Marvel went too far this time

Literally digging out Stan Lee’s still warm corpse and raping his ass

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is that fat cunt not dead yet?

why didn't he get ass cancer instead of totalbiscuit

Booger is right. Brie Larson shit all over Stan's corpse and now Marvel is forcing Stan Lee's Twitter account to shit all over Stan Lee's corpse. It's repulsive.



It's like the mouse is doing everything possible to make people hate this movie. Don't they have any common sense?

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>pretending to give a single shit about someone you've never met and didn't know
quit virtue signalling you 4tards, you're like white women who pretend to give a fuck about minorities

And this is my son, fat fuck

You are now aware of the fact that Disney will one day have a private army and nuclear weapons.

Stan Lee was pretty much a glorified mascot for the past 30 years. This isn't any different than Tony the Tiger telling you about a new flavor of cereal plus I fucking doubt Stan would give a shit.

>Notch retweeted
is Notch a furry also? did they fuck?

That is shady. Why not just write up a glowing review and put his name on it.


disney likely bought the account so tell that fat fuck to go be a commie somewhere else.

oh no no no,,,

>fat gay furfag
The enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend

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totalbiscuit was always a faggot
Boogie is a lolcow and thusly deserves to keep on living

tony the tiger is a cartoon mascot, not a human rat shill

stan lee can't be a shill. for one, he invented things so he was promoting his product, he paid shills to shill his product, but he isn't a shill
for two, he's dead

>being this autistic


why cant this guy die already? dubs and he dies this year

>using words you don't really understand
guess how i know your skin is nigger


Stan wasn't using that account himself when he was alive anyway, so what's the difference.
Stan Lee is a brand, and has been for decades.
Find something else to pretend to be outraged about, incels.

wahhhhhhhh!!!! people are abused to make money in a capitalist society!

what were they thinking?

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Boogie is benign

Totalbiscuit was ass cancer incarnate

How exactly is he being abused if he's dead?

based necrophile


>dragging up a dead guys twitter account to promote your shitty movie

Bravo marvel

>what do you mean corporations don't give a shit? But I supported Disney and Marvel!

Stan Lee was billionaire zombie who's sole life was devoted to acquiring wealth by oppressing the working classes. His corpse being used as a corporate whore is least he deserves.

jew mouse necromancy

>disneyshills damage controlling hard ITT

Can't wait for the episode 9 marketing

Why. Do. These. Soi. Boi. Faggots. Type. Like. This. For. EMPHASIS??? Makes. Me. Disagree. With. Him. Even. If. I. Also. Feel. The. Same. Literally. Fucking. Way.

She's the female "love that memory" guy

Boogie is a gay furry.


Not that he isn't right, but he's in no position to call anyone else a sellout.

Stan Lee is just tweeting from hell.

It's just a fucking twitter account. I doubt Stan Lee would give two shits. Millenials think twitter accounts are as sacred as human life because they spend almost every waking hour on there

This has just been practice for IX on the 'troll's' side. I have a feeling YouTube will remove down voting right after the trailer is released.

Boogie is a gay uber wolf. LOOK IT UP.


Based Notch.


Why are people getting pissed about this? Stan Lee was a shameless salesman his entire fucking life. May as well be a shameless salesman in death as well.

It makes it sound like Stan Lee is endorsing this movie when he's dead. I don't know how anyone can just shrug this crap off.


>OMG leave spider-man-man alone!

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>was devoted to acquiring wealth by oppressing the working classes
He wrote and published Comic Books, not factories during 19th century.
If you are implying that he exploited Artists, then that also is wrong, as Artists fall under Bourgeoisie and not the Working Class

Because he was a cheesy shill his entire fucking life. You can't cheapen Stan Lee's memory any more than Stan Lee already did. EXCELSIOR, FAGGOT!

it's possible to think stan lee and disney are both faggots.

>tranny damage control

>it's possible to think stan lee and disney are both faggots.
Crying because Disney made a tweet with Stan Lee's account makes you a faggot, faggot.

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What damage? That you fave jew capeshit maker's memory was desecrated?

calling out kike shills makes you based.

you damage controlling for them makes you the faggot.



OP, why couldn't you have just used Stan's tweet? Why'd you also have to show us boogie's?

Oh, I know.

