Weird, I don't remember any of this happening in The Lord of the Rings
Weird, I don't remember any of this happening in The Lord of the Rings
This is all very gay, bluepilled, unbased and gay and basicly SNEED
That will be all
They're right it's just you're too dumb to understand it.
>it's another postmodern critical theory pleb uses I'll fitting and forced comparisons with manchild stories because his target audience need to be spoon fed simplified hyperbole of real issues because they are fucking mongs
I want off this fucking ride
he's right tho, every single bad thing in Middle Earth is a direct result of Feanor fucking up's a parody of that. It's saying post modernists get nothing done
>i'll fitting
im not surprised you missed the message
I enjoyed this. Thank you, op.
>even if “the other” are actually ALL raping, killing, pillaging, blood thirsty monstets, critical theorists still blame all problems on societal power structures and facism and the problems that stem from hating the percieved other
nah, parody doesnt really come through, its devoid of any wink plus another lotr character joins in and it doesnt end in a way that implies the ineffectivness of critical theory
it could literally just end with a panel of them getting disembowled by orcs and it would make perfect sense, but to end with an lotr character saying “thats not how i though this would go” is not pointed in the direction you seem to think it is
>it could literally just end with a panel of them getting disembowled by orcs and it would make perfect sense
it also would have been funny. something leftists can't do
So, are orcs muslims or something?
>end hierarchy
for what purpose?
it's a meme. they love hierarchy when it enforces their values. what they really mean is "end established and universal social norms"
so jews dont rule over us c uck
Where's the joke Buckley?
jews may rule over you but they don't rule over me
yeah I figured as much
>jews may rule over you but they don't rule over me
are you posting from mars?
Feanor fucking up is directly tied with melkor being a cunt and trying to ruin the world. Dont forget it was melkor that introduced the idea of evil into the world. He was also the first to commit murder when he 'killed' Feanors father
Feanor is the only reason the silmarils exist, unless you’re discounting the value of beauty
t. manwe shills
I don't even play their games. I'm self-employed, pay no taxes, etc... Of course it's a somewhat restrictive way of living but I feel I have much more freedom than the average person.
Most of their arguments are plausible and make sense. However, much like all liberal/anarchist/marxisist/communist/etc. forget one glaring flaw.
They may start a revolution and end the current hierarchy and hegemony. However it will always, sooner or later, be replaced by a new hierarchy with its pros and cons. That's how it has always been through all civilization and it's the essence of human nature itself. Or in this case elven/dwarven/human/orc/etc. nature. If not, then they're applying human theories and hypotheses on a fictional setting which makes all their arguments, well, fictional as well.
Whether or not this is meant as parody, it has successfully captured the irrattatingly overblown bullshit that leftist ideologues come up with. As another user said, what is missing is a final panel where the philosophers are dismembered by the orcs; The end result of such thinking, something that we're seeing in Britain- one example being, gay activists being surprised thst the muslims they've fought for turning on them and demanding that gay education be banned from school curriculum.
>american perception of the political left
>no insight into Sauron's tax policy
It's shit.
aka the correct one
This is absolutely retarded from an actual LOTR lore perspective. Most of the Elves have fucked off, there is no goddamn Elf power hierarchy in place in Middle Earth anymore
They're thinking of the Noldor during the First Age
>Be leftist subhuman
>Make hideous "art"
>Ideology despises strength, beauty and independence so never, ever improve because that would be rising out of the muck of your peers, who would then shred your body to pieces out of jealousy and anger
>the irrattatingly overblown bullshit that leftist ideologues come up with
imagine thinking only leftists do this lmao
This is sad because Tolkien very specifically was uncomfortable because he'd written the Orcs as some kind of unredeemable pure evil race and that wasn't really compatible with his Christian values. He wanted to change that but didn't have time in the end
>plus another lotr character joins in
Karl Marx?
I don't think that.
>was sauron rly bad tho?!?
>elves(wh*te people)rule everyting!!1lol
>orcs r peaceful, really!!!
It's like they didn't even try. Was this supposed to be funny? Or was it satire?
Now you understand kikery and communism (also kikery). congratulations
Do you know the author? Is a fucking idiot
They're not meant to be funny, they are meant to be ideology affirming. Basically leftist Stone Toss but somehow uglier and with far, far more words.
Orcs are niggers.
>instead of killing sauron and the orcs we should integrate them into society
this has to be parody
I mean you're kind of right, but if you follow that comic series it's pretty clear it's meant to be at least slightly mocking whichever philosophy is showcased.
Tangentially related to your Hegelian rebuttal, but critiques of hierarchyless organisations/societies exist. This was written by a woman that was very active in anarchist movements and got to experience first hand the soft underhanded power structures that establish themselves in a nominally equal group.
What the simps who criticise this fail to understand is that by having an aggressive foreign policy of bombing the fuck out of the middle east you help create the massive immigration problems that plague Europe and to a lesser extent America. It also provides every Muslim around the world with a justifiable anger when they watch TV and see their people getting drone striked every morning and their governments overthrown. Having an insular defensive policy, abandoning the warfare state, would lead to a more peaceful and homogeneous society.
It's mostly inside jokes and philosophers acting retarded.
Came here to post this. The comic doesn't make any sense in terms of the actual lore, tells me the bitch probably just watched the movies and was done with it.
Well it got you all riled up.
