I don't care what Yea Forums says

AotC is still one of the comfiest movies ever.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Master Syfo-Dyas

Kinda hot.

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I fucking love it.

Lots and lots of different parts of the galaxy, it feels like a true adventure.

The mystery was kino, the humor was kino ("we came here to save you." "good job...").

The dialogue being so impossibly out of this world "I hate sand" that transcends all memes.

Soundtrack was phenomenal.

Fun time.

wtf are you talking about
evry one on Yea Forums loves that movie
all these trump-cels love everyything that society hates and rightly so
grow up

reddit: the post

Why didn't the jedi have blaster-proof shields? Would have been so much more effective against a large group of droids than trying block dozens of shots with just a thin sword.


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Only if your a retard

All the prequels are comfy as fuck and have held up better over 15 years than TFA held up over a few years


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Look at those fukken lanklets. Bet I could take 'em both out with a good kick to the knee. Any height above 5"8 is a weakness.


Yeah it's okay. The real kino is the cartoon

Soo comfy that i sleep twice trying to watch it such a boring slog.
Revenge of the Sith is the true prequel kino

This, AOTC was peak comfy. Fuck everyone who hates it.

Because nothing happens?


They probably thought it was
Which is really gay

It's undeniably comfy, but it's the worst of the prequels because Christensen had no idea how to act. He was better in RotS, but Phantom is still my favourite because of Qui-Gon, Obi and Maul. Plus the sets looked the best in that one.

Best scene in the movie tbqh.

I want to dispute you but your not wrong


I'm sorry George...

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Patrician taste,user.

Ben Burtt is a fucking master.

2 and 3 are good only 1 is trash

As long as you skip past the Anakin/Padme stuff, it's pretty alright. I like Detective Obi-Wan.

Its shit, worst of the prequels. Before some faggot starts whining about Disney, yes TLJ was much worse, doesn't make this film good.

it sucked, I honestly forgot about the entire droid factory scene until a couple of weeks ago. Like I legitimately forgot it was a part of the movie, maybe I blocked it out because it was so fucking bad. The movie had a few alright scenes, but as a whole blew


Good things about AoTC
>worldbuilding is cool
>ewan mcgregor is great as obi wan

Bad things about AoTC
>everything else

I agree with this. Worldbuilding and Obi-Wan's sleuth work was cool. I could do without the Padme/Anakin romance, or at least far less of that.

>1 is trash

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My 2 cents: all three prequels have good and bad in them. They are flawed/troubles movies with kino sprinkled in them. They're not as good as they could've been, but not nearly as bad as some claim.

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>reddit: the post
reddit: the post

Absolutely based

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>skip past the Anakin/Padme stuff
but that was so hot

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The only reason most people don’t like the prequels is normie fags that where not real fans shit all over the movies and made it cool to dis the prequels

Fortunately I’m not a follower so I don’t care what people think

Actually I don't think normies minded the PT. Every normie I've spoken to about the PT, liked it. All the hate was from so called "fans" of the OT. Gen X manchildren who were mad George didn't cater to their headcanon.

I really liked the prequels. Not even joking.

Which is the bigger pleb filter, Episode 1 or Episode 2?

Genocians were the coolest before Disney genocided them.

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Kys: the retard

What did the rat do to the Geonosians?

I honestly don't know. Both are massive pleb filters though.


Star Wars is great and the Prequels Wars ARE the best. I'm currently watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and must say I love it. I can't stop watching it and identifying with Anakin.

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This, but unironically

_ ____ __ ____ __

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>The mystery was kino
That was probably the dumbest think in the whole movie.

Let's follow detective Obi-Wan, while searching for a mysterious man who left a single clue.
-Dex, have you ever seen this?
-Oh yeah, It's a dart from Kamino!
Found the guy on Kamino. The end.

Whats the problem with a simple mistery. Obi had a had a hunch that Dex was gonna be able to help and he was.

>What did the rat do to Geonosians?
Under utmost secrecy, the Empire began construction of the first Death Star in space near Geonosis. Travel to the system was restricted to all but a few, and the surface of the planet was sterilized.
Following the disappearance of Saw Gerrera and his band of rebels on Geonosis, the Ghost crew was sent to investigate. They found Saw alive, but his entire team had been wiped out by a single Geonosian. Eventually, the rebels captured the alien, who they nicknamed Klik-Klak, but came to discover that he was protecting a queen egg -- the key to the survival of his race, which the Empire had all but destroyed.
Deep in the planet's underground, Klik-Klak led the rebels to giant Imperial canisters that had been filled with poison and used to eliminate the Geonosians. The rebels planned to bring these back as evidence of the Empire's atrocities, but it was not to be; the Empire, having detected the rebels' presence, tried to bury them alive, and the Ghost lost the canisters during their escape. Still, Klik-Klak -- and hope for the future of the Geonosian people -- survived, remaining on the planet.

