Was it the best movie of 2018?
Was it the best movie of 2018?
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First Man
Yeah you are first man, congrats!
>being 1st man
nice one dude well done
black panther
Serious question: how did they get away with casting a borderline retarded but definitely ugly child for a retarded/ugly character?
Isn't it more PC to hire someone normal looking and fuck them up with makeup?
>Isn't it more PC to hire someone normal looking and fuck them up with makeup?
Not everyone is obsessed with identity politics like you
i enjoy seeing ugly people on screen. she was alright for that role.
and now i feel like shit for calling a child ugly
99% of the threads on Yea Forums, headliners in news, and literally all social media platforms say otherwise.
Not anymore. Hiring a regular person to play a cripple or retard is the new blackface.
Not even best horror of 2018
Yeh headlines reflect reality lmao. Plus you choose what to follow on social media. Stop pissing yourself off
what was better?
>just don't look at the screen bro haha
How's your delusion working out for you, champ?
>>just don't look at the screen bro haha
Yeh you have free will mate. Go outside talk to people. Seriously don't look at the screen. Would do a world of wonder for everyone.
that scene where Charlie gets decapitated
Fuck man, that is one of few times where a movie surprises me. I thought from the trailers that the movie would pretty much just be her getting more corrupted by demons or whatever, I had no idea what to expect for the rest of the movie after that
>being on the internet, on Yea Forums, on Yea Forums and saying this anonymously. To a stranger.
You're really deep in it, aren't you champ?
same here, that shit was kino.
all im saying is stop pissing yourself by following media that generates clicks from your anger. Also please stop spacing like that
I am convinced that the marketing team for hereditary or the production company has hired third world contractors or short term wage checks to shill this movie on weird corners of the web, Yea Forums included. Probably reddit as well. This is truly modern day slavery. Fuck off pajeet, woman, whomever. There’s probably tens or hundreds of you re-posting this hereditary garbage.
You know movies basically don't make any money once they're out of theatres, right? Plus it's on netflix so no one is buying DVDs anyway. You don't make any commission from Netflix either, Netflix will pay x amount of dollars for the rights to stream the movie, this is the only transaction. They don't give a fuck if anyone watches it at this point, the ship has sailed.
they made her look worse in the movie, IRL she doesn't have those weird cheek creases or sagging face, she just looks maisycore
Hmm on face value you seem correct. I think there’s a marginal impact argument to be made about ongoing legacy of a movie affecting (1) future licensing opportunities or (2) producer / director resume. For example, movies and tv shows are often added or removed from various streaming platforms or even for cable / subscription tv packages at different points in time. So there is some carrying value to the content beyond release date and then the dvd/ Netflix phase.
As for (2), I think all the folks who make the movie do have some stake in its lasting success, because it greatly affects the future work they might get. I don’t think that explains the immense shilling on Yea Forums though.
This was a massive tangent, but the incredible number of shills for this movie hereditary is mind boggling to me. For a number of reasons, why is this strange Yea Forums/tv shilling so particular to this specific, not-quite-mainstream blockbuster movie? If it’s an accessible form of marketing, why aren’t more marketing teams tapping into it as an outlet. I have so many open ended questions lol
it was so good that I m afraid to watch it ever again
Burning and The Favourite were my favourite movies of the year. Hereditary was pretty good too, though. Really looking forward to Midsommar.
>they made her look worse in the movie
not really. poor girl.
I guess it's an introduction to being a real actress, not everyone can play barbie
>old man yells at cloud
I'm not the guy you were talking to but you're a faggot
Meant to type “pajeet, wojak*, whomever” if that helps my case
yeah, I liked how it took a turn away from the direction it seemed to be heading (no pun intended) to something new entirely. Up until then, there was no seanse or medium shit, just weird happenings around a house, then a whole new direction. Then a third direction when we started to unravel what the occult shit was really about. That scene was what horror has needed for a long time. It's the most predictable genre.
That's not under the silver lake
op here, uploaded wrong picture
>what was better?
Halloween, unironically.