>philosophers acting retarded
that's just business as usual though
this is what happens if people have to much free time on their hand and have lost their connection with basic human needs. They spiral into insane amounts of justifications for whatever bullshit they came up with in their fantasy worlds (how ironic) and try to force it down the throats of people who feed their sorry-insane asses.
If that was the concil I would take Elrond and pursade him that we better side with Sauron because at least he's somewhat resonable compared to these dipshits.
t. Conan
>itt newfags
you don't have to support state violence in order to oppose this kind of "nonwhites are victims" narrative. unfortunately a lot of people are too stupid to understand that
Sure. Really obvious to anyone with a brain, you either go all-in, or you stay as far away as you can. Either full imperialism, vassalize them or whatever, or just leave 'em be as they murder their own citizens.
Every single Civil War in the Middle East, including the Syrian Civil War that is filling Europe to the brim with sandniggers, started due to muslims' own damn fault. Because Shias and Sunnis can't agree on what is the best way to appease their Sand Death God.
Their problem is that they can't see their own violent ways and put the blame on everyone else instead of taking responsabilty.
More than usual I mean
As someone that actually plays d&d on a regular basis I'd hate those faggots too.
>dude we should never have philosophical debates about our ideals
>there are literal orcs and an evil spirit monster out there
I'm trying to imagine what you would think of all those old esoteric bastards in ancient Greece, or the people that framed our constitution
ffs, wrong board
Tolkien's idea of the elves laying a dreamlike groundwork for their inevitable replacement in men who are somehow both gifted and paradoxically more suited to living with their limited mortality is unironically more interesting than most checklist pomo philosophy.
Not an expert on philosophy but from what I've just read hastily and if I understood it correctly, Hegel believed we evolve through our rise and fall of civilizations throughout history, while what I wrote is pretty much a misanthropic stance and our inability to reach any kind of utopia and how our efforts to strive for it is a waste of energy.
I went in skeptical, expecting it to be stupid but was surprisingly impressed. Good job
It's literally satire of how black&white the politics of middle earth is, and a critique on how that would look in real life [not good considering the numerous similarities to real world events over the years]
it uses the same jews=elves allegory as Bright too which I'm surprised you guys aren't jizzing over
its always a good move when the people mention who each other are
>We should blindly listen to our leaders and attack anyone who challenges the status quo
So Trump is a bad guy after all?
Its because we don't compare real world events to fucking children's fantasy novels.
To be fair, modern philosophy is an actual joke, that doesn't even hold a spark compared to the philosophy of the ancient world. I'm all for promoting philosophy, really I am, but there's a reason why most modern people see it only as "boffins spending too much time in their heads."
fucking modern audiences with your moral relativism and false blank slate philosophy. they're orcs and fallen angels dude, they're inherently evil.
It's the notion of Hegelian synthesis. Hegel proposed a sort of process of intellectual evolution for humanity in three steps. First a new vision a thesis would be put forward. Then an antithesis would come forward, an opposed agenda energised by disdain for the original thesis. Finally their conflict would result not in ultimate victory for one side or the other, but in compromise, in synthesis a new path forward would be found incorporating both sides and the process would begin again.
>modern philosophy is an actual joke, that doesn't even hold a spark compared to the philosophy of the ancient world
truly, the ancients knew what they were on about
>the average Yea Forums user is too stupid to understand Existential Comics
one sad reality is that most of Yea Forums doesn't even know how to tie its shoelaces
i used to think, perhaps misguidedly, that this place was a counter-cultural melting pot of genuises, high-IQ nutjobs, anarchists and all sorts of people too smart to accept the shitshow of global capitalism
but nope, most people are actually just retards here
I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!
that video is pure kino
t. reddit
fuck off heeb
Yeah, human history is just full of intellectual progress through internal compromises.
Go tip your fedora somewhere else faggot
>implying star wars threads don't perpetuate this board
m8, this is what im talking about. by dismissing anything you don't like as "reddit" or "tumblr" or "NPC", you keep reinforcing the patterns of behaviour that make your life more difficult than it needs to be.
based and Ar-Pharazonpilled
This is lampooning Chomsky and Foucault, right?
So is this thread proof that Yea Forums is the stupidest board?
This but you're a retard as well if it took you this long to notice this. I will take pity though and send you to lainchan.
I think Foucault does a good job of lampooning Foucault on his own
>try to get quit gestalt on a certain philosophy
>more than half the text is about that particular philosopher's idea of how the physical world is constructed and metaphysics
So is this part actually important in order to understand the philosophy?
Gee I wonder (((why))) the US has been bombing the Middle East for decades? I wonder (((who))) is constantly shilling for US invasion of Iran.
people here don't accept that. they just also don't accept the delusional fantasies and failed alternatives proselytised by 19th century cranks and 20th century psychopaths
my existance is stupid enough, I don't need no damn comics to bury me with fancy words to make me even more insane than I already am.
>i used to think that this place was a counter-cultural melting pot of genuises, high-IQ nutjobs, anarchists and
jesus dude
yeah, i have to accept that.
foucault certainly enjoyed getting lampooned
this comic isn't actually supporting these things though, it's actually making fun of the people who came up with these ideas as being out-of-touch and overly analytical
>Behold, Socrates' Man
i didn't say it was. i was addressing your comment on this site and its users, not the comic in the op
le upvote
the author is pretty rough on leftist philosophers in general. In one of his comics he says "whenever I can't think of a good punchline, I have Sartre show up, do something stupid and shout "radical freedom!""