The film's just orange for 99% of the time though

Just your youth talking. It was easily the worst of the prequels. Boring beyond belief.

What the fuck is this from? That garbage Rebels show? If so it's non canon. George literally says in the commentary on AOTC that Geonosians helped to built both Death Stars, meaning they were around in ROTJ.

Why is Disney hell bent on killing cool things.

>literally retconning the mainline movies
I thought the mouse wasn't allowed to do this?

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AotC is a shit movie.
But it has some cool looking areas, and while I know everyone else hated it, I actually really LIKED the diner scene.

In my mind the comfy feeling on this movie is increased mostly because of the guide book i read at the school library, the toys and also because of Genndi's Clone Wars cartoon.

There are a lot of things you are forgetting like Obi Wan looking into the Jedi archives and finding Kamino has been deleted. There are also a lot of deleted scenes with Obi Wan doing investigation that didn't make it into the film.

Also the backstory with Dexter knowing about the dart is pretty cool. He was doing prospecting on a planet called Subterrel, and they used cloned miners as a slave labour force down in the tunnels there. The Kaminoans were the ones who grew the clones for the mining companies there. Subterrel is also beyond the outer rim, outside the republic, similar to Kamino. Dexter recognized the markings because the clones miners had the same brandings.

FLO was one of Lucas' worst ideas ever. Just so incredibly bad. His taste level was revealed there to be shit tier.

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Yeah let's replace the most iconic weapon in film with a fuckig shield.

How did palpatine know that Zam would fail the assassination atempt and that Jango would be forced to intervene and obiwan's friend Dexter Jexter would know that the dart was from Kamino wich would lead Obiwan to discover the clone army and then Jango would lead him to Genosis and spy the separatist meeting as a reason for using the clones
I mean holy shit, the script of the prequels were terrible, such a shame that all those fx people put all his soul just for Lucas to make such an awful story

Eh, it felt very in tune with what a 50's/60's idea of what a futuristic diner would look like, and I like the parts of Star Wars that draws from old movies, genres, and ideas. It was a new, fun aspect of the Star Wars universe we haven't seen before.

It's the main thing I'll say about the prequels, despite thinking overall they're terrible. They actually tried to expand it more than just retread. I'd like more glimpses into little thing within the universe.

They're so polite, yet really creepy.

The diner scene was cool, I liked it too.

There was literally nothing wrong with her.

but guy who looks like this are harmless and in fact they often defend womens or just wants somebody to love them.
honestly i don't even know what an incel looks like and in fact i don't think they are that numerous actually.

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>ywn fugg a creepy but sexy alien bioengineer who steals your sperm and creates a loyal army of (You)s
I can’t deal with the pain lads

The assassins were instructed to scare not kill, and Palpatine suggest Obi Wan and Anakin to be there, knowing Anakin had a connection with Padme, he trusted them to do their jobs.

The force led Obi Wan to his old friend Dexter.

Sheev didn't plan things to that minute level of detail. He was already trying to get an army created in the senate, which was why Padme, who was against it, got scared off with an assassination attempt (didn't want to kill her, he needed her for his plans with Anakin). He was likely going to unveil the army later on after his reforms went through, and use the excuse of Master Sifo Dyas force insight as to why it was created earlier. But things jumped the gun a bit and he just went with it and made it go in the direction he wanted. Sheev can make mistakes too, as seen in ROTJ.


Prequel hate is some hardcore reddit tier shit.

>b-b-but redditlettermedia made fun of it in a humorous way i-i-it must be bad

>because Christensen had no idea how to act

Whether he's a bad actor or not is irrelevant in this case. He plays the role of a spoiled brat who wants to have his cake and eat it to perfectly.

Made you forget being a spoiled male teenager, or maybe your parents were poor and you never experienced it, but his entitled, I hate sand attitude was fucking perfect for setting him up to fall from grace

Who cares if you like it? This isn't reddit where you have to agree with everyone to fit in

>There was literally nothing wrong with her.

Her name was Flo in a 50s diner.

That would be like having the Jedi dress like this.

