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Other urls found in this thread:

She doesn't seem human to be honest. More like an android with it's triggered settings set too high.

how long until yt dissables the dislikes and comment section

Does she answer why her toenails are rotting off?

>he believes Brie is triggered
She literally only says what his PR guy writes for her, she doesn't give a fuck about anything, mental prostitution is a real thing

Compare Bryce Dallas Howard's interview to this smug, defensive cunts and it's night and day.

>"dislike mobs are a myth but hey guys look at this video i don't like look at the dislikes GO GIVE IT MORE DISLIKES GUYS C'MON REDDIT WE CAN DO THIS!"


Attached: 1499227752864.png (700x700, 292K)

when does avatar 2 come out?


Just for you, I’m gonna dislike it


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Don't forget to dilate in between discord raid sessions

lol she actually got hurt when she was asked if she trains.This woman is mentally challenged.

Thank you dog

*Comments were disabled for this video*

Cope harder


>Keep the internet free and open

Attached: 1550668203660.png (792x691, 299K)

I like that you're defending a thread trying to run a faggoty raid on some Youtube video with less than a million views by claiming I'm the raider. Big boy thinks right there.

>Brie acts like a bitch
>People don't like her
>People dislike her videos
Muh Dislike mobbsss. Muh Incellss.

You sure are!

unlikable moldy bitch is disliked

you can thank chris evans for suggesting her for the role

i thought we were just having a laugh at capeshit like we always do?

Attached: be humble.png (1364x990, 2.38M)

>"hey guys go dislike this video but what are you saying no dislike mobs exist"
You didn't think this one through. Try again.

welcome to democracy

Getting angry and going after obscure videos featuring a person who makes you angry is the exact opposite of having a laugh.

where did you see people saying to go dislike this video in particular?
have sex

It's not even that bad


"Spamming and botting dislikes is the hallmark of democracy." - Benjamin Franklin

how about i dislike your post because it made me mad as fuck

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thanks chris evans
you fucking idiot

This wasn't any worse than any other wired press tour video. What's the problem here?

I just disliked it once and moved on, how is that spamming or botting?


based cap destroying the mouse from the inside

So you're saying that when anons here find out about a video they don't like and rightfully hit the dislike button that they are a mob? How is that any different then someone posting it on another site and getting a bunch of people to mass like it? Wouldn't that make them a like mob?

not an argument

Attached: smug lena.jpg (825x793, 89K)

So you saw the thread and decided to participate in OP's dislike mob by going after the target he pointed out? Cool way of proving me right. Thank you. Next.

hmm what's the word i'm gonna use for things i don't like this time? ....... i'm seriously fucking tired of everyone here

>downvoting is spamming because I disagree with it

Probably because if the Hollyjew trans actress conspiracy has any validity she's definitely on that list user.

>person likes a video
>they click the like button
Why is this fine but
>person dislikes a video
>they click the dislike button
This isnt? Because theres more people doing it? They're still just using the button to express their opinion.

>oh look a thread with the same lefty samefagger trying to astroturf Yea Forums's politics

Nice try roastie but no, never

but people had already disliked the video 16,000 times by the time OP posted it
and OP didn't say to go dislike it

you sound dishonest

please don't post that disgusting image without a spoiler and a trigger warning thanks user

Nope, I saw it suggested in my Youtube feed. Wanna cry some more?


If I see a video I don't like on Youtube, I just dislike it. I don't make a thread going "HEY GUYS LOOK AT THIS VIDEO LOOK AT THE DISLIKES" in hopes that other anons will join in and send it more dislikes. Truthfully, the video doesn't have that many dislikes to begin with, and actually has more like than dislikes. It's pretty clear what the OP is trying to do here. Let's be honest with ourselves.

It has been 50/50 more or less since the video has been posted
Shills ITT are just butthurt


Why does the tranny samefaggers like Brie so much? Cause she resembles them in ugliness and mentality?

>you are not allowed to dislike things anymore
What a fucking time to be alive

Wanna lie some more?

Acceptable human mentallity:
>i dont like this thing
>Carry on and pay attention to another thing he likes.

the Yea Forums mentallity
>i dont like this thing.
>now im going to obsess with this shit i dont like, search the web for all the info of this shit i dont like and make billions of thread about this shit i dont like.

This goes beyond retardation.
Also, no (you) for you.

