Wait wtf game of thrones is just wrath of the lich king
Wait wtf game of thrones is just wrath of the lich king
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very original thought wow
thank you for your contribution, we didn't need the thread you killed at all
no capeshit thread stays up forever, my son
No it isn't.
No fucking idea why Arthas was so incompetent. He just sat in Northrend for years doing jack shit, then randomly attacks and gets his shit beaten. He had endless, self replenishing forces numbering in the idk prolly like hundreds of thousands and still lost.
What the fuck?
why did arthas name his horse invincible if you can still see it?
you know why they call it a xbox 360? Cuz when u see it u turn 360 degrees and walk away!!
Most Scourge skeletons are just mindless shitheads who can do jackshit. He needed strong champions (adventurers) but he was he was beaten by a old guy with a deus ex machina.
they even say the scourge would be too dangerous without a lich king, so are we to assume that arthas for some reason chose not to win?
Paladins are OP as fuck. Lich King was going to win before light ex-machina ontop of Icecrown saved Azeroth.
finna boutta roll Zandalari on the 12th lads
UD is still the weakest war 3 race, that's why
Who WoW classic here?
Who remembers this shit
the most grueling 3 hours of my fucking life
Blizzard rips off ASOT and it comes full circle. A just world after all
There’s a quest in northrend where you destroy his heart and is the reason we were able to defeat him
Wow classic but avoiding the /vg/ threads
Those kids post way too much about guild and discord drama
If you watch the ending battle, it's revealed that it was all a psyop.
He baited the rest of the world to attack northrend because he wanted to lure the world's best heroes from both factions to face him off in an epic cliche showdown that totally wasn't staged at all.
When you finally "kill" him, it turns out he was faking his power level the whole time and just playing around with you. After he regains his health, he insta-kills everyone in your party with a secret spell and begins the process of re-animating you and your buddies so that he has the strongest heroes in history as his personal guard and sub-commanders of his army. He literally won and would have continued steamrolling back both factions had it not been for the deus ex machina that happened right afterwards.
That's kinda the point of his character. Lich King is unironically the most powerful entity ever, so much that his creators (demons that have conquered entire planets) were afraid of him and tried to eliminate him before he became autonomous. The entire expansion, you felt like you were fighting a strong but manageable opponent and it was all leading up to an epic showdown when in reality, he was just toying around with everyone and not actually using the full extent of his power.
That's retarded.
That's because Blizzard fucked everything up.
wrath of the lich king is just The Frozen Throne with more story but can be beaten in a day.
post rip off sindragosa trailer scene
bravo snyder
who should play arthas?
Arthas was preventing Nerzhul to go full HAM mode on Azeroth
In the end Arthas was a good guy all along
WotLK happened because Nerzhul won the psychological war
Legit can't wait to farm lion asses in the barrens then feel like a big boy after completing wc, heading out to the world
> post yfw this came on
>the most powerful entity ever
Lmao the big three of burning legion would've wiped their asses with him, they just couldn't get to azeroth
Matt Mercer is the only one with both the jawline and the proper autism for it
WoW story is garbage. The goal is to provide endless loot pinatas.
So they have to turn every "big threat" of Azeroth into a retard.
Lmao if he was so powerful he didn't have to waste his entire army and act as a retard just to "lure" 25 fat american nerds.
He just had to conquer and raise everyone. You know like in wc3?
>The entire expansion, you felt like you were fighting a strong but manageable opponent and it was all leading up to an epic showdown when in reality, he was just toying around with everyone and not actually using the full extent of his power.
Kill yourself WoWbabby. Wotlk turn Arthas into a retarded Scoobydoo vilain.
"Waaa i'm gonna get you next time gadget".
this should have been the Warcraft movie. so fucking pissed they released it too late for people even to care
I stopped paying attention to the story when those blue fuckers crash landed in a spaceship and mounts started flying around
They forget that Ner'zhul was the entire reason Arthas got cucked.
>tfw the book killed Ner'zhul and made the WC3 TFT ending irrelevant
I always imagined after Arthas took the armor and crown in TFT a new being was born with a orc mind and human body but nu-Blizzard fucked that up and made LK into Arthas with daddy issues
That shit was so fucking hard
Only reason people stick around now is waiting for the next/last old god
This shit will literally die after he’s defeated, no more interesting villains people are gonna care about
Sylvanis: Glad you could make it, Saurfang.
Saurfang: Watch your tone with me, elf. You may be the warchief, but I'm still your superior as a warrior.
Sylvanis: As if I could forget. Listen, Saurfang, there's something about the night elves you should know. Oh no. It's too late. These people have all seen the tree. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn hopeful.
Saurfang: What?
Sylvanis: This entire tree must be burned.
Saurfang: How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way
Sylvanis: Damn it, Saurfang. As your future lich queen, I order you to burn this tree.
Saurfang: You are not my lich queen yet, elf. Nor would I obey that command if you were!
Sylvanis: Then I must consider this an act of treason.
Saurfang: Treason? Have you lost your mind, Sylvanis?
Sylvanis: Have I? Saurfang, by my right of succession and sovereignty of my azerite, I hereby relieve you from your command and suspend your warriors from service.
Nathanos: Sylvanis, you can't just...
Sylvanis: It's done! Those of you who have the will to burn this tree, follow me. The rest of you... get out of my sight.
Saurfang: You've just crossed a terrible threshold, Sylvanis.
Sylvanis: Nathanos?
Nathanos: I'm sorry, Sylvanis. I can't watch you do this.
cast her
I wish she'd step on my balls
Yeah they ruined Arthas with that internal struggle bullshit
Problem is Christie Golden doesn't give a shit about any writers other than herself. She rewrites the personality of every character she touches without regard for their past actions. Particularly young men, who are always Good Boys (or misguided ones).
In that Arthas novel, she made all the interactions between Arthas and Kel'Thuzad more hostile than they were in TFT, even cutting undead-Arthas' grudging admission that KT was a loyal friend. Because if Arthas liked KT than he wasn't a Good Boy. And if Arthas merged with Ner'Zhul and wasn't a distinct entity, then he couldn't be a Good Boy again.
yea they did this because WoW player never played through TFT and they only know Arthas.
are you worthy, acolyte?
Just like my animes.
god I hate Christie Golden
i just used cheats on this thing shit is so fucking hard
It's more like Tomb of Elemental Evil
that clearly says Temple
He identifies as a tomb, don't misgender him
> not knowing the whole thing was bait to get 10/25 supreme Death Knights freshly delivered to his throne
who is this semen demon