Is there any kino about Mormans?
Is there any kino about Mormans?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Book of Mormon
why white people are so disturbing?
Please call us members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
>giving away 1/10th of your monthly salary to some larpkikes
>be mormon
>be white
>have large family
>vote Mitt Romney
Fuck, Mormons were so close to being perfect.
you mean white americans
South Park All About Mormons
>dum da dum dum DUM
How many of these girls are his wives?
all of em
No, the whole little white utopia people build up about the mormons is lie.They're very cultish in their behavior as an exmormon myself I'd advise you to stay away.
Big Love
all mormon fathers diddle their sexy daughters
Pure musical kino
big love, great show
Mormons are forbidden by their religion to drink coffee.
fuckin lol
The one in yellow is pretty hot
lmao being such a failure of a man you need stimulants to feel strong enough to start your day
I'll take the one in pure virginal white.
Imagine being a fin and a mormon.
Although she sometimes goes to dances at Atlantic High School, where she’s a senior, Jessica McClintock, 17, feels more comfortable at a Mormon dance since “we all know what’s appropriate” in behavior and dress. Last year, she sewed sleeves onto her prom dress.
fucking repressive bullshit
Yeah dude just be whores lol
>equating sleeveless dress with whoredom
seek help
How do you think they start becoming whores?
There's always a first step.
Even that quiet Mormon girl in the back of your class m8
lmao being such a child you don't know the taste of good coffee
stimslave give more excuses for your addiction
The wife is bad enough but why the FUCK would you let your daughter use any make up, let alone that much? Look how fuckign qt the rightmost one is and then compare to the bimbo in training left of her
Anything South Park does
mormon girls dot com
I don't understand coffee. I'm not even talking about it being an acquired taste or anything, but why do you need a stimulant to get through your working day? Why not just get some more sleep?
>tfw you get tired of your roastie wives and have prime cunny on tap.
The Oaks family, from left: Stanley, 9, Anna, Spencer, 6, Dana, Sophia, 13, and Stella, 11.
Sophia fucks.
that dude looks like some Wall Street cocaine fiend
>fucking repressive bullshit
this is a no rostie board fuck off
What a chad
You just know he's gonna trade Sophia for a higher position on the church.
you just don't want to share the mormon pusys
it's probably startling for you to see pics of people who aren't wallowing in their own shit.
How the hell do one man's children vary so much in terms of attractiveness. I'm genuinely not even being a pedo but look at the difference between bowl cut girl in the back and the cuties on the far left.
>as an exmormon myself
so your either a fag or too ugly to get an arranged marriage
I dont know if this counts but Napoleon Dynamite was made by mormons
Big Love
I see this guys all the time everywhere these days
why are you sending this faggots to my country, america? or send them to brazil, they are religious niggers
tfw they're still dating though
female privilege
What did you think missionary work was?
>dress well
>produce educated men
>conservative families
Could you explain your comparison?
Parents were right, she was a whore
honestly this would suck, I have a really good relationship with my father and I can't imagine I could have as good of a relationship with him if I had fucking twenty nine other siblings he'd have to divide his attention between, not to mention you know damn well even if they're mormon women they're still showing favoritism to their own spawn
>casually talking to some people at a work party
>some grill brings up a weird date she has
>desperately hope the conversation won't turn into everyone having to share date stories
>why are you sending this faggots to my country, america?
Thats where thy come from you nigger
8 year olds know what consent is. They should definitely be put on a list of they rape. Disgusting rape apologist.
Let me let you in on the secret about mormons. Everything they do, be it church, school, work, whatever - it's all one giant pissing contest. Every single mormon family is participating in an unspoken pissing contest with each other. Behind closed doors these people are all fucked, but they won't let you see it. The public image they present to everyone has to be better than everyone elses. They ALWAYS have to up one another, regardless of what it is.
>"Oh no, Susan! I'm so sorry to hear that Bryce lost his arm. You know that my son David was recently diagnosed with cancer?"
>"Oh, your wife is a regional manager? That's amazing! My wife is chief of surgery!"
>"Congratulations on having your 4th child! We're currently expecting our 7th!"
It's so fucking infuriating to deal with these people. They ALWAYS have to upstage you. The one who upstages the most, wins. That's why that quote doesn't surprise me at all. It's just some family pissing on all the other ones all at once saying, "My daughter is such a better mormon than you, she's willing to take modesty to the extreme!"
It's also why they send their kids on missions. They don't give a fuck about the religion itself, they just want to brag about how many kids of theirs went out, and how many people they converted. And missions are basically where you send the failure kids anyways, and it's their last chance at not shaming their family.