This desu

>watching Captain Marvel shit
Your kind isn't wanted here tranny freak


Attached: 1544390048838.jpg (514x652, 282K)

16k dislikes isn't that much, especially consider the thing has 19k likes. You're being dishonest by pretending this is anything other than a blatant attempt to get it more dislikes, and I have no reason to continue to reply with someone when they're not going to be honest and truthful.

Cope you tranny retard

Down voting is angry mob mentality but its pretty tame compared to leftists trying to deplatform people and get them fired. Here it creates discourse.

not an argument

Attached: lena dunham looks like that.jpg (580x364, 18K)

based schizo user thinking Yea Forums is one single person

Attached: you_ll_never_be_this_pretty.png (479x542, 283K)

based brie triggering the incels

I cannot for the life of me believe that she is younger than me while she has access to the literal best dietitians, trainers, skin procedures, and cosmetologists and yet she still looks like she is 45.

No it's not, you're making assumptions about OPs intentions and saying they are fact. That aside if other anons find out about the video and voice their opinions that they don't like it then that's fine, regardless how they found out about it.

>literally gets offended in the video by google
Does she not realize how crazy this makes her look?

You can like or dislike whatever you want. Hell, tell your friends and Yea Forums to dislike videos if you want. Just don't then turn around and say there aren't dislike mobs when that's exactly what this thread is and expect no one to call you out on your bullshit.
But you know what, they're just going to get rid of dislikes because of people like you doing this dislike mob bullshit so yes, in 2019, we're not going to be allowed to dislike things any more. Thanks, faggot.

Better angle

Attached: the-white-whale_1024x1024.jpg (775x1024, 96K)

Lmao the comments

Attached: Screenshot_20190307-135121_YouTube.jpg (809x3152, 474K)

So if you're a business and a little over half of consumers like your products and almost equal to that amount hate your products that's a good thing for business? You think Iger right now, ya know Brie's fucking boss? You think he's happy with her Wired interview with those stats?

guys, this might be crazy, but I think a lot of people don't like her

See >You're being dishonest by pretending this is anything other than a blatant attempt to get it more dislikes, and I have no reason to continue to reply with someone when they're not going to be honest and truthful.

It's her own fault desu.

The fact that the media is now more concerned with ratings trolls since 2016 has been a fascinating thing to observe. Even moreso when they spin it into some kind of alt right connected narrative. Never thought in my day and age we'd get at such a level of pettiness that we're observing the likes of NBC and CNN covering stories about how "Alt Right Trolls are rigging the ratings!" How the fuck did it get to this point? Had Obama not won the election, would we be at this level of absurdness today, or would it have taken longer? Literally fascinating.

It's mostly just Yea Forums and other incel-types

>How the fuck did it get to this point?
Yea Forums has been rigging online polls and rating since its inception. That's how.

Didn't watch the video, any mention of her crypt keeper feet?

Lets downvote it more! She can't fuck with us!

Good. As more normies realize how toxic she is hopefully the Disney shills and Discord trannies will get the hint that it's a losing battle

>deus ex, mass effect, npc meme
ok it's full of /pol/tards

Attached: sick.png (398x496, 491K)

Reddit pls go

What is her face trying to convey?

Attached: D077cd5XcAcElt_.jpg (797x1200, 150K)

Haha what a projection there trannyfag

>suggesting an absolute train wreck to preserve your own legacy
Evans pulling off the Fergie Classic

This is one of my favorite things about Resetera, they constantly preach about the evils of capitalism but they are the biggest whores for Disney, Sony, and Nintendo. Though I imagine someday Nintendo will go on the naughty list for having sexy games go uncensored

Why would I go to reddit, a site that also has dislike mobs, instead of using Yea Forums, a site where my comments can't get spammed with dislikes? Think before posting.

and the best part is she's probably reading all that lmao. you just know brie is the time of person that sits there reading all the comments getting angry

>deus ex profile
>weeb profile
>vydia profile
>russian emo profile
>npc meme profile

Yeah, i cant take that shit seriously.

>Dear diary, today some random fuck online gave me permission to like and dislike whatever I want
My life is shattered lad.

Attached: 1514669614342.jpg (768x768, 210K)

This. I sincerely doubt he actually thinks she's a good actor. He just wanted to strategically use her as a scapegoat and get goodboy political points. That's Career 101.

>why go post on some dilation subreddit when I can get (you)'s from people who are disgusted by trannies?