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it's over for starwars desu, mouse can do what it likes the franchise is already in the ground

No one minded with 2049

>because Christensen had no idea how to act
I don't think that's particularly fair. Even actors who we know can truly act were terrible acting-wise in the prequels. That particular problem was mostly on Lucas.

Hayden was just following the script, it wouldve been great if he started acti g crazy after her mom got killed but he acts evil before, screaming at Zam, arguing with obi wan, making bad looks at padme, geting angry all the time, etc
that was Lucas fault

Sorry your headcanon got destroyed, but there was nothing wrong with that scene.

Plus anyone who hates on Dexters Diner is a fag who never played the original Lego Star Wars on PS2. Comfy as fuck hub world.

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>Prequel hate is some hardcore reddit tier shit.
prequel hate existed well before reddit, zoomer

I could post zoomer vs. boomer, but it really needs boomer vs. boomers dad. And there is no such thing.

Only boomers and faggots hate the prequels.

>the 9yo zoomer who shat his pants when the younglings died

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Fucking pottery

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It's the worst Star Wars movie by far. The only good scenes are Anakin returning to Tatooine.

Kino. We need to send another round of apologies to George.

No one should care what Yea Forums says. The Phantom Kino, Attack of Kino and Revenge of Kino are all great movies.

TFA was shit but it was better than Attack of the fucking clones. Get your head examined, your nostalgia is rotting your brain.

>TFA better than anything

Fucking holiday special is better than TFA.

>implying you've seen the holiday special
>implying you even know what a vhs tape looks like
Fucking zoomers seriously.

If by "comfy" you me boring, sure. The most interesting it got was Obi Wan was trying to find out what was going on with the clone army but even then they fuck that up.

Not him but the Bea Arthur musical number alone was better then anything in nuWars.

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Detective Kenobi parts are cool.

Imagine kissing one on the lips, haha.

he's right though.
There's absolutely no reason to put a line break for every sentence unless you've been conditioned to do so.
He's fresh from reddo and so are you.

I still don't know who Master Syfo-Dyas was.

I liked the cartoon parts.

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Holy shit, how did Lucas get away with this?

Say you are sorry, faggots.

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take it easy man

>rainy day
>in the mood to stay in bed
>need something to calm me down before bed
>get out AOTC

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You mean Sidious?

Maybe do a second take then, so the acting isn't atrocious.

Sidious is no Syfo Dias.


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Starwars is without style, that's why it's timeless. The prequels get better and better as time passes.

She cute!

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>Syfo Dias.

I unironically love this character. We need a movie about him.

That's yankii, not rockabilly you complete retard.

AotC is the worst of the prequels, but TLJ is the worst Star Wars film.

>The Virgin TLJ silent hyperspace ram
>The Chad AotC deafening seismic charge

>but TLJ is the worst Star Wars film.

Even the normies admit this to me. Just random fucking people at my job ask me "Have you been watching reviews of the TLJ like me on youtube?" And I'm like "no way same." It's amazing how many people hate that film.

Absolute kino.

Lucas needs another round of apologies.

1 > 3 > 2

will best girl be revealed to be the real villain pulling the string from behind the scenes in episode 9

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Lucas was a genius, Jar Jar is the key to all this.

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Tbh until the clone wars tv series i thought that guy didn't even exist at all and that he was just a pseudonym used by either dooku or palpatine. Funny how that turned out to be partially correct in tcw

I enjoyed the shit out of that

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>Soundtrack was phenomenal.
Exactly. It's a huge shame Lucas couldn't direct a movie to match the quality of the music

Based and pre-quilled.

It doesn't matter if Zam fails or succeeds.
If, Padme is dead, Jar-Jar takes over and votes emergency powers for Palpatine cause that crazy Dooku is clearly out of control. Even better.
Palpatine is on a whole other level, user.

i watched the prequals as a kid and hated them even then, wtf is wrong with you?

it's just so dumb and miserable, the characters, the dialogue, it's so not star wars like, it's fucking terrible along with the fake plastic cgi world.
it's all so uncanny

this is cringe

Luke, did I ever tell you the story of how your father hated sand? He hated because of its roughness, and ability to get into anything, anywhere; unlike the softness of your mother's back in a backless dress, and unlike your father's ability to get into her. Music even stopped in their first kiss. Man, Lucas is a hack!

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And why would Jar Jar vote emergency powers if there's no Obi Wan conflict to deal with; which caused the discussion that maked his eyes go sad-sad and eventually gave Sheev powerz.

