>so Jay, what did you think of Captain Marvel?
So Jay, what did you think of Captain Marvel?
Other urls found in this thread:
ehhh *shrugs*
It was fine...didn't love it didn't hate it, just another competent marvel movie, which is kinda the problem. Going from IW to this, it ends up feeling like a B plot to that movie.
I bet that motherfucker Mike is gonna love it
I kind of hope they don't review it at all but of course they fucking will.
Carol/Brie will replace Rey/Daisy as Jay's waifu
His bf let's him have a waifu?
They are going to skip it. They will review Avengers vs Thanos 2 and Shazam
I really do hope Jay is gay.
I have no doubt in my mind that they're going to say they liked it, they're waiting for all the normie reviews to drop and then say the opposite.
Besides it's Marvel so they won't talk shit about it.
fuck off
still gon watch the video and buy their merch tho suck my dick
On Patreon they already said it's going to be the next HitB.
I think they’ll say that if you thought this movie was terrible but that the other Marvel movies were leagues better you’re either biased or fatigued.
You mean husband.
>Well Mike it was formulaic and is full of all our usual complaints about superhero movies so I loved it!
How do we save Jay, lads?
"Brie was charismatic as hell"
Oh, please.
I thought he is gay
"I like parts of it."
This will probably be pretty accurate
I don't hate women and I've had sex so I have to say it was a solid 11/10. The way that Brie Larson told me for half a year that I wasn't going to like the movie made me determined to prove her wrong, it was smart of her to tell the biggest fan base of comic book movies to fuck off and that Disney doesn't want incel money.
they really do only review capeshit
what else is there
wheres the alita review
what about the oscar round up they usually do
>Well it wasnt feed but i seed it
Find him a wife, pump out a couple kids. That will ground him.
You breeders have only one answer and it's always pathetic. Give your life proper meaning and don't revert to something animals do.
>Marvel is the gold standard
that isn't how a waifu works, newfag. it's not some bitch girlfriend you replace when something else comes along. it's about love, you don't get to choose who you love
>Jay: I hated it
>Mike: well I thought it was ok
>Jay: well I didn't HATE it
Which video was that crop from?
They are going to trash Alita and praise Captain Marvel and there is nothing you incels can do about it
>well Mike I hated it
>No Jay, I loved it
>Well I didn't HATE it...
capeshit brings the more views and more likes. they sometimes review some obscure netflix flick to show people that they arent a low iq capeshit channel.
It will be a "Captain Marvel" review thats really about Alita for majority of it
>30 minute video of Mike reading VHS titles
Anyone got a good working link of Leaving Neverland part 2? All I can find are blocked videos.
He's so cute god fucking dammit
Would it have hurt if they released and Alita review instead of yet another non-video like the vhs collection?
>mike reads out evert vhs they have in a comical way
anyone who didnt turn it off in the first 10 seconds is brain damaged
what movies do they actually like? they hate on any cgi and complain that a movie took itself seriously and expect schlock
>It's you know ...
>I know what they were trying to do ...
>But my take on it is ...
>I loved it
>Watch it on Fandango™ and take a friend with you or family. Who the hell cares. Just watch it.
>>so Jay, what did you think of Captain Marvel?
"We have to wait until there's a consensus as to whether the movie is good or not before we can either praise it or trash it Mike. If the rating goes down and it doesn't make serious bank, we'll dump on it without fear of the Mouse blacklisting us while we can try to retain cred as objective reviewers. If it's a hit we'll suck on Brie's fungi toes and stifle our vomit no matter how much we fucking hate it."
nope. dont expect them review anything but hyped shit or capeshit or netflix horrorshit. hey remember when they used to review action flicks like die hard? and comedies too? nah that does not get clicks like capeshit does.
>>so Jay, what did you think of Captain Marvel?
"On second thought, lets suck each others cocks while that fat faggot Rich sits in the corner beating off with a ball gag in his mouth so we don't have to listen to him squealing like a pig being brained with a sledgehammer!"