Imagine reading these comics and being so warped in your ideology you see them as anything but comedic interactions between philosophers applying their thoughts to silly things.
Why isn’t someone smiting those faggots for being Sauron’s minions?
That is pretty funny. Buddha is right though Nietzsche is being an uptight faggot as usual
w-wait, which ideology do you mean exactly?
underrated and truthpilled
it is funny
Don't you have any goats to rape, Achmed?
Nobody said the confrontation had to be peaceful, only that no matter which side wins, they will inevitably be affected by the other side.
Thesis: French Revolution, Enlightenment ideals
Anti-Thesis: Counter-revolution, Ultra-royalists, holy alliance
Synthesis: July Monarchy
You can piece together tons of examples like this:
>Maoist China VS Kuomitang counter Revolution = Dengist reforms
>1848 German Revolution VS Prussian militarism = Bismarckian welfare state
>Post-war "New Japan", ANPO, Miike VS Kishi government, Mitsui Zaibatsu = Harmony Society Japan
Is that why so many people immigrate from Mexico to the US? Have we been bombing Mexico all this time? Go fuck yourself you fucking retard.
Yeah not gonna waste my time reading that gray uncharismatic wall of text
>we suffer because we were born
A nice post. History is full of confirmation bias though. It goes beyond "written by the winners" the entire practice is constructive, and people forget that.
who is this aimed at?
As if anyone today values metaphysics, the closest would be Islam - and what a warped metaphysics it is.
The Greeks never came up with dialectic to justify allowing themselves to be invaded by Persians. They had one philosopher who went around trying to dissolve the social fabric of Athens and they made him drink poison.
It obviously is and you're seeing the meltdown of people who didn't make it through the retard filter.
No but we have been funding the cartels and arming them. Bombs by other means.
>lemme cite a bunch of modern conflicts missing the point
You have failed to realize the true force pulling the strings in all these conflicts, and which remains unchallenged to this very day: CAPITALISM
>The Greeks never came up with dialectic to justify allowing themselves to be invaded by Persians. They had one philosopher who went around trying to dissolve the social fabric of Athens and they made him drink poison.
And he most likely didn't even exist
I'm trying to imagine how you think that qualifies as a retort when it's utterly disjointed from his post and ignorant.
Don't be so antisemitic.
Trump is the one who challenged the status quo and is vilified for it.
Not enforcing borders to keep them away is our fault, well, our traitorous leaders fault.
not him but get fucked, dune coon
people with a sense of hunour
>not understanding Foucault at all
Typical left wing, postmodern Marxist gibberish, created by people who are too lazy to actually read any of the authors they quote and base their theories on
The orc are Nazis, the philosophers are the alt right, free speech advocates and centrists, while elves are the left. It works both ways.
>imagine using tu quoque reasoning unironically
It's the fault of the morally relativistic objectivity-denying postmodernists, whose inherently chaotic and self-destructive philosophy has torn apart the social fabric so completely people don't even see self-defence as a virtue anymore.
read the thread
Marxist dialectics are reductionist eurocentric garbage and I refuse to acknowledge them.
The post modernists didnt create the self destruction of postmodernity, they just made a career of pointing it out. You'd have to be nuts to believe a few fucking professors that have been barely read in or out of academia are the fulcrum of history.
>interpreting Foucault as a neo-reactionary criticising the Whig progressive view of history
A daring synthesis
First of all that's a conspiracy theory. Nothing has been proven there. Second of all most Mexicans aren't fleeing drug cartels, they are fleeing a shit economy and corrupt government; these are 2 things that the middle east is also full of, regardless of how many bombs are being dropped on them.
Marxists are truly the most lazy "intellectuals".
>"It's all socio-economic! M-m-muh dialectical materialism is real! Not a total abstraction I use to rationalise every political event that has ever occurred."
It isn't a conspiracy theory that Obama was caught sending arms to cartel groups. It is not a conspiracy theory that Americans make like 90 percent of the illicit drug market for Mexican cartels.
I like this sartre guy
Foucault is easily a neoreactionary. Like all faggots. Look into the guy who wrote Siege. A bunch of bugchasing bdsm industrial musicians are highly influential to the alt right and they dont even realize it. Not to mention the lgbtq cause has gutted the real left.
I'd like to see an argument as to how you think that there is a readily accessible objective reality without referring to it as a "thing in itself".
The post-modernists are right, the actual question is why we aren't enforcing our worldview over others as an expression of our power and fixation. Learn to dominate, do not pursue truth. Speak power to truth.
You're right. They were just pushed to the forefront because they were now the intellectually most coherent players in the new world created by CAPITALISM
How can you dominate without truth? Your projectiles won't be hitting their targets without accurate ballistics. Truth is power.
You're talking about realpolitik which transcends capitalism. I used to think socialism was the answer too but I've realized it is just another population control strategy. Stirner was right.
It's had a trickle-down effect throughout the entire academic culture of the west. Might I remind you that everyone spends the majority of their childhood in school.
Realpolitik is just another vile tendril on the monstrous form of CAPITALISM
>trickle down culture
I would argue that Miley Cyrus (e.g. the Disney corporation) is easily more influential than Michel Foucault
>Miley Cyrus (e.g. the Disney corporation)
Just another representative of CAPITALISM
It's the other way around
Miley Cyrus is the product of Foucalt.
