Just found out I have terminal cancer /tvros/, rip in kino
It’s been legendary lads
stop posting this and go choke on popcorn, faggot
Cancer is just God's way of putting you on the bench, enjoy your rest
Too much capeshit will do that.
I wish, my man
now that you know you will die soon, you're free
the worst part of not being sure when you will die is being chained to life
Do as the blind Fremen do. Go out into the desert never to return.
Hell maybe even take some drugs to make it fun
Just think of all the anons who failed to an hero who would want to take your place
Which thread gave you the cancer? I want to avoid it
an eternity of sucking brie larsons feet in hell
you are one of the lucky ones user, dont cry for us
try a shitload of weed brah
OP Please post again, I miss you already.
It was this one. Too late bro
1/4 of 2019 has passed.
What have you accomplished with your life so far?
This shitty meme is going to get a million threads before it finally dies, isn't it?
you're not dead yet.
I’m sorry to hear that Mr. Trebek. I enjoyed your work on that game show. The one where you had all the answers and would smugly correct people who answered incorrectly.
I hope you feel better fren, continue to fight.
Fasting cures cancer. Watch Dr.Jason Fung on Youtube. Enjoy your cure.
Technically it's avoiding sugar, but fasting altogether achieves that as well so you're not wrong.
>Using the image I used yesterday whilst posting my support
Oh nononono
>I have terminal cancer
prove it
You're the retard. The doctor has many patients in total remission of cancer and type 2 diabetes from a fasting protocol.
quit trebekfagging
No really, how retarded do you have to be to think fasting cures cancer?
get out of here and enjoy your life
Again, it's the sugar.
Also not true
>apu poster
the sooner the better
post your corpse or it didn't happen
>some user that made you laugh has an hero
t. nervous cancer cell
but he was anonymous he is legend and he never eat breads
Breads are for homosexuals anyway.
What a dumb stupid fucking Pepe design
Holy moly
Autophagy. Look it up. Your body can literally eat damaged proteins including cancer cells if you're in a fasted state. See the research of Dr.Valter Longo and Dr.Jason Fung.
Wtf I’m cured now
Then don't look it up. The discovery of autophagy got the discoverer a Nobel Prize. But I guess you know better than the scientists studying it.
Ketogenic Diets really seem to work against fighting certain types of cancer
Go back to ****************************
imagine being this gullible
Gullible enough to believe in science? Do you go to a faith healer instead?
Imagine hating science this much.
>not trusting science
t. Jason Fung
>Samefagging this hard
lmao this has someone samefriending for bate
the claim that "fasting cures cancer" is not backed by good science.
show me the clinical trials backing up your statement. i can wait.
Go back to your crystals Karen, adults are talking.