Here's what I noticed after being a previous fan: roughly around 2015 it began to slide downhill.
>they stopped being edgy and extremely hostile in their reviews, refusing to call shit exactly what it was
>they stopped putting effort into the sitcom part of the show, where past episodes had them fucking around with Plinkett and doing crazy shit as they talked about the movies, they had either a 2 minute setup that immediately switched to reviewing for the rest of the episode, or just ignored the sitcom stuff completely and was just them talking from start to finish
>they stopped reviewing obviously bad movies in order to mock them, and instead settled on popular movies that would give them more clicks
>they stopped reviewing cool movies nobody had ever heard of for the same reason
and the worst part
>their analysis got weaker and weaker; where as before they would autistically pick apart technical stuff in the movie in an interesting way, they switched to a reviewing style with nothing interesting or insightful to say about anything in the movie, just "the story was weird, I didn't like it lol", really obvious and boring reviewing
>they simply stopped being funny, nothing clever or amusing in their new stuff
They used to be a couple of film nerds that looked at movies on technical levels beyond plot, while participating in an absurdist plot centerted around them reviewing and drinking beer. Now they're just two dudes talking about a film with nothing really interesting to say.
I'll still watch the old episodes like the Sinister/Paranormal Activity 4 review, when their mockery knew no bounds. As of right now however the series sucks, and every time I watch it it's just boring and I don't see any fresh perspective on anything, not to mention they review mainstream clickbait movies that I have zero interest in.
"Who cares?"
The Canadians should introduce him to a real director of photography, so he can make a small indie movie and break into Sundance
fuck movies
>You breeders have only one answer and it's always pathetic. Give your life proper meaning and don't revert to something animals do.
This is 100% objectively correct!!!FACT!!!
they liked Jurassic world or mike did so he does like cgi jay doesn't like anything that isn't "ironically bad"
>what about the oscar round up they usually do
Probably waiting for all the we-wuzzing to end.
new robot cool
The sitcom stuff got old desu. I agree with all the rest. I still really like their BOTW stuff.
They will do as most other movies they need to shill for. Call it ok and then later down the line poke fun at it.
>Donating to their Patreon
I see this pasta everywhere, but when did it actually occur?
jurrasic world?
>buy their merch
every youtube cunt and their mother has merch i cant for the life of me figure out who buys this shit
>i cant for the life of me figure out who buys this shit
did you ever visit their SUBREDDIT?
I do. Don't wear it to work, but when I work out etc.
Buy my merch, link in despriction
go away reddit
I've come to realize it doesn't matter what they say, Yea Forums will parrot it all day long
If they say they loved it there are going to be just as many "IT'S MARVELKINO" threads
It doesn't matter
This is the worst board on this shit website
>They used to be a couple of film nerds that looked at movies on technical levels beyond plot
no they used to be a comedians and now they are film reviewers. a review isn't entertainment
Don't you have some cutting to do, tranny?
"I think the movie was fun"
>Jay takes a look at the camera to make sure they're rolling
"I personally thought the movie was great and the characters were really cool.
>Mike keeps nodding nervously
"The characters? Yeah they were really cool and the whole movie was just that: Cool charactes.......... doing fun stuff"
"Yeah the marvel movies really are the standard"
>Jay tells everyone to go watch it and then he and Mike go home to snort coke out of Mickey Mouse's ass
>The reddit audience loves the video and a brainless neckbeard writes a comment about how this review of bland and boring observations and flat movie discussion stretched to a 40 minute video brought him to tears and he loved every second of it.
>that subtle edit
>"Brie Larson is charismatic as hell in this movie"
>I've come to realize
>This is the worst board on this shit website
took you long enough
>Makes face and looks into the camera
>End credits play
>This was full of gravitas. I swear that I'm not a Disney shill!
>rolls eyes
>quickly gets reminded of his sub role
"w-well, actually you have a point there Mike!