>my feminist agenda is being critiqued by various people of different political/social affiliations
>could it be due to it being fundamentally flawed and geared toward giving women less and less accountability of their actions/bad behavior in the hopes that I’ll look like a good person/get laid?
>nah, it’s totally everyone else’s fault. Fuck thinking for myself when I can get upvotes on reddit


So has Jewtube started deleting dislikes like with Diablo yet?

>mass effect

Attached: 1470829453791.jpg (528x792, 66K)

She's getting so much hate rn.
All she had to do was promote the movie and not her personal agenda

>sure you can
Can means ability. If I were giving you permission, I'd use the word "may." Example: you may go fuck yourself, retard. You have my permission.

>that mom

Attached: 1465594479240.png (500x371, 247K)

You tell people to go dislike something as a mob and then wonder why people are suddenly talking about dislike mobs. Funny that.

>you are not allowed to dislike thing
>yes you can
>gets BTFO
>uuuuuh actually I meant can in that other sense
loving every laugh

>Hurr we need transparency on this anonymous board cause I'm a corporate shill and imageboard raider pushing my transfeminist agenda and people can't have their own opinions cause it's thoughtcrime

As opposed to other YouTube comment sections?

Why am I not surprised that brie Larson has no formal post-secondary education?

Disliked ;)

>"you're just a dishonest shill!"
>lies to himself and others

The way she describe herself is like she's a real life mary sue.
At least she knows she's too stupid for college

>do you work out?
What the fuck is her problem?

>bitch is ugly
>but also uncharismatic
>kind of a cunt too
>not fit or shapely
>can't really act
>allergic to cats

Why was she cast again?

Too busy doing drugs and sucking Jewish producers cock as in furthering her acting career.

Ha-ha-ha. Roasties should know their place.


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I agree, it's funny how that other user got owned. I had a good laugh telling him he had my permission to fuck himself.

Those fingernails

Attached: D077cd5XcAcElt_.jpg (183x202, 12K)

remember gamer gate, all gamers are right wing

I doubt she even took rudimentary acting classes in LA. Going by those CM trailers she has no acting range when even dinner theater servers have that.


Uh dude you're so fucking stupid, how in the fuck was that description a lie? Kys tranny piece of shit

She unironicall seems more hateful than your average 4channeler

Cause she's Tumblr personified maybe?

There are dislike mobs on Twitter for the new Ghostbusters movie and its sad watching retards rage over nothing.

>when you display your schizophrenia to make the other side look bad
you should really take those meds user.

New flash: nobody needs to be told when something is bad

What you’re seeing is people pointing out how bad something is. Now go back to your hugbox you castrated waste of an abortion

>Who does Brie Larson look like?
>"I mean.... Why?"
What the fuck is wrong with this autistic bitch? Why does she take normal questions as an insult?
>Rambles for 5 minutes about speaking French
Even if everyone didn't already hate her, this video was a disaster

Misandry has been scientifically proven to cause rapid aging in sloots

OP posted the video in a vain and obvious hope to gather a mob to dislike it. That's why he pointed it out. You say dislike mobs don't exist, but then you turn around and not only participate them, but fervently and ferociously defend them. Bit hypocritical that.

>Deus Ex
It's a bunch of faggots changing their avatars because of a bigger faggot on YouTube. How about you get out from under that rock and understand what's going on, you cock sucking boomer. Imagine being this old and still going on Yea Forums, but not just that, arguing in favor for a fucking terrible capeshit film.

skip to a random part and show me her acting range

Attached: 687.png (1284x717, 747K)

Yes, there absolutely are. Dislike mobs aren't a one side thing, and liberals are certainly just as guilty of them. I agree.

Would you guys like to know what I do to dislike mobs?

Attached: stalin.jpg (474x545, 36K)

OP posted a video of how people are disliking it. What you’re seeing is an objective result, but instead of accepting it; you’re just blaming people instead

No wonder you people want socialism, you’re all literal morons

>not knowing the deus ex profile pic is a youtube normie meme from like last month

Fuck off shill

Do you speak for everyone here, retard?

I don't have to do anything to make you look bad. You've done that to yourself.

I would unironically love to have sex with Brie.
I would pound that cold rathole until she started making sweet, girly noises.

>No wonder you people want socialism, you’re all literal morons
I voted for Trump and as far as I know, Trump is anti-socialism. So am I.

>no u
I can almost hear your sobs while you're typing you worthless cunt

Attached: 1471023232838.png (600x600, 478K)

Sure you did
Was this before or after you dropped off your wife’s boyfriend?