This is completely pathetic and attention seeking of boogie. Stan Lee is just a guy, twitter is a fucking cesspit, why despair over a dead man's Twitter?

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stan lee was a kike, retard

>free comic book day

Couldn't even spent 3 dollars to honor Stan Lee...

Also they could have put one of the thousands of stories he actually wrote

you're too obvious.

>calling out kike shills
You're defending Stan Lee and acting like he's some sacred cow when he's the second biggest kike shill to ever live (the first biggest being you). Say hi to Stan Lee for me when you meet him in Hell.

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Putting fake twitter offense in your brain as a protest against Disney acquisitions is retarded and precisely the type of bullshit that belongs on reddit. Excelsior! Haha fag.

He needs attention and some material for his videos. Watch him create a 10 min & 1 sec video about this. "And guys let me know what you think in the comments below!" Shut the fuck up


Exactly. God I despise him and his soft tryhard 'centrism' where he pretends its important to stand in the middle of any random bullshit and scream I AM REASONABLE ABOUT THIS!!!!

Does this dumb fatty imagine that Stan Lee ever used his Twitter when he was alive.

Even more bad press for Marvel right before CM comes, and this is one the normies can get behind. kek


stay mad basedboy

You're not calling out Disney on being kike shills. You're crying because they "made a mockery" of Stan Lee, who was both a kike shill and a mockery to begin with. "Acting" like a complete and utter faggot just to "own" Disney accomplishes nothing other than show the rest of us what a true faggot you really are. PRO-TIP: You'll never be a woman and cutting off your dick won't change that, tranny.


Okay guys repeat after me.
Oooookay? So like ugh its 2019 obey my Twitter posts

Anyone getting mad about this is retard, this is the mans legacy.

>implying he ever used Twitter

Can you believe tberes an actual field of study and a self-declared vanguard of people who try to order society around on twitter using 'innovative' tweet procedures such as this? Boogie thinks he's making a binding annpuncement and a killwr judgement for pwople tl crowd around, but ita just text where he desperately tries to make his complaint seem loud by using demanding formatting

His name is already on it. Unless he told Disney they couldn't use his name and image then there's nothing wrong with this. A twitter is account is a fucking tool, not a person, you absolute faggot

Boogie writes like he is 12 and has a vagina

Doesn't matter if he was a great guy or a shill or a any of that. No one should make dead people endorse anything. Twitter is just where they happened to do it this time. It's just as ghoulish as when they first pulled this shit in the 80s making Fred Astaire endorse vacuum cleaners. It's wrong at a very basic level, regardless of the person or the medium.

Fred Astaire wasn't in any way tied to the vacuum cleaners brand you dumb fuck.

Do Boogie's fans know about his porn blog?

Stop. Talking. Like. This

>you shpuod never have a dead person endorse anything
A twitter account is not a dead person. Its a bulletin board a dead person once used for his business
The twitter page was an asset he sold to disney when he sold them Marvel

does boogie have any unironic fans that don't view him as a lolcow?

God I hope not.


Attached: boogie.png (885x304, 46K)

It's a valid criticism, and better yet, it's another bad story about Captain Marvel.


because they see sassy negro women do it

Is Capitalizing Every Word Like A Faggot The New Capslock?


>all of the Disney apologising ITT
I can't even refute people's opinions that shills roam this board anymore, holy shit. What kind of psychopaths find this kind of behaviour alright? Doesn't matter whether Lee never managed his account, what counts is that the guy is dead and that Disney is using a dead man to promote their movie. It's disrespectful at best, how do people not understand that? If it were some Stan Lee fan-account, I would get it but this is despicable behaviour and further reason for me not to see this crappy movie. I knew Disney uses shady methods of marketing like political agendas etc but this is one of the most despicable things I've seen


I have a feeling Disney will not be using his account again after this backlash.

Agreed fellow kekistani, Disney will fall any day now, deus vult!

No wonder he wanted to keep the dog.

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>seeing it as Disney vs the world
Yes youre right ablyt ethics but youre forgetting that the complaining party is an attention seeking obese sadsack who thrices on bullshut concerns and spends his life pretending to be followed for his intellect and opinions and not because he's a lolcow

So they're definitely going to do a CGI Stan Lee cameo right?

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Never kept up with Boogie and I flip flopped on whether or not I thought I liked the guy. I think I know what I make of this faggot now.

