>be in charge of work camp required to produce necessary output for war
>"lmao I'll just kill all my hired labourers whenever I feel like it."
Be in charge of work camp required to produce necessary output for war
He was incentivising
Thats why the SS investigated him
>have large supply of free slave labour
>"lmao I'll just kill all my hired labourers whenever I feel like it."
is this the response you wanted
why do poltards deny holocaust? are they just pretending to be retarded?
Because all the evidence points to it not happening
desu deniers and revisionists are giving historians positive PR points
is that why historians that try to investigate holocaust get beaten in streets by jewish gangsters?
What's the best Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes film?
It took me years to realize he was supposed to be a separate character than Schindler. I thought since they were played by the same actor it was about the duality of man and the evil in all of us but I guess they had the actor play both for no real reason. What a strange choice.
>I thought since they were played by the same actor
I know right, why the fuck would they have the same guy play two characters without some fucking hoodoo voodoo symbolism shit? As a joke?
David Cole is not a historian.
pretending? look at this faggot im betting thats genuine tardation lol
I liked it because he was literally arguing with himself to not shoot the kid.
Didn’t happen mate
Fair and simple
Because in say, American corporations, the bosses never sacrifie productivity to be sadistic assholes. Never ever.
Simple maths state it's impossible
Hired? lol
lol dumb /pol/beard can't even spell
Typical uneducated leftie
Oh let me guess “hurr there werent enough gas chambers”
/pol/beards love saying this despite nearly half of the deaths in the holocaust were caused by death squads aided by police and army battalions along with disease across multiple countries. Not all of it was done at the death camps.
most died from starvation because the allies bombed german infrastructure to smithereens
>in a war of total annihilation vs your archenemy, the Russians
>being stretched to the limit by the amount of territory you already control
>"hurr, lets spend a shit ton of manpower and materials to randomly execute Jews"
Just doesn't add up
Oh shit you've been brainwashed to not understand simple math and facts, sad. (((Public))) schools doing our peoples work too well imo. I bet you vote for democrats too lol, whiteboi.
>American education
which left allied pows mysteriously unaffected
Its because Nazis are pure fucking evil.
Nazis are literally demons on earth unleashed. It frightens me that day by day we are moving closer to this regime
They weren't the most efficient people, don't kid yourself.
the real redpill is it doesn't even matter if the holocaust happened or not. based on the fucking shit i'm seeing right now: they deserved it.
The question of expense/man power was brought up at Wansee Conference by government ministers, the SS generals simply said fighting the jews was just as important as fighting the Russians.
railway artillery was responsible for most of the allied casualties in the beach landings of Italy
while airpower is undoubtedly superior, they were lacking in lubricants, oil and rubber which made it impossible to maintain air superiority once the conflict escalated
land based artillery was a decent compromise
You seem to think this is a legitimate thread to discuss the works of Ralph Fiennes or OP's film.
but that's retarded though, logically it would have made more sense to use the free labour for your war effort, and then worry about exterminating the vermin once everything was stable
He killed the lazy ones. Making his factory more efficient
Seriously tho wasnt he investigated and killed by the nazis for killing innocents?
>in a war against one of the biggest coalitions who have equipment, manpower and intelligence exceeding yourself
>lmao lets now declare war on Russia aswell
Nothing the Nazis did made much sense
wtf I hate Nazis now
>humans act irrationally
i can't believe it
Yup those working jews living in abject poverty in eastern Europe really had it coming, they were making rich germans feel uneasy.
When the Russians arrived in Germany, a Russian CO said “why would they try to kill us, they have so much”
i too listen and believe all the shit that comes out of Dan Carlin's mouth
Don't bother, he'll reject any viewpoint thaf isn't stormfront approved.