Girls from Yea Forums post your best Femkino

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Master & Commander really isn't that hard to comprehend.

bois will be like, "where are all the explosions :?"

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Catcels will be like


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I'll be honest. My sisters fucking love that s movie. I have no idea why this romance is so spectacular. It's a good movie and it's well made, but generally I don't see why Mr Darcy is exceptional.

>not the colin firth darcy

But I'm a male and I like that movie, the book is much better though

>thinking there are movies men don't understand
>threadstarting with one of the most easily understood movies ever

Comprehend isnt the same as understanding the appeal see

>Girls from Yea Forums
There are no girls on Yea Forums

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Intelligent, good job, Cute (in a dorky way), always asks for consent, 10/10 fashion sense.

Brute, Vandal, Ungentlemanly, basically raped her, pseudo intellectual, dresses like a pooro.

Fuck women, i hope George cheated on her and got the clap!


If gender is purely a social construct with no biological basis, then how can women be systematically discriminated against in any capacity?

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>I've seen things you wouldn't believe...
>Female incels on Yea Forums...
>Jews larping as women larping as men...
>All those moments will be lost, like 404's in the catalog... time to shitpost.

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M8, i hate feminists too but you are retarded, since the "system" is a social construct, if you are part of society you can be systematically discriminated by said society. Stop thinking "social construct" means "false", language is a social construct, boarders and the definition of "continent" is a social construct.

Fuck off roastie.

Only men can truly appreciate Jane Austen kino.

You are now thinking about my valuable vagina.

Be warned, I will take it away from this thread (and suggest others do the same) in an instant if you fail to internalize the above mindset.

>girls from Yea Forums

>can't stop thinking about pussy

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This is one of my favourite movies.
The scene where her dad cries because she's happy is one of the best scenes ever.
Also, she's ridiculously pretty.

>I don't get it, bros.

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>The scene where her dad cries because she's happy is one of the best scenes ever.
The performance is extremely natural and satisfactory

The soundtrack is fucking stellar. Everthing about classical composition is bound to sound beautiful even to the untrained ear but this one especially was fan fucking tastic.


I’m a White Cunt: The Movie

Reeeeeeeeeeee when is Wuthering heights gonna get its proper adaptation like OP's picrel?

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Um this one?

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i liked this movie as a little boy.

spooky goth waitress was hot.

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Jane Austen is based and only dumb fags worrying about their "masculinity" hate her works.

how the heck Austen emasculates anyone? holy shit aren't they stupid!

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That's like a guilty pleasure movie

>Um why didn't they just go back home after having sex lol

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Honestly I don't understand why Pride and Prejudice is so popular with lefty women. It is a deeply conservative book, obsessed with class and duty

>I don't see why Mr Darcy is exceptional.

He is super rich and conducts "business" despite never being revealed what he does for real. Make him look smart and powerful while still not deep enough to reveal immoral business practices and at the same time he has time in the middle of the fucking day to hang out with the main character, but just enough times to appear that when he does it he is sacrificing professionally to make it seem really important to him the time spent with her.

The same thing with the Mr. Grey from 50 shades of grey.

I read Jane Eyre once during night duties at the army and enjoyed it. Should I read Pride and Prejudice?

Fem kino

what are some movies like this?

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It's an escapist fantasy from the dreary existence demanded by their ideology.

It's more like a complex game that evolved along with human life.
calling anything a 'social construct' basically implies society is responsible for 'constructing' it, which is like saying we're all responsible for having two eyes or itchy assholes

her breath smelled bad

Grey was more based on Alec from Tess than Darcy, though. EL James never made a secret about it as Anna constantly compares herself to Tess, and Grey to Alec throughout the book. Even though the story evolved from a twilight fic, kek.

Memes are a social construct, Board culture is a social construct. Thinking "social construct" has a negative connotation it's on you.

That's how they use it. Or at east they use it to mean "this is arbitrary and best replaced with ideas promoted as revolutionary by mass media."

Keira Knightly version of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ was directed by a man.
While the original Jane Austen novels have never appealed to me, that movie was kino.
The art direction was excellent as was the camera work.
Two lonely people, who like being alone, find love and live in a mansion with lots of money.
Joe Wright, the director, has a hand fetish, if you watch his films.
I just rented the movie as filler one day because I wanted something that wasn’t too art house.
This film was far better made than many other Austen adaptations, including the BBC versions everyone supposedly loves.

The real star.

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‘Room in Rome’ was made for men.

I love this fucking movie, does that make me full on tranny or just a fag?