No because I speak the truth and clearly there are people like you in this thread who oppose the truth and want to be dishonest and lie, even when it's painfully obvious what's really going on.

>you arent allowed to dislike someone

Better call the internet police and report a hate crime in the works!

How long until they go full twitter on dislikes and comments? YT is too TOXIC right now, am I right?

being triggered =/= truth

>Sure you did
Yes, I'm sure I did. Who did you vote for?

But it's ok to downvote anything you don't like on redit though right?

Dislike/ like should only be made available after you've watched the entire video
Prevents dishonest voting both ways

>disney asks chris evans for the next face of Marvel
>disney asks chris evans for the person who will get his job
>disney asks chris evans for actress who turns his character into a who
>chris recommends allison chees
Are you really surprised by this?

Pictured: dislike mob being dealt with, 1932.

Attached: patrolled.png (259x390, 86K)

The only thing that’s true about you is that you can’t accept reality, and that your movie is shit
Stay triggered

Hey, being reasonable isn't allowed in this thread.


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Why didn't you answer my question about who you voted for? Did you not vote at all? Did you vote for Hillary? Too young to vote? You good, homie?

Yea Forums is obsessed with this chick. You don't think the dislikes are likely a ton of piss jug owning autists creating fake accounts over and over? Sure you do.

You probably didn’t watch the video f you think the dislikes are unjustified

I dunno user. They should fire her PR people tho cause despite what the samefag keeps trying to spam in this thread that video wouldn't make me want to watch Captain Marvel if I didn't know anything about it already. I don't need to dislike the video. She's just not appealing. Did they really think that would put butts in seats for their superhero movie?

>everyone is American

Retard alert!

And you’re refusing to stay on topic, retard
Tell me, what about this video is so good that makes you think it doesn’t deserve the dislikes it got? Or is that require too much thought for special snowflakes like you?

Attached: 1548530282618.png (763x420, 54K)

Nobody cares what you think you fucking spastic

Group of prisonners, 1930s. They had dishonestly disliked communism before experiencing the entire regime to the end.

Attached: gulag.jpg (1024x578, 72K)

If you're not an American, you can say that. You don't have to be scared, little guy. You can answer a single question with a straight, honest anonymously. You don't always have to lie and evade.

pourin one out for my boy he wakandan strong but he still got the aids


She's part of a massive publicity stunt made by a giant entertainment corporation that is buying out everything that clearly wants to dwell on people's world views.
Yeah, I mean. Whoever doesn't agree is simply an incel. This is clearly nothing of importance. Geez.

Yeah, white knighting for shitty feminists in the hopes that you’ll get laid really makes you strong as you are smart

I'm not the one who brought up personal politics. You did that, and you lied when you tried to claim I'm a liberal. You're still avoiding the question, and it's just silly.

>mass effect

Hello American did you get shot today? How is your mutilated penis doing?


She had only one job. Act nice, promote the movie, be someone you'd want to watch in a film. She couldn't even do that. Does she think going to war against the patriarchal "incels" will win her (((points))) with the powers that be?

>yfw the white kid isn't french, he's wearing a black kangz suit

>voting for trump is whiteknighting feminists
I laughed. Thanks.

Yay, i'm on Yea Forums mum

I like how the whole left base their actions on GRIEVANCE studies, but the opposite side is supposed to stay strong and firm, unfazed.

>Hello American did you get shot today?
>How is your mutilated penis doing?
Ask your mom.

I'm not emo, it's just a neutral profile pic

Remember when Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn went to the UN to whine about internet sexism?
When did white men do something comparable?

But my mum is dead. Are you a necrophiliac? Did you contract any diseases? I guess your penis is gonna fall off now!


brie is like a robot pretending to be human, definitely has bugmen ancestry

Attached: (480x270, 1.93M)

You’re avoiding why you’re triggered in the first place, which is typical for socialist redditor snowflakes
So I’ll spell it out for you, fuck nuts:

1. You believe that an objective truth is incorrect, and that your world views are simply be challenged not becuase they are shit, but becuase you are being “victimized”
2. You clearly didn’t watch the video to see that it was a dishonest PR stunt
3. You’re detracting the main topic becuase you’re more concerned about hurting your ideological opponents than looking at the truth

All in all, you make an excellent cuck. Tell your wife’s son I said hi

So white men started victimhood culture?

Why would anyone make an ugly android?

