ITT: the ones that will hurt

ITT: the ones that will hurt

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buddy, i got bad news for you

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It works on multiple levels, nice one user.

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he's a big guy


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Haha because his last name is hurt and hurt is the emotion too lol upvoted

arnie is just annoying on instagram these days

he already hurt

He can do whatever the fuck he wants

You are a faggot for having instagram and then complaining about it

>is probably a millionaire
>still dresses and talks like a cockney chav subhuman

Is class in the U.K. pretty much like race: you're born with it and can't change it?

everyone has instagram you shut in

Irish larper

Yes, people pretend that the class structure has gone away but you can take the chav out of the council estate but you can't take the council estate out of the chav

Stallone more than him

Stallone is a gang rapist

Kys zoomer faggot

Don't even think about it

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>you're born with it and can't change it?
Why would you deliberately change the accent you were born with? Anyone would be able to instantly see through it

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