How did these bitches kill Prince Trystan if they didn’t bored the ship?

How did these bitches kill Prince Trystan if they didn’t bored the ship?

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Prince Trystan ejaculated himself to death by thinking off them

GoT had already entered "turn your brain off dude" territory by the previous season.

Its a pretty big plot hole.

The one in the middle showed her tits and he was distracted and then killed.

Bad Pussy!

Maario Naharis

Attached: Maario Naharis.jpg (477x318, 52K)

>our master plan to avenge house martell is to murder the remaining members of house martell


I'm just here for the Jessica Henwick posts

But they did board the ship. That's how they killed him

Why didn't jamie turn the ship around immediately and kill those bitches who poisoned his daughter?
they ship was still in sight of the dock.
He just got done running off on a rescue mission, why would he go back to kings landing to plan revenge?

>killing off a great house makes the entire region stop existing

I miss sandsnakeposting. as bad as later GoT seasons are, they made for some comfy fucking threads.

now that only the fanservice mary sue characters are left, I bet the last season won't even be good enough to ridicule.

Fucking hell, cosplayers do a better job on a shoestring budget

>be Dornesman
>live happily under the Martells for over a century
>they're killed off by one of their own bastards and take over the country
>somehow every one of them is okay with it
>no guards tried to kill or capture them
>they're now de facto in charge of Dorne
Dabid, please explain.

No, all three of them were on the dock in season 5 yet somehow two of them are on the ship as it is leaving kings landing.

>bored the ship


>b-but da sand sneks were super sneaky spy assassains dabid, t-they’re strong woymans DABID

>How did they get on ship if they were on the docs David?

quick recap: where were they at the last time we saw em , again? all dead , which one was getting raped, the queen-type (was she their mother)

dorn is just that one city tho