If you don't love, support...

If you don't love, support, and obsessively revere this children's movie about a picture-book character with sparkly hands, you're a loser virgin who hasn't had sex.

Attached: captain shero.jpg (750x1000, 113K)


Hey watch your mouth, this board is really fond of this movie and I think your hot take is really gonna cause some problems.

Shut the fuck up, incel

>you're a loser virgin who hasn't had sex.

I literally am a 29 year old virgin. Is it okay for me to criticize it now?

I mean that latter part is true but it hardly has anything to do with the former

Nice hate speech, I bet you've never had sex due to your repulsive personality and not due to being short, which you also are.

You can't use ironic jokes here, some people are actually this laughable and we all might think you're serious

I was told this movie is not for me, so I don’t watch it.

no, i'm already a loser virgin who hasn't had sex. toe cheese girl just had to remind me every day for 180 days that the movie isn't for me unlike the last 21 movies

I like how negative ratings are called "review bombing" now. Like somehow the person who doesn't like it is only pretending not to like it, because of how much they don't like it?

Pay for a strong powerful womyn to see it twice, shitmale

Can I get something a name or something to reference you by? It'll make the conversation easier when I'm discussing this with a therapist.

This sounds like something an incel troll would say. Are you Russian?

Well that is true, now what, can I hate this move?

This *CLAP* movie *CLAP* is *CLAP* not *CLAP* for *CLAP* you *CLAP* white *CLAP* males *CLAP*

>love, support, and obsessively revere

That's a false dilemma and you're a fucking idiot.

>false dilemma
You sound like a cis straight white boy incel who's never going to have sex.

not funny

based and funny

Not funny and samefag

half of those posts aren't jokes

Good job on clicking on every post, we can tell you didn't read them

But you told me this movie is not for me! Why should I go watch a movie if it not for me!?

Call me samefag but I had 2 posting ending with 9, one of them being dubs

am I based or what

>Brags about having a post ending in 9
>Completely ignores getting a post ending in 69

what are you gay

yes they are, whiteboy

I am a white MAN and I IMPLORE you refer to me as such

I was just thinking if I visit Yea Forums and the first post is not a captain marvel thread I would kill myself. Joke is on you, this place is a zoo.

I watched it yesterday, and what got me the most was how so many people in the theatre laughed uncontrollably when the "cat" used its tentacles to attack the Kree troops. I thought people would piss themselves. I guess there's a giant demographic we're not taking into account here: idiots.

Ah yes, quite based

Attached: cutie.jpg (600x600, 33K)

Agreed. I just got out of a screening. The amount of laughter in the audience truly baffled me. The intro with Stan Lee had everyone clapping which is okay I guess. Wish they'd saved that for End Game.

100% based

jokes on you, I dont even want to have sex

Imagine being this based

The peak of basement

Considering the rabid bias towards Marvel garbage and its ham-fisted leftist messages when reading the linguistic diarrhea written by all those blue states journos creating their articles from a macbook at a local Starbucks I'd say that anything below 90 must be unwatchable garbage with 91 being a 1/10 and even then you got to deduce another 5 points of that if the main cast isn't white male.


Your time is worth more than this user

stay mad incel
no one said this by the way, but if you incels keep chimping out like this, people really will believe everyone who doesn't like this movie is an incel

only thing more embarrassing than being a fan of this shit, is being upset about it.

get better hobbies loser. Future you is calling you a faggot.

But I don't even really care about any superhero film...

If you obsess, continually shit on and discuss it while saying you don't care about capeshit, if you're constantly checking reviews hoping for bad ones, if you're really hoping for the movie to fail, if you're saving pictures and making threads on a Chinese cartoon board all while saying you don't care, then yeah you might actually just be an angry virgin.

Thanks hoping it's getting bad ones, if you're hoping that i

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", tell them this.....

Women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!

If you don't like thing I like you have never had sex and are shorter than average, as is your penis.

So what if I am already a loser virgin who hasn't had sex who doesn't want to watch captain manvers?

I'm not even white man and I live in a 3rd world shithole.