Discord tranny hate thread

Discord tranny hate thread.

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I kind of feel sorry for the trannies that go all the way. If they finally come around and and become sane again they're still irreversibly fucked for life.

Yea Forumsedditors are so fucking weak and pathetic they let discord trannies take over their board
Based cunnyposters, sneedposters and baneposters keeping all that garbage at bay here I salute you, keep up the good work


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I don't hate trannies but trannies are gross. I hate when I'm looking up porn and thumbnails of disgusting tranny porn pop up every now and then.

Okay, I have to ask. Is this an /r9k/ thing or something? I havent been on Yea Forums(nel) all that last year, but this whole tranny discord thing is new right?

Imagine literally spending all day crying online because you have a pus filled gash between your legs, and every 'victory' you get is probably just an aussie shitposting harder than you and you can't get the bantz

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>get paid to leave incels seething
>fund transition surgery
its a good life

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Nah it's been going on subtly for a while, but obviously ramping up more

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Commies trannies.

But they will get redpilled soon enough.

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it's a Yea Forums thing. discord trannies are like the isis of Yea Forums culture

why do these screenshots never have dates?

Wouldn't pop up if you didn't watch that shit fag

I'd say it's much more likely they're meant to be the new reddit. Problem is at this late date the only people who care anymore are the same wretches to whom "Yea Forums vs reddit" internet gang fantasies are emotionally important.

I don't know who's falseflagging who anymore
But Trump IS a kike puppet

Yes. These guys will "redpill" them.

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But Trump IS a humongous faggot, liking him just because trannies hate him is retarded

It's a boogey(wo)man for /r9k/s redditor immigrant incels. I think it's because they got trolled on ''''''their'''''' board and got tricked into thinking it was some trannies. Now theyve migrated again and this time to Yea Forums, because apparently this is where all the trash goes. So now we're stuck with a bunch of literal redditors.

theyre only in it for the tits right? NO NO NO this cant be real

>tricked into thinking it was some trannies
Visit /r9k/ without filters you fucking nigger, I dare you. It's more gay than /lgbt/

Read it and weep.

Fucking lel. Why do you lie?

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>implying spammed meme posters aren't redditors

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>for /r9k/s redditor immigrant incels

Jesus Christ what ridiculous, convoluted horseshit. Feeling in charge might be important but nothing's *that* fucking important.

> T.Trannenberg

t. tranny
stop falseflagging nigger

Quick, jannie is asleep someone post THAT statistic

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It is. Incels got kicked out reddit when /r/incels was banned, and went to /r9k/.
Then the trannies kicked them out of /r9k/.
So now they are shiting up Yea Forums and got so traumatized by trannies BTFO of /r9k/ that they think trannies are invading their new home, too.

Poor women and girls.

Damn shame what happened to /r9k/. Reddit shutting down their incel subreddit basically killed the board overnight.

/pol/ is hilariously dogmatic. Keep fighting pal you will surely save the western world


Get in the oven.

still not passable

2 out 3 people prefer mustard to ketchup and thats a good thing

/pol/ meetup revealed they are quite diverse


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Jannies do the job you are paid to do

I was there when /r9k/ has fallen
It begins gently, maybe 1 or 2 threads a day. But it is still there. And it's getting worse with every day.
Once these creatures gain foothold there is nothing you can do. You can only run

>imagine being btfo by trannies
no wonder those beta cucks cant get women

top goy

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