Why are feminist and diversity agenda are ruining beloved franchises like Star Wars and Marvel Cinematic Universe...

Why are feminist and diversity agenda are ruining beloved franchises like Star Wars and Marvel Cinematic Universe? What is Disneys motivation to start pushing these shits down our throat?

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Because these are for fucking manbabies and sissified manbabies are fucking cancer. They don't know shit but can talk about superheroes or space shit wars for fucking hours.

Hey there, Star Wars was loved, but the MCU was always stupid garbage full of ultra-ironic and "lol so randumb and self aware xD" millennial humor.
Most of the movies are also effortless, factory-made formulaic shit that don't even attempt to be movies.
The plots are repetitive, the soundtracks are completely forgettable and the cinematography is complete shit.

It's demise can only bring about something good for cinema: the end of the capeshit fad.

This. If you're over the age of 17, stop watching capeshit

Money. Convince more women and non whites to watch movies = more money. And it's not just Disney, don't be naive. They want all of the money possible and then they want more. They would put swastikas and upside down crosses in their films if they thought it would make them more money. Nice digits.

To kill both franchises in the long run and end the manchild generation.
Honestly pretty fucking based.

disney's destroying their billions dollar franchises on purpose

The movies are a powerfull programming tool for the masses.
Pic related.
And they want to make the next gen into marxists, cause they want to make them survive in case the USA's freedom end, and they will have to live under a new Soviet american system.
That's what i think.

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I'm not going to comment on Star Wars. That ships sailed.

But captain Marvel makes up one of the 20 films. Of those 20 films, all but two of them have white, male, heterosexual leading characters. One has a black, male, heterosexual lead. Which leaves us back with Carol. The white...female... heterosexual character.

So if we just look at the films and not the shows, that makes 5% of the MCU pushing a feminist agenda - while still conforming to the otherwise white, straight factors present in every other film aside from Black Panther.

Is 5% enough to say they're pushing it down our throats? Purely on a mathematical basis, can you justify outrage on 5% of a franchise adhering to a political viewpoint that doesn't confirm your own? I'm a conservative dude and I hate shit like this pushed on me...but the numbers just don't add up enough for me to be pissed off.


Why isn't Rey a nudist?

>acknowledging the existence of women and ethnic minorities is ruining my capeshit movies

white men were a mistake


Cap Marvel basically turned whole Avengers. They retconned it so Avengers are named after her nickname in air force.
They will slowly turn it into nigger filled women lead shit.. And it's a good thing, capeshit must fucking die. Killing it would result in good things and will hurt Disney too. MCU is the only thing that keeps this fucking company afloat. I hope they will fuck it up.

>MCU is the only thing that keeps this fucking company afloat. I hope they will fuck it up.
How old are you? Disney has been a giant company long before they bought Marvel

Until the day comes where you're right, I'm not going to let Disney trigger me like it is you.

It there comes a day where the MCU is 51% feminist propaganda then sure. I'll be pissed, but the reality is that thus far we've had Tony Stark, Captain America, Thor, Star Lord, Ant Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Hulk....all having multiple appearances in 2-6 films.

This is literally the first and only instance where a female has had a lead appearance. It just doesn't make sense to be pissed off by that fact. No matter how preachy it might be, it's still such a small percentage of the franchise.

You're a feminist. Of course feminism doesn't bother you, faggot.

5% of something being feminist doesn't.
>Name calling


I'm not pissed, I don't care about capeshit. I just hope that capeshitters will and MCU goes Star Wars way. DC will obviously follow and capeshit, while won't be gone, will slow down.
These movies should make 400M at most. Meanwhile they are so huge that marketing is literally everywhere. Bus, train, TV, posters, shops, merchandise.. You simply can't avoid it. If these movies made 400m every fucking time there wouldn't be a problem. Capeshitters would still get their CGI filled shit but the rest wouldn't have to see this cancer everywhere.
Also fuck Disney. They ruined everything they bought and now got Fox so there's more to ruin and milk.

Why do you incels always ruin everything?
You're supposed to talk about how the marvel movies are fucking garbage not be virgins triggered at women

Wake the fuck up

Those are the ones you want as your fans though. The adults who like this stuff have a lot more expendable income than the kid who gets taken to a movie once a year. They should do like anime does and pander to their biggest audience.
Why is 17 the arbitrary age you chose?

You should leave the country if you get so triggered. If it was something you boomers enjoy like pokemon i'm sure you wouldn't care about exposure.

It's not about 1 movie in 20 having a female lead, it's about them pushing this one character as more important and powerful than anyone else. forget her personality, all that matters is that she's a woman, she can kick the shit out of anyone and they'll rewrite history if they have to, so captain america is no longer the first avenger because the avengers were named after carol

they never did this with black widow, scarlet witch, gamora, sif, etc it only started recently when they made the stupid claim that shuri is smarter than stark with nothing to back it up.