Hell, to even get in to BYU (the big mormon college in utah) you need to get a recommendation letter from a bishop stating how good of a mormon you are and your personal accomplishments and how you benefit the church. These kids are basically indoctrined in to the pissing contest from birth.
The only good mormons are the ones who are going through the quiet rebel phase (usually late teens/early 20s), and that's only because they only keep the niceness facade with none of the bullshit.
The wife looks like dsp's gf
You normies will never understand what it’s like to be a Mormon turned exmormon. It’s like having the world shattered and never having it the same again. It fucks with you forever. Hope there is a kino about that in the future. Or a hbo series about that fucking scum Joseph Smith, really interesting fucked up history about that.
The only people who think mormons are nice and friendly are the ones who didn't grow up in salt lake city
>it's all one giant pissing contest.
Yeah, no other groups do that!
>polite competition centered around many successful children you produce
Wow, that's just insane. Don't these "people" understand that the purpose of life is to, like, blaze it, fgt?
Can you imagine how much shit you could get done if you never selept? Lol
Singles Ward (2002) is a movie made by Mormons, for Mormons. It’s an interesting look at the culture.
Oh and also, those missions fucking suck. Like I know the missionaries are annoying as shit to deal with, but once you know how those things actually are you feel bad for them.
The ones who get missions in the US are the lucky ones, but also get shat on the most. Literally the best pick to get but the worst social wise. You're just converting people who speak your language, get good housing (provided by the church), and get actual food and proper transportation.
The ones who are shipped off elsewhere get the fucking worst end of the stick but are the best social wise. You're shipped off to a country with only 6 weeks of language prep (they believe strongly in the "you'll learn fucking quick if you're immersed and get fucked otherwise" thing) and when you arrive you have extremely shitty accommodations. They're usually sent with little to no funds, and have to set up "meal rotations" with the local families who they're trying to convert. Basically they go to different families for meals every day while preaching. Otherwise they're stuck with the very limited canned goods the church will give them. It's a lot harder for the men. Women can basically get away with some under the table deals with locals. Yes, I'm referring to prostitution on the side, but they have to be really careful about that shit.
It's really hard to explain unless you yourself lived in utah and grew up with a familiarity with the church and it's people. The levels of mental fuckery that happen to the kids is insane.
They really won't get it unless they've lived in utah. It's easier for the non utah mormons to break free because the social stigma is almost nonexistent. But if you go ex mormon in utah...Yeah, you're fucked. It's one of those things you can't convey properly over text.
>It's a lot harder for the men. Women can basically get away with some under the table deals with locals. Yes, I'm referring to prostitution on the side, but they have to be really careful about that shit.
Holy misogyny batman!
>"Woman can just sell their holes to men!"
I bet you can too, sweetheart. It would be just as enjoyable for you I bet.
because it feels good
caffeine is the best, great benefits and even if you get addicted withdrawal lasts like 2 weeks tops
Thay whole cultish behaviour shielded them from Jewish degeneracy
t. some guy that married a mormon girl
Jeez what a victim
The language training is probably the best in the world. The CIA recruits return missionaries because of that.
This is why we need feminism
isn't the whole religion set on misinforming their adherents on the actual history of the thing? Like how they backpedaled hard on the black people thing or some other stuff with joseph smith I forgot.
Three Wives One Husband
It's on Netflix. It's really good. It's only a few episodes. There's a bit where the family drive from their home in the desert to a beautiful secluded lake in the forest with no one else about and the father baptises his children. On of the most kino scenes I've ever seen in television or film.
can i join a mormon community and have them train me?
Nocotine > caffeine
They’ll train you, but being a convert or even a first generation Mormon means you’ll never be truly accepted
>The language training is probably the best in the world. The CIA recruits return missionaries because of that.
I love talking to these. They hammer my town because we have a church here and they come here on their missions.
I agree with OP i want some documentaries.
Mormons assure me theres some good battles near the end but the ‘and then it came to pass’ every patagraph makes the Book of Mormon unreadable to me.
Sure just give them 1/10 of your income for the rest of your life
fuck ignore this question i genuinely thought this thread was about the amish i wanted to know about that instead.
interesting though a shame. i'd probably join them too.
My life since I'm dating one. If you like blonde haired, blue eyed, old school women then mormon girls are for you.
Mormons learn local accents, sound native.
If she’s dating outside the faith, she has a weak family. Equivalent of dating a black guy.
Mormons are the last bastion of the white race and therefore needs to be destroyed.
Imagine the mindset of somebody who tries to twist the privilege of having people willing to pay you for sex, at your discretion, into some kind of oppression.