Philosophy kind of peaked around 100 years ago. It is now failures telling themselves theyre just like the great ones while doing nothing more than jerking eachother off
Kali Yuga
But none of their arguments made sense. If a dwarf a numenorean and an elf are all living their best lives what is the sense in ensuring orcs are too? It benefits no one at all
But who is Foucault a product of?
Your conception of truth is basic and weak. The truth is that which is uncovered and revealed to us, this process of revealing requires that we grasp it and fixate it within our Being. Grasping, fixating, assenting. These are all terms that require our power and our will. This is what matters. Appealing to some sort of scientific fact is just concealing other deeper philosophical truths.
Basically read Heidegger.
Constructivist vs. Essentialist arguments are basic as well. Heidegger was formulating a narrative like any other slob who writes for a living.
Stop being so anti-semitic.
All of your examples are perfectly crafted by you and all of then are devoid of the context and surrounding history that shuts these notions down
This. Read Debord.
I think its lampooning everyone. Including the US. In the context of fighting absolute evil they are of course making very silly points.
The US isn't fighting absolute evil. Its spreading its empire and killing innocent people.
Get back to me when you win a battle without utilizing the concept of objective truth.
Heidegger is easily the most influential philosopher of the 20th century so don't make such sweeping statements without actually reading him.
This poster is weak and should perish
It's simplistic, yes, because I'm not going to write a dissertation in fucking Yea Forums posts. You can infinitely deconstruct my examples into other narratives and it wouldn't be wrong. I'm just giving broad examples to illustrate a point. If you want actually polished and researched examples, go read Hegelians directly.
LSD and the will to power fisting.
As a nazi, he was also one of /ourguy/s
Wot? For what purpose do the ancients have making up all these personalities when they no doubt had similar personalities already existing... why do modern morons think everyone in antiquity was made up and not based on real events and people. Fuck the city of Troy was discovered cause morons started giving credence to ancient "stories"
In what sense is it objective? Technology is a product of science, modern science is a process of repeating successful patterns on technological equipment. It has nothing to do with any deeper metaphyscial "truth". Even Mathematics in of itself is not true in an empirical sense, it is synthetic a priori reasoning.
Can science tell you how to "live the good life", can science explain what's morally good or bad? Even asking "what science is", is not a scientific question. What matters is how you ground truth, and you do that within Dasein.
He doesn't even understand that it makes no difference if they were real or allegorical characters in a passion play. Their effect on the ancients and us is essentially the same in either case. It's why i didn't bother responding.
He never made any works himself, he is only mentioned by others. How can we then even know what Socrates thought and not what Plato thought of Socrates
Why would i read philosophy? I have a brain to think i dont need dead people doing it for me. You are now realizing philosophy is just how dumb people convince themselves they are smart
So he was written about by a decent number of people and this is proof he... doesnt exist? How strongly exactly are you denying basic logic right now
>In what sense is it objective?
In the sense that when we engage in conflict, you are destroyed and I persist. There is no greater test of truth. Whatever else is but empty rhetoric to weaken and confuse in the lead up to stabbing me in the back.
a lot of people wrote about Superman and Captain America too, do they exist?
wow the idyllic societal/political situation in a work of fiction is a lot less complicated that in a world with billions of people who chase disparate but overlapping objectives.
>Even Mathematics in of itself is not true in an empirical sense, it is synthetic a priori reasoning.
>Platon reeing in the distance
Terrible comparison.... he was chronicled and written about as someone who existed. Superheroes are in no way given this treatment.
Pharaoh Khufu didn't exist. All we have are inscriptions written by priests, a portrait statue, and the Great Pyramid at Giza.
We only have decent information on Socs from Plato and Xenophon, two people, and they don't paint a consistent character
>Why hire a plumber I will just randomly stick pipes together and hope it works out.
These people are paid to think all day so you can buy a book from them and read it on your commute.
You might not get that impression if a thousand years from now all we had left were archived fan forums.
You're not actually addressing my point. Yes, what matters is who wins, what matters is whose will and power triumphs. Not how many calculations you've done or how much "truth" you've gained. Science is only true insofar as it is a means to an end.
Platonism is antithetical to empiricism. While mathematics is platonically true, it is immaterial. Surely science would ultimately have to conclude that mathematics does not exist in reality, if this is the only reality.
You're missing the more important point.
What Elrond says is the truth in the world he inhabits, the world Tolkien constructed. Sauron is evil. The orcs are evil. The culture of Elves and Men is better, and at least so long as Sauron exists the orcs can not integrate or live peacefully.
Before trying to draw any explicit parallels between the real world and a work of fiction you should understand the truth of the real world first. And this is where the specific tie-in to "leftism" comes because they're the ones who deny human nature and get tangled up in too much moral relativity.
>philosophers are the alt right
The alt-right, at least outside of /pol/, explicitly accepts human differences, they do not deny them. You'd never see the intellectual alt-right making those arguments. The alt-right accepts moral relativity but only as limited to nationalism and segregation. So long as the orcs stay in Mordor and don't bother anyone else, they're not a problem.
>free speech advocates
Free speech has nothing to do with this. The issue is deciding what to do with the Ring of Power and whether to attempt to destroy Sauron or not. Sauron is not censored.
