Any good kinos set in the greatest and most beautiful city on earth?

any good kinos set in the greatest and most beautiful city on earth?

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isnt this a major city?
why are there so many trees?

Häng Käng?

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Nothing good ever came from Australia

power rangers 1995
the matrix

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waste of dubs

Australia unironically looks like a terrible place to live
im sure there is a reason we used to send all of our worst there

what soulless concrete shithole do you live in where that's considered a lot of trees?

Australia for the most part is ugly and I hate this patriotic meme that this country is beautiful. 90% of this place looks post apocalyptic

Not even the best city in NSW cunt.

Based Dubbo.


You heard me cunt.

fuck you coffs harbour is great

t. visited coffs harbour and enjoyed it

Stop shitposting dad. You haven't lived in Sydney for 40 years.

What vidya is this? Cities: Skylines?

Yup, Wollongong. Now this is what I call retirement.

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best place in Australia is probably port douglas

lived there as a kid and it was like a magical paradise. now I live adelaide

Finding Nemo

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Sheesh. If you like gook tourists and unbearable humidity.

Stop making this fucking threads every day


haha it already looks like it's sinking.

>why are there so many trees?
what sort of cunt does not plant trees

>t. lebo

Nah, my dad's a Greek who grew up in 'Stralia but left because his dad was harboring illegal immigrants cause "muh humanity" (which is weird since he was a Fedora Tipping Conservative). He came back here when he was 10 or so, but can't shut the fuck up about 'Stralia.
>gee user, do you know we used to sing "God save the Queen" every morning?!
>gee user, 'Stralia had great meatpies, unlike your mother's
Day in, day out. Especially when the relatives that stayed here call. Or when they visit. 'Stralia this, Germany that. And that's not even the least of it.
>gee user, I'm so blonde and blue eyed Hitler would've let me live; you'd probably get killed though, being brunette and brown eyed
>gee user, did I tell you about that time I hanged out in a Neo-Nazi disco? beautiful Nordic women there, the most beautiful women in the world
>gee user, you think I'd go to Valhalla?
>gee user, did I tell you about that time I was in a Biker Gang called the Burning Skulls?
Shut the FUCK up, GodDAMMIT!

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who here based /MELBOURNIAN/
>inb4 some cis scum (you)'s me

well if I had to live in greece australia would probably seem like paradise as well
i actually live in one of the most greek parts of sydney, it's pretty comfy

Painfully American post here

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Its a great place to live in the literal sense, but theres fuck all going on here.
Ideal boomer retirement village, all the careers are dead ends unless you move overseas or like pretending you're hot shit in nowhere land

I don't think there are literally any. Most Australians make films set in the outback cause of muh tall poppy syndrome.

Literally fuck off cunt

do you live in Melbourne? Brisbane and the whole central coast is one euphoric dream land of pristine beaches, rainforests and rolling green hills. Get Rekt.

It's peaceful and you get paid a lot. I am a student who can afford a two story house in the centre of the city and i work 25 hrs a week. Sounds pretty good to me bro idk.

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Hold up, was this really in the movie? The coastal wall thing was already retarded enough but that's not even fucking coastal, it's running in the wrong direction.

That wall was built separately to deny The North to s*uthern and w*stern scum

>ywn possess that innate ability to engage in Aussie banter
Feels bad man

How many muslims in there?

>90% of the world looks post apocalyptic

I think that's the 10 percent he mentioned.

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For me, it's Brisbane

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what an ugly expensive shithole
for me, it’s brisbane

>right side of the harbor
literally 0
>left side of the harbor
a few hundred in the foreground, a few thousand in the back


The Tunnel (2011) - found footage kino

Everyone knows Melbs is the best

its physically distressing to me to think that people actually like australia

Because humans like trees, you dropkick


don't understand how anyone could either
It's too hot for white people, most of it is a desert, and on top of that you have the worst types of every animal on earth on one continent

what shithole do you live in

Mission Impossible 2
Two Hands


nah m8, the cold of the Northern hemisphere is our ancestral home

Just your average day in the penal colony.

Who else /Hobart/ here? Or anyone in /Launceston/ who can access a computer and knows how to read?

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No one in Launy knows how to do that

is internet shit there?

>there is a reason we used to send all of our worst there
They executed the worst prisoners, champ.

100mbps FTTP here mate. Tassie in general though? Idk, seems alright

>australia kino
> starts playing

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Did some one say soundtrack kino?

