Gilgamesh, not the other way around
Is the world in decline in the third age?
Just one more reason not to have this. Who even thought this is a good idea and not a blatant cash grab.
>that new city out of nowhere in the east that will be filled by niggers
SJWs: haha, this is just like harry potter!
Incels: haha, this is just like LOTR!
I think there is a mention of some Mongolian-type people somewhere but I might be mixing it up with some 1920s description of orcs or Haradrim.
>square mountain range
Artistic license bad
hehe... gonna have to be more subtle than that if you wanna make it one these boards rook... ill let this one slide... cya memester ;)
so the plot will boil down to
>whites get the world handed to them on a plate by the Gods for being violent brutes in the first age
>get a island utopia
>because they are greedy they develop a strong navy and start conquering lands and being superior to the darker middle men natives
>Catch Sauron and take him home out of hubris despite the good black middle earthers warning them of his evil
>Numenoreans start enslaving middle men to raise great works in tribute to their white masters
>Numenoreans are greedy and Sauron tricks them into trying to conquer death by attack the Gods.
>only the liberal coalburners Elendil and his mixed sons Isildur and Anarion (friends to the (((elves))) escape to middle earth
>the kind natives welcome them despite previous enmities into their tolerant egalitarian cultures
>soon because of their god given powers they rise to power over these good hearted middle men and make the two Kingdoms Arnor and Gondor.
>get dragged into war to support their greedier (((elven))) allies
>Sauron is defeated thanks to the bravery of the middle men
>Instead of saving everyone, Isildur cares more about getting the weregild for Elendil and keeps the ring.
How do you think normies are going to react to Mim?
Mountains in middle earth were built by demi gods (and then fucked up by one of them).
>seething discord tranny
Does that mean we get sexy Sauron?
If they want fantasy with "minorities" then they should make their own, but nooo, it has to be established franchise/setting.
This, it is post war of wrath and pre sinking of Numenor going by that map. A Sauron infiltrating and corrupting Numenor story seems likely.
You do realise this will all be filmed in front of a green screen and make The Hobbit look like Fellowship.
I'll most likely finally kill myself after the first episode.
Will we get Angmar-kino?
That night be true, admittedly I know less on easterlings, though Mordor orcs do have that mongolian/easting thing about them, squinting eyes and scimitars.
Oh don't worry they will fuck it. Everything you love will be touched at one point oh men of the West.
In a way yes, Arnor and Gondor were just pale imitations of Numenor power.
why do people scream this all the time now I don't even know what it means
They won't because that was First Age.
>Everything you love will be touched at one point oh men of the West.
It has been true for how many years now?
nice one brainlet
When does it start?
But still the sunken stars appear
In dark and windless Mirrormere;
There lies his crown in water deep,
Till Durin wakes again from sleep.
They're going to black Harad, aren't they?
Lord of the Rangz confirmed
>Till Durin wakes again from sleep.
Witch King basically has no lore for the second age, he was a known liuetenant of Mordor during the war of the last alliance but it isn't known who he was.
New territories sound like an incredibly terrible idea.
I expect it to be worse than the Hobbit trilogy.
I bet they will do more, black hobbit and elf extras.
can always use MERP stuff, it has backgrounds for all nazgul (I really like Black Numenorean female nazgul, Eva Green would work), would make for better story than anything amazon will write
> Harad
Well, that's the giveaway.
They aren't new, just not established well in the setting, besides Numenor that is, maybe Umbar too.
>Witch King basically has no lore for the second age
Nigger he made Angmar great again. Corrupted the hillmen of Rhudaur, destroyed Amon Sul, orchestrated the fall of Arnor and Cardolan and was only overthrown when an expeditionary force from Gondor allied with the elves led by Glorfindel. Even then he still got away and Glofindel gives his "no man" prophesy.
>le cunning white dude
All this seems eerily too perfect for the current times narrative.
Man, I just want Earendil sealing through the skies slice of life mixed with incest drama with Turin tapping dat sisterly ass, is that too much to ask?
>Turin tapping dat sisterly ass
I would prefer foursome with him, his sister, his female elf teacher-friend who really loved him, and that elf princess.
>lotr thread
>autistic pol screeching
every time
This. Its the last book, if even this can be disgraced, everything can. And honestly it can. I mean who gives a fuck?
It will honestly be great to see this.
