Am I the only one that thought this was an okay film? It’s not good by any means, but it’s not dogshit terrible...

Am I the only one that thought this was an okay film? It’s not good by any means, but it’s not dogshit terrible. Just turn off your brain and watch a 6/10 kick alien ass and enjoy

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>Am I the only one
Looks like it

Sorry, Kevin but you're done. Black Panther corrupted you and now You must leave.

If you thought it was just "OK" and not the masterpiece of our times, you're a sexist, racist, homophobic, heteronormative, privileged white male shitlord. Apologize.

>It's not good
>just turn your brain off
Why bother and waste my time and give the rat money so that it can do more shitty movies?

So in other words, online stream/10 IF I can actually be arsed. Not even torrent worthy.

The point is that it’s not worse than any other marvel films and even better than some. But before seeing the film I tought it was going to a manhating, women and nigger glorifying shitfest, but its not. It’s just a fun mediocre movie

Why on earth would you spend money going to watch a movie you expect to suck?

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Because I have a €20 subscription at the movie theatre and I’m lonely sometimes

I saw it too and thought it was terrible.marvel films Politics aside...Brie Larson was stiff, and had terrible acting range. The bad guys were more interesting than her.

It was Green Lantern tier in terms of how good it was. Marvel totally miscast. If they didn't want to change the script, then they needed someone like Emily Blunt to MAYBE pull this character off. The same Emily blunt from Edge of Tomorrow.

I was looking at Brie Larson, and I couldn't see a tough girl at all.

>Am I the only one that thought this was an okay film?
The internet only operates in extremes, especially with these Marvel movies. They're always either "THE BEST ONE YET (since the last one)" or "TOTAL GARBAGE CAPESHIT."
Truthfully, all those Marvel movies are pretty much average and mediocre. I don't get how anyone feels much for any of them either way.

literally hitler

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>Marvel movies are pretty much average and mediocre
I generally agree. But Captain Marvel was (even for a Marvel movie) way below average. Like it couldn't even meet the minimum required to be good Marvel film. I couldn't believe how bland it was.

You actually think it was worse than the first two thor movies? You’re delusional

So like basically every marvel movie?

>actually being this retarded

>just turn your brain off and give us money

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The Second Thor movie was bad but at least the lead actors could act. Especially Loki. This isn't 2009 anymore where they are still learning to do these films. It's 2019 and Marvel should know by now how to make these movies work at this point. Captain Marvel was a bland miss-step.

IsN’t that every movie of the past 10 years?

You forgot to add

>Certified Fresh

I'm not gonna watch it

>okay film
>just turn off your brain

>everyone missing the Kevin F. name

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The movie is made by SJW's and that is the reason WHY it is so mediocre. Pandering to the SJW crowd always ends up in boring Mary Sue characters because the ideology of the creators gets in conflict with narrative structure and film-making in general. It doesn't have to result in man-hating or political ideology on the screen, the fact that it taints the whole movie with their mediocrity is enough reason to boycott it. Ideology is always wrecking art and creativity.
A movie which fails on his own creative terms is at least honest.
An ideology driven movie never truly tries to be a good film in the eyes of the audience.
The interests and reason for the creation are not aligned with the interests of the audience.
Marvel tried to hastily create an counter for Wonder Woman and pushed a D-list character which nobody liked at the front center of their phase 4, infused it with feminists ideals which the majority of the audience doesn't care for, resulting in an mediocre movie which takes absolutely no risks, a main character which has no story arc (its a straight line) and is a total bore.

>Just turn off your brain
No thanks

I've seen enough people to forget to turn it back on afterwards that I'm not gonna do it anymore

I have no idea how a movie made in 2019 can be this boring. The movie should have been about the bad guys. they were more fun.

this, dumb fanboys always try to deflect with this angle as they did with TLJ "How can you say its a SJW movie?, its not like Holdo was literally putting white men on trial while shouting #yesallmen"

So what?, they are still garbage movies you should not pay for

Sure you aren't, my fellow "4channeler"!! Everybody should give a chance to the bad a*s, super inclusive, Captain Marvel™, now in theaters!!! You don't want to be a "reddit", right??

It's out?

it's just the next generic mcu movie, the autistic shitposting didn't actually convince you it was going to be something different did it?