>"Jazz tends to get very graphic regarding her surgical complications and I'm very concerned it might turn off kids from having this particular procedure." >"kids"
>I'm very concerned factual, realistic detail of what all is involved in it might turn off kids from having this particular procedure NO FUCKING WAY OF FUCKING COURSE IT WOULD AND SHOULD YOU COCKMONGLER
The way that fat boy eats I bet it smells like a combination of a doughnut shop and rotting pus.
Owen Turner
The hate in these threads is just overwhelming.
Imagine being so deluded and full of hate that you actually believe they cut it off. It's rearranged into the correct genitalia using the most advanced surgical methods available.
Your inaccurate view of the surgery and the mindset of the transgendered individual in general are so remarkably colored by bigotry that it astounds me.
Well hey, I can't totally chew you out, since I used to be a little bit like you before I met my girlfriend, who was actually my male best friend before. Being on the journey with her completely changed my world view about gender and sex as a whole.
You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of tea, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a MTF pussy is just as satisfying to eat as a cis girl's.
Next time it pops into your head that people like Jazz are "mentally ill" just remember that she has to be physically and mentally stronger than many of you will fortunately ever have to be in your whole lives.
I've taken the steps to advance my line of thinking and my outlook, becoming better for it I may add.
I know who I am. And I love who I am - all I can say to you is: your move, douchebags.
In this world, there are fake genitalia in the darkest shadows and in the most ordinary people. These are the true stories of the Lynchian and the Degenerate. Between the world we see and the things we slice, there are wounds. When they are dialated, nightmares pop into reality.
>You know, I always wonder why I keep having to dilate my neovag. Though I'm not really smart, so whenever I think too much about anything, I start to pop. >I had a bizarre dream. While I was walking amid the darkness in that dream, I saw a light. And I saw my pretty sister. >My big sister, Ari. She asked me where I was going, so I said that I was going to follow her. >I mean, my Sis was always really pretty. She made Mom very proud, so I'd be able to make Mom happy too. >But then she said I should decide for myself. She said, 'Jaron, you're the one who has to decide who you want to be.' >I thought for a bit, and I answered that I was going to be just like her, and then I woke up. >It was a really sad dream
My guess is he got it wrong, its the outer membrane, the serosa that extends to the peritoneum. Its a slimy fatty lining specially designed to counteract the effects of friction.
Caleb James
Can we at least all agree that Jazz would have been much hotter if she kept her little 2 inch sissy dicklet instead of going through all this abominable surgery?
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
Disgusting fucking abomination trying to spread his mental illness on others
Jeremiah Garcia
a lot more """"""""""straight"""""""""" dudes would rather suck a cock than eat out a wound
Carson Jones
>Jazz gets his soul crushed after he gives surgery details to Amir Poor fucking kids, seriously, what the fuck. Jazz has been fed the bullshit about all of this being so incredibly normal & natural & not weird in the least at all & anyone who even comes off like they think otherwise is a hateful fucking nazi bigot; and this other kid has been told all of the same shit yet minus any of the actual details involved, and his "wait what" moment immediately gets the sad yet also sinister music. The clown world isn't a fucking meme at all.
YES it's gay as fuck but I don't even care anymore.
Robert Murphy
>Jazz's penis (rip) was described as "like a AA battery" what a waste
Leo Lee
We lost the Sarina Valentina of our generation
It's not fair, bros
Owen Green
>tfw no skylar gf
Mason Price
I'm catching up on the last episode right now. I'm where the mom is upset with Jazz for being honest about potential surgery complications when turning a penis into a vagina.
Bentley Lewis
>ohh >haha >ok.........
Jacob Jenkins
Yeah... to lube the neovag they have to use mucus from the colon that is meant to lube shit up and help it pass through the colon. No matter how clean you are the shit has a pungent foul oder.
No, they already harvested extrusive tissue from the colon to put in the wound, because believe it or not everybody's asshole does produce a natural lubricant to help expel feces
Unfortunately this lubricant also smells like feces
Owen Price
>they have to use mucus from the colon >why won't this fluid meant to help my waste pass through my colon stop smelling exactly like my waste does after getting shoved through with it
>Oh so you think I'm mentally ill? Well look at this picture of me with a mangled crotch from elective surgery. Gotcha, bigot
Henry Howard
Wouldn't it make more sense to just be pretty and wear cute things and suck and ride big hard meaty dicks and NOT get your own crotch mutilated into oblivion?
