>Michael Jacksons body could be EXHUMED as 11 new accusers come forward
these fucking jews make me sick
>Michael Jacksons body could be EXHUMED as 11 new accusers come forward
these fucking jews make me sick
Other urls found in this thread:
They're kicking and kiking alright.
>inb4 111 new accusers
>inb4 1,111 new accusers
>inb4 11,111 new accusers
>inb4 11 gorillion new accusers
So, what happens when they exhume his corpse, disturbing his rest and they use his DNA to find out that he didn't fucking rape any kids? 'Oh, haha, sorry, we just kind of disrespectfully dug up his grave and took some of his dna to try and smear him as a child raping asshole! haha, oopsie!'. I fucking hate kikes so much.
>11 NEW accusers
Holy shit are they saying they think his corpse is escaping his tomb to prey upon the living like some kind of molesting Dracula, MOLESTULA?
>open crypt
>nope he's still dead
Case closed
>has no respect for the dead
Go clean your fedora faggot
I'm pretty apathetic toward Michael Jackson but I can't really bring myself to be apathetic toward jews.
Uhhh 11 years of decomp would probably have rendered his DNA useless. This makes no sense.
pedophiles are worse than jews, and MJ had the jews on his side. actually read into evidence instead of just parroting dumb shit you hear. Im saying this as someone who believes in pizzagate.
>im saying this as a fucking retard
>Im saying this as someone who believes in pizzagate.
things you should never say
He said kike, this proves he was based and redpilled and just a sacrificial lamb of more powerful jews. No way he ever touched a kid inappropriately.
Dig him up and cut off his head desu, pedos deserve nothing else
>(((They))) are going to create a pedo brainwashed clone using his remains to frame him.
Screencap this.
You are glowing.
>So, what happens when they exhume his corpse, disturbing his rest and they use his DNA to find out that he didn't fucking rape any kids?
Who gives a shit, he's fucking dead! His kids will just have to deal with it. Why do they want to dig him up anyway what purpose will it serve? His dick will be rotted away by now it's not like they can get the dude to reidentify it.
The kids still have MJ's DNA on their clothes???
He fucked them so hard and deep that his jizz turned to a diamond inside their butt.
forensic pathologist here. this is accurate.
>when i was a kid this millionaire that i idolized took me to his mansion, fed me candy, took me on rollercoaster rides, gave me blow jobs and held parties for me
>poor me
It's just like Cosby.
Hey faggots, if he's such an awful person why didn't you speak up BEFORE the documentary? Maybe he would've been brought to justice and would have only raped one kid. Fucking Christ. I can tell you why they didn't, it's just like Weinstein and the whole #metoo movement. They made a contract with the guy, reaped the rewards, and are gonna rat him out because they had consensual sex and now only regret fucking him, not the consequences of doing so.
Fuck hollywood, bunch of dishonest pricks.
the best ones are the parents:
>I hate this guy so much after he befriended my kid and helped him get a career, bought me gifts, expensive trips, a car and a fucking house
>but it was just his effort to manipulate me, no way I didn't enjoy any of this
>this disgusting, sociopathic predator also called me for hours just to talk
>let me cry into camera how bad he was while I sit comfortably in this house, that he paid for by the way
Pizzagate was legit but this isn't
They're only siccing all these people on MJ and making a big deal about it to distract from the real pedos.
We should unironically start claiming to be mj victims in mass and demanding money to show how ridiculous this shit is
Yes, his kids and the family who loved him will have to deal with it. It's fucked to dig him up just to try and shit on him some more. His kids have probably had to live there whole lives knowing that people think their father, who they loved was some kind of monster.
>Who gives a shit, he's fucking dead! His kids will just have to deal with it.
zoomers really are human garbage.
>have all this
>but you get assfucked every day
would you do it Yea Forums?
>Jackson had a troubled relationship with his father.[20][21] In 2003, Joe acknowledged that he had regularly whipped him.[22] Joe was also said to have verbally abused his son, often saying that he had a "fat nose"
Lmao the nerve of this nigger
All coverage of the story will quietly disappear and people will move onto the next outrage of the month.
He was and they already live with it, people stopped saying it as much back when he died, but the whole pedo thing never stopped, for a reason.
what kind of dna evidence could make a case after so much time?
MJ must have had a micro dick, it would fine. Itchy id bet, buy thats all.
Why are you implying he's innocent?
He was a celebrity, there's a good chance he was a pedophile.
Only watched the first half...did MJ ever ALLEGEDLY sodomize anyone? It was all handjobs/blowjobs in part one?