You're not fooling anyone bud. You're trying to samefag as a "/pol/ incel" when we all know you're a distranny, go back to neogaf faggot

Sargon when he cried to the EU about them taking away other people's memes from him.

Attached: DnGrHJJVAAAIgr9.jpg (174x352, 13K)

>he continues to pretend he voted for trump to make his point seem valid
>doesn’t realize it make him and his platform look weak (because it is)
It only took you people 4 years to finally admit that he’s your president lmao

>has the same amount of nerve endings as the glans of a white man on the internet

Attached: 1547421045536.jpg (624x498, 164K)

the first mass effect is prettu much /pol/ fantasy

The beauty patch is not yet released.

I like how you're trying to tell me how I feel and who I am, and you keep getting everything wrong, including the part where I'm "detracting from the main topic" when you're the one who started this derail and is continuing it.

>we need to work together with aliens, forget our differences, join an interstellar community over our own national sovereignty
>also every human in the future is a 56%
Yeah what a “””””””””””/pol/“””””””””” fantasy

t.poorfag who doesn't own a suit

Can you quote where I've called anyone "/pol/" or "incel" in this thread? I'd like to see words I didn't say magically appear from your ass. Would be a neat trick.

Not looking it up but that tweet is probably from a black tranny so in it's mind straight white men are to blame, even for internet outrage against straight white men. I know, it's retarded but welcome to the internet

Oh, so nothing about white men/white men’s existence? Just internet memes?
Please, come back to me when a man goes to the UN to try and solve anti-male sexism.

You just destroyed your own logic. If I weren't a Trump supporter, I wouldn't be claiming I voted for him to be my president. I wouldn't even say he was my president. But he is. He's the guy I voted for. You were wrong. Deal with it.

I wasn't going to dislike it until you posted this gay shit, I don't even know who this bitch is

>basic observations are forceful and hurt his feelings
Here’s another one to rustle your chastity belt:
You’re incredibly hypocritical to say anyone else is “telling others how to feel” other than you lol

Which part? The romance with the blue alien? The part where it's Star Trek 2.0 with all the different races coming together? The part where the main theme of the game is how a group of aliens from different races come decide to work together to save the galaxy?
Or are you refering to that one line by Ashley where she says humanity first before learning to accept other species during the course of the game?
I honestly didn't know someone could be this braindead.

A even neater trick would be if you would be able to go into a time machine to the day you cut off your dick and then kill yourself so it would save time

Attached: 2vg23h.jpg (766x499, 190K)

Yes based fellow MAGApede, I love Trump too.

You can't have same sex romance in the first Mass Effect.

>believes that people making claims are the absolute truth
It makes sense why you guys blindly follow twitter, reddit and cnn

Sargon literally cried to the EU about other people's memes (which, of course, he sells on t-shirts) and the EU ignored his tears. He's a colossal faggot on par with Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn, especially considering he went around deplatforming people just like them. No clue why you'd defend the Male Sarkeesian.
It's true. I'm a suitless snake.

Reminder that women invented outrage culture and any subsequent criticism of it when groups they hate (men) indulge in it is redundant, as they continue to abuse and benefit from outrage culture.
When women stop bitching about literally everything, then you can start whining when men do it. Until then, shut the fuck up, and stop being faggot hypocrites, you pathetic, cuntworshipping white knights.

Attached: 634059C8-BCD3-421C-BDD9-C58D351EE4B1.jpg (480x653, 43K)

Its because its a brain dead franchise

It’s mostly redditor “men” that want to get laid that empower them

I’m not defending Sargoy of Cuckadd, I’m pointing out that the two are not the same and I’m asking for you to provide an example of white men complaining about their existence to a large entity, as the original tweet I responded to explicitly referred to as white men.


You keep making wrong observations about me and I keep just saying you're wrong because you are. I've not once told anyone how to feel in this thread, unlike you.

see, you have to say your witty comeback BEFORE getting BTFO by two people, otherwise it doesn't work sweetie.

Why would I alter it when your mom loves it the way it is now?

But user it glorifies fascism with leather jackets

Forgot that moving goalposts is the left's national sport. Also factually wrong, you can romance Liara as female shepard

>Fuck, those comments are fucking soul crushing. I know it's more of a "idiots are louder online" kind of thing, but seeing this potent amount of hate being spewed constantly like this makes me lose hope in humanity desu
Based redditors

Absolutely nowhere in the OP is he telling people to go watch the video and dislike it or calling to action. It is a screenshot showing that a video has a lot of dislikes and people may find that amusing and create a conversation. In fact the video isn't even linked.