And men's holes are not made for penetrating.
Who says she's dating outside the faith?
americans aren't white
Abducted in Plain Sight
Again, it's one of those things you won't get. Yes, dudes can totally prostitute themselves. But mormon men would literally abandon the church before spreading their ass for proper food & board. And if one missionary abandons mid mission, the other gets sent home free and gets the bonus pity points of, "Oh look at him he tried so hard for the church he's such a good kid, but not his brother who left him there." You either rough it out with your partner, or one of you breaks. The men will put up with the shit because of the pissing contest and won't say how hard a time they're having because it's admitting the other guy is better than you. And since they've had it pounded in to their brains as a kid that they can't do that, they won't unless they fucking break. When they come back, they're never the same people. But a successful mission (or multiple if you're a major fuckup) means you get access to the church's resource network and they can get you in comfy as fuck jobs where you do fuckall and get paid well.
Women meanwhile can easily sell their ass for what they want. Only one girl has to do it, the other won't say anything, and both reap the benefits. And since it's non vaginal, it's technically not against their rules. So as long as she's pure and proper, it doesn't matter how they get what they want as long as it's not a homosexual act. Mormons technically now tolerate gays for legal reasons, but being gay as a mormon (not a convert) is still a massive no no. Oh and a fun fact about the anal thing, hill AFB actually has a massive problem because of that. Mormon teens will go out there to hook up with the soldiers in exchange for the untaxed booze. The base and the church have an under the table agreement going where basically if a dudes caught trying to give booze to minors or gets caught fucking a kid, they get it covered up. Too much bad press.
Nah, it's worse. Like, "fucked an animal" or "raped a baby corpse".
sad misogynist
if mens holes weren't made for penetrating why can they orgasm from it? checkmate mormons
Want to make fun of you but I just feel sad for you instead. Hope you see through it.
I'll see having a beautiful, white family through.
Look at this fresh off the boat faggot
had to convert too to marry my wife, but my father-in-law i think knows i don't believe any of these bs lol
By living a lie
speaking from experience?
>had to convert too to marry my wife
lol cuck
>being Mormon and posting on 4channel
I hope you disclosed this to your bishop during your temple interview.
small price to pay to have a beautiful white wife that has good christian values mate
I'm doing the same shit right now. Was the temple wedding crazy? I've heard it's weird inside there. I'll see it for myself in a few months.
You're thinking small. It'll be better in the long run than 99% of other options in America. This place is fucked and I want to have white children with a high chance of them continuing that. I don't give a fuck about the religion or this country anymore. I just want to ensure the future for my people.
i want a virgin gf so i hope i can get a mormon. sad that you have to resort to that in current year. though i'll have to verify whether or not she's secretly sucked dick and taken it up the ass.
mormons aren't christian and you'll have to dance to the tune of some dead 19th century faggot for the rest of your entire life if you want to keep her. Joseph smith is basically the man of your house, not you.
Nolan's looking pretty fresh here
Mormon women are only worth going after if they're not from utah. The utah mormon women are fucking ugly as shit. They age HORRIBLY and very young. It's why once they get past their mid 20s they start going downhill fast and end up with loads of facial surgery. Massive foreheads and they've got horrid resting bitch face.
The argument isn't that they can't, but that they won't. One of the few redeeming factors of mormons is their massive hatred of any and all LGBTBBQ bullshit. They're forced to tolerate it publicly, but privately? Holy fucking shit you have no idea.
She's utah bred, isn't she? If so, not only did you NOT get a hot wife, but also cucked yourself in to the cult. The only time it's acceptable to marry a mormon is when you can get her from non utahn genetics and can have her go ex mormon for you. Otherwise the cultism is too deep in her and you're just a fucking retard for willingly subjecting yourself to it.
She more than likely has. Also, beware the "It tore because of the sports I played in school" excuse.
dude, the temple wedding is the least of the crazy shit if you've done all of their initiation. just shrug it off
you're some larping fag who don't know shit. its not 1950s strict just don't be a fucking degenerate
Most Mormon teen girls are secret rebellious sluts the more religious the family is. Maybe except for the really ugly ones they’re the virgin ones
yep she's from utah, had to move here and convert my life to mormonism and i wouldn't want her to move away from her religion, i'm happy the way she is
>massive hatred of any and all LGBTBBQ bullshit
holy fu*ki*g based
yeah it's always too good to be true. it's really not that hard to be a virgin i do it every day.
>Live in England
>Mormonism is a religion that is clearly American centric
>There are a number of LDS churches near me
What's up with that? I know Church of England is shit, but what's wrong with good old fashioned Catholicism?