>pre-op tranny >cares about being feminine and cute >her cock is an exciting contrast to this side of her
>post-op tranny >starts acting like a regular cis woman who doesn't give a fuck >no penis, relationship is mundane
James Adams
Sneed’s Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck’s)
Jackson Allen
I don't really understand it, I'm not a fancy big-city medical doctor, but could they not find someone with a penis who wants a vagina, find someone with a vagina who wants a penis, and then just transplant them over? None of this trying to sculpt a vagina over leftover penis parts or build a cock out of arm flesh, that shit is straight Texas Chainsaw, just gives dudes a real vagina, give girls a real penis
Austin Thompson
trannies are disgusting
Asher Green
everytime i do it makes me laugh
Luis Ortiz
Because i don't think you could do this without your body rejecting the new hardware, you just don't have the necessary software for it, to put it simply.
Whatever happened to body dismorphia? Why are these people all pandering to the mentally ill and telling them they can be women?
Tyler Turner
is this what lynchian is?
Chase Evans
Traps can be pretty
Henry Walker
That might legit be a possibility since this is getting so popular and the way medical tech has advanced. Could even be from 'organ donors' like this guy who got a face transplant.
these people are a fucking GOLDMINE between the surgeries and the fucking drugs they have to take
Jacob Gonzalez
To what is this in reference?
Nathaniel Sullivan
i honestly have no clue. i tuned out of pop culture for a few years and when i came back all this shit had gone rampant. i'm just glad i didn't grow up immersed in this culture.
Pretty soon people who want their own limbs chopped off because they don't feel it belongs are going to be the hip new victims after trannies. Soon they'll be able to have their limbs amputated and people will talk about how brave and strong they are.
Sure, with the right make up, lightning, filters, a tranny can look passable, good even. Though i'm sure the story is something different in real life.
Jonathan Young
Jazz said Ari would be his surrogate mother and that he wanted to have eight kids
Josiah Taylor
This is a few weeks old but may still be good fren
user there are literally hour long videos of that dude being violently fucked in the mouth and anus that I have watched the entirety of, he always looks pretty good
Ayden Robinson
it's in the webm user was replying too ffs
Zachary Baker
The hottest new mumble rap, but that's irrelevant.
Austin Phillips
Alexander Murphy
Yes that's it
Matthew King
You know, I must admit I'm only going off photos and there's a good chance that for every single good photo there's a thousand bad ones, but I've seen some pretty convincing, petite traps.
I know that, but the pic has a scar and an eye patch. Is that in reference to a game or anime or something?
Landon Jenkins
>Futa they're always pornsick freaks.
Cameron Lewis
give me the links to these I need them for research
Camden Hill
>man jaw >that torso and shoulders >10 pounds of makeup >controlled angles, filter and possibly photoshop Wait until you see one of these fellas in real life
I wonder if the nipples have hair but he doesn't shave them because they're so sensitive.
Gavin Turner
To know if there's actually pretty transvestites around, you must see them in the wild. Pictures are easily manipulated. I knew of one of them who was praised for being "cute" on social media, then some tagged pictures popped up and he looked like Chris-chan.
Brayden Ramirez
Hi Yea Forums, /Pol/ here, I wrote a Limerick about jazz for you, one of the lads said I should post here
There was a young lady called Jazz Whose pussy was made out of her ass But the doctor who cleaved her Now refuses to see her And her cunt just exploded like gas
I'm 56, if you'd started that shit when I was at school you would have had the shit kicked out of you. Daily.
Yup, I can really see this happening, I think you're right. Then It'll be fucking animals, corpses and children
Christian Allen
It smells more like chlorine than feces, but yeah it has a bad smell to it and without cleaning or the natural passage through the colon my guess it smells like shit.
>the group of mothers cackling like witches about their son's upcoming surgeries while the camera pans back into a wide shot of the defunct world towers >all of the women confirming this is purely something for their ego, patting themselves on the back for how "difficult it is on them and how too few people realize" >Jeannette openly admitting she wants to trick people into mangling their sons by lying about the surgery >Jeannette throwing Jarron under the fucking bus by calling his surgery a botched surgery to his fucking face, as a throw-away excuse for all the complications
He's right, but he also said he didn't like the flatiron building because it looked like it was "stuck in the 70's" and didn't like NYC because it's "not cute". That nigga gay as hell.
Robert Ramirez
>it ain't gay if say no homo, right?
Anthony Foster
Why does it feel like the user that keeps posting this isn't posting this to make tranners feel bad but is actually trying to help them and remind them they are treading a dark path?
Colton Campbell
Yes, but it's somehow still the best US city after Pennsylvania. Boston and Chicago come third and fourth, and the remainder of the country is a nightmare built for cars.
What a fucking retard though. >girl/boy fawning over the city like you would expect a girl of that age ("ooooh Macy's") >Amir starts shitting all over the city, not even in a cutesy banter way Did he think he was a Chad all of a sudden?
Asher Gray
>I should have read the Script >I need to talk with my Manager, I need a raise for this shit I put up with
Julian Diaz
Michael Gonzalez
natalie looks way better than Jazz, and this guy