Every single person in this thread is free to go watch the video and either like or dislike it themselves, or ignore it entirely and just speak about it in this thread. You're the one being dishonest and disingenuous, but you know that.

Attached: leddit.png (901x214, 50K)

Prove it

They're both the same in that they're both going to a big multi-government agency and crying about bullshit and nonsense for their own personal profit and gain.

Wow transphobic much?

Why her neck the same length as her face?

Brie sucks and should be punched in real life but all I have is a dislike button

You can complete the entire series as a human supremacist, my dude. Renegade is objectively a shittier playthrough than Paragon, but it's still there.

>she's french canadian

it all makes sense now

Only ones being dishonest are the ones pretending it's not obvious that the OP only posted this in hopes of gaining more dislikes for the video, "mobbing" it with dislikes if you will. And clearly that's happened given people in this thread posted that they went and disliked it, when they wouldn't have had this thread not alerted them to it.

she reminds me of the animatronic in this mv

>not beatiful
>limitied talent
Why do they keep pushing her?

Attached: hmmmmm.jpg (720x477, 43K)

mousekikes obliterated

But it has nothing to do with white men, which was the point of the tweet. A woman could just as easily gone up to the EU and whined about memes.
You have to give me an example of a white man, going to a large establishment, to whine about the “oppression of white men” for me to think they are just as bad as women who literally do that, and do it ALL THE TIME.

nnnnnnnoooooo dont post her

Attached: 1551456213203.jpg (480x360, 18K)

She sucked the right dicks.

>conflating being indiscriminately a dick to everyone with being a human supremacist
>Actually defending Paragon
>My dude

>Larson responded to a question about her character's relationship with Monica Rambeau, played by actress Lashana Lynch, and Larson replied:
>"I think because it's 2019, and what 2019 is about, really, is intersectional feminism."
She's right........

>sold out
I don’t get it, this doesn’t imply the kid is too poor to buy toys just that they’re sold out

Well Yea Forums will it make a BILLION?

Attached: 1billionDollarz.jpg (720x819, 121K)

He's white and claiming to be oppressed because the EU is gonna take away his memes, all because he thought it would help his career to do so. It's the exact same situation. Sargon is Sarkeesian.

She comes across as very arrogant and unlikeable. I wonder if she has self esteem issues?

>You have to give me an example of a white man
>going to a large establishment
>to whine

uh no sweety, the white devil is clearly culturally appropriating that toy which rightfully belongs to the young person of color.

>about the oppression of white men
Forgot that important detail bucko

>white man
the absolute state of (You)

Not him, but in case you're out of the loop, nobody likes Sargon anymore.


damn, anyone got that westworld pic where maeve's head is blown up

Still not addressing the gender part which was both my point and the point of the original tweet.
It’s pretty clear you’re refusing to address the obvious point that women whine way more, over basically everything, and do it to the highest authorities in the world, all the time, whereas no one can even dream of a man whining about men’s rights to the EU or the UN, which is why you’re giving a shoddy, hardly related example of one white guy whining about something that has nothing to do with his race or gender.
So basically you will not acknowledge that women invented and continually benefit from outrage culture, which means this discussion is pointless. Hope you get laid with this desperation to defend women, seems like a lot of effort and I’d hate to see it not pay off.

>91 posters in this thread

How many people do you think saw this thread (500?), clicked the link (300?) and downvoted (200?)? High estimates I think.
How is that anything compared to the 18k downvotes right now? Obviously most of that is organic and most people just think she's a bit cuntish for no reason.

Attached: 1549511874539.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Sargon is a black man.

>it's another alt-right crybabies waste their precious time downvoting a youtube video that hurts their fee fees.

But you can't as male Shepard. Lesbian fantasy is pretty much /pol/'s stuff


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how is dislike "mobbing" different from just... people normally disliking a video?

>thumbs up and thumbs down to show likes vs dislikes
>a bunch of people dislike

how? isn't that what the button's for? people are showing their disdain, it would only be fair if it was rigged with bots or whatever

are you glad I entertained your bait this long user? Cause I sure feel dumb for falling for it.

At least she has the comfort of knowing Disney will use her corpse to promote their products after she dies

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>all of the anti-nationalistic policies and the racemixing and the empowerment of women is offset by “theres no gay romances”
Wow, you really showed me. Mass Effect is really problematic.

