Couldnt he EASILY afford a private driver?

couldnt he EASILY afford a private driver?

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he gives his money to charity

yeah right

It may come as no surprise that Keanu Reeves, who opts to intersperse mega-hits like Speed with quirkier art-house fare like Little Buddha, isn't exactly motivated by money

The actor has even signed away a sizeable back-end deal for two Matrix sequels, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday in a profile of Reeves' erratic Hollywood career.

According to the paper, Reeves handed over his valuable profit-sharing points to the franchise's special-effects and costume-design team. Whoa, dude!

"He felt that they were the ones who made the movie and that they should participate," an unnamed movie executive tells the Journal.

And it's not the first time that Reeves has shared his movie spoils. On The Devil's Advocate, Reeves shaved his salary by a few million dollars so that producers could afford Al Pacino, and he did the same thing on The Replacements to be able to work with Gene Hackman, according to the Journal.


being down to earth is part of his image

Name an A-lister more based than Keanu

Speaking of down to earth...

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I'd like to be down on the earth under her

you see, what he likes to do is scratch his anus and then go on public transport and touch all the poles
then he gets off at his favourite supermarket and touches all the fruit

she looks like she needs a fug

wow what a sick fuck.

how can he still get roles?

if it's NYC it's often easier to just get a subway

Name a human being more based than Keanu.

He probably rides the subway like once a year

its generally a toss-up which is worse to take in NYC, a car or the subway

I'd get on my knees and start sniffing her calves furiously and loudly.

he gave out all his money for Matrix sequels to the special effects people, because he felt that the success of the movies was mostly their achievment. Keenau simply is a kind hearted guy.

You think that's something? Michael Jackson could afford the finest whores in the entire world but he chose to buttfuck little homeless boys instead.

>H-hey is this seat taken?
>It's all yours, young man ;)

based on account of doing what it took to work with Hackman and Pacino

>/Jared Fogle/

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You now remember his child was stillborn and his gf died just as he became successful

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what happened to his ferrari?

I'd like to be the earth being stepped on by her.

She's french which means she is used to the idea of public transport

>rich people aren’t allowed to take public transport

He give most of his money to charity and doesn’t spend more than his need.

Literally who?

based keanu

May I have some oats brother?

Vampires have little need for money anyway.

>actually holding on to a pole without gloves
That thing is dirtier than a public restroom at a truckstop. Disgusting.

Based user that I hope is the same user that always replies every time I post that picture

>Reminder Keanu is a real life vampire and has been here for hundreds of years therefore money holds no meaning to him

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Kek. Sorry brother. I'm just another oat in the wind.

So glad Difficulty II made that meme

Dooood she's possessed!!


>reddit spacing

>Imagine sitting next to Eva and your arms accidentally touch and you remember it for the rest of your life

fucking cops

Reminder that Keanu has a net worth of 360 million and anything he gave to charity back then is nothing compared to what he has now.

He's a master manipulator.

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literally only an american would think that a celebrity using public transport is somehow weird

She's possessed.

Or a third-worlder. Basically weird outside of Europe only.

Demon on Hunter violence

British police feeling unusually brave against natives.

Attached: britishpolice.webm (640x360, 1.47M)

>The exact amount of degrees he turned before walking away from the offer of becoming another Hollywood headjob

all Marilyn Manson's fault

>jew york

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Most celebrities aren't as rich as you think they are

kek imagine being this pozzed

kek no, if you're rich in France you don't take public transportation


And that's why I never eat Pringles.

at what point would he get shot in america?

yes, theyre even richer

Not gonna lie, knowing the shit Keanu's been through in his life, I'm amazed he has any energy to care about anything at all. Most actors in his shoes would probably have coked themselves to death.

>And that's why I never eat Pringles.

Once you POP you cannot stop.

id rip off her boots lick and sniff her nylon feet then run away with my nose buried in her boots

360 degrees would be a full circle you fucking dropout. he would be face the same direction that he started the turn at.

is it summer already?

The moment a drone flied over his shithole

>Explains the joke

I hope your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

reddit post

He's an angel ...

Lay off the oats brother.

>I hope your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

Once you DROP you cannot FLOP.

Alex trebec

In 1991 during the filming for 'Point Break' Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm infront of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) "The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life". The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. He was later spotted outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean.

You're new here, huh?

Wait, the cops attack the man for defending himself?

Then maybe we'll meet again friend

Another fantastic reference to Difficulty II

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Is NY like Tokyo? In the sense that the strangest things are considered ordinary and most people don't give a shit about most celebrities walking nearby? Everybody just seems to be in a hurry.

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>got 'im

Literally my favourite meme.

lmao you were reverse trolled

The fuck is so difficult about oats. Just literally read the pack. LMAOing at your life.

Mate, Keanu's an immortal vampire. He's looking for his next blood bag.

>he doesn't realise reversed his reversal
you are nothing

It's his money you dumb socialist cuck. He could have kept every cent to himself and it would be his God-given right, but he didn't.

I will literally never ride public transportation in my life again, and I'm not even rich. I'd rather be a cycle faggot than do that. Riding buses in my teenage years (there was no school bus to my area) with niggers gave me PTSD. Got attacked twice (nothing serious), constant drunk/high people drama, literally shitting and pissing on the floors, darkies won't shut the fuck up and yell at each other constantly, people playing phone music at absurd volumes, etc. etc. etc. It is nowhere near worth it, yuropoors try to shit on american car culture but you are fucking retarded if you think our public transport is even meant to be used by humans.