>and centrists
This is a dumb term that doesn't really mean anything. True moderates would merely need more evidence or convincing on the point of Sauron being a true threat to Middle Earth, they would not undermine the discussion with absurd premises and tangle everything in spaghetti logic
Theyre right about elves being the true big bad
The US is doing neither. Iraq was a policy fuck-up that tried to replicate the post-WWII Japanese economic miracle in the Middle East. It legit wasn't as nefarious as people think it was.
>Iraq was a policy fuck-up that tried to replicate the post-WWII Japanese economic miracle in the Middle East
legitimately what
Why do SJWs always compare IRL stuff to Harry Potter, while Incels compare IRL stuff to LOTR?
This is the most brainlet take I've ever seen. Literally dumber than "they hate us for our freedoms."
t. orc
Woah, Schopenhauer is literally me.
Horseshoe theory is real
I don't get it. Out of all the Germans Schop seems most well versed in eastern thought and yet he is just perversely opposed to actually trying what it suggests.
Because what Buddhism "actually suggests" is superstitious woo woo and Schopeybuns didn't believe in any magic stuff.
What? This one doesn't even make sense.
>If you change something in the past the future will change
>Hurr we're all automatons because of that
Ok that final punchline got me
No, the poo is that, if they change nothing, then the course of history would never change either. All events are predestined to happen and we are just automatons responding to situations according to our programing. We cannot change fate and are condemned to it. We have as much agency as a rock rolling down a hill.
You have to actually do the practices to get anything out of those traditions.
We have free will but our actions are pointless and ultimately cannot stop the heat death at the end of the age
the elephant in the philosophy class is that schopenhauer was a weak, bitter person unable to live up to his own conclusions
major redpill on the JQ
Yes, I agree, fellow image board poster. It is funny and I would enjoy reading more of these funny cartoon image sequences in the future.
>tfw you realize the "JQ" is just fat losers bitching about higher IQ people being more successful than them
Yes I would. As Socrates is a human and Superman is an alien. Its a terrible comparison and you should feel bad
yes he did...
write the inconsistencies right here right now
>plumbing is the same as thinking
Youre a fucking mongoloid confirmed. There is no philosophical concept I have not read and then thought to myself "well ive explored this topic before on my own"
why are existential comics so cucked? I hate how philosophy is overrun with faggots
>course of history would never change either
Well yes, because consequence necessarily follows from cause. If you do A, X will happen, and Y if you do B, but you don't know whether you'll do A or B so for all intents and purposes it is not predetermined. If it is, it doesn't factor into how we perceive the world.
I need to look up the wikipedia articles about these philosophy blokes so I can make shitty try hard "intillectualist" comics too.
Not really, the problem is that they have the most powerful positions in our own societies. As a corollary however you cannot be against that and be in favor of say whites being in control of African countries.
Are you taking the jew cock up your ass or are you yourself a schlomo?
you are seething for literally no reason
Well in a way yes, but his suffering is instructive at least.
I don't know what's funnier, Schopey getting legally fucked over pushing that annoying woman or Stirner going broke after trying to sell milk.
Jesus Christ I can't imagine how stupid someone would have to be to make that chart. Being stupider than the stupidest SJWs and /pol/ tards is not something to be proud of.
>Stirner going broke after trying to sell milk.
How about stirner teaching at a girls middle school?
This actually happened.
>what matters is who wins, what matters is whose will and power triumphs.
which is derived from truth
whether you understand the truth or not is irrelevant. your musings are just that: musings. human thought will never give you access to truth, only slamming your body up against reality will.
all that matters is that you act it out. whether you're aware of what you're doing or not doesn't matter, reality doesn't care
this is the central flaw of philosophy. it will never give you access to any understanding of anything. science will, but only because it's modeled on reality. philosophy is modeled on human thought, on rhetoric. it is worthless for grasping truth, useful only as a weapon to destroy the minds of the naive. though in that sense it is a useful weapon against the unwashed masses
can someone give a brainlet a quick rundown of these comics, at least the first 3? what are foucault's and chomsky's beliefs?
>In the spring of 1845, Max Stirner gambled away all of his wife's inheritance on a centralized milk distribution business. Supposedly he wanted to use the business to both prove his ideas would work in practice, and to set him up for life, so he wouldn't have to worry about money and could just write. Well, the business failed almost immediately, because he had trouble finding customers, possibly because of his inability to relate to his customers, his inexperience in business, and him alienating people with his strange egoistic anarchist politics (details are scarce, so it is mostly speculation). He was made fun of ruthlessly by his contemporary intellectuals, and his wife of two years left after he blew all of their money. For the rest of his life he lived off the very meager income he got from writing.
>To add insult to injury, the idea of a centralized milk distributor was a quite good one, and a highly successful business in the same vein popped up soon after, according to his biography by John Henry Mackay:
>How sound the idea of the enterprise was, in spite of the unsuccessful attempt, was later shown by Klingel-Bolle, which is well known today by every Berlin child. It mixed its milk, if not with water, then with a big portion of Christianity and thus contributed not inconsiderably to the success of its business.
>It turned out that Christianity worked better than anarchism as a selling point for milk. Who could have predicted that? Not Max Stirner, apparently.
Math is modeled on rhetoric.
Would you say math cant help you to understand anything?
They did need a better marketing push in the end.