Cause killing a senator is an act of war and they need to cut through the red tape and get an army?
Maybe there would be another way to discover the clone army, maybe Zam would be killed by Jango even if she succeeded leading to Obi-Wan goig on his investigation.

Imagine being this much of a pleb.

Imagine containing this much shit taste in your mind.


I actually liked these rooms and characters. It reminded me a lot of THX-1138. It's too bad the film was so unfocused and all over the place. The love scenes were fucking insanely bad, it was beyond comical. The prequels could have been way better if Lucas just toned down the CGI a bit and made episode 1 episode 0 or something and then extended episodes 2 - 3 to 1 - 3. Missed opportunity if you ask me. Maybe Disney will reboot it since so many people fucking hate it. But I'll bet they would cast Idris as Obi Wan and Will Smiths Son as Anakin.

Well in Episode 2 Obi-Wan expressly states that a real Sifo-Dyas did exist at some point and died 10 years prior to AotC. So whether it was a pseudonym or not, it was at least based on the real guy.

Redditors hate the prequels because there isn't enough diversity and strong female leads. They prefer episodes 7 and 8.

Same. Anakin's awkward virgin teenage flirting is kino and detective Obi Wan is really a fun subplot.

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Nice try, reddit

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Based on AOTC, just some dead Jedi whose name Dooku uses when ordering the clones.
If you take TCW into account, it gets more convoluted with Sifo-Dyas having nightmares getting in league with Dooku ordering the clones then dying.


It wasn't in the movie so it doesn't matter

I remember being a kid and wanting my stepdad to take me to see AotC in theaters. I remember seeing it and holding my piss until the end so I wouldn't miss a second. I know people hate the prequels, but I will always love them, and especially AotC.

Maybe Palpatine knew the details about the assessination attempts, but it was Nute Gunray who wanted Padme dead.

Gunray goes looking for Dooku (before or after he turns into Sith, we dont know), and convinces him to order Jango to kill Padme. Jango hires Zam just because plot requires it.

Too contrived imho.

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Mmm they would need to make it seem as the Separatist did it; and Dooku "is a political idealist, not a murderer".
The point is that it worked for Sheev, every unknown and humanly random detail.

You are the worst type of """fan""" imaginable. Imagine watching something like Star Wars and not having your imagination go wild and wanting to learn about every character, planet, starship, race etc.

Backstory absolutely matters, and when you read it, rewatching the movies have a whole new meaning. Especially since Lucas drops references to EU novels and shit all the time in the films anyways. The PT EU was literally written alongside the films, and is absolutely canon, unlike the OT EU which came out decades later and is full of self inserts. An example would be one of the novels released a few months prior to AOTC hitting theaters, Anakin and Obi Wan have a mission on a planet called Ansion. In AOTC when Sheev suggest Obi Wan to guard Padme, Mace says something like "He's just returned from a border dispute on Ansion so that is quite possible". To try to deny the EU's significance is retarded when it's all Lucas approved.

>not real fans
Yeah I’m not blinded by brand loyalty, you fucking sperg.

If you take off all the Anakin-Padme scenes.

George was Kino and Potterypilled

Back to 8gag.

George was ahead of his time

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>better than AoTS

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Keep dropping these prequel pills user.

>You are welcome.

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>Mmm they would need to make it seem as the Separatist did it; and Dooku "is a political idealist, not a murderer".

Well, Dooku is the leader of the separatists, and they pretty much put the whole idealist thing in a drawer when they find out he's a Sith.

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Too much so¥ in your diet.

Uncreative, unimaginative boring faggot.

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Best scene in the movie is Dexter's Diner (formerly Chuck's)

My friends thought I was crazzy when I said it sounded like a distorted guitar


>George finally getting the recognition he deserves after the Mouse fucked everything up


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Taking a shit is one of the comfiest activities. Its still shit.

>I went up and down areas of Coruscant with a lightsaber, hoping I’d be approached by somebody – I’m ashamed to say that – and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some ‘rodian bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could … kill him.”

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You'll never see a good-looking family on the screen again, user. Better savour it.

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George is the hero we needed, but didn't deserve.

God, I am so sorry George.

Unironically, absolutel fucking based. I can't believe a man that had his artistic integrity first and formost is so shat on by everyone, and yet everyone was happy with the corporate money grabbing trash that Disney put out.

