Other urls found in this thread:
What am I looking at here?
of all these "semi cryptic" messages in post credit, this is blatantly the worst.
*teleports behind you*
>audience silent after the reveal
decent. Suit looks good. She's a bit stiff as predicted. thx op
Why did she just appear like that? Like she was just there not talking and she just appeared with no sound or anything visual.. Lmao wtf
wow that was really fucking gay
Why doesn't Johansson have her sexy hair anymore?
Me with the phone
>sneaking up on widow.
>her voice
>that acting
pfffffft get the fuck outta here.
So we can know who is who when they time travel
Yikes ScarJo is looking like a wine aunt more and more. And Larson's voice is shit.
>the audience doesn't react or even care
>you hear slight and faint groans
"We don't know what this alien thing does."
If only they had an expert on alien tech available on Earth. Oh wait! They do.
>nigger jew strands
Pick one
>that terrible expository dialogue
>the lazy performances
>the shitty background music
>the awful cgi
How the hell do people watch this crap?
>dead silence after scene cuts to black
I know it's her own movie, but shouldn't they excited for seeing her or seeing a clip from Endgame? It makes me think that this movie will be a giant pile of shit and they're just relieved that it's over.
They were just soaking up the woke vibes
So uh, is this going to be when they call back to CA:TWS "If anyone ask where I am, I'll be right here." grave? That'd be good. Then she can fuck off for the rest of the film.
Subtitles are in chink so I am assuming they don't clap and chant like americans when a movie ends, do they?
dat is nederlands jij neger.
>'whurs fure'
They're German.
My bad shit was so blurry it looked like moonrunes.
Nederlanders don't clap?
She can silently instant transmission too? What is this character?
I'm thinking it was blurry because it was in 4D3D3D3. Every capeshit fan claps for capeshit. I'm thinking that the movie just sucks.
can't take critique of his waifu, then shuffles it away as /pol/
bahahaha, you paid Disney XD
watched it, movie was dosgshit, the last scene was just another fuck up, the movie is just cringe,acting is dogshit, the bad guys are unironically the most charismatic ones, there is one scene where she literally show here girl power and used his old master(male) as a trash bag.
That's because Ben Mendelsohn is a good actor. She uses him as a trash bag? You're gonna have to elaborate on that one, mate.
Rocket Raccoon.
what fuckin crazy ass language are those subs in
jesus fuck what
women aren't sex objects for you incel
it's Elvish
how many fucking times do i have to explain that it's dutch? it's like i'm the only one who speaks it around here. wat verdomme
And no one clapped or made a literal peep.
Oh my goodness.. NORMIES DON'T GIVE A SHIT?
do Americans really clap in theaters?
It's one of the last scenes, he is abandoned by his masters, she comes back to him, he is ready to fight but without hero powers (for fairness) she just shoots him down for the lols afterwards she gives her hand, not to help him no he takes his hand and drags him over to his ship to sends him back to his masters.
Holy shit that was awful, how can people even watch capeshit?
don't worry
they're Americans
You’re right, they most likely don’t give a shit about some trash that they sat through for the sake of their child.
It's clearly not america, and the normies don't watch subbed film.
Found the normie.
What's the deal with the cat, it has his own poster and everything.
Are they literally using a cat to draw crowds or does the cat play a big role in the movie?
He's a minor character/running gag in the film, also CGI'd out the ass
It's not really a cat.
Apologize for what?
Also nice dubs
Schele nederlander hier. It looked German to me kek
oooohhhh. that's what you meant. i thought she was like going to stuff a bunch of shit into him. some theaters in europe will have the movie in the original language just with subs. most will just be dubbed though
Oh God it's literally over. They're forcing a shit character in a month before A4 to be the thanos killer. Hahahahah get fucked marvel fags
self hating pig fucking kike detected
in the comics the cat is an alien that has like a wormhole in its mouth. it coughs up the tesseract in the other post-credits scene. they only brought it into the movie to draw on the single cat lady feminist angle.
That's a shame, they couldn't bother training a cat for this.
Yeah I was guessing it would end up something like a shapeshifter guy.
>t. Damage Control Extended Universe
cancer kids, like you should stfu
but they literally are
>CGId out the ass
>forcing a cat to puke
Damn, that was hard to figure out user!
I'd rather wait and see it fresh whenever I watch this movie
spreek zowel duits als nederlands. makkelijk om het verschil te zien
They realized the cat was the only thing audiences reacted to in the slightest and are propping it up
not everyone has watched the webm leaks einstein
Builds a franchise over 11 years just to fuck up the climax a month before.
Why does she always look bored?
>This is a nightmare
They said it themselves!
because she's a bad actress with no facial range
what's the explanation as to why she's never been called in before?