>endlessly openly support multiculturalism and the dissolution of racial and cultural groups, do everything to break down social structures and tribality in host nations
>spend all your time working to advance your own groups interests, rife with nepotism and hegemony
gee, I wonder why people dislike them
>Let me tell you about my opinion, Namedrop
>too stupid to understand parody
no it isn't, it's modeled on observations of reality
with rhetoric you can convince someone that 2 + 2 = 5. but you can't argue with reality.
It's not.
2 is an abstraction.
2+2=4 is a logical conclusion only after assuming several axioms.
> you help create the massive immigration problems that plague Europe and to a lesser extent America.
What, hold on now...What IF.....
....we just didn't let them in?
Also no one is in favor of neocon war ventures anymore yet they still happen even under "liberals"
Those people were doers of things, men of action who implemented what they believed in, so I can't imagine why you would compare them to these fools
>perhaps misguidedly
white man bad
What a waste of digits
I would have thought this was satire but I used to read that guy's comics and I know he's being completely serious and doesn't see the irony in attempting to draw analogies between blacks and orcs in a way that makes our opinion of orcs reflect that of blacks but it only accomplishes the opposite.
>thinking this is parody
oh sweet naive child
>it could literally just end with a panel of them getting disembowled by orcs and it would make perfect sense
made me laugh out loud, you should have written this comic user
Foucault wanted to show that history isn't some kind of straight line going from worse to better conditions, a belief amongst most modernist philosophers (Whigs, Marxists, etc). Instead he puts forward the theory that history is nothing but alternating changes in the power structure of civilization and that every human event can be understood as a confrontation within a power structure. It's from this theory that feminists developed the whole "patriarchy" thing. Patriarchy being a power structure allowing men dominance over women.
His breakthrough was Madness and Civilization, a well written book even laymen can read. At the time no good history of mental illness was available, so Foucault decided to be the first to try. He argues that because of shifting power structures, mainly from Christianity to Scientism, the condition for the mentally ill have actually gotten worse over time. Medieval society viewed the mentally ill as touched by God or other such superstitions and believed them not to be ill but simply different. They were still allowed to participate in society and treated as people. Since the advent of medical science and until the 80s though the mentally ill were seen as patients to be cured and as imperfect humans, defects. They were locked away in asylums, used for experiments and generally led pretty miserable lives.
When the book was published public opinion among liberals was still that today is 100% better than yesterday so it was quite polemic. This non linear approach to history is why Foucault is actually read in radical Conservative circles, even though his overall thesis is rejected and critiqued.
Chomsky is much less interesting and basically just an anglo Debord. His work is baby tier insights on how the elites control the media and public opinion. He also shitposted about Pol Pott a lot.
>the left can't meme
>using a forced, failed meme, to argue
that "two faces of the same coin" meme is a total strawman, SJW and the left are the dominant thinking, they have powers on their side, and the ones who says this are constantly siding more with left or with some anarchism than with right or nationalism.
"South Park mentality" is totally on the left but pretend to be a counter-opposition against both sides.
Realpolitik is the application of historical materialism STRICTLY on the behaviour of states and because of that, it's why it has become the dominant theory on international relations/studies
>It is not a conspiracy theory that Americans make like 90 percent of the illicit drug market for Mexican cartels.
It is not a conspiracy theory that Chinese made up like 90% of the illicit drug market for the British trading companies, yet I never see any of the people that think like you blaming the Opium Wars on China.
I've been imagining that he would ruin the vibe this whole time.
>In the sense that when we engage in conflict, you are destroyed and I persist. There is no greater test of truth
Hi, Judge.
Foucalt is basically everything that's wrong with modern politics condensed in a smug, condescending and annoying French prick.
>First of all that's a conspiracy theory. Nothing has been proven there.
yeah, except the Iran-Contra scandal, the Yucatan genocide, the El Salvador civil war, the taking down of Escobar in Colombia, meddling with Venezuela, the whole Cuba affair, the head of the intelligence agency networks in Vietnam under Diem simultaneously being the largest drug baron in the country, I agree, there is no historical proof that the u.s. government is officially and unofficially cooperating/employing drug people.
Yeah I remember when orcposting was just satire on how insane the left is, and the left instead took it as sincere.
Two isnt an abstraction. Maybe the NUMBER two is an abstraction but the concept of more than one is not. Why is being retarded now considered intelligence
Nice movie discussion you got here, surely on topic
The artist is commie scum, but the comic is usually good and funny.
Show me 2 in the real world. Not 2 apples, the number 2
different circumstances,what are you talking about?
The brits forced the chinese to allow opium, while the u.s. has banned use. Different historical examples.
Just because you see a similarity doesn't mean it's the same, especially in history where you should always take in consideration as much as possible.
Like, are you retarded???
But say it was the same, say the u.s. forced the drug use on its people (unlike CHina), that would make the u.s. like the brits, except they would be forcing a market on their own people.
You can argue that they did (in your head of course, it would be Obama's fault, because Obama, falsely, symbolises "communist takeover") but then we are moving on to another discussion, one that has to do with class relations within a country, not one that has to do with comparative advantage development in the periphery of the capitalist centres.
Actually surprisingly decent thread after a rough start, might not be on topic but at least there's genuine discussion.