>Article 13 is just memes
Your brain on leftshittism.

I'm perfectly aware of that. The question was has a white man ever done the same, and the answer is yes, Sargon.
Because it doesn't matter. Crying about "muh oppression" is faggotry whether it's because "muh vagina" or because "muh memes." It's literally the same thing, end of discussion.
Ah yeah that's right he told people he's a quadroon hahaha.

if that's real that really is pretty fucked up

Based desu

First they came for the memes, and I did not speak out for I was not a waiter at Applebee's.

>neck beards
>pathetic losers
Couple of more buzzwords and I'll get bingo.
>My showing yesterday was so much fun
Note how there's no mention of the crowd size here.

>ITT manchildren disliking a normal interview because its a woman

I thought she was funny desu, but then again I'm not a virgin

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>I thought she was funny
No you didn't.
>I'm not a virgin
Yes you are.

>leftshittist still continue his attempts to downplay the effects of Article 13

Suck that corporate cock even hard, gooood little person.

Lol poor Uncle Stan is gonna be Weekended at Bernies by Disney for all of eternity now

Literally unironically this.
Fuck trannies and their complete inability to take critism but push their own opinions tenfold.

Attached: anger.png (409x259, 3K)

>women whine about literally everything, including their existence and their “memes”
>best example of men whining you could find is about memes, no whining about their existence as white men
Guess white men whine less than women. Unless you want to give me more examples?

why is this all people care about anymore? box office and financial shit. why is everyone so cucked to these massive corporations that they cheerlead them making a billion dollars on their shit franchise?

>watch a video
>"eh, that wasn't very good, think i'll dislike it"
is different from
>"hey guys, we all hate THING/PERSON right? well let's all go and spam dislikes on a video featuring THING/PERSON! yeah! fuck brie!"
The first speaks to the quality of the content. The second just shows there's a group of people who live boring lives.

Derpiborru tried to disable dislikes a while back and it was a shitstorm, imagine if that happened on a website with a million times the users.

Ah, it's that meme from that racemixing sugar daddy cripple. What is he doing nowadays? Says 'jews' and collect thousands for it from ebin anonymoose leejun?

It is real.

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Netflix disabled reviews because Amy Schumer cried about it

>"show me an example"
>here's an example
>"show me more examples"
This is called "shifting the goalpost." Instead of doing this and being a colossal faggot, you can just take a loss and scoot. It's fine. I'll help you move on by not replying to you any more. My condolences to you on your loss and I hope the rest of your day is better.

Fucking his big tiddy Asian girl and playing video games because fuck making videos or even streaming (although, granted, streamdotme shit the bed).

You never gave me an example of a white man whining to authorities about the oppression of white men which was my original post and the tweet I responded to. You goalpost shifted right off the bat because you couldn’t give an actual answer.
Cope harder :^)


You didn't show an example of a white man going to the governing body and corporation to whine about oppression of white men. We are still waiting. I am sure that some of your next post will be a pic of your mutilated '''vagina''' but still no example.

How could they disrespect Stan Lee, the Patron Saint of Reddit?

Attached: stan-lee-ama-01.jpg (650x522, 132K)

Brie and Stan are besties even in death

He's said stupid shit on his own volition plenty.

she seemed pretty defensive, but that's understandable considering she probably gets lots of shit via twitter etc
still a typical leftist cunt tho

>18k people banded together to dislike a video
>It's a grand conspiracy by the incels and trolls

Attached: 1541187338254.jpg (250x250, 22K)

>gets asked a question
>normal interview

Holy shit, she has negative charisma. How did she land this role?

>Evans pulling off the Fergie Classic
Based MUntd. Throwing Arab clubs out of competitions since 2009

What's the point? Censorship only works if you violently enforce it

Stick to reddit and resetera


lulz, I disliked the fuck outta this video OP, thanks for bringing it to our attention. For once OP was not a f@*

There's been so many replies in this thread and yet was the first user to actually sit down and watch the video. But yeah, tell me how you aren't rushing to dislike it like a fucking mob.

>Complaining about anything, ever is for faggots!
>Shutting up and taking that cock up your ass, saying thank you, Daddy and asking for more is for men!

Listen to yourself you cumguzzling moron.

You can also play as a Sith Lord in KOTOR, does that mean KOTOR endorses being a genocidal maniac?


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Well aren't you glad you found a guy among the 20 billion of white men that lived through history that fits your bill. That's truly an achievement you should be proud of, Johnny Shit-for-brains. If you dig more, you may even find four of five of them!