Honestly the PT was wasted on Star Wars fans. Most of the fanbase is dumbfucks. Most moviegoers are dumbfucks and George gave them something they didn't deserve. Audiences truly deserve the MCU and the shitiness of modern cinema. Fucking brainless idiots man. George tried to raise the masses up and better than them, but they revolved and just want to he hand fed drivel that infantilizes them instead.

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that'd be pretty rad.

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Bought my nephews all the lego star wars games for Christmas. So fun to play the game with them and help them build some of the sets.

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>midiclorians are a metaphor for a symbiotic relationship
What? How? They're not necessary at all? And what's the analogy?

Is he just a moron?

No you are a moron.

I'd love to blow a fat load on her forehead while she gracefully reclines.

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George, I love you! Please come back.


Lego Star Wars 1 and 2 are fucking great, comfy as fuck, really well made video games. But I have to say that Lego Star Wars 3, the one about the Clone Wars tv show is the most underrated of all of them. I really wish they had made one for every season. I don't know why they stopped at season 1. Maybe it had something to do with Disney getting them to make capeshit MCU lego crap instead. Fuck that. I liked that the hub world in LSW3 was constantly expanding too. You start out just in the bridge on a Venator, then the shuttle bay opens up, then you realize you can fly out into space outside, and then you can land on the enemy CIS ship, go to their bridge and get secret CIS missions from them. It was cool as fuck.

Forgot my pic.

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>Say you are sorry, faggots.

Don't need to. I was with him every step of the way.

You can make the argument they were all killed by Darth Vader too.

ITT: lucasfilm marketing department attempting to changing gears

manlets will never learn will they



>I don't care what people below me say
Nice one OP, nice one.

Thanks for making this thread user!

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>Why is Disney hell bent on killing cool things.
American colored people are the only diversity allowed. All of the 'other' category must be eradicated, but the Empire should do it so that they get the blame for what Disney wants.


It always puts me to sleep, talk about comfy

>Unironically, absolutel fucking based. I can't believe a man that had his artistic integrity first and formost is so shat on by everyone
Like the fans are now? I wonder if corporate shilling is what destroyed his prequel PR.

Post of the week. Well done

Now you're just making me depressed, man.
>Imagine the whole fucking Hollywood being against you because you are an indie movie-maker who hit the jackpot, has millions, and can still look in the mirror because you have a soul
>But then your brainlet "fans" turn against you for making art and instead happily eat capeshit for 10 years that's produced by the exact same people who wanted you gone

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I always thought the diner stuff was Lucas referencing American Graffiti.

This, but unironically. It guts me at how the masses are so willing to lap up the ST slop while looking down their noses at the PT.

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Hate of the PT is probably one of the things that lead us down our current path of capeshit and endless reboot/remake nostalgia wankery. Hollywood saw what happened when a legit talented director made new additions to a saga that were fresh, creative and new, and not just retreads. The brainlets revolted. They don't want that, they want safe returns on their money. So these fags, realizing the mass consumer is brainless. Just give us the same shit over and over and over again instead. The and best part is, they deserve it. Lucas did not deserve the hate he got though. Fuck PT haters.

I am actually getting angry just thinking about it. George was too good for us.

Meanwhile force awakens has the same kind of going from a to b to c story that this movie has, except they manage to fuck everything up with really hard to show things. The way the whole thing is cut and framed just really made it seem almost annoying how quickly shit keeps happening to these people, and the fact that now they are all these different planets I just don't give a shit about.

It had bad parts but it felt like a universe I wanted to know more about.

Today I was bored at work and was reading the Game of Thrones and Warhammer wikis just because I wanted to know more.
In Starship Troopers I just kept saying yes when they asked that question.

I think everyone noticed this one when watching.
Now that I think about it these aren't that clever, he is just referencing lines from his own movies.

Are they really serious about getting rid of aliens? Did they take that meme of the aliens being racist stereotypes seriously and now we only get samefaced fat aliens that obviously represent the fanbase? Is the only diversity allowed now, to be inter-human diversity, and no aliens races are allowed to be on screen.

You know, you kinda see this with post ROTJ EU as well. Lots of human characters, and minimal aliens, it is just that hacks can't write good alien characters?

I unironically love this theme.

anti prequel fags are just blinded by nostalgia

Same, bro, same. Disney purposefully ignoring PT is a saving grace honestly.

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Also those sound effects

>radio box guy
>seismic charges
>crab monster screetch
>clicking warchief alien

Hello there!

She's my wife

5'8 is laughable manlet height.... but it is in fact the best martial arts height so yea

General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

Stop posting my wife