>Fantasy author Andy Duncan
oh fuck, that retard was my english composition professor
As I just fucking said the number we have socially constructed and assigned to it is clearly an abstract. But I can easily show you in physical reality anything it represents
>not 2 apples
oh so you are admitting 2 is a real thing okay thanks retard
>numbers aren't abstract because things exist
Absolute brainlet over here.
Feel free to point me towards -2 apples. Or ∞ apples.
>comparing a positive integer(the presence of something) to negatives (the absence of something) to an actual abstract in reality and thought (infinity)
Seriously why is intentionally being retarded considered smart in 2019? It makes no sense. You already know two exists by say I can show you two apples. Anything further from you is cope and intellectual dishonesty.
The number two doesn't exist. "Applies" in your example is the unit which the number two counts.
abstractions made useful because they conform to reality
I can come up with all sorts of internally coherent math systems that aren't useful to anyone, what you get if you make math like you make a language, based on rhetoric.
you get useful math when you test it against reality over and over and the model gains increasing accuracy. if your math predicts something and that doesn't happen then you're wrong and it doesn't matter how enthusiastically you try to reinterpret the result. that's what distinguishes it from rhetoric. a good rhetorician can argue that A≠B is A=B, e.g. a law that states discrimination based on X is explicitly forbidden mandates discrimination based on X because X and Y do not have equal outcomes and achieving that is actually the true purpose of the law, which is an argument I've seen a lawyer successfully argue. you don't get away with that shit in math because reality doesn't change its mind.
No clearly a social construct doesnt exist... Thats why they are social constructs. But the aspect of reality the social construct is attempting to explain to us clearly does exist. You have two hands, two eyes. You are welcome to deny any of this but everyone already knows you are retarded so there is no point. Additionally the very fact that you can invoke the number 2 is credence to its existence.
Except negatives are not simply the absence of something, that would be 0 (at best). The fact that your example struggles to accomodate them should tell you something.
It's almost like numerical concepts don't apply to a real, tangible world because they're abstract or something.
>the institutions of the elves both predate and surpass Sauron...
Clearly this dork did not read The Silmarillion otherwise they would not have thrown in such a ridiculous falsehood.
Yes, things like eyes, hands or apples exist.
Numbers are abstract, they 'exist' only as ideas.
Omg do you have more than a single eye? Yes? Okay two exists. Im sorry but no amount of cope denies that two exists. Or to remove the abstract of it... multiple things exist. Sequential things exist etc
No 0 is absence. negative is the active absence of something. If its -2 its the absence of 2. Only the words we attach to numerical concepts are abstract. Anyone actually saying categorizing things by amount is abstract is uhhh retarded... which in 2019 means you are smart good for you
Oh I get it, you're doing a thing. Took me long enough.
White people are vastly wealthier than Jews. Both absolutely and per capita.
The largest number is "1". Try to prove me wrong. You cannot.
I dont have to prove a retard wrong.
>ive run out of "convincing" intellectual dishonesty
>I dont have to prove a retard wrong.
Lmao it's like this cuck doesn't even know what the singularity was.
>unrelated buzzwords
There has always only been the number 1. Everything since the beginning is just a fraction of the initial singularity.
Sorry brainlet.
what if I conceptualize 1/10 as 1
it's a critique of that critique you fart huffing double nigger
>Be Chomsky
>Have your entire life's work disproved by some ass backwards tribe in the middle of the Amazon and a Christian missionary
LMAOing at his life
Stop asking this retarded question. Key differences is people don't compare IRL shit to LoTR in public or anywhere not anonymous and they are mostly making the comparisons because they're funny, while with HP it's the exact opposite. They'll do it in public and take it seriously.
why are lefty comics so fucking unnecessarily verbose and boring
fucking pseudo intellectual nigger faggots
>this joke would be better if you beat me over the head with it
This statement means absolutely nothing. You aren't smart sorry. 1 isnt a singularity retard.
You'd be making shit up in a feeble attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible.
Didn't this guy make a pokemon comic unironically supporting the bolsheviks?
You'd be correct since number like "1" do not actually exist in the first place. We can use the term "whole" if that fits your narrowed/controlled view.
>fraction of infinity is finite
retarded woowoo faggot
nothing worse than shitdick pseuds who get their spiritual rocks off to core misunderstandings and misapplications of quantum mechanics and infinities
why the FUCK do people keep using this word?
This is gay as fuck. Kill all niggers.
You can do what you want. I've already proven you >muh abstract
fucks are retarded as you sound. numbers are abstract in name only.
>Have your entire life's work disproved by some ass backwards tribe in the middle of the Amazon and a Christian missionary
>muh gish gallop of lefty bullshit
Shut the fuck up red.
>numbers are abstract in name only
sounds like someone here is in fact a retard...I don't think it's me though
Art hoes think it means "deep" so anything that make you think is "existential".
Chomsky is famous due to his Universal grammar theory. The pirahã tribe disproved his theory on recursion which eventually lead to most linguists now claiming that Universal grammar is incorrect.
How can a theory you come up with while standing in front of your fridge in the middle of the night qualify as his life's work?
why are you so petrified of thinking?
Based and Barbarianpilled
thinking? you just pull something out of your ass that's hard to disconfirm. here, I can do it too. uhh... humans have runny noses in part so children will have boogers so they mothers will wipe their faces more than they normally would and thus give them more love than they'd usually get which increases bonding and trust and makes everyone more happy and successful
Infinity is just a fraction of 1 though.
