RIP luke edition

new episode in 1hr lads

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the dilf squad won't be the same

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where my riverdale chads at

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hair down or hair up tonight fellas?

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stream where?

I've never seen anyone stream it before, you probably gotta wait

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they should just cancel the show desu


roberto can salvage it

Are there only 4 people here that watch this show?

archie should stick with joise she's way less crazy than every other female on this show

about that yeah

I watch it too! But I'm in Italy so I'm downloading it tomorrow

this happens near the end of the season, it's hard to keep up

Is the farm a bunch of pizzagate satanists?

I just want to meet edward evernever

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>We [their band]

Well, I mean, it's Archie.

i want archie to hook up with that one black student thats a bully

Is s3 worth binging ? I liked 1 and s2 was okay. Cherly is best girl

Archie not being with either of the main two bothers me. Archie never having scenes with Jughead bothers me more.

It's like Archie is in a completely different show.

Cheryl is a militant dyke now

i like it way more than season two. it's got more of a handle on how to be off the wall.

S3 is better than S2, I'm thinking it'll end strong

Episode in memoriem edition.

Imagine being male and over the age of 16 and watching this show, that's a big Yikes from me dawg.

Imagine being afraid to watch what you want because some fat doofus on the internet doesn't like it


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>Kevin is just randomly in a cult now
Was there a lead up to this that I missed somewhere?

Imagine typing a run on sentence. That's a huge yikes from me, dawg.

he was vulnerable and hurt after moose left and the farmies swooped in

archie gets maimed every episode

luke ;_;

F fred

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>Archie's best friend is fucking his girl next door crush
>Asian Chad stole Archie's girlfriend
>Everyone and everything trying to kill Archie every episode for two years
>about to lose his dad

Is Archie joining the ranks of the eternally suffering Yea Forums characters?

god this show is ridiculous

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hey that's my picture

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one of the drawfags needs to make some punished archie art

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well it's the same 10 people every thread so we all share pictures user

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i don't usually browse this general, so i'm kinda surprised to see one of my pic pop up

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Season 2 was utter shit, so I gave up