That episode where Michael discovers Yea Forums and asks Jim for advice on shitposting

>that episode where Michael discovers Yea Forums and asks Jim for advice on shitposting

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Jim is a redditor.

>Everyone, in the conference room now.
>...check em

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>mods r/maliciouscompliance

i picture ryan more than jim being on Yea Forums

>being able to name a subreddit

What the fuck's a "subreddit"? Please go back.

i started browsing this site before i browsed r*ddit (which was formerly, I do not browse r*ddit at the moment)

>browses r/Yea Forums

nope check my browser history

definitely Gabe if anyone

Toby might post on r9k

There’s literally a subreddit dedicated to this show you filthy redditors.

michael wants to buy a Yea Forums pass but doesnt know what bitcoin is

Kevin would go on /gif/ hot glue threads

i'm redditor and proud
/r/polandball is better than 90% of the boards

>someone is posting data about the office in a Yea Forums thread
>dirt on everyone, micheal doesn't care who is doing it until it names him
>Micheal starts 'banning' people
>the banned are sent to the warehouse
>micheal is convinced it's Dwight
>Dwight is convinced it's Ryan
>Ryan believes Micheal orchestrated it himself
>End of the episode
>someone posting topless Meredith on Yea Forums
>Creed and Stanley

lmao. i like it.

That's both funny and epic, upvoted!

true but micheal would never ask anything to gabe

user gets called out

Dwight - /pol/; /his/; Yea Forums;
Pam - pinterest
Jim - reddit with gold and a lot of karma
Michael - Yea Forums, /bant/
Toby - /r9k/, /d/
Kevin - Yea Forums, /mlp/, Yea Forums, /x/
Andy - Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/
Angela - /cgl/, /d/
Erin -
Stanley - /h/, Yea Forums
Creed - /x/, /pol/, /int/, /k/
Ryan - /biz/, /fa/, /soc/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums
Kelly - /soc/
Meredith - Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /o/
Gabe - /r9k/, Yea Forums, /x/
Phyllis - facebook
Oscar - /ck/, Yea Forums, handsome men

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This. Dwight is a janny (who keeps applying every year to be a mod).

>assistant to the board moderator

>Not Yea Forums

Came here to post this

>not /out/

>Toby:"Michael, you can't go to the blue boards typing FUCK NIGGERS in every thread"


mister guchi loafers!

>Kevin not getting on /gif/, /s/, or /hc/
>Toby not lurking Yea Forums but too afraid to post
>Andy on /pol/ and not /lgbt/
>Kelly knowing what Yea Forums is
>Meredith not on /hm/ and /gif/ and camwhoring unsuccessfully on Yea Forums
it's like you don't even watch the show

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