Cpt Floppo


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Knuckle Figures!

Its not going to flop. Its a marvel movie, how could it? It'll underperform slightly, though.

>still a higher score than Alita

RT has killed itself in less than a week, amazing

Attached: it sucks but fresh anyway.jpg (713x298, 64K)

Disney will never let fall under 80%.

I hate to agree. I hope we’re wrong and it bleeds a lot of cash.

Its not going to flop. Its a Star Wars movie, how could it? It'll underperform slightly, though.

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strong female character vs fanservice anime shit that incels worship, obvious CM was going to win.

Disney had RT sandbag Alta... and everyone knows it.

>incel highlighting the only new starwars film that flopped which just so happened to have a straight white male lead.

TLJ was a flop.

Have sex

>muh incel
>(((white lead)))
come on tranny, this is weak

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yeah big flop

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Lets face it. The star wars movies now just feel like regular popcorn flick. They don't feel like "epic" movies. They butchered the past lore. People that go just kinda go see whats gonna happen next but don't actually care.

At least the Alitafags figured out how to keep their drivel in one thread

'ate TLJ here bruv but it didn't flopped
It will cause further SW movies to flop though

I know you're subhuman cretin and it makes me ashamed to have used that word myself before.

I asked my Trump supporter cousin if he wanted to see this and he said yes. So it will prob do well

I asked your mom if she wanted to see it and she said no. SHe'd rather stay home and suck my dick.

#based #epic #Rekt

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only fell 300 million short of projections and killed the franchise

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How much did it cost to make and what did Force Awakens do?

So a college educated white wants to see it? That's not even the target audience.

I don't know. That a net profit list
Here's TFA

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His mom has quite the dick selection too

>net profit list

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based cosplayer

Even going by your own bullshit studio numbers, TLJ made HALF what TFA did
>not a flop
and then the next SW film didn't even break even

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This, wtf, that guy proved the opposite of what he was trying to prove

I saw this today and the mid credits scene was the most interesting thing about this movie.

You can see the exact moment his heart breaks on half.

>and you know how to watch them


what interview is this from

A flop is a movie that loses money. TLJ didn't lose money. I was simply correcting you since it appears you don't the definition of flop. I don't even watch movies. Only interested in the box office.

kind of.. to the general public. If you don't think Disney considers it a flop though you are mistaken. It's their second biggest IP, and potentially a gateway to more Solo movies representing billions in revenue. For the first movie to do poorly is a disaster

I have two dad's, one of the does drag, good enough

(((White male lead)))

wow i'm so shocked that their review score doesn't actually reflect the quality of the SJW movie

jews arent white m8

I guess this is just trolling but just in case he was actually an openly gay jewish lead.

give me my dog back adam
i know it was you

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>don't get married and have a family, girls

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700 mil LESS than TFA

>700 mil LESS than TFA

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>Things Shills said before Solo for 200

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better example of a pyrrhic victory.

You sound so alone, its hilarious.


>the only new starwars film that flopped

And also the most current one.

Cat are no replacement for a husband and a family, ma'am.

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The faggot signed the contract and personally contributed to this through his politics. He deserves it. He got his money in the end.


Jesus it's all fucking capeshit

Get Out is the only good movie on that list

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Hitler on the right

>Get Out

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(((Mendehlson))) is that you?!?
Critic business must not be booming since you're on Yea Forums

nice cope

pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop pls flop

Based white males sneaking in the back

If three more top critics give it a bad rating, it will have a general rotten top critics score.

how fucked you must be that even after a 6h long professional stylist session everyone else in that picture dudes included is still prettier than you.

Only audience score matters.

TLJ itself made money because of TFA momentum, but TLJ was that brick wall. Interest is down, Solo bombed.

As it should. Only 1 thing could've saved star wars and that'd be rey becoming sith with the basedboy. Would've been interesting.

>female friendship


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hey rabbi


It's all fake news, Captain Marvel is doing fantastically but these biased media outlets are putting a negative spin on things to serve their misogynist agenda.

prove it


>wonen being friends with men is bad


RT decides whether a given review amounts to a fresh or rotten rating you retard. Do you think film critics all have special accounts and for every review they publish they log in and click a booger or a tomato?

You just know that every time the tomatometer drops below the threshold, some angry guy from Disney calls up RT's staff with a list of reviews that they think should be counted "fresh" even though they at best say they movie is "tolerably mediocre."

I would get mad if this wasn't so laughably pathetic. If the box office does poorly enough I wonder if it's beneath Disney to pay people to fill seats?

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what is expected box office and why aren't there any box office threads

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Ah wow action, humor, AND "visual thrills?" I can't wait to see this effective use of the signature formula! Oh boy!

He's jewish

No! Now they're saying 350M dollar WW opening! It's going to be huge, but not as huge as the amazing Black Panther, that's too far. What with her dedication to them and all.


does she actually fall into a closed-down Blockbuster in the 1990s? with that very confused symbolism since the 90s was all about Blockbuster ?

>The faggot signed the contract
The movie he was pitched from the outset was radically different from what he was ultimately forced to do and participate in.

>his politics
What politics?

Not to mention that Mark signed the contract while Lucas was still at the helm

>NiN shirt
Is she an edgy teenager?

why does marvel get praised for "sticking to the formula"

You know how to watch them!

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>>incel highlighting the only new starwars film that flopped which just so happened to have a straight white male lead.

IMPLYING that Cuntleen Kennedy didn't sabotage SOLO by casting a gimpy chipmunk faced faggot and firing the original Directors because she wanted to enforce her "FORCE/FUTURE IS FEMALE!!!" propaganda by having a movie with a male lead fail because Disney can't fire her without looking sexist.

Finally, when some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", tell them this.....

Women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!

Just saw it, liked it, but it was boring in parts, I'm giving it 3/5.

Just got out of the screener for it. She basically becomes invincible, so what's the point of everything?

Just saw it, hated it. I'm giving it a 1/5.

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>I don't even watch movies. Only interested in dilation 3 hours a day

>5 moves in the top 10 are superhero movies for children
>1 is the minions movie 3
>1 is the Disney Princess cashgrabber
>1 is a openly anti-white budgetless horror movie for negros
This is probably the worst time for movies in almost a century.

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star wars as a brand has lost billions in value as a result

Is Captain Marvel better or worse than Reynold's Green Lantern?


some stage interview, it's rian sat beside him him.

>all that neo-feminism bullshits are just roasties being jealous at other roasties

female friendship is one of the most soul sucking things i can think of, especially in a group of girls. i would rather have a partner that i love than girls who will want to compete and require constant emotional support/attention.

>what happens when you dont get to Weinstein your actors into humility and actual work anymore

Solo flopped because they shot the movie twice

It looks like she injected him with something

we did it alt-right bros we hate women and minorites and cant be stoped

post the top critcs score

She is not a woman. She is a feminazi