I'd lie in bed and cuddle with her tbqh. As long as she wore socks


Yikes and trannypilled

>almost 30
>still cant style your hair in a way that's not completely fucking drab

why is marvel pushing this cunt so hard???
is it true that she will be the RDJ of phase 4 ?

>the I'm So Manly On The Internet Faggot
Why haven't you put a gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger yet? Isn't that the manliest possible way to prove what a badass you are? After all, only a faggot would complain about a tiny little bullet ripping through his brainstem.

Shut up tranny.

>video posted two days ago suddenly gains a bunch of dislikes without gaining that many views after being posted on 4channel
"What dislike mob," they said as they botted dislikes.

This thread is proof that being a white knight faggot on Yea Forums is no longer an ironic venture to get (You)s, they genuinely believe in it.

Those toes would rot right through the material.

you'd do that with anything that looks like a female. Get some standards ya worthless incel

Evans is an absolute peak turbocuck. The kind of guy who would lick black Israelites boots without a second of hesitation. Given that he knows Larson as a friend, I have zero doubt he is also a pal with both Smollets and Kamala Harris.

In that case the end of capeshit is near

My uncle is trains, it is hard job.

>"t-they're just bots! Probably r-russian b-bots too!"

Suicide is for trannies.

It's so poetic that CWC became one of them.

>video posted two days ago has more people voting on it after being posted on a popular internet forum!
>how could this happen

Attached: 1518987507267.png (645x729, 105K)

Must be those damn Russians comrade, Soviets should have killed them all decades ago.

It's actually happening.

>is it true that she will be the RDJ of phase 4 ?
God I hope so. The MCU is cancer. She will be the final nail in the coffin.

lmao expecting anyone to believe that wasn't you, you disgusting tranny

So where's the reason why you're not doing it, you fucking shemale?

>I thought she was funny desu
>but then again I'm not a virgin

I'll be honest, you've made two claims in that one sentence and I don't believe either of them.

Hey guys, just turn off your brains and close your eyes and you can pretend like we're not spamming dislikes on this. Look how much everyone hates Brie because I have a bot spamming dislikes on a video she's in.

At least two people in this thread know for a fact that isn't and you're full of shit.

I didn't watch much of that video. The little I saw gave me the impression that she seemed upset and mad. Just not likeable, and the rude way she answered "questions" °

Remember guys. It's perfectly fine to dislike a video, unless an arbitrary number of people before you has already disliked it. Then it's a hate mob. Happy surfing!

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I thought I was a macho man. Now I'm a shemale? Or are shemales the height of masculinity in your mind? Please, take a moment to sort out your insults, toots.

I would argue that the fact that someone would go to the trouble of getting a dislike bot proves the extent to which she is disliked.

At least five people know you're desperately trying to hide your samefagging:

>>video posted two days ago
22 hours ago

It would maybe prove that one person really dislikes her. So what?

Brave man, mentioning that name in a place like this.

Do you just have a list of otherwise triggering phrases that your commie professor handed to you to use in the den of hate and you just pick them at random?
Don't worry, when it is too much for you, you can always just slither to /qa/ to whine about toxicity.

It's emblematic of the zeitgeist.

Disney has taken its marketing too far:

Absolute retard

He's doing the spray-and-pray method of insults, where he just tries to throw everything at the wall hoping something will stick. The weird thing is that this is Yea Forums(nel). Does anyone actually get upset because they're called a bad name here? If you want to upset people on Yea Forums(nel), you kind of need to do better than calling them a no-no name.

Nigga you are dumb. But not hopeless, so take solace that this can be a lessob. Let the troll starve.

>All this corporate cock sucking turned me into a leftist but not that gay kind.
Remove the hypocrisies and add in new principles. Fuck silicon valley, fuck amazon, fuck automation, and fuck the jews.

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That's what you believe when you do these things. "If I spam enough dislikes on it, it'll seem like people really hate her!" I don't know how effective it is on others, but personally, I know better than to trust an online poll.

The irony is if Brie was emotionally and sexually supported by a man who loved her in a masculine way she probably wouldn’t be such a cunt.


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And why she blinks so strange?

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Akira remake looks great

she did the same on jimmy kimmel


Why does her face look like a square?

Either drugs, tourettes or some sort of palsy/stroke. Still nasty as shit

if only there were a site of your own that allowed you to like and dislike comments that you could fuck off to