Like watching an elf maiden be raped and cum inflated Carcharoth, then her dead body fucked by orcs.
in the third age yes, not the second age.
That's all Third Age.
remember when LOTR threads were devoid of /pol/shit and just bros discussing lore
Have they said anything about what the new series' scope is?
remember when media was devoid of libshit and just bros making films
>not posting the absolute best version
I mean we still can, but I doubt I will be discussing anything show related once it's out, unless it ruins lotr threads forever and we can't have non-show related ones.
just ignore the retard, it's literally just one guy
Yeah, I wish time had just stopped at 2007 or so
stop ruining my media pls
but then there would be no hobbit films, are you going to argue sjw's ruined that? I know it was a hackson cashgrab and this probably won't even be that good but wouldn't you rather have a few black elves then no LOTR?
you know what this made me realise
i want a tv adaptation of discworld
have it be an anthology or make it about rincewind exclusively, doesn't matter
have gaiman run it and amazon fund it, good omens is probably gonna be good
also checked
they can grow pretty old though, like up to 140
>wouldn't you rather have a few black elves then no LOTR?
>I know it was a hackson cashgrab
It really wasnt jacksons fault
I thought it was never clearly stated how old they can get and there was some suggestions that they can live for a very long time at least (thousands of years).
Where the fuck do these lore info come from?
I've read Silmarilion and Unfinished Tales. Just how much more milking can be done with his oldmans notes?
Lord of the ring is Game of throne copy. o do not know who this tolkien guy is but he seems like uncreative incel who copy g.r.r.martin andd d&d like actually have elfs in your setting in the year 2018. WE LIVE ON FUTURE STOP COPING D&D ONLY NERDS LIKE it. if you gonna copy something copy something good like Fifty shades of gray or twilight
i'm watching it right now for the first time and the whole thing looks like a trailer for the new world of warcraft expansion, way too much cgi
explain yourself, how was it not his fault
you are very skilled in the art of the bait i see, user
Thanks mate
unlikely that they could live much past 100 and they live pretty awful lives. Elves are immortal thanks to the grace of the valar and Eru, Melkor corrupted orcs too badly for them to benefit from that.
>wouldn't you rather have a few black elves then no LOTR
I'd rather not have lotr if you need to stick niggers into roles they don't belong to.
Tolkien wasnt too sure about about the Orcs in a lot of ways, like their origin and all that. So there are some contradicting statemens.
But as far as I know he said they devolved from humans, hence mortal, but have some elvish genes spliced in, giving them a higher live expectence.
>they can live for a very long time at least (thousands of years)
I think there were some cases of that, like some orcs were possesed by morgoths ghost, only dying when he was banished
orcs are mutilated corrupted elves.
if i see a single black elf i am going full unabomber
>100 and they live pretty awful lives
That's one thing, but I'm talking about lifespan. I know those two orc captains from cirith Ungol were discussing "good old days" and I felt it was sort of implying that it was long time ago.
>Is the world in decline in the third age?
Yes and No.
Middle Earth is in decline, which it has been day one really. But I think the second age is when it really hits a high gear. All the great elf lords have died, Numenor will sink and the race of Men will go to fucking shit during that period. Morgoth is in jail though, so thats nice. But the war that captured him, the one with Ancalagon or whatever, literally destroyed much of the entire continent since there were so many Epic Level characters fighting in it.
But some highlights from that age are the fact that Sauron literally talked Numenor to death. He destroyed the greatest city, demolished the greatest army, sank the greatest navy and fucked up the most genetically gifted lineage of man without using a single weapon. He just bullshitted for 50 years and convinced the King to attack the Gods. Apart from making the rings, thats about the most impressive thing hes done. Most other shit he's attempted he's failed ridiculously hard at.
>wouldn't you rather have a few black elves then no LOTR
No I wouldn't
There are TV movies
>going full unabomber
On who?
There was a population of elves known as dark elves.
They will cast subsaharan actors to play them.
>haha, this IRL thing is just like Harry Potter/LOTR
fuck off manchild
I'm not saying it wasnt shit, I'm saying jackson didnt have nearly as much creative power as with LOTR
It was a studio cashgrab, they cut corners everywhere, turning down practical effects, avoiding extras, resorting to cgi and studio shots to avoid filming on location, turning down violence and amping up slapstick humour to reach a younger and therefore wider audience.