Jesus, that explains the excessive plastic surgery on his nose.
Dude, if youre a kid, meeting a star like MJ and MJ drops an oyster on your shirt, youre saving that shit.
The fuck am I reading?
whats your argument? that only anal intercourse is REAL abuse? what are you smoking?
so he really was /ourguy/
He'll have to call himself James Safesneed now
The hypothetical I was replying to mention anal specifically; it was a response to that.
Please exhume him, the circus will be glorious.
logical argument
not an argument, give me one legit reason why digging up a dead persons body matters beside some bullshit like
>MUH respect for the dead
>MUH religion
he's fucking dead, you can't disrespect someone who for all intensive purposes doesn't even exist in the present or future
What about John Dangersneed?
He tried to buttfuck one of the guys when he was 14, but stopped when the dude started bleeding from the anus.
Also MJ later called him in panic to tell him that he should throw away the blood stained pants to get rid of evidence.
I had to rewind and freeze frame to believe this when it flashed every so quickly during the film. kek.
I know someone that will support this
Dude time is an illusion, first of all, and second im not really against digging him up i just wanted to point that out.
I really really hate this guy. Unfunny piece of shit.
Nigger did he try or did he stop when the guy bled?
Thats sounds like a butt fucking, not an attempt.
Literally paused and started thinking about it.
He never sodomized anyone. He only masturbated to them so what are they going to find?
Well, MJ didn't finish for sure.
>Dude time is an illusion
might you care to expand on that user?
Children can't consent.
This just gets more weirder guys
Easy for me to say, but I would've probably been ok with being molested by him, if he just had kept himself a bit browner and less creepy. It most likely would've been a relatively short-term gig anyway with shit ton of benefits. I'm a bit crazy myself, so I'm sure that I could've taken the emotional and physical toll.
>During one interview, Jackson said: "Hitler was a genius orator. To make that many people turn and change and hate, he had to be a showman and he was."
Razorfist vs Ethan when
>Open crypt
>His body is gone
yes, yes, trust razorfistfuck. he looks very sane and rational.
Well thats typical of spontaneous buttfucks. Its why prep matters.
It never stopped because people are assholes and target someone who's already being accused for personal gain. Is that a difficult concept to comprehend?
There is literally nothing wrong about admiring Hitler's techniques for public speech. The guy indeed was a genius in that regard.
It's common knowledge, dude, Jackson was a pedo.
"i m a little boy trapped in a man´s body!"
$22 million is a good trade off for having him beat it, just beat it
>jew supporting a kikeumentary
Who would have fucking thought?
Well, there's no universal now, the perceived flow of time depends on gravity, the speed of the observer and many other factors.
So does this guy
>open crypt
>it’s just prosthetics
But how did the boy identify what his penis looked like
What's an oyster?
There are three parts?
They showed him a picture and asked him if that's it.
He got one thing right, but was wrong on a very fundamental thing by saying that MJ was circumcised. MJ was not circumcised.
People who admire celebrities like "gods" have mental problems already...
You have to be Jewish to unlock the 3rd part
What do you think about the new meme they made about him?
When you're groomed as a child, you have no other perspective of feeling "this is wrong."
How does that makes sense? He would had given him some pants on the spot, it's fucking retarded, the guy had a fucking zoo and a park at his home, do you seriously believe he didn't had clothes or pijamas for his guests?
>found not guilty every time
>'B-bro it's common knowledge!'
Next you're going to tell me Kavanaugh was a rapist.
basically stole his entire act from tim heidecker
I've met a band and I tell you, I beat myself up for giving the drummer a love heart sign thinking "now he prob thought I was a freak" and kept overthinking what the band thought of me if I was okay when I talked to them.
Meeting someone famous or famous to you can really emotionally affect you if you screw up or think you made wrong impression
Reminder that the media desperately wanted MJ to be a pedo and when the not guilty verdict was issued they lost their shit. Reminder that the media are on record telling their journalists not to write any positive stories on Michael Jackson
Hitler is known as one of the greatest orators of all time. Anyone who is shocked at that is a retard
They were fucking in some hotel next to a recording studio.
I know bro, me and the other guys at reddit HATE this fucking rapist. I hope they kill him again. Don't know how but he is CANCELLED.
mj had fuck apartments with candy and porn. wade already hit puberty at this time and mj had left him behind for a long time now. it was kind of a last re-union meeting. mj probably thought: wade is older now, I might try to fuck him.