I feel like putin my dick inside her vagina, if you catch my drift haha
Catholicism is too open that's why degeneracy ran rampant since the church fathers barely did anything to curb those shit out.
i got hooked when our company did some community helping service and met my future wife during one of those things doing a mission.
>massive hatred of any and all LGBTBBQ bullshit.
its quite funny that i heard my in laws raging so much about those things much much more than a typical /pol/tard has. also my father in law laughs at my kike jokes which i find hilarious
Cult of America. Also aggressive publicity from their missionaries baiting in the lonely. It can give the LDS churches a youth feel and not upper middle class and 80% elderly like most Christian churches.
bleaah, BLACKED has better girls than those two
Temple wedding is baby tier in terms of mormon shit. Yes, the insides are weird and you can actually find pictures and shit of how they look. But once the temple has been 'blessed' or whatever, photography is strictly forbidden, and you can't get in without going through basically a mormon background check.
You want to get higher up on the "what the fuck?" scale? Temple baptisms for the dead. They get a group of children from some of the "better" better at pissing contests families, strip them naked, and take them in to a room with a bishop and pic related. The bishop then does a small ritual thing and says a bunch of prayers and makes the kids stand in line to get in to the giant baptism tub. He'll dunk each kid in there about 100-150 times in quick succession, saying the name of each dead person he's baptising.
Yep. They have the quiet rebel phase during the late teens/early 20s and once it runs it's course, the deep rooted cultism kicks back in and they settle down and basically turn in to their parents, repeating the process.
Their racism and hatred for any and all non heterosexual relationships is one of the few redeeming qualities. Any converted mormon who isn't white is never truly a mormon and will always be an outcast, even in their own family. What I mean by that is that mormons LOVE to adopt ethnic kids as babies (and can do so extremely cheap due to the church's in house adoption agency) because it's more fuel for the pissing contest. Do they actually love those kids and consider them family? Hell fucking no. They're literally just a well maintained trophy. The parents will always favor their own natural born over the adopted. And since they adopt as children, they can get away with the affection imbalance, teaching the ethnic that it's "normal" and how all families work.
The short one legit looks like his sister
Do male mormons lay pipe during mission?
They're probably share a common relative from within the past 200 years. Mormon girls come in basically two varieties. The left/middle, and the right. They're all samefaced as fuck and age like garbage. Inbreeding used to be a massive fucking problem (and still is in some places in utah) The girls are great up until the late 20s then the age just hits them like a truck and they compensate with either loads of makeup, plastic surgery, or botox. See the OP pic for a typical 30something.
Thats is normal and how families work. Thankyou for posting this interesting info.
>it's all one giant pissing contest
Welcome to being human, underachiever
>4 wives
>0 lookers
What I mean is that it's worse to be adopted by a mormon family than it would be to any other family. At least with a normal family, they'd treat you with compassion and actually try and incorporate you and shit. You know the kid will never really have that same familial connection, but at least there's actual feeling there.
With mormons, there isn't. They don't adopt a child, they adopt an object. They raise and display the child for one reason, and one reason only. To show it off and upstage the other mormons. How those kids are treated is fucking night and day compared to any other situation. And like I said, since they adopt them as babies who never knew what love and compassion was, or how normal families treat kids, they grow up thinking that how they're treated is normal. I'd say the best way to describe how they're treated outside the public eye is like...I want to say a servant, but that's not the right word. Slave isn't either, but servant is really the best word you can put.
honestly it's no stupider than thinking the middle east is the holy land
Dude you don't get naked except to change into the bathrobe thing, not like anyone sees you it's just in a locker room. and they only dunk you like 5 times. Plus the "children" are like 12-16
Mormons are crazy but you are straight up schizo lol
Something looks 'off' about these 'people'.
He's like an ex-girlfriend complaining about her ex engaging in hyperbole.
>t. a non mormon
Yeah, look at his sperg reactions: speaking as an actual mormon he's full of shit.
Because the media likes to tell you that and you start to believe. Also the idea of a normal family and the safety and comfort that comes with it makes you jealous.
>speaking as an actual mormon
fucking pathetic display famalam
remember to add plenty of goymilk into you coffee, you need all the help you can get lmao
They can drink coke now since they sponser the Mormon church now.
Such a joke of a religion.
>no argument
who is this cutiepie
what's her name bro?
Mormonism is pretty based
oh yeah i forgot to add.
you know what mormons have lots of? guns, lots and lots of guns. so if the day of the rope ever happens you know who'll definitely come out on top lol
some lady who totally doesn't have a penis
This puts a whole new perspective on the one week I spent commuting to their church.
