You are part of the Grand Army of the Republic and a traitor.
You are part of the Grand Army of the Republic and a traitor
Are droids sentient?
>If droids could think we'd all be out of a job
their programming is, the droid itself is just a shell for its programming.
technically they are immortal through the self
Some are
Depends on hard and software aswell as how often their memory core is deleted
If they are required to do high level tasks and never get their memory deleted
Only IG-88
The battledroids should have made up most of the standing army of the decadent and passive Republic. They should have been complimented by a mishmash of System levies and militia.
The cloners are an external threat and both attack directly and infiltrate via assaaination and replacement. The Republic is unable to cope with the new threat and struggle to keep their footing militarily. They beg the Jedi to assist and the Jedi begrudgingly get dragged into political violence and intrigue (except for a few like Count Duku, who splinter off, or conscientious objectors, who go into reclusion.)
Palpatine still manipulates his way to chancellor and then Emperor by instituting social and military reforms that standardizes the Republic's militias into what we eventually recognize as the Imperial military.
R2 seems to act independently
No, what we got was much better than this idea.
That's because R2 has never had it's memory wiped.
Meanwhile C3PO is working on Backup programming and experience after the events of the clone wars.
R2 was in service before anakin was born.
No. My idea is better.
No it's stupid and less interesting than what we got.
You are wrong.
George only did battle droids enemies so the Jedi could slice them up while maintaining a PG rating
Your idea of the republic having a standing army at the onset of TPM changes way to much lore and is retarded. Why would the Republic have an army when there was no war to fight? Where the battledroids just your version of stormtroopers, military police to keep the populace in line? The Republic is not a fucking fascist Empire dipshit.
What even is your reason for Kaminoan Cloners being a threat? How the fuck do cloners afford to buy fleets of ships just on their own? Why would Kaminoans care about the republic when the republic doesn't know of their existence?
Let me guess, you are going to magically handwave it to work, you should get a job writing for Disney films.
Your idea is fucking atrocious and you should feel bad that you shared it.
>and a traitor
>a traitor against SEPARATISTS
How does that even make sense
>Why would the Republic have an army when there was no war to fight?
gee user, I dont fucking know, I wonder why a nation would have an army? when there's no war ongoing at present?
Unlikely. They've certainly got sophisticated programming, but ultimately they're still just tools.
And you think you are qualified to rewrite the prequels. Fucking kek.
Don't worry guys, we have the brilliant mind behind to rewrite all the fantastic lore of the prequels and make sure everything works and makes sense, and he promises us Sheev is still gonna be behind everything just because he says he is, regardless of the fact that his situation makes no fucking sense at all.
Battle droids thematically work for the Republic's military because they are literally sitting on the shelf when the war starts. They represent the loss of fighting skill and spirit via automation. They work for policing actions, but crumple in the face of anything resembling a peer adversary.
The system levies are small, diverse, and lack standardized tactics, training and equipment, necessitating Palpatine's reforms.
The Kamino actually we're not the original "cloners" in the EU. But whatever. The cloners don't have to raise their own armies to fight the Republic. Cloning and replacing key leaders in a number of militarily potent systems woulallow them to direct a war from the shadows.
Hence why the Jedi are called in. They can sense who has been replaced.
Roger roger
>Cloning and replacing key leaders in a number of militarily potent systems woulallow them to direct a war from the shadows.
Now this is retarded.
>They represent the loss of fighting skill and spirit via automation
Why does this need to be represented. What is the purpose of this. The Republic had been at peace for 1000 years, they weren't a warrior culture like Mandalorians.
>muh automation taking muh jobs
>in fucking star wars
I like your idea, I am just not that happy with losing the realistic approach to cloning to make it "copying a person right down to the age and memory and shit" that most simple Sci-Fi has though it opens a nice idea with the cloners using their tech for dominance and it has a nice 80s Marvel Comics / abandoned Kenner concept feel with the galactic invader races.
It deserves recognition but I wouldn't outright replace everything from the prequels with it.
>a nice idea with the cloners using their tech for dominance and it has a nice 80s Marvel Comics / abandoned Kenner concept feel with the galactic invader races.
That's whats so fucking stupid about his idea though. It's literally capeshit/comic book tier nonsense.
The PT EU is so good because it avoids all this crap. The PT EU is extremely realistic and actually makes sense. Sheev isn't behind everything because George said he is, he is behind everything because it logically makes sense that he is. Everything that happens logically benefits Sheev.
This fags ideas are shit and require so much god tier lore to rewritten, and it would be undoubtedly worse than before, and what for? So this fag can have his headcanon from 1977 satisfied because he thought the Clones from the Clone Wars line in ANH must have been the bad guys?
But he's a midget in a costume!
So the droids favorite fast food joint is confirmed as Roy Rogers, right?
>yfw you will never be a clone trooper and get to blast droids with your buddies
>no Clone Trooper kino set after the war where you and your buddies must hunt down fugitive Jedi and take them out
>tfw no feels moments when buddies who survived the whole war get taken down by Jedi scum as you try to slay them
Order 66 movie fucking when!
why does a robot need to say uhh
Imagine capturing one so you and your buddies can put a fleshlight in it in order to gangrape it.