This is good, I want to find out if he was actually chemically castrated I hope they check for that.
Did you know when this ghoul died he was so physically repulsive and deformed the forensic thought he was a giant crow?
>Hello? room service? i need a pair of pants? size? he is an american 14 years old children so xxl would be fine.
>I want to find out if he was actually chemically castrated
If he was, that doesn't stop him from injecting himself with testosterone as Joe Rogan stated
This. What's up with so many fascist leaders being so damn good at giving speeches? Mosley could give a speech, Hitler could give a speech, Mussolini could give a speech. Meanwhile the 'speeches' that commie dictators gave were sleep inducing. No energy at all.
Chemical castration reverses in around 5 years if treatment is not maintained.
Holocaust never happened but it should have
MJ never raped children but he should have
and fuck jannies
I don't care about that or if he touched kids or not I just want to know if he was a modern day castratie.
>blaming the jews for framing MJ while MJ himself was using jewish mindrape and torture techniques
Post evidence pls
what if it was done in childhood before puberty like his doctor alleged?
Let's not be ignorant, Fidel was also a great orator up until the mid 90's. But yeah, you can't be a fascist leader if you are not a good orator.
This sums up this bullshit pretty well
Hitler literally did nothing wrong before 1939. He deeply cared for the German people and so he delivered speeches on how to help them. Modern day politicians don't really care for their people that much so that's why
god damn user you're based and blessed.
stop shilling razorfistfuck
He didn't bought Madagascar tho
The thumbnail looked like the guy was holding a gun lmao
I've never seen a Castro speech. Maybe I should, just to see how he does it.
(((They))) must know the tax court ruling against his estate will be in the estate's favor.
How do you accurately describe a penis without accidentally defining someone else’s penis?
>stop proving me wrong i need MJ to be a child molestor for the memes
it's still pretty soft and effeminate, and while I don't know the exacts of adult castratie's non-singing voices maybe it could still have that tamber in normal speaking alongside the highs of singing, there's also the testosterone injection thing but who knows as of yet
sauce pls
wasn't there something about a mole being correctly identified?
His whole post was about how wrong it was. Really have to spell it out for you retards
corey flipped also
I don't care enough to watch it, but my gf is a diehard MJ supporter.
Can anyone give me an unbiased view. Was he a molester or what
Consent is literally a verbal “yes”, of course they can consent.
You are forgetting that MJ DID have a picture of a man's nude body with home alone kid's face pasted on it. You can see it in the full house raid vid I think
He wasn’t and you’re denying the beauty of humanity by thinking he had to be a pedo. Was Jesus a pedo because of his youthful innocence?
Kid probably didn’t know what that meant.
>I love you and I am God
>come onto me
The superstar said
>come unto my buttocks
>come unto my lower torso
>come unto my penis
This was shortly after stating that
>I love thousand of thousands of children to photograph my disgusting buttocks
Jackson did it, and he admitted it himself
>Can anyone give me an unbiased view
Okay a truly unbiased view listening to both sides of the argument comes down to this:
>MJ had Peter Pan syndrome (never wanting to grow up) because his father abused him physically as a kid forcing him to dance and missing out on a normal childhood
>MJ could only relate to young boys and would choose one to hang out with and be his "best friend forever" but now and then he would eye another boy and abandon the one he developed a strong friendship with
>brushing a kids hair is bad
Wow yikes
brb, puking
He comparing him to Jesus? leave this board and never come back. MJ´s public persona was all fake and part of the grooming process. Dont you get it?
There's a famous case in my country where a whore claimed a politician dick was "average to small, had freckles and had one ball hanging lower than the other" of course she descrive it correctly, but she just guesses since he was old, and had reddish hair.
138 posts and not a single MJ zombie post. I'm disappointed, Yea Forums.
MJ said he loved children of all ages and races but mainly hung out with white kids hmmmmm
>beauty of humanity
Humanity is possibly the least beautiful thing there is.
I thought the father of one of the alleged victims killed himself after MJ died?
(((R David Goldstein))) reporting
he said
>it is sheer joy seeing children with my disgusting penis
>for all intensive purposes
Retard doesn't even have a grasp of the English language thinks he can comment on the morality of disturbing grave.
>he touched me
*a few years pass*
>he didn't touch me, I just said it for the lawsuit money
*a few years pass*
>ok he really touched me, this is ow the truth
I there any credibility left for these people? I sure don't believe them.
Did he get charged for the crime then?
I wish I could murder all those 11 people with my own hands.