Do you think jackson would give a shit about the budget? It's not like he would've paid it from his own pocket. Sure jackson could have turned down the last minute offer to direct it, but he probably figured someone else would shit on it even more that he would.
I would rather have documentary on economy of Middle Earth than this.
it pertains to lifespan, elves have good lives eating really good food (so good it makes mortals feel new life/forget all rigours etc) and don't get constant battle damage. Orcs likely don't live long before getting murdered even by their own kind. If those two captains meant 'before Sauron came' thats only 40 years ago. Admittedly that is quite old but not 'thousands of years' and not even into the 100s. Don't forget that they don't have a childhood so they were maybe 50 or 60.
It was used to point out hypocrisy, you know. But it's fun anyway.
There's no place for no elf slut in Turin's heart, Finduilas, get lost already.
I dunno user, it was sort of implied that they do live long lives. Anyway, it's not really confirmed either way, you can only speculate.
His autism curse made him do it, he would probably liked Finduilas, or his elf-teacher.
honestly seeing this expanded map including Numenor has got me pretty excited, 2nd age just opens up so much more
>Not the first age during Feanor's wild ride
>tfw no slice of life with Bombadil and mommy Goldberry
Life hates us.
what's the surface area of middle earth?
I said get lost elf thot!
Best Nazgul is female.
>they were men (female) once, great Kings (queens) of (men).
>I'm not a Jew, so sorry dear (((Hollywood)))
And Colin from /k/ wants you to turn in your machine gun.
*throws silmaril in the sea*
Go drown in the sea dumb elf cunt.
What is the source material of this user?
I wonder if we'll get any of that human sacrifice shit in Numenor. It got pretty dark at some point.
could you explain what the fuck goblins are?
>pre-Fall of Numenor
Who should play Fair Sauron lads? Man or woman or both?
See through nipples.
could just mean humans
It would make more sense to say that if most of them are men, plus some queens historically were called Kings for one reason or another.
I'm not yass queen slaying btw, just like her character
Middle earth roleplaying game. It fleshes out a lot of stuff, though of course it's not canon, but I like it.
Is that a furry thing?
How much you want to bet that they'll add more Rings of Power just so the kangz can feel important?
Do you just sit around all day imagining things to get mad at?
same thing, just different regional names for them
The hero Middle-Earth needs.
Wrong. SJWs usually make 1:1 comparisons to harry potter. Voldemort=Trump, muggles = niggers. etc. However the analogy of LotR is transformative. Anons take sjw logic and politics and apply it to the LotR in order to demonstrate how ridiculous it is.
Nothing secret about lotr....
Posting the real one
>could you explain what the fuck goblins are?
Orcs are what you call goblins that can beat you up.
Goblins are what you call orcs that can't beat you up.
like, literally the same? i just watched the hobbit and they had a king and shit. i always thought they were the same, just a smaller kind of orc.
This is a merp map btw. If you want more Tolkien like map look up the Atlas of middle earth, you can find pdf of it somewhere.
BASED you not?
>dudes LOTR orcs are blacks
War of Silmarils was First Age. Elves were well out of power by that point. Second Age is N*menor chicanery
yeah, it is, if the "artistic" license is just shoving a bunch of niggers and strannng wahmen and gays in there. that shit is not going to improve the lotr world
No, I enjoy things.
can zyklon ben be stopped
Making the Rings was actually his third biggest fuckup (after losing to a dog and not guarding Mount Doom). He made the Rings so that he could influence and control the Elves without them being aware of it. He never expected them to take their Rings off immediately. Getting the Nazgûl from the Rings was his attempt to recover from that flop.
in canon they were the same, Jackson made them look different because the Hobbit mentions them as goblins, though his portrayal is more similar to snaga. 'Orc' is the Noldorin elvish word for them, middle-men and lesser folk like hobbits preffered goblin, while Sindar called them Glamhoth, the Drúedan called them Gorgûn, and orcs referred to themselves as Uruks.
I think I recall they're supposed to be modelled after persians or something
thank you very much. by far the best thing about Yea Forums are the lotr lorefags.
There are three possibilities for the origins of Orcs, which Tolkien considered but did not decide on before he died.