Use the correct term underage faggot.
You don't have to watch the leaks to figure out a puking cat is CG'd
the fuck man.
In the movie it is explained that her Kree powers come at the cost of periods that last 20+ years
that's incredibly contrived
>just to fuck up the climax
It ain't happening
This looks like shit, thanks for saving me $20
*dramatic music*
thank you based oleksinski
>the audience doesn't react or even care
>you hear slight and faint groans
10 more years, faggots
BP's sister, of course.
Why is Scarlett Johannson so fucking ugly?
nothing lasts forever.
maybe this was feige's way of saying "i've made my money, let me burn this ship so nobody else can take over and i can rest"
Why does the rotten have a score and the fresh don't?
>BP's sister, of course.
i can't believe people still pay to go see this shit
End credits scene of Dr. Strange and Thor was the best
>maybe this was (((feige's))) way of saying "i've made my money, let me burn this ship so nobody else can take over and i can rest"
I don't think so
>One of the highlights at my career at Marvel was introducing her at Comic-Con and having her coming out on stage and stand there with literally almost every thing else from our universe, and there she was at the forefront, and it was a great foreshadowing of not just for how audiences are going to embrace Brie as this character, but also for how Captain Marvel is about to take the lead and be at the forefront of the entire Cinematic Universe.
>What's the deal with the cat
see this is the non american movie experience, noone claps, hollers or is in any other way annoying
>horror movie
>shitty theater in shitty mall
>full of black kids and screaming babies
>movies has a few jump scares
>people are rolling in the aisles after falling out of their seat, in full convulsions
>someone throws a full bag of popcorn at the screen
>people literally screaming at the top of their lungs
>a crowd of 8 or more stood up and huddled closely together for 25 mins of the movie, obstructing the view
>someone stomped up the stairs yelling "Yo FUCK this shit nigga FUCK this scary FUCKIN movie" and the like
>cigarettes are being smoked behind me
>a mother in the row ahead of me has a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and is dividing it amongst her children
Give us a rundown. I don't want to download this thing to see the credit shit.
I can't believe they actually forced a cat to puke a cube, why hasn't animal rights arrested the whole production team yet?
>krauts and yurocucks
>not clapping when they see a BBC or a stronk wymyn
At least try to be believable.
its to get the wine aunts with cats crowd. very lucrative market.
So at the end of her own movie, they tease... her? Fuck, how are they getting this so wrong?
shes transitioning into an AYYYY LMAO
they just have to pay a PETA representative to be on set and tell them the best way to kill animals
t-that speed!
Someone post this on maoyan and douban or whatever those chinese movie sites ar called. Post credits A4 scene is like 99% of the reason they're interested in this movie.
lol so meta
2/10 bait, got me to reply
why this nigga got piccolo fingers
as an amerifat this is true
I'm sorry I defended this.
>Marvel 10th Anniversary
>aged 20 years
>>full of black kids and screaming babies
>>movies has a few jump scares
>>people are rolling in the aisles after falling out of their seat, in full convulsions
>>someone throws a full bag of popcorn at the screen
>>people literally screaming at the top of their lungs
>>a crowd of 8 or more stood up and huddled closely together for 25 mins of the movie, obstructing the view
>>someone stomped up the stairs yelling "Yo FUCK this shit nigga FUCK this scary FUCKIN movie" and the like
>>cigarettes are being smoked behind me
>>a mother in the row ahead of me has a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and is dividing it amongst her children
Captain Marvel is the lamest character even without feminism
at least we're not india youtube.com
audience silent. some groans.
T'challa lookin skinny as fuck. Nigga best hit the gym again before Black Panther 2 rolls around. Also, is that motherfucker wearing a fucking bathrobe?
>I can't believe black people go to a movie that panders to black people
I'm black but that webm is hilarious
lel that's a very good point
>watching movie in india
>intense fight scene
>everyone starts screaming and cheering
>indian guy shits on seat "yes sirs you are the ok main man"
>Hear "oh yes he is doing the cuteful" from one of the girls
They know Larson is a flatline, so they're going back to the old standby of plastering the marketing with a cute mascot people will inherently like
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying
Nice webm.
Thank you, come again!
>all those negros, slavs, and meds in a tight enclosed space
imagine the smell
Well? Where's fury?
She's referring to his sister, La'tisha Fury
Based and brown pilled
This but unironically
this but unironically
It's a black male thing.
That what it's like in nz too. People are silent throughout the whole movie.
Infinity War director is retarded. Hank Pym, Iron Man, and Bruce Banner are way above her.
If Fox is part of the MCU now, then so are Reed and Beast
Shazam looks 10x better
>makng a logical conclusion is bait
This is bad.
Why aren't they clapping?
