"People always ask me, 'Are you a feminist?' And I find the question surprising, because I think, 'Yes, of course. Every woman, every man, everyone should be a feminist. Because whoever is not a feminist is a sexist,'"
"People always ask me, 'Are you a feminist?' And I find the question surprising, because I think, 'Yes, of course. Every woman, every man, everyone should be a feminist. Because whoever is not a feminist is a sexist,'"
The point is she's not obnoxious about it
> Join my gang or you're a bad person
Literal evil
i'm a sexist
okay, most hollywood women and men think the same way
the difference is the vitriol brie larson has towards white men and white males fans of marvel
She’s a fucking Jew that’s all you have to know.
Where do they even get this philosophy of "if you aren't a feminist you are a sexist!!" What about those of us who literally don't care at all? Is it sexist to just not care? Do I have to care?
So if they stab the knife in your back it’s okay but declaring the attack whoa that’s just too much for me?
what does that even mean
theres a difference in the kind of thinking of virtue signalling that men and women should be equal and outright saying men are evil
I want to fuck Patty.
>Gal Gadot is as much of a SJW as Brie Larson
true, but not quite as much as Flash (both jews)
The thing is, feminist has 2 meanings,
The true one being, men should be equal to men
The 3rd wave one being, women are better than men and should be boosted via laws to get there as well as Men BAD
Capt Foot Fungus is far more 3rd wave, thus the worst one.
Thats not to say the true meaning isnt also wrong, because at the end of the day people have very different ideas of equal.
Lets say you have 2 dogs, one is twice the size of the other and requires twice the food.
How do you divide up the food between the dogs? Most people would say 50-50 split, and thats equal but its not.
33-66 would be the correct choice. 66% going to the bigger dog.
The same thing applied to the feminist movement. For example STEM fields, men have more of an interest, if they make up 80% of the interest, forcing a 50-50 ratio makes it unequal.
You know damn well she's not as insufferable about it as Brie. The tweets, the soapboxing, the clear disdain she has for white men or hell, any man who looks at her. This shit still not going to get people to see that garbage movie that sounds like ass but critics are too afraid to lose their mouse perks to say it.
You MCUcks are losing it, i love it.
no faggot
here's a truth bomb for you...
Over 80% of women are sjw's. There's just some that are more vocal and extreme about it than others
There isn't anything really wrong with the idea of feminism though.
the shifty jew nose to keep her mouth shut
Everyone is. Feminism is simply Jewish programming.
She a kike. Opinion doesnt matter
Horrible analogy, man.
Single women*
God, why'd they pick such a gigantic, literal faggot to play Barry
My wife. I wanna be facesat
its 2019 to zoomer fucks not shouting your convictions every opportunity you get is a crime
>wanting your sex to considered human is a bad thing
How did we go from championing the equality of women, which is fair in certain cases, to outright superiority? WTF, they're our betters now? I'm starting to think celebrities are the aliens in They Live.
they say whatever to get in the good graces of movie execs
She's referring to "basic rights for women" type of feminism. She's not American.
/pol/ incels at it again with their stupidity.
didn't she got her fellow models raped in Italy or some shit
>The point is she's not obnoxious about it
basically this, still a jew though so it's a push
That's quite disappointing to know.
>In a tweet Friday, Gadot also called for equal pay and professional opportunities for men and women.
>Feminism is not about burning bras/hating men or growing hair under the armpit. It’s simply about EQUALITY between men and women. Equal pay, equal opportunities etc. We should all be feminists!” she said.
>muh glass ceiling
>muh wage gap
She is parroting the same crap every third waver is, fuck off
Gal is cute and has nice feet.
that was uncalled for an bigoted. You must leave.