>He is super rich and conducts "business" despite never being revealed what he does for real. Make him look smart and powerful while still not deep enough to reveal immoral business practices and at the same time he has time in the middle of the fucking day to hang out with the main character, but just enough times to appear that when he does it he is sacrificing professionally to make it seem really important to him the time spent with her.
Darcy is presumably a British gentleman of noble heritage, who inherited large estates, which he has to spend his days running.
Running the estates would require appointing people to manage some tasks while conducting others himself.
As an aristocrat though, he would slso have to travel around maintaining social contacts and family relations, which would be inherently necessary to maintaining his position in society, and hence his business interests.
This is the same reason presidents travel around meeting other world leaders.

Why do you think there wouldn’t be girls on Yea Forums if they’re on IMDb, Reddit, and everything else? This isn’t /pol/ or /r9k/.

Not disagreeing that there are roasties here but Yea Forums is one of the most anti female boards on 4channel.

You are confusing gender roles with genders, but really, i don't want to talk about that shit, i hate feminists so i shouldn't have to clarify this shit, genders for them are extremely important and the basis for their idiologies, and for the record i only know about this shit because i had to investigate Sworn Virgins at some point.

>Girls from Yea Forums
the laughs

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I believe that, /int/ is filled with women, and you can tell by how different the gay threads are, women love to larp as faggots, BUT they don't talk about boipussy as much as fags that larp as women do


really? I would definitely say it’s /pol/ and /r9k/. There might be some spillage of angry anti-women people from those boards, but I see female leaning topics discussed here openly more often.

>/int/ is filled with women, and you can tell by how different the gay threads are, women love to larp as faggots
This is so true, it’s very bizarre. /x/ probably has the most ‘out’ women though

>/x/ probably has the most ‘out’ women though
Also /fa/.

You know Yea Forums's audience is officially 30% female?

Men do understand these movies, just like we understand everything women do. You are ruled by hypergamy.

oh yeah, I forget that existed. Probably quite a few boards anyway.

men be like 'how can you love and hate your kid at the same time?'

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good explanation

>ITT : Movies directed by men

I wish they made Darcy hotter but I still loved the movie

>men will never understand this scene

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Am I the only one who finds Colin Firth ugly af

I don’t think he’s ugly but I don’t really get it either.

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I may be a man, but I at least know women don't like OP's pic related. There is only one true Lizzy,

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Yeah, he's a total uggo.

No this is a movie FOR men.

sorry sweaty

Never watched this movie, is it worth it?

Any movie that involves a mother and her son. Men will never understand a mother's dedication to her son. Men can never have that kind of relationship. They will always be rivals of sorts and compete against eachother. Nothing is stronger than a mother's burning desire to protect her little boy


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explains why there are so many mama's boys.

>Darcy is presumably a British gentleman of noble heritage, who inherited large estates, which he has to spend his days running.
That's not how women think!

95% of that 30% are transgender women

Yeah but what women love is how Keira doesn't like him at first then falls in love with him. I don't get it.

Lmao, duh we're never going to "understand" female fantasy based on being served by men when every woman I know in real life enjoys being treated like dog shit

Not who you replied to but I was waiting for someone to bring this up. In all honesty at least 20% was born female. Nobody talks about Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums so you wouldn’t know but if you initiate and bring it up you’d be surprised how many femanons (provided they aren’t too ashamed to admit they know what Yea Forums is) come out.

Ok I guess. It's funny because the ruling stereotype a few years ago was that "waaaaaah wahmen are so difficult and hard to understand why can't they just be simple like us men and like sex and hanging out with the bros and chugging beer chug chug chug"
Not saying that this of course were true in any way, but it seemed like the stereotypical view perpetuated by normies via memes, posts and other media outlets (movies and books).

Now in 4chins, you seem to consider females simple creatures unable to comprehend masculine codes of conduct such as the theme of male camaraderie, of duty, honor and swearing fealty to one's own country. It's ironic because you're flipping the pyramid of sexism on its head. When once females were considered deeply emotional, empathetic and very sensitive and therefore inferior to man because of her innate, biological inability to present herself as a fully rational creature you now accuse her, or at least this is the common view whenever a "wahmen don't understand this moobie" thread pops up, of lacking those very same qualities or at least of showing a superficial boisterous version of them "a la" crocodile tears to garner attention.

Maybe there IS a movie for males and a movie for females, but not because biological differences once again governs female intuition when lapping industry jargon as escapist entertainment, but rather because those very same industries cater and present their product differently to the genders. It's why rom com trash caters mainly for female viewership and "big boy" action flicks were also a strict male genre. A good movie is one that transcends the tropes of its genre and can be appreciated by everyone.

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also trannies are men not women

>That's not how women think!
How would you know?


Forrest Gump (the character of Jenny)

Women usually hate jenny even more than men.

Correct, just like Handmaiden's Tale is an embarrassingly transparent rape fantasy dressed up as an empowering fight against oppression in a nightmarish world where Christians behave like Muslims.