>An unprecedented anywhere 50 years of housing market growth
>Sydney is un-ironically one of the most expensive places on earth with miner's shitboxes going for S1.7million aus bucks
>being able to afford anything on austudy
Pressing Y to doubt there my man.

australia is the cultural equivalent of brain death

t. bitter New Zealander

a-are there sharks in that water

>why isn't it a cold, sterile, soulless concrete jungle?
no wonder you americans are all sociopathic

t. drooling tradie

yeah when you're indoctrinated from birth to think you're the greatest thing on earth, it's hard to harbour any humility. i feel sorry for you amerisharts

god i wish. tasmania is a fucking beautiful place. im in brisbane and it's fucking hot

>when you're indoctrinated from birth to think you're the greatest thing on earth
sounds like the average austfailian

Aye you wouldn't believe how many people I've met here who've moved down from Brisbane. Former-mainlander protip: if you ever move to Tassie, DO NOT live outside of Hobart. Yes Tassie is beautiful, but it all sucks to live anywhere outside the capital. Hobart is almost entirely mainlanders and based rich Chinese anyway

The Last Wave, dare I say it is somewhat Lovecraftian.

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Brisbane stinks

t. shitneysider

>east cucks not realising that west australia is best australia.

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This is the first time I've ever seen my city posted on fucking Yea Forums


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Jackie Chan's First Strike is set in Brisbane

Not him but Australia has a notorious tall poppy syndrome where any achievement is immediately met with hostility and a curt "yeah nah, you're still a cunt trevor". It's part of the culture to remind each other how shit they are and in doing so has created a culture of indifference and banter of extremely laid back people
Set in Kings Cross

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Ace combat 6 mission 1 invasion of gracemeria

You dad sounds like a dropkick desu

t. lives in the middle of outback Queensland


bullshit. any time an australian is even involved with something successful, both it and the australian are lauded ad nauseum. australians are a group of narcissistic cocksuckers incapable of self criticism


member the 80s when Koala Springs and Fosters was a thing?

the urban culture here is utterly soulless, but we have amazing plant life and some gorgeous scenery if you're into that kind of stuff

being able to hear rainbow lorikeets every morning keeps me sane

Huge fan, never knew this living in brisbane

>complete an impressive feat
>lol nah youre a shit cunt with no mates

There’s a cafe, bar and hotel on every corner what are you talking about?

Thats for the international bullshit. If an Australian won gold in the olympics you know his mates would be sending the first messages calling him a shit cunt for not skulling a beer while doing it like davo did the other week

Good for if you're addicted to caffeine or alcohol, not so good if you're not into that stuff however.


painfully retarded post here. Used to have foreign exchange students live with us for a year or so as a kid and they were always surprised by the amount of space everyone had in America, and obviously the trees as well since more trees come with more space

perth is shit but it looks comfy

it'll be my retirement location for sure

America is a wonderful land of contrasts, everything is spread out due to geography and car-centric urban planning, yet decent public transport is almost non-existent

>Costal wall around the whole Pacific Ocean to keep out giant monsters
>It's shorter than a sky scraper
>It looks easily scalable
>Monsters can just dig through it
>It goes right through the middle of the city
>It's meer metres away from a world famous landmark ruining the view
>Sydney harbour bridge crosses the wall
>The wall is on the wrong side, presumably the monster spawned in the outback somewhere
How do you fuck up this bad?


public transport also sucks in aus. the buses and trains are slow and too few. it's quicker and easier to just drive everywhere

trains are okay, bit fucked at peak hour but it's like that pretty much everywhere, no?

Its eird watching the matrix and seeing sydney in a lot of the shots

I know its a meme but really, the answer here "it's just a movie"

based aussie meme buses

there are plenty of movies set in Los Angeles CA

this is pretty cool. brisbane as the SEQ busway but they're pretty much just elevated highways solely designed as bus routes

But that's not Lisbon.

>finally getting cool enough to sleep under the doona again
>check forecast
>it's gonna be back to 30+ next week
so fucking sick of summer just piss off already

Yes, Bullsharks. One of the most aggressive species of shark.

>They executed the worst prisoners, champ.

No they didn't. They sent them to Australia because that was a fate worse than death!!!FACT!!!

The Pyjama Girl Case

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go to bed Dan

I remember catching inspector gadget on tv traveling down a repeating bit of south bank

please be bait

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What is that abomination, looks like a half demolished concrete crab fucking a half built yellowfish.

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