I really wish people would stop talking about jews. Im just sick to death of retarded people using them as a boogie man. Like if it werent for racists I wouldn't even known jews currently exist. In no way do I ever encounter them in my day to day and I would actually like to not think about them at all. Next stop is this MJ thing. The guy was a pedo. No man should sleep with another mans kids in a bed (tents may be excused). Listening to a convicted sexual predator salivate over their appreciation of little boys and listening to MJ speak about little boys, theres very little difference in the vocabulary they use. People like to insert all the excuses in the book because he was black and had a fucked up dad, but just to look at his mannerisms without the money and fame, he is a grade A creep.
WRONG the 2 boys always lied it is only recently they said he did touch them. If you watch the doco the interview with one of them stating how good Michael is, he says something like "Michael doesn't have one bad bone". hmmm that sounds scripted so I still don't know what to believe
Probably. He obviously didn’t have the mind of an 8 year old or whatever if you watch interviews of him speaking. Clearly an adult rationale. Going along with typical grooming techniques of pedophiles and the obvious behavior that he publicly displayed with young boys as well as the detailed accounts of some of the alleged victims, you have to be pretty ignorant to still think he was innocent.
He didn't. He said Jackson had vitiligo on his dick, and he didn't.
This is all just an elaborate plan to get MJ back in the news again. Watching the documentary made me want to revisit his videos and music.
It's crazy how all of these allegations are happening now, 10 years after he's already dead. Imagine making those kind of accusations while he was alive, which they easily could have done because the whole (((fiasco))) started like 30 years ago.
I think the only thing that would really make me suspicious, apart from the (((#metoo))) (((movement))) continuing to gather (((momentum))), would be if you couldn't libel or slander the dead. If that were the case, if you couldn't libel or slander the dead, then you would have LITERALLY nothing to lose by making such accusations. Yep, sure is a good thing you can't li-, oh never mind. It must be pure coincidence.
>something happens
>schizo retard: IT'S DA JOOOOOOOZ
>falsely assuming Jesus’ personality type was a one and only
Sorry, I don’t attribute supernatural qualities to humans without proper evidence
That’s your opinion.
It is of gaining sheer joy from seeing children submitted to a dehumanizing and humiliating examination by God
this is in his own words
>tfw still waiting on evidence ITT
ethan is fucking up again
Safechuck's Safe Fuck & Suck
Many pedos are mental children. That could explain their attraction to minors. Michael Jackson never grew up inside.
Dead nig pedo defender xD le epic bros
>mfw the Thriller video becomes real
My opinion is more based in fact than yours.
Stop posting edited clips with bad subtitles
>>falsely assuming Jesus’ personality type was a one and only
jesus christ was without sin. there is NONE like him.
celebrity culture is cancer
its not edited
A dispositional opinion is not based on fact but by personal preference. You choose which facts to observe in this instance.
seriously there was a guy who posted evidence before about the lawsuit and some other stuff. post it again so we can have a proper discussion
Come the fuck on, " I LOVE ALL CHILDREN TEEHEE".
Then why did he pick ALWAYS the cute young boys, no one else?
Michael Jackson was abused by his father to be a performer from the second he was out of the womb for his own benefit with no consideration to the mental health of his child. MJ is "creepy" because he was not a normal person. He was basically in the public spotlight and very very popular the entirety of his life. His mind was fucked basically being treated like an idol and god with no opportunity to be a normal person ever. People call him a kiddie diddler because he's a weirdo, but consider all the weirdo, sexually-immature socially inept manchildren that come to this board would probably have strangers thinking they were kiddie diddlers if they could watch hours and hours of footage of their mannerisms and behaviors.
and? is that an excuse? mj was an adult. period. in his head and pants. he convinced the world that him being and sleeping with kids was ok because he was PETER PAN ( hee hee! )
>there is NONE like him
Ok whatever you say schitzo
digits confirm
he got charged, the case was eventually dismissed when the whore broke up and confesed it was bullshit.
>consensual sex
your point falls apart since in this case we're talking about children who can't legally consent
>celebrity culture is cancer
>blindly worships Jesus, a jewish celebrity
Based retard
pray to mj then crazyeyes
Why is this even an argument? Who even needs proof that a grown man hanging out with children and has sleepover parties with them is a creepy pedo? Just look at him in interviews. Everyone with basic human knowledge can pick up the pedo vibes he is giving. He had a lot of fucked up shit
>I love you and I am god
>I love you
>come unto me like god
Jackson thought he was Jesus
>Jesus, a jewish celebrity
Forgot the time Jesus said to the Jews "You are like your father the devil."?