>Mormon women are only worth going after if they're not from utah. The utah mormon women are fucking ugly as shit. They age HORRIBLY and very young. It's why once they get past their mid 20s they start going downhill fast and end up with loads of facial surgery. Massive foreheads and they've got horrid resting bitch face.
so that's why they never stop breeding new daughterwives
i want to impregnate her
who's this?
It's easy to tell that you two are either non mormons, or converts who have never lived in Utah, because literally all I have said is common knowledge to any Utahn. We may not speak about it in public, but it's a pretty big open secret. Explaining Mormonism and their ways boils down to, "You have to live it to know it" that only applies to those who grew up in the heart of it. No real mormon (ex or otherwise) would up and dispute shit I've said here because it's the truth.
>find out becoming a mormon in my country is very easy
>but they're banned from having multiple wives
What's the point even?
you mean the US army?
You can still convert to one of the branch groups that allow for polygamy, however the legality of said polygamy is still up to your country. Even the polygamy sects in utah can't register more than one wife to the government.
I'm from Utah, you LARPing liar.
it's just white americans who do that fake smile thing
Kys traitor
damn hot women on the right
join us bro
Do you get a complimentary wife immediately when you join mormons or do you still have to go through the process of asking them out, convincing them you're worth dating and then hoping she won't notice the better people around you?
Mor(m)ons are niggers and I'm glad they'll all burn in hell for eternity. I hope the LARP scam was worth it, Joe.
I did baptism for the dead as a kid. You don’t get naked.
Do you get a rush out of going online and slandering Godly people with stuff you got from Reddit?
The Church sets you up if you need the help. There's always girls looking to start a family who are raised to be dutiful and obedient.
They always could. It was just a recommendation that members don’t drink soda with caffeine.
Then please stop talking to me
Get back on your bike and leave me alone
Sure thing, bud. All the info I've given can also be found online as well, but good luck finding an ex mormon willing to speak out about the church's bullshit that doesn't look like a total nutter. Any ex with a brain cuts all fucking ties with the church and their involvement. I won't argue with you trying to convince you of the truth, i've put it out there and real mormons know what's up, others can take what I've said and do with it as they please.
Singles ward is a real thing, bro. You have to go through the process like with any other girl, but as long as your mormon equivalent of good boy points are up there, you'll have an easy time getting a girl even if you're ugly as shit. Get in good with the bishop and get involved with the church. Use the connections to snag a good paying job, and you'll be set. But don't expect the best from singles ward, it's basically where all the failures go.
They built the city for themselves. Non-mormons should fuck off
this board is so creepy
>good luck finding an ex mormon ... that doesn't look like a total nutter
Because they all are nutters. Slander like yours is typical.
why do you say that?
You ignored all the pedothreads and BRAAPthreads but came to tell us this in a mormon thread?
it's why you're here
Big Love season 1-3 was good.
They also murdered pioneers in Utah. Every man, woman, and child old enough to remember the slaughter. The youngest children were taken and raised as Mormons. Can't wait till the Army comes back for round two to kill all of you filthy niggerbrain cultists.
The ones who actually break free and make a new life for themselves don't want shit to do with their past as a mormon. That's why none of the normal ones speak out. Only the fucking psychotic breaks or the druggies end up rambling about the church and no one takes shit seriously from someone who looks (and acts) fucking crazy even if some of the shit they're saying is true.
>lmao being such a child you don't know the taste of a big black cock
Wholesome white families are so creepy!
prove it
This the one?
Because they make you feel inferior.
This. I’m an ex-mo, and the community of people that leave the church is awful. If you don’t believe me, go check out the exmo subreddit.
I don’t believe in it anymore, but I don’t harbor any ill will towards the church. In fact, it has some really good aspects. This dude talking about prostitution on the side is LARPing, or was a member in some white trash Idaho ward.
>4 women to one man
What happens to the other men?
Kek, forgot that they LARPed as Injuns. LARPception.
They are kicked out and turn into this user:
Seconding this.
The slanderers are just fedora-tipping retards.
Mormonism is based and iconic. The intro to Bioshock Infinite is a parody of Mormonism and the bit about the turtle cult in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a Mormon parody as well
Slow your roll, MIDF. There's no "fedora-tipping" involved in dismissing busine- religions like Mormonism, Scientology, Nation of Islam, etc.
The only people this bootyblasted sbout the church are members that grow up gay then leave the church.
You don't grow up gay - you're born gay.
lmao thanks for confirming your homosexuality
how do you know someone is an exmormon?
they'll tell you.