Maybe because it's not americlaps, you stupid americlap nigger
Holy kek.
Zach attack.
based obsessed redditor
He has aids
This is going to bomb so bad. Worst miscast ever.
this genuenly makes me mad. Acting like this character matters and pushing her for the finale of all these characters and movies, theyre treating her like shes superman and we've been waiting for her. All these interesting characters and theyre gonna get sidelined for shilling her
She DEFINITELY fucks black men
that dumb pig fucking kike is still replying to himself in his own thread lmao
>that webm
Oh no, you found out I'm underage. I bet you LOVE that don't you pedo..
I think she even got her breast implants taken out, she's really gotten weird.
what is that hairline lmao
have sex, femcel
>no clapping
SJWs are an american phenomenon.
Just the average Captain Marvel fan
truthful statement
Everyone else just looks at america and laughs
England exists, you can get arrested for tweets
This but unironically
Jesus christ, how the fuck did her face get so pudgy a decade later? I noticed her chin got fat in mid-credits scene.
Kek me on the right, I'll never forget that feeling
fuk my cousin used to do this head thing back when we were kids. it made me want to punch her face
bitch please, there's only one Ayy lmao actress and she's cute as a button.
they havent been clapping as much
i think reddit got to them
What for?
The movie is still shit.
I ain't gonna watch it if i have to pay for it.
So fight scenes were pretty bad like wow why hype up that she'd been "lifting" if she doesn't do anything physicallu intense even for a woman.
The twist doesn't work because the audience doesn't have time to feel she cared all that much about the Kree, nor her team legit I can't remember any of their names.
Maybe I'm just crazy but I couldn't stop thinking of the Romulans when the Skrulls spoke.
Also feel free to ask me I don't care about memeing so I'll just answer questions staright up with as little bias as possible.
my sides are in orbit.
Can't you emote, you brick faced bitch!? Jesus.
does she actually land in closed-down Blockbuster? How's that supposed to evoke the 90s which were all about booming Blockbuster?
The Blockbuster is closed because it's at night when she lands inside it, then she spends time in a electronics store making a communicator.
Jesus Christ, I don't remember the Captain America movies being this racial.
>Dutch audience
>Getting overly exicted about anything
Not happening
She can do instant transmission like Goku.
Reminder that this scene was filmed by the Russos Brothers
She's shit even with new direction
>there's only one Ayy lmao actress
says you bitch nigga
Do people really clap after films in America?
She tries to sound intense but just doesn't have the voice for it. Especially when you have Johansson talking before that. Maybe Larson should have done some voice training instead of this ineffectual body workout.
for literally what?
>they don't clap
literally only if it's a premiere, or actually an exciting movie
This should have been the end credit scene for Infinity War..
Get theze filthy muties outnof here. Only Inhumans are allowed in the MCU.
and they wonder why we kept sitting in different rooms for a hundred years
>go to ticket counter
>select seat
>beside left isle
>get inside
>"oh no"
>realize this is mumbai
>their shitting isles are the left ones
What the fuck does her dragging the bad guy around have to do with her being a woman
despite all my rage i am still just a white in a cage
and someone will say that our race can never be saved
She's so hot, bros
>Finish watching film
>Immediately read the Wikipedia summary, Rotten Tomato score, and Reddit "Official Discussion" thread
it was unnecessary brainlet, he was already beaten down
Okay, but my actual question was what part of that celebrated her vagina
Pure Chad behavior. Not wonder all the beta manlets leave that country and come to ours.
are you retarded ?
Let's pretend I am and answer the question
he's 41, holy shit
>literally just her showing up in the next movie ready to go
they even managed to make the after credits scene boring
who the fuck is being held responsible for this
you'd be praising it if the miracle space metal landed in Iceland instead
He Chomnk
so dollarstore knockoff brand germans
unironically this
They short blonde hair is a different black widow character from the comics, Natasha Romanov dies or something then they replaced her with a different russian as black widow. I think it's back to being Natasha Romanov now because of reasons.
you gotta ask who this is targeted at because even your average N knows this isn't believable.
what the fuck? thats just a dumb meme
But that's racist
hes leaving a bad review
>watched it
>mfw butthurt tsundere polincels who hate this trash actually love it
Only anglos and pajeets scream and holler at the movies
Based Dutch don't clap at movies, burger.
But to be fair, they were probably disappoint.
Why's she called captain marvel when mar-vel is another character
>uhh seriously hollywood? africans can't actually be that smart lol....
>uhhh you know these little girls aren't real right? gosh learn to seperate fantasy from reality lmao....
Rocket would be much better.
wtf i posted this few threads back don't copy my shit you fucking nigger
I think she had a mastectomy from a breast cancer scare.
People don't woop, clap and holler at white screens in Europe.
