Today i visited a cousin and we hanged with his mostly black friends, at some point we started talking about directors and they started saying that black people fucking HATE Tarantino.
Everybody did and said that everybody they knew hated his movies too. What's the fucking deal? i'm mostly indiferent about Tarantino but i never knew this. They never actually elaborated inb a reason either.
So what's the deal with Tarantino and black people?
My black friend who is white as freshly driven snow loves Tarantino.
Henry Gutierrez
He says nigger in his own movies. I bet they don't like that.
Jaxson Barnes
Black guy here, it's because he looks like he has downs
Grayson Stewart
Tarantino openly sees black men as sex objects.
Bentley Murphy
>black friends HAHAHAHAHAHA neck yourself
Bentley Ross
Christian Hughes
I dunno, how do black people feel about poser white boys that act like they're black
Jordan Morgan
When i saw django there was a handful of black people laughing their ass off everytime there was a period joke about niggers. Probably just the nigs you were hanging with.
Charles Price
>hanged with his mostly black friends i bet you didn't relax
Joseph Gutierrez
You're trying way too hard
Nolan Gomez
They probably just sense that he's a weirdo creep who's clearly also a racist cuckold
Pretending to be tough but really getting fucked in the ass, probably nutting while it happens
Thomas Lopez
He is white. Black people are jealous of white people. White people are awesome.
Jordan Lewis
There's literaly nothing wrong with socializing with black people.
Thomas Rivera
>Today i visited a cousin and we hanged with his mostly black friends Originally read that as >Today i visited a cousin and we hanged his black friends
Nolan Cox
Just another day in Ohio.
Henry Kelly
yikes. face it user, no one likes niggers, neither do you so stop pretending.
Statistics are actually very easily manipulated to fit agendas, which is why you should look at the methodology of literally every study.
Colton Mitchell
yeah the fbi is notorious for lying to the american public
Jaxson Diaz
Is this supposed to be sarcastic? They literally are lmao
David Stewart
Hanging with black people. Were you in a tree, or a traditional gallows?
Samuel Johnson
I'm a delicious mulatto and I enjoy his films. Most of the black people I know do as well, but they're all jamaicans or first generation african immigrants.
Henry Turner
Tarantino is half black wtf
Wyatt Wright
I'd default to that being sarcasm but now you've questioned it.
Jose Nelson
This. Black male characters in his movies are always Mary Sues, it's obvious he legit worships them in an awkward dweeb way. Ever seen a nerd try to call a black guy "brotha," it's distilled cringe.
Henry Bennett
Not saying it's untrue but I've seen plenty of black rappers reference his movies in their songs and music videos
Mason Roberts
>They never actually elaborated inb a reason either.
The most frustrating kind of people
Noah Murphy
Maybe you could have that question answered by people who support that view. Ask them why they hate him. This fellow doesn't seem to hate him. And he seems to think they hate him because he says nigger in his scripts.
I can understand people disliking him because of how he is just generally but that doesn't explain a racial bias against him.
Caleb Edwards
I remember Nas & Ice Cube defending him over Django Unchained.
Jose Cox
I think it's why his movies are so bad. He takes all of the the worst, most superficial aspects of blaxploitation films and leaves what's good about them behind.