1) Orcs are the descendants of Elves that Morgoth captured, tortured, and corrupted in the early days of the First Age. This is the origin Christopher Tolkien included when he published the Silmarillion, and it ties in with the idea that evil like Sauron and Morgoth cannot create, only twist and corrupt. However, this would imply that Orcs have souls, which Tolkien was decidedly uncomfortable with given that he had written them to all be evil.
2) Orcs are uplifted animals given humanoid shape and speech. Granting greater intelligence is not something beyond evil's capabilities in Tolkien's universe. Orcs therefore do not have souls and there is no moral question.
3) Orcs are automatons, animated earth-stuff, given a parody of life by sorcery and the Will of Morgoth. Their actions and speech are likened to mimicry and parody of true races, and even when they seem to act against their masters' wishes it is only a reflection of Evil's self-destructive and conflicting nature. This ties into the idea that Morgoth made himself lesser by pouring his strength into his creations, and that the world itself is stained by his malice. These Orcs obviously would not have souls.
>and orcs referred to themselves as Uruks.
Not sure about this, sometimes they do, but Uruks seem to be a subset term, just like Snaga for example.
Uruk was the term used for the most physically impressive 'soldier breeds' that both Saruman and Sauron began to produce towards the end of the Third Age.
You're right that Uruk is a bit different, in the black speech Uruk translates directly to orc, but orcs don't always use the black speech, especially those outside of mordor. Orcs have their own regional dialects, and have different names for orcs in different social classes, with snaga at the bottom and Mordor Uruks at the top.
Uruk = orc
Olog = troll
hai = better
Uruk hai = better orc
Olog hai = better troll
>but then there would be no hobbit films
Who cares those movies are hot garbage
anything sentient ultimately must be considered to have a soul, but the second choice is likely wrong as animals DO have souls in Tolkien's legendarium and are often holy servants of the Valar. The third choice is similar to trolls, who are definitely an example of rock given life through sorcery in imitation of Ents. It's possible but orcs do seem more embittered and malicious than trolls and much more cunning, which favours the first argument that they are twisted elves. But then that doesn't really explain how they could breed and reproduce.
i've only seen the first one, and if you manage to get over the whole aesthetics and all the cgi then it's not that bad i think.
nah, even if those are "better"
'hai' means 'folk', so it's used to distinguish breeds that are different or special from the usual.
Thr Second Age was to humans what the First Age was to the elves. The eldar were spent at this point, and things are just a bit less epic, yet still fucking epic.
>Men instead of Elves
>Sauron instead of Morgoth
>Numenor instead of Glorfindel
>Wraiths instead of Balrogs and Dragons
you would not believe the drop in quality by the time it got to the third one, even with the first one being as bad as it is.
it is literally impossible to do an LOTR show right for the same reason that half life 3 will never live up to the hype. in fact, LOTR by design is shit for a tv show anyway, and the fuckin hobbit movies proved what horrible depths can be sunk'd with nu-directors
I like how the movies made the orcs look like zombies or undead creatures.
i love these comfy lotr threads
>Fantasy maps with which you can tell at a glance where all the stuff happens and where the creators only barely mention
yes. and i hate how they look like generic cgi orcs in the hobbit. literally no soul.
ragged look of mordor orcs is pretty great
The dwarves also started out like that right? Made by one of the Valar and then given a soul by Eru.
Considering the rumors, we will have Aragorn telling the story of the Second Age? Explaining his antecessor and shit
One Ring to stop them all, One Ring to slam them,
One Ring to dunk them all and in the net bind them
>wanting source fidelity=secrit klub mentality
eh, quite a bit goes down in the New World and Lustria when in most fantasy settings it wouldnt
I'm not mad though. I'd love to see far harad. You can do all sorts of cool stuff and introduce your own OC into those areas. Way more interesting than rehashing stuff that's already been in the movies.
So I been wonder, is there something special in the north? We had a video game called "War in the north" and elf king said in the Hobbit movie that he fought the great serpants of the north.
So really what's in the north?
Would they have Viggo doing it? It doesn't seem like a big deal having him just do some voiceovers and a fireside chat. It would make sense to cast a new actor if Aragorn was a large part of the series but having him as a small part yet very well known character it would be better to have Viggo do it. Even his aging would work in their favour, telling the story to his son.
its social engineering shut up nigger/tranny/female
Elrond is more central to the story so it'd be better off coming from him, especially since his brother was the first Numenorean King.
Elves don't have souls though, when they die they cease to exist. Also who gives a shit if ORcs have a soul or not, why would Tolkien be uncomfortable with it?
