Watching 300 with 18 year old FWB

>Watching 300 with 18 year old FWB
>Halfway through she says «Why don’t they just surrender so they can live?»

Holy shit, I thought the «movies women don’t understand» thing was just a meme
Are women really mentally incapable of understanding concepts like honor and self-sacrifice?

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Why doesn't Jad just surrender?

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*distract your healers*
Thanks for the fire cape bro

His torso looks like a face

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>18 year old FWB

pics or you are full of shit

well... if they surrendered, their people would be enslaved, so she wasn't even paying attention. has not much to do with gender you just found a retarded one.

Honor? Definitely.
Self-sacrifice? They have a very shallow understanding.

Naah bro, it's all just a meme! women are so smart!

Fellow white bitch?

As opposed to the delightfully honorable modern male

>their people would be enslaved
didnt the god dude promise him a good position after a while? it wouldnt be 100% freedom but also it wouldnt be a miserable life

Women have no sense of honor or shame. That's why they always cheat whenever given the chance.

I thought it was a meme until I met my gf, one of the smartest people I've ever met, fails to understand 99% of films/tv shows that revolve around honour

Faced with the same circumstances men would probably surrender cuz you incels can’t live without your video games

Theres no such thing as honor. A useless concept made up by childish men with overgrown responsibilities in order to more easily enslave lesser people. And upheld to this day by basement dwelling fedora operators. M-m-muh respect, muh esteem

Only him. Best case scenario he would end up as a slaver of his own people. I don't think anyone would want that but hey I could be wrong

This is turning into a mgtow thread

Jesus Christ where do you think you are?

Xerxes told Leonidas that he'd be used to help conquer the rest of Greece. After that, Leo would presumably be allowed to rule Sparta as he pleased. But before that one of Xerxes' ambassadors claims that they would all have been enslaved anyway. In real life none of these promises would have meant shit anyway

You’ve obviously just never met someone who’s actually shown you true loyalty and respect so lash out at the concept itself out of insecurity. Sad.

>there is no such thing as good lol just a social construct
>no I'm not a fedora you are

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