Discord tranny is /ptg/'s newest meme

discord tranny is /ptg/'s newest meme

>when you see a thread you don't like
discord tranny

>after getting btfo
discord tranny

>when you get told to go back to the_donald
discord tranny

>your favorite zionist president gets called a zionist
discord tranny

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t. resetera ghoul

what can a tranny do?
what can't a tranny do?
die late

the ethnicity behind this post: discord tranny

If it walks like a discord tranny and talks like a discord tranny...

/ptg/ is fucking aids that needs to go back, but so are you discord trannies.

t. incel


This but change it to /lgbt/ and change discord tranny to “incel”

>mentally ill loser starting political threads on a Yea Forums board
it’s calling a spade a spade

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You sound upset.

Dog shut up lmao. Delete this thread retard


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no one cares you leftist retard. fuck off

how does one join this group of transsexuals, if they so desired?

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You sound like you have sand in your front hole

You fucking spammers got called out on /pol/ so now you're shitting up other boards too

Fuck off trannies

Do you have a pair of scissors?

Go. Back.

>Go. Back.

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>t. Discord tranny

>implying half of those aren't you samefagging in your pathetic thread.


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Yea Forums btfo the magatards so badly recently they must have migrated here.

get on with the times, tranny, Yea Forums is YangGang
we no longer support mossad plant, we prefer a comfy NEET life


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>Go. Back.

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Seethe more tranny Reddit tourist

Is this God's way of rectifying his creations that unfortunately came out wrong?

you arent even trannies
discord sissies or discord crossdressers is more appropriate
you fucking losers lol


it went to

hillary's campaign team or whatever that name is
chapo traphouse
discord tranny

what's next? lol

>discord tranny is /ptg/'s newest meme
It's also Russian IRA's newest meme. Most of the people saying "discord tranny" disappear if you call them Russian. They generally aren't using fluent English either. It's the active new boogieman meme being pushed, since things like "sjw" and "cuck" have long since started backfiring on the people unironically saying it.

If you are an American or Western child and you're unironically saying "discord tranny," your life experience and sense of self if being shaped by a foreign counterintelligence agency that wants you to kill your self.

Attached: peter has a dog.webm (854x480, 1.42M)


I've been out of the loop. What is this discord tranny meme?