Eriador #1
Is this one the most hack map?
You're a mouth breathing idiot
Amazon will introduce in-show commercials to push this but everyone will lose interest after 8 episodes anyway. On the off chance it’s a smash hit and the next GoT, season 2 will be the flagship of Prime Video Plus which is an extra $4.99 per month.
>when they die they cease to exist
No, they go to halls of Mandos too and are reborn.
That'd be rad but only if we also get Daddy Earendil.
So Akallabeth confirmed? I wonder who'll play qt Mairon.
Fucking elves spewing bullshit online I swear. No, you don't have a soul, deal with it already!
The north is generally a catch-all term for Dale, Mirkwood, Lothlorien and Erebor. The only thing north of that is the Withered Heath, a breeding ground for dragons and Smaug's birthplace.
Out of da white bois black numenoreans in da house now bitchez!!!!!!
Go back to cuckit. Kill niggers, kill spics, kill kikes, kill sandniggers.
Harad, far harad and khand is full of niggers, for i might not find it bothersome.
Yeah they do. Any creature with a free will in middle-earth has a soul.
Elven souls are bound to Arda for as long as it exists. If their body dies (an unnatural occurance for elves) their spirit will either wander, awaiting the world's end, or follow the call of Mandos to be given a new body in time. What happens to them after the world is remade is unknown. Though Eru will most likely not abandon his first-born creation to oblivion.
>Withered Heath
ehrm... u don't wanna go there...
>black numenoreans
>Harad, far harad and khand is full of niggers
Far Harad and maybe harad at best
The book series is called A Song Of Fire & Ice. The first novel is called A Game Of Thrones. You fucking brainlet.
>Black Numenoreans are hedonistic and greedy devil worshippers who care for no one but themselves, several of which accept Sauron's epic bling but in the end become his slaves
Really makes you think.
Many things they are, but being of black skin is not one them, thankfully.
I'm pretty sure Numenor was bigger.
They are dark elves because they never saw the light of Two Teres, retard.
Read the subtext, it's brimming with sarcasm.
>gets the name of the book series wrong while trying to correct someone else
>calls them a brainlet
This is good bait.
No one did, because Melkor bitchslapped them, and he'll be back one day.
>All the vidyababbies who will throw a shitfit when Celebrimbor is merely used as an Orc pin-cushion and then impaled on a pole
Can't wait.
>no one saw the light of the trees
>who are the eldar
Why not?
>stormfag coping
Nice try, no-soul.
>fucking Numenor on map
>”nuh bruh let’s talk bout them niggers”
Just make a new thread and start over.
>world map is actually earth from the distant past or the distant future
>earth is never acknowledged or is revealed that is earth, everyone just calls it whatever its fantasy name is.
This map looks so fucking awful
literally just an L on its side
How many black actors are going to be in the show?
>>Numenor instead of Glorfindel
you mean gondolin
Why is it so rectangular, it doesn't look organic, but man made.
Is there a lore reason for it to look like that?
>implying he won't have a three episode mini-arc where he BTFO's a balrog minor antagonist and lives happily ever after
>Harad and Khand
So it’s official. LOTR is going to be BLACKED
Harad is arab and khand is mongols/japs.
Far harad is niggers
This won't be based on Akallabeth, as Amazon only bought rights related to LotR and is's appendices.
Akallabeth is part of The Silmarillion, they don't have the rights to that.
This is going to be pure fanfic, just as I have always said.
As long as they keep the men of the west white it's ok. The appearance of the men of Khand is never developed so they could be whatever, but I always saw them as Slavs. Haradrim are both arab looking and black so that's fine. Though I doubt they will include the pitch-black troll-men of Far Harad that have white eyes and long red tongues that dangle from their mouths. Or at least they'll all look like Idris Elba.
wtf are you fags ranting about. It's just a map of MiddleEarth, it doesn't mean anything
You know there's going to be black Elves though.
they have invented extra details in the far east and south of the map, plus the inclusion of numenor suggests the series is set in the Second Age, three-thousands years before LotR.
Prequels are by definition pure fanservice cancer, they've grown to become the most obnoxius method of cashgrab. They pretend to be edgy while "respectful of the source material", but it's just pure fanservice and bag of references to the original theyre prequeling.
>Tap Goldberry
If only...