Most Americans are ESL
Doesn’t change the fact that he was a jewish celebrity, based retard.
How is sleeping with kids and molesting them the same? It's not. He gave them cookies and milk as he said in an interview. Caring guy
and jesus juice
Precisely, there are kids being diddled at this very moment and no one gives a fuck
Holy shit lmao
are you a member of the jackson family?
because boys like to be friends with boys
girls have cooties
This was thrown out of court btw. Stop posting fake allegations you shill
>even Satan the Accuser is asking for actual evidence
This. Also MJ thought females were evil and couldn’t stand them. He was basically an incel
Documentary states that he told the boys he hates woman. So he was an incel as well
mj estate damage control
Michael Jackson was a big manchild. He never got a childhood and used his fortune to give himself the childhood he always wanted. Now why you as a parent would let your children spend unsupervised time with someone that is this mentally unhinged is another question. I'm not saying those kids got diddled, but if they did Michael Jackson didn't swoop in during the night and steal them from their bed. Someone took them to Neverland, whether it was a parent, corporate agent, or one of MJ's handlers, someone was willingly taking these kids to this manchild paradise.
he loved them and he was god
he wanted thousand upon thousands of children to photograph his disgusting penis and buttocks and any other area they wanted
why did he have to have the kids inside secret rooms filled with toys, like a secret pedo groomer?
Lol I guess this confirms all you MJ accusers are actually schitzos
Oprah interview I think
How different would MJ be if he were never chemically castrated?
I'd be willing to say that most of the idiots on this board are still smart enough not to sleep with other people's children. All he had to do to not get accused, get sent to court, stand trial, etc. was to put an end to the sleepovers. I mean how hard was that for him? Obviously it was worth the potential risk for him otherwise he wouldn't have been doing it. He deserves what he gets for not calling it a day after the first accusations came out in the early 90s.
But he never hang around fat or whatever kids.
Tell me why this is supposedly a conspiracy theory involving a jewish scheme. I'm open to any argument you can provide in the matter, I just want to know why the jews are involved.
Even with embalming, his body will have decayed to such extent that any evidence will likely be long gone.
Are they trying to look for some sort of major identifying mark like a mole or something?
he was chemically castrated?
>But he never hang around fat or whatever kids.
A lot of trips ITT makes me question everything. You are right. He only hung out with boys that were... appealing to put it lightly.
>pedophiles are worse than jews
No that's retarded. Jews are pedos on top of being nation wreckers and professional victims.
According to the physician that killed him, yes.
no. this is a shill tactic
he wanted them to look at his disgusting penis
and come unto his buttocks
He said alot more than that.
How could DNA be useful at this point? Semen stains on clothing like the Monica Lewinsky? Wouldn't they be LONG rendered unless by time and age?
The body will not be in good shape this long after his death.
fuck kikes
>3 parts
wait what
The body wasnt in that great a shape when it went into the ground.
He said
>come unto my buttocks
>come unto my lower torso
>come unto my penis
t. /pol/ incel with 1 digit IQ
Oprah interview
when they open the casket they will find that the grave is empty
>the cross is empty
>the grave is empty
>michael stand up and he living
>Hey lets desecrate a man's grave!
>A man who was never found guilty in a court of law
>All because 2 individuals who under oath swore nothing happened are now claiming something did
Yeah, unless they have some sort of smoking gun then they can get fucked. Jackson was creepy but you don't just get to desecrate a grave like that.
What's the point? He's dead. If they prove he molested these kids, what are they going to do, put his bones in prison? Bring him back to life and then execute him? They could be investigating real crimes and catching living criminals.
user, what would otherwise be inside the cross?
nothing is inside the cross, but on the cross
>come unto my buttocks
wouldn't that be volcel?
>Even with embalming, his body will have decayed to such extent that any evidence will likely be long gone.
Yeah, the only reason for doing it at this point to try and get a viable DNA sample. (Which might be possible)
The skin and most of the body will be heavily decomposed at this point.
You're a degenerate if you believe it's ok to have sex was a kid if it says yes
needs to be posted more.
They can’t consent legally you obtuse fucking nigger jesus christ
He was a gay pedo people just don’t want to face up to it because he made good music and some of his accusers were opportunists
wtf I love MJ now
Pretty much, for all his weirdness I'm fairly sure that MJ could've gotten laid at any time if he wanted to
and they like his idea of a multicultural utopia
Brooke Shields admitted to trying her hardest.