I really don't understand rich or even middle class people who do this.

The moment he was confirmed to be non-white.

Polish girls, amirite?

gj there fucko

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Just makes it sound like you live in a 3rd world shithole.

Only thing I'm polishing is stuff that needs polishing.

In October 2001, Keanu Reeves met with the families of 9/11 victims. After a brief interview in which he expressed his condolences and hope for closure, he reportedly burst out laughing and made airplane noises and mimicked two planes crashing. He then picked up the child of a deceased victim and whispered into her ear "Your dad's dead, bitch", and proceeded to put on a pair of sunglasses and unleash a barrage of martial arts attack on the small child. She was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead due to eternal bleeding. When asked later about the incident, Reeves became visibly sexually aroused and repeated the same attack on the reporter.

yeah but european public transportation is just as bad as the US', at least in terms of people using it. But owning a car here is so expensive here that it's either riding with the subhumans or walking to work.

Yeah, America. Dumb nigga.


Okay Joe Capo



It's Joe Pacco you faggot.

Now featuring tumblr faggotry.

bullshit tbqh, I live in Greece and 90% of the people I see in public transport are either old people or college students
Been riding public transport for 5 years almost daily and never encountered anything really bad, except from 2-3 druggies mumbling.

You faggots who bring up Tumblr and Reddit are cringe. Mostly because you expose yourselves as browsers of said websites.


>stay stuck on traffic for hours
>take 15 minute train ride

Yeah, what an idiot.

The nWo illuminati love to shove their rich little puppets in our faces

That's probably his private train.

guess that depends where you live. Here they're always fucking crowded and stink. Then again I live in Paris

Thank you user!

>estimated net worth = money he has in the bank

That looks more like London.

Thats the streamer GreekGodX stood next to the lady with the Superdrug bag.

That's a big fall

Green considers herself "nerdy". She also says, "When people first meet me, they find me very cold... I keep myself at a distance, and I think that's why I'm so drawn to acting. It allows me to wear a mask."She lives alone and, by her own account, leads a low-key life when she is not working. When asked in an interview what people would be surprised to find out about her, she responded:
"I guess people would be surprised to find out that I am a bit of a homebody. I do not like clubbing or going to wild parties. After a day of shooting, I love to come home and relax by the fire with a glass of wine and a good book. Boring, huh?"

She has expressed interests in taxidermy and entomology; she collects preserved skulls and insects.

There wouldn't be any footage of it. Only aftermath.

No, its because that retarded (shit) style posting was spammed here by reylos who infested Yea Forums then tried to take over Yea Forums. Now newfags like you emulate them, poofter.

>stuck on traffic
streetshitter detected

>Neo can take the Subway but @AOC insists on Uber

Male privilege

for england?

based cool wine aunt


you know, it is a meme in the warhammer 40k tabletop community that (the very few) women in the hobby always pick tyranids as their faction. what is their endgame

Attached: tyranids.jpg (216x233, 13K)

nobody keeps 360 million dollars in a bank account, sweaty

I'd steal her shoe as the train came to a stop and cum in it every day

>literally the first search results of 'pig at beach'
Are you retarded son?

big lizard cock

>If you don't bankrupt yourself in the process of donating to charities, you're a manipulator

The guy frequently does shit like visit children's hospitals, and the only reason anybody finds out about it is because the kids or their parents posts the pictures online. He doesn't do that shit for the publicity.

>sit across from her
>e-every penny of it
how would she react?

>t. college debt fucktard who doesn't know how dividends work
Why the fuck would he give away all his money so he can't keep donating? That money is literally generating free money - which he demonstrably consistently gives away.

that wasnt england

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>this much weaponized boomer autism in one post

You're welcome, it's all yours

They're community support officers. Not police.
Basically, they're fookin useless

this is unconfirmed and has been called untrue before, don't just lap everything up user

Have you ever been to NYC? Or any big city, you fucking stupid inbred hick? Subways are way faster than getting stuck in endless traffic. A private driver is a waste of time and money. Also, only faggots care about celebrities.

>being that pathetic

fuck OFF

idk about the burgers but in leafistan it's supposed to be the "1 + 1" method where you can one up them in weaponry. so if he had a knife you are allowed to use a firearm if he charges at you. and so on and so forth

You think he fueled some of the pent up anger towards the world for his life into the wick movies?


>mfw i hyperventilate as i sit next to her and continually breathe in her fragance
>mfw i blackout momentarily
>mfw i come to just in time to see her get up and walk to the exit

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Hey man Neo has seen some bad times in his days, now he might be a rich motherfucker but it wasn't happy stuff

Your newfag is showing


takes longer in Manhattan but the subway disgusts me so i guess he just doesn't give a fuck


Aren't there various different areas in USA that have vastly different people using public transportation?
I would assume some bus in Vermont is vastly different from CA or NY buses.

couldnt he easily not go to macdonalds? same question. and lets be clear like alex jones, people who use money to isolate themselves from their normal life, get isolated. you literally are too dumb to notice you are using money to attack yourself