Hopefully not but you're probably right. Though it doesn't really make sense since the elves never lived in an environment that necessitates the development black skin. Their only source of light for a long time was starlight and then the light of the two trees. If anything they should be extremely pale. Humans are another matter since they awoke in the east at the first rising of the sun, and immediately split into loads of separate groups that wandered off in all directions. But hey, gotta fill that minority quota.
i have a load of these cards. no goldberry tho
never even learned to play the game, i just liked the artwork, and tolkien, so i collected them as a kid
Are you ready for the lead to be the first black transgender homosexual character in LOTR?
>Amazon LOTR
Other than making the Orocarni closer to the west, it really doesn’t seem that different.
You just know it’s going to be a tale of misunderstood strong Harad women fighting against Gondorian racism and *insert Trump and Brexit metaphor*
Do you guys try to be pussies, conditioned by Soiddit, or does this just come natural to you?
the most interesting detail is the inclusion of numenor. it's the single biggest clue so far for what the show will be about.
i think it might focus on the end of the second age, after the fall of numenor, when the dunedain return to middle earth.
i see that. They had entire Silmarillion to pick from,and shifted the focus of the map on a region that was just distant outskirts. I hope that's just a coincidence, cause if i see that they did indeed make up a new story for the sole reason to have it lead by black characters, I will fuckin
Not really a prequel though is it
i partially take this paranoid idea back, cause it's also quite plausible that they just wanted to fit Numenor,
I thought it was more to the north.
>in the second age
It existed for little more than than a century of the at then end of the 3000+ year long second age
Easterlings aren't black, chief
>They had entire Silmarillion to pick from
no, they only bought the rights to named and places from lotr.
they won't be using any material from Sil, so fanfic
Numenor’s main port was Umbar, it makes sense the island was also near Arda’s equator.
You mean the """refugee"""" crisis is just like a tyranid invasion
I think it's gonna go something like this:
>Aftermath of the War of Wrath, Sauron comes out of hiding
>Creation of the rings of power and the one ring, Sauron's war against the elves
>Fall of Moria?
>Sauron rebuilds empire and crowns himself King of Men but is taken by the Numenoreans as a hostage
>Sauron brings down Numenor from the inside
>Sinking of Numenor and creation of the Dunedain kingdoms
>War of the last alliance
Some of these will probably be done quickly or off-screen for budget reasons.
It's debatable
correct me cause I don't know the whole chronology accurately, but can't they shove immortals in the new series - Maiar or elves - that we know from LotR.
It's just literally deformed Greece + Turkey
im confused how that works, but ok.
I can't recall.. how much of Sauron corrupting Numenor was in LotR?
Because I know it's all in Akallabeth, but they only have the rights to LotR stuff, so... I am wondering.
This could be my lack of lore showing, but why tf are the brown territories of Khand and Harad labeled large front-and-center but Mordor, Gondor, and Rohan are absent?
>numenor on the map
>not a prequel
well, lotr and silmarillion are separate works. amazon only bought lotr rights, so they cannot use anything from the silmarillion.
Gondor and Rohan don't exist yet. Unsure on Mordor
Tolkien didn’t flesh out the Second Age until he was in the process of writing LotR. He had the First Age and the outline of the fall of Numenor, but all the stuff with Eregion, Gil-galad, Elendil, and Mordor was new backstory for LotR.
it looks like the show will be set in the second age, and none of those places existed back then
Tolkien and Lewis saw the most horrifying things in life represented in the insect colony: communism and the dominance of the female.
Mordor may not be named that yet since Sauron hasn’t moved there.
Those are all region names, not kingdoms/countries. Map is surprisingly accurate.
Sauron settled Mordor around year 1000 of the second age, but didn’t reveal himself until after the rings of power were forged, so I guess that’s why Mordor isn’t named.
More than there should be
if they really cant use any of the Sillmarillion content, but they can use LotR, doesn't that make this tv series an atrocity in the making? Some kind of weird new story created within very strange constraints
Lord of tha Kangz, meme it.
Why is Ben Garrison so cringey
>Apologize to Bezos
There are few more perfect indicators that mankind needs destroyed than this combination of words.
>Amazon only bought rights related to LotR and is's appendices
Oh shit, I forgot about that. Confirmed to be shit.
This guy's head is fucking misshapen and hideous. I'm tired of seeing it.
I hate this map