>No one should make dead people endorse anything.
Why? Stan Lee spent his entire life as the clownish spokesman for Marvel comics and movies. He lived the life of a shill. If anything, Disney is honoring him in death by having him dance monkey dance for the product one last time.

Was just writing a real faggy blogpost about this but you said it better. It is incomprehensible to me that there was a meeting at Disney marketing/PR where they decided, as a group, that yeah this is a good idea.

>using a dead man
It's a just a fucking twitter account. Jesus Christ social media really has ruined people

Maybe but funnily they've been using his account and shilling on it for a while since he died. It's only right now that faggots started crying about it.

Your argument is retarded. Doesn't mean whether he sold his account. I agree that as long as he was alive, they should have gone all out. Now that he's dead, why still do it? What if your own company started promoting every product in your name, no matter how shit it was, even after you died? What if the company suddenly changed and promoted pedophilia? You never know what might happen and try to advocate for stuff you don't know how it will evolve in the future, you moron

good point

Its not shady its a twitter account


have sex, femcel

That's how it worlds. You know Walt Disney was alsoa real person right? Should the company change their name after he died?

Just skim his twitter and you'll see what an insufferable cunt he is.


>twitter accounts have rights now

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It's deceptive advertising at least. The fact Disney would buy his Twitter account after he died is ghoulish as hell. I'm surprised they didn't try and buy his body and make it an attraction at one of their parks.

>what if what if what if
What if my dick. He's the Marvel man and the business he worked with is using his account to prompte their regular Marvel movie, the type he had always appeared in. Cry 'what if' all you want, none of the bullshit you can daydream abput xrime and pedophilia about is real, its literally just a normal Marvel movie

Disney makes missteps and mistakes for sure but people really do hold them to an irrational standard and like to liken any little issue to mean worldwide conspiracy and necromancy.

>Personal life
>Lee was raised in a Jewish family.

Every time.

Imagine ever defending the billion dollar company that shits out the worst movies being made. Literally imagine going out of your way to defend it.

This tb.h

How could Disney disgrace the good, clean name of Stan Lee REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF MARVEL COMICS.

Not just people, now ghosts

Do you retards really belive Stan Lee managed that account personally? Lmao muh Twitter

Imagine being a militant faggot who feels the need to worship any jackass complaint as a form of internet protest against business

Well mayne thats what happens when you instill your being into a disembodied internet bullitein board isnt it?

I don't give a shit about Boogie, he's an unfunny retard. Doesn't make his point less valid though to be fair

One could argue that it was some stupid intern doing it so you never know. Doesn't make it any less worse though

You mean it has ruined people like you who have no real integrity and shame. As long as you can make a buck, everything goes, right? I'm literally in marketing myself but there should be some goddamn boundaries, especially for shit like this

>The fact Disney would buy his Twitter account after he died is ghoulish as hell
t. dumb zoomer who thinks twitter is real life

His point is fine but the level of outrage he tries to force into a twitter post by. Talking. Like. This. Is beyind pathetic

What do you expect from someone who decorates his house with plastic capeshit merchandise?

was stan lees public face used to promote shit ever something real though?

Im guessing stan lee said disney could do this shit if they pay his family x ammount per tweet or whatever.

Can you BELIEVE they boyght his SOUL he's like lItTeRaLlY bUrNiNg In HeLl

It has ruined people because they spend so much fucking time on twitter that they actually think that an account has the same value as a human life. It's just a fucking account.

Huh? What? What ya say lil guy?


A company name is different than using a dead person's account which was also used for giving opinions, what the fuck? They are literally using Lee as a mouthpiece, where do you see similarities there?

That was my point, yeah. Did they buy the account after he died though? That would be even more despicable

It's literally the worst MCU movie yet. I guess one has to let the masses catch on by themselves and see how pathetic advertising like that is

Calm down mouseshills, most people here are just surprised that Disney would fuck up in online marketing like that. It's the usual twitter militants that are losing it over this and crying over Stan Lee's "desecrated" twitter account.

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Absolutely fucking yes. Stan Lee is one of the most personally involved brand names of his time and thats not even considering the Stan Lee Seal pf Approval his appearance in the Disney movies are

Attached: stan-lee-image-tout.jpg (612x380, 144K)

its only an effective tool because people think of it as a person though

You're right its a bit desperate, Disney is weak for doing this. But no Disney did not transform into a pedophile company after Stan Lee died

I think it's in extremely bad taste to run a Twitter in a dead person's name. On the other hand, who gives a fuck about capeshit lol

>use dead person for marketing
>Shut up zoomer!!