What the fuck
they really do clap though
well that was a whole lot of nothing
she seems pretty hot, I like asperger's girl who show no emotion.
how did we go from this to captain fungi?
Why is it so fucking blurry, is this in 3D?
How did they find Fury's device?
Also, that reaction by the crowd give me hope that, given there are two versions of Endgame as rumoured, they'll go with the version with minimal Captain Marvel.
Only whites do the hover hand
>Iron Man literally makes a new element in his living room
>But BP's sister is smarter because she's black
Fuck, what timeline is this, lads? Even black people think BP is somehow a documentary.
>given there are two versions of Endgame as rumoured
>people actually believe this
LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get your own fucking board
learning about each superhero's abilities and ranking them in my head is something i literally did as a child and as i'm sure many other kids did as well. so to see this type of thing as a headline that actual adults are going to read and discuss is very strange.
>Fungus fingers
>I've had better nightmares.
How are her quips always the worst?
>women shouldn’t take care of themselves or have any accountability, incels
Shes not going to fuck you, give it a rest
this doesnt make any sense
where do I find the camrip ?
Not two full versions, that would be impossible.
But it's possible to have two cuts of a movie.
Jesus, what a shit delivery of "Where's Fury." Glad I don't pay for Disney films anymore. Shazam will be my next and only capeshit film for a while.
its quite funny that DC turned to light and humourous and now is the toast of the town while Marvel went pandering and is just getting shat on lol
Why does black widow seem to have a leadership role despite being absolutely useless
reddit pls go and stay go
Because she's been around for the longest.
Is Brie unironically decent in the role? I don't give a shit about all the stupid "outrage" she apparently caused, I just wanna know if she is at least better than the trailers portrayed.
What a great way to blow your cover. Isn't she supposed to be one of the best spies in the world?
>Accountability only works how i say it does lmao MAGA, trump lmao just grab em by the pussy lmao
4 words: kill all the trannies
Not true
brits don't do this at all
It's solely an American (possibly Canadian) thing
based herc
That guy on the left so bored, he's on pornhub on his phone
so captain america is a nigger and a woman
I recently rewatched the avengers. This webm and that movie both look way better in picture than the recent Marvel films. Why is that?
so this is the power of capeshit
>Ayy lmao actress
Best ayyylmao cutie coming through. Don't @ or (you) me
>didn't watch this shitty movie
>even 30 seconds of this shitshow already showcased Brie Larson's shitty acting
lol it is going to be a long year...
>theater was dead quiet
Shit. I feel bad that this movie is going to hurt the MCU so bad.
Post the celeb jihad edit
Disney is really taking its marketing to a whole new level: npr.org
#hertoo #HERo
Based Herc.
Cant even buy a fucking knife or fork without I.D, and you try to shit on "burgers and pajeets". Fuck off moron.
You can hear groans and sighs, that audience was dissatisfied.
sweet victory
that was a pretty shitty finish but needs context
The hype in that cinema was palpable.
>Cap and his faggots sit in the CSI: Miami set and wait while all the other faggots show up on their doorstep.
Mega kek
God bless you
Apparently they made mar-vell a chick in the movie user
to be fair the Germanic languages all have a pretty high degree of mutual intelligibility, except for english which is dogshit retarded
>People shouting and clapping because "I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!"
That is a midnight screening, so it's a special exception. I won't deny that Americlaps live up to our name, but there's a scale; I saw the same film on a Saturday morning and it only got a few cheers at Thor's entrance.
What is it like having a low iq?
>umph huh umph
Can't even bother wearing a wig for a role.
you know what I thought the infinity stones/dragon balls thing was a coincidence but come the fuck on with this instant transmission bullshit
It’s gone. What happens?
is there a mirror? link doesn't work
The fuck is Tony drinking?
Superior germans*
>we'll get through this together. Now is our time to be even stronger.
Imagine being this big of a fag.
>we want the cat mom audience
She doesn't appear to be a kike, so that's not likely
Poor Boseman
"giver her the dick my son"
Lmao those west African fingers
>that art
Mah n-word.
Ah shit
The mouse works fast
>looks like she's about the break up with someone
>black woman
>still blue eyes and blonde hair
I guess I don't get it. I'll stick to Don Rosa's Donald Duck. Or rather I would, if I was still 11.
Anyone have a mirror, streamable link got taken down
I have a mirror in my bathroom
I made this joke 2 days ago. I own it.
I don't get it
Sent you a PM on the joke. Check your inbox pal ;)
Yeah keep making more links, I'll just keep reporting them to Disney
Dude a mirror means an identical copy of media just in case it gets deleted or lost. It's not meant as physical mirror to see your reflection or something. I'm sorry I am such a geek and technologically illiterate people make me angry