Leave True Detective Season 4 to us

Leave True Detective Season 4 to us.

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Why the fuck are they posing like this lol. Jesus this is gay.

lol who took this photo?
"yeah just look as fucking gay as you two possibly can without kissing each other or making eye contact"
this is literally a pose they tell couples to hit at lasting impressions

Adam driver is ugly but I just really love his physical appearance for some reason

Aragorn's gay?


>nigga right under Viggo's name

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He's interesting looking.

he has a slightly asymmetrical face but he is not ugly




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I'm really tired of seeing this faggot's face everywhere.

This is so homoerotic with the text making it even worse.

Leave True Detective season 5 to us.

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They look like father and son

washa gunna do?

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If the mother drank, sure

Leave True Detective season 6 to us.

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>that tiny package

Nah, leave it to us.

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>Why the fuck are they posing like this
The weak should fear the strong


>two men can't remotely touch each other without it being gay

Christ I fucking hate Americans so much

Nothing gay about two bros just hanging out taking pictures together my guy

What did he mean by this?

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Based frogposter

God I wish that were me

that could be kino

Half classic half kino

True Spics season 4

Looks like someone skips leg and penis day

Which one?

6.3 dicklet...fucking white people lmao

Adamus-san is so hot.

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>what's a grower

Fucking cope.

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>Season 4
There was a third season?

oh now i get why Ridley missed her black fren

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Yep. Let me guess, you didn't like the black male lead? Why the fuck do you even browse this board?

Fuck off, faggot

you seem to have some unresolved issues with homosex

I watched it, it was mediocre garbage. Not canon even despite them trying to tie in the timeline from S1.

la luz extinguido................

science says otherwise. The bigger your body is, the bigger your dick is.

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And you sound like a faggot

> The results revealed that women preferred taller men as well as high shoulder-to-hip ratios (meaning that the wider the shoulders were than the hip, the more attractive the man). Shoulder-to-hip ratio was a major determiner of attractiveness, accounting for 79.6 percent of the variation in hot-or-not ratings.

>Though the effect was less extreme, women also preferred larger penises, at least up to 5.1 inches (13 cm) flaccid, which was the largest computer-generated penis in the study. Beyond 2.99 inches, however, the additional attractiveness per extra length started to decline. That's good news for guys, according to a 2001 Italian study that found 2.99 inches flaccid to be below average.

you'd know, homo


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The real kino duo has arrived

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Baby dick

Holy titties

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hello gaycop

>not playfully RNCing your bro so he feels your big arms without being choked

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>imagine being so starved you actually grow a boner

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that issue was pretty gay

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euroturbofag detected

this would be unironically kino

They think it's a cartel murder but it was really some rich white guy