We're trying to laugh at the militant twitter faggots but people say youre not allowed to comment on people who criticize disney

It really speaks to how damaged society is by social media when people start thinking that buying a twitter account is the same thing as buying someones corpse

>They are literally using Lee as a mouthpiece
They are using his twitter account, not him the actual person.And they're using it to promote a movie that already has his fucking name on it. You might have a point if they used his twitter account to promote something he neved had anything to do with, like Star Wars lego or some shit

He went to court over things like this right before he died. All those stories will be brought up again right before CM is released. Disney just stepped on a landmine.

you're a pozzed kike shill

>ITT: bored smartasses lament the death of society because a business misapproproated a billboard

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did he die though? he could be sitting on a beach somewhere with elvis........

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Cute girl. Name?


he is literally acting in those shots

>stan lee can't be a shill. for one, he invented things
lolo no

>just stepped on a landmine
Nobody will do anything, and all of the people who profit from Stan Lee's name are Dismwy's business partners you fucking hysterical ignorant faggot

Only zoomers conflate social media accounts with actual people. Stan Lee is dead. Nobody thinks it's actually him. It's just his name and image. You don't cry when they use Walt Disney's name and image to promote their products

Are you so naive you dont see that a creator cameo is an endorsement? They did not include Stan Lee because of his acting

That's their problem. They should stop living their lives on social media

>They are literally using Lee as a mouthpiece
Stan Lee spent his entire life as a mouthpiece. Fitting he's still a mouthpiece in death. "Remember kids, buy more shitty Marvel comics and keep going to capeshit! Excelsior! Nuff said! True believers! A-hyuk!" Fuck him and fuck you, stupid.

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Vajra from Granblue

>it's a incels pretend to be outraged by something marvel did episode

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Why the fuck does this account have a blue checkmark and its still posting??? Garbage.

exactly, and would it be different if they put tony the tiger some cereal movie? does it actually relate to the real human being stan lee or is it just a name and a face used to promote?

stan lee was a hack
jack kirby was the genius

Attached: allhiscreations[1].jpg (771x800, 271K)

Stan Lee's twitter is promotional

Fucking KEK. You're triggered as fuck.

If they wrote a review praising Captain Marvel and put Stan Lee's name on it, would that be a problem for you?

I knew it was something from Granblue. Thanks user, now I hope I can draw her.

Because he's an uber wolf.

oh look, it's this reddit shit again

Its just not a landmine. Its kind of stupid to think it is

>when "Thinking about Stan" from Brie instagram was a MKUltra word to wake up Stan from death and tweet about Captain Marvel

Why do you care about them besmirching Stan Lee's name when he was a literal corporate whore and shill all his life?

It's the principle of the thing you jungle savage

>he thinks that stan lee is not reddit

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>be Disney
>do anything
>nothing actually comes out of it

So you are virtue signalling, and are responding to some other theoretical situation completely unlike this one

The normies love Stan Lee, and they love twitter. Looking at the thread, they are pissed. These are the people that Marvel needs to see CM this weekend since a lot of the hardcore nerds and people on the right are passing on the flick. There will be a ton of stories and videos made about this topic. It absolutely is a landmine.

I was just making a huge exaggeration to make a point. There have got to be boundaries, that's all I'm saying, and I feel like a person being dead should be said kind of boundary

But if you look at it like that, you will always find some way of justifying their behaviour. In a few months they might as well go "but he loved Star Wars" or "but he stood for all our company stands for"

You underestimate the value and power of twitter SJWs shitting on Disney. i think Twitter is shit to begin with but companies usually listen to the tiniest of outcries, especially when it involves dead people. Disney doesn't want that kind of bad rep

I agree with the point you're making but that doesn't mean that they have to use his corpse. If corporations go that route, there will be literally no ethics at all involved in businesses in a few years


>"EDIT: Thanks for the Reddit Gold, True Believers! Excelsior!"