>you just pull something out of your ass that's hard to disconfirm.
I'm not Noam Chomsky.
All the rest you wrote is gibberish
It's a joke on a few levels, 1. These guys are a bit overblown a lot of the time, 2. It's applying their relatively valid critiques of the real world to a black and white fantasy world, 3. Marx is a little dwarf man who spouts meme lines
Chomsky's talent as a philosopher is very debatable but as a linguist he was at the top of his field. Only intellectually dishonest idiots pretend his research somehow isn't legitimate.
>numbers arent real
>but dont show me 2 apples to show me 2 exists
hurr durr youre so smart man
>The brits forced the chinese to allow opium, while the u.s. has banned use.
Yes they forced them by winning the opium wars dumbass. Just like how the drug cartels are successfully forcing the legalization of their goods by winning the war on drugs.
>But say it was the same, say the u.s. forced the drug use on its people (unlike CHina), that would make the u.s. like the brits, except they would be forcing a market on their own people.
Jesus Christ are you fucking stupid?
The British didn't force Chinese people to do drugs. How the fuck can you have such strong opinions but not know anything about the fucking topic? The Opium Wars were fought because China was preventing British merchants from selling opium and seizing their goods, not becy the British were brainwashing Chinese people into doing opium. Do you seriously think sleazy British colonizers were slinking through Chinese backalleys and hanging around Chinese kungfu schools getting preschoolers hooked on opium like something out a of a D.A.R.E. cartoon?
No, you fucking idiot all they wanted to do was sell a product to the Chinese people for which there was a pre-existing demand. Literally the only difference was that the British were able to sell higher quality opium at a price that even the lower classes could afford, turning opium addiction into an egalitarian habit rather than something only affordable by the idle rich.
Centrists do all this shit
They tried to install a proxy puppet in the Middle East on completely fabricated reasons after failing to do so in Afghanistan, their intentions were to spread US economic dominance, not to somehow fix the Middle East
>but dont show me 2 apples to show me 2 exists
Ad when both those apples rot and decay and return to the earth. How many apple are there?
What fantasy novel besides the bible isn't for children?
There is no left wing in the US. You have two right wings that claim to have different social philosophies.
In that way horse shoe theory is bullshit. The left and the right in the US are the same people but appeal to different brands of populist retards.
Wheel of Time
>There is no left wing in the US
Shut the fuck up you gaslighting red.
Left is a direction, not state
Just because Europe is more communist than us doesn't mean we don't have a giant portion of our public seeking this end. In fact it's quite the opposite; it's no secret that the conservative of today is the left winger of yesterday. We have no real rightwing force in ALL of the West since enlightenment values, which is the foundation of the global power structure, are inherently liberal.
Fuck off with your shallow lies and pointed political bias. Call me when there is a real rightwing party in power.
Canticle for Leibowitz
>Just like how the drug cartels are successfully forcing the legalization of their goods by winning the war on drugs.
the war on drugs is not an actual war with armies. If you can't differntiate between verbal schemes and historical facts, we should be going way further back before we even begin to compare the Opium Wars and the War On Drugs.
>Europe is communistic
You have 2 (two) posts to explain how the workers control the means of production in Europe.
>it's no secret that the conservative of today is the left winger of yesterday.
do you understand what this colloquialism means? Do you understand it has no relation to what you are talking about?
>the war on drugs is not an actual war with armies.
Ah I see, so since Mexican gangs do not call their thousands of men at arms an army it is not a war. Fantastic logic.
How did the workers control the means of production in the Soviet Union?
Via the state
It's the core reason for his fame it was he's most beloved work. Before Universal grammar Chomsky was a nobody with it he was (at the time) the most respected linguist in the entire world.
It's very easy to confirm just google Noam Chomsky and you'll notice before it makes any mention of his political activism it first talks about his work in the field of linguistics.
>inb4 the Soviet Union was not communist
>w-what no you can't say that!
You know that everything I said is true, and you're simply unable to weasel your way out of it
They'll argue it
The result of a war is political because war itself is a political action.
The goal of the Opium Wars were to create an unobstructed market for the British, which included the trade of opium. The british managed to win with their supreme navy, which gave them: a) legalisation of opium dealers b) direct control of six major ports and c) immunity/exclusion from chinese law/imperial rule.
Because the brits were the predecessor to the americans as a world power, what the brits did (i.e. enforcing their desired legal status) is similar to what the americans do.
The War On Drugs is the colloquial name given to a set of policies that targeted drug use and possession, nominally to battle drug use, but in reality to raise the prices of the illegal drug market and to target minority communities, who had little access to proper representation in court.
You wouldn't blame China for the Opium Wars because they were challenged by a foreign power that was better armed than them, just like Mexico is suffering the consequences of the War On Drugs, with political unrest and the surge of organised crime. I would compare that to the Boxer rebellion and the subsequent rise of the Triads.
In any case, if you want those compared, the role of the u.s. and the brits is the same, in that they enabled the proliferation and profitability of an illegal substance, at the cost of subjugating a people and undermining their government.
okkily dokkily retard
Behold, the towering mental prowess of the Marxist intellectual
5 degrees and still just resorts to calling names
who's a good aryan warrior?
yyyyyyyyyyou are!
yyyyyyyyyyou are!
goochie goochie goo!!