Attached: stan-lee-ama-01.jpg (650x522, 132K)

Only retards are spouting that "disney is dead" shit. This thread is for discussing why it's despicable to use a dead person's account as means of marketing, ffs. Learn to read

We'll see I guess, I wish we could actually know for sure if a tweet contributed to poor sales

I never liked this fat fuck, but he is right on this one.

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>Wassup muh brothas. Dis ya boy the real Martin Luther King Jr comin at cho wit a dream. I have a dream that Michelle Obama's new book "Smash the White Boys to Death" will be a numba one best seller! Available now at Walmart, dawg. #fuckwhitepeople

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I'll virtue signal all I want lmao fuck you gonna do about it NIGGUH

This thread is clearly in schism between people calling Disney despicable and people calling boogie pathetic
Both are true but at least Disney is a ruthless company and not one obese mentally ill man

>that doesn't mean that they have to use his corpse
Stan Lee has always been the face of Marvel and still is even after his death. Yes, they should continue slapping his ugly mug on everything like he used to in his own life. Stan Lee had zero ethics and he was a human being, not a soulless company whose only purpose is to make money. Maybe if it were anyone else I'd give a fuck, but not a whore like Stan Lee. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if Stan Lee didn't sell off the rights to his likeness to Disney for a quick handjob from his nurse. Bitch had zero integrity and deserves zero respect in death.

>If they wrote a review praising Captain Marvel and put Stan Lee's name on it, would that be a problem for you?
That would be an entirely different thing


Disney never got cucked as hard as boogie.

Oh God. Someone please make a MLK twitter account. KEK

have sex, femcel

Only if the news gets big enough, which I really hope it does in this case. Disney has been using shady methods for a while now so it would only be fitting

Boogie is a topic for another day. I honestly never understood why Youtubers like him have such large (seewhatididthere) followings but go figure

I'm sorry if I ever came off as if I liked or respected Lee. I actually don't give a shit about him since I heard about the Ditko thing. I also always found his Excelcior bullshit to be annoying as fuck. Doesn't mean the man doesn't deserve to rest in his grave without a company using him as a spokesperson after his death

Bait outrage

IDK. The twitter account is called The Real Stan Lee, and it is verified.
It is an interesting topic that I'm sure the courts will take up in the future (I'm not talking about this particular case.)

This is the truth. Plus, all the people that actually made the comics he slapped his name on died alone and practically penniless by comparison. You didn't see every major media outlet dropping the same kind of coverage for Steve Ditko even though he only died a few months before Stan. The dude was a great marketer, sure, but we shouldn't conflate him with the actual artists who put the work into this shit.

This story is like a Christmas gift to Youtubers. It'll get signal boosted.

Why? Why is it such a sin to use Stan Lee to advertise capeshit now that he's dead when Stan Lee spent almost his entire life, even into his final years where he was sick and in pain and dying, being a shill and a living infomercial. I mean, hell, Disney is named after Walt Disney and still uses Walt's likeness from time to time, yet nobody has an issue with that. Nobody had any issue with them tweeting under Stan Lee's name (and everyone knows its not his ghost tweeting) for months up until now. What's the gripe?

>t-they used the TWITTER ACCOUNT of a dead person that was probably run by his PR department anyways
>how dare they?
>these animals...
"western society"

>is that fat cunt not dead yet?
No, notch is alive and well

Based and Ditkopilled.


You know, Stan Lee probably never even wrote a single one of those tweets on that account. It was always some marketing team (or, knowing Stan Lee, an unpaid intern).

Steve Ditko's death went pretty well unnoticed because Marvel/Disney can't profit off his name.

Isn't that guy a fag now? Like out in the open at least?

So why exactly Twitter isn't closing accounts of dead people?

You will respect Baine's memory while in this thread, niggers.

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I find that hologram shit they wanted to do (or even did) with Disney despicable as well.
>nobody had an issue with...
I actually didn't know they were already doing this. If everyone thought it was alright till now, I think it's too late to get mad about it now. I just thought it was the first time. I have no twitter and no interest in doing research on that shitty site

>TWITTER ACCOUNT of a dead person
Yeah, it is account with his name. His official account.
How exactly anyone can write from it if person dead, and even endorse Disney movies from a dead person account?

Yeah but at least when you’re alive even if you’re on deaths door you have the ability to learn about what someone is using your name for and put a stop to it. “He was never that involved with the account” is not an excuse

Looks more like she's modelling her kitsch.

I never liked stan lee but that image will never cease to make me rage, jesus christ

Why. Do. People. Keep. Tweeting. Like. This.

Weekend at Stan Lee's computer desk.

Because Marvel owns the rights to Stan Lees name

Because retards pay attention to those people more when they write like that

Oh, fucking stop. Stan Lee doesn't deserve a fucking speck of the reverence you people have for him. What, are you gonna complain if they revive Striperella with his name on it? Don't forget he created plenty of absolute shit on his own, and every "idea" of his cane from Kirby or Ditko. The man was a fucking marketing whore in life, so fuck it, let him be used as a marketing whore in death.

Sounds like Smilin Stan got EXACTLY what he deserved to me. Excelsior. Get fucked.

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>“He was never that involved with the account” is not an excuse
It just goes to show how detached he was from his own image, how it was nothing more than a marketing gimmick all along.
>Yeah but at least when you’re alive even if you’re on deaths door you have the ability to learn about what someone is using your name for and put a stop to it.
And when you're dead, who cares what they say or do to your name? You think Stan Lee's ghost is pissed over a tweet? That's nutty.
Of course they're going to use Marvel's spokesman to promote Marvel. Stan Lieber probably didn't own the rights to Stan "The Man" Lee after selling Marvel off to Disney. They probably legally own his image. But you know, it'd be poetic justice if they didn't and they were making money off another man's work (kinda like how Stan Lieber did his entire life).

There's plenty of things to hate Disney on. Clutching your pearls because they disrespected an asshole who deserves only disrespect isn't one. But if you're going to be a faggot, go do it over on reddit. Go make a post over there on something like r/marvel about how you're sad about a tweet. At least then your faggotry will be funny because it'll upset other faggots like you.

I think it’s people baiting, or actual brain dead reddit libshits thinking they’re being “good people”

Either way, nobody is really buying it based on the consensus here. Really glad this place has more free speech than most hugboxes

Do you think Stan ever actually tweeted himself though?


He still could disapprove things he didn't like. But now, he can promote anything. Disney need more dead celebrities, so they can endorse their movies.

Stan Lee completely whored himself out. Nothing was too low for him. Fucker slapped his name on all over Stripperella. That alone is more shameful than any fucking posthumous tweet. You think he's rolling in his grave over this? Get real.

Attached: 250px-StripperellaDVD_cover.jpg (250x344, 40K)

It was still his own decision.
But now, Disney literally using dead person to promote their movie.

Holy shit that's dark as fuck. Legit execute the cunt who used that account. Admittingly it's probably one of his kings.


>But now, Disney literally using dead person to promote their movie.

Attached: Walt_Disney_1946.jpg (220x330, 21K)

And when Walt said in his twitter account - hey kids, go see that movie.

Yeah it sure would be a shame if they slapped a dead man's name on a modern movie just to sell the movie.

Attached: Walt-Disney-logo.png (1500x1000, 71K)


do you have the pasta?

It is his company name, company which he made himself.
Show me his tweet or any other form of his direct promotion of disney movies, after his death.

>someone names a company after themselves
>when they die, you have to change the name
Your comparison is retarded and you know it.

I hope there’s a Hell so Boogie can land in it next to Stan Lee

Stan Lee has a lot more important things to worry about since he never accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior hes burning in hell

Kind of like how Stan Lee built Marvel up using his own image to promote it for decades to the point where "Marvel Comics" is instantly associated with "Stan Lee," hence why my comparison is apt and spot on. Don't get angry just because your pea brains couldn't put two and two together.
I mean, maybe Walt Disney doesn't approve of Frozen? Did anyone hold a seance to ask his permission? Wouldn't want to hurt his ghost feelings.

I dont care about the jew but you have to admit that using dead person's twitter account to shill a movie is fucked up.

I legitimately think that using a dead person's social media account to promote a movie is wrong.
Why is that so unbelievable to you?

>Hey, Michael Jackson here, watch my new documentar,y only on Netflix.

And as consumers in this capitalist society we have a right to be upset.
Sounds to me like you're just a salty commie.

Redditors don’t think for themselves and go with whatever the flow is; they’re entitled and have no decency.
They don’t look at what’s right, they’re more concerned about attacking people with “the wrong thoughts”

Luckily people here aren’t retarded due to actually needing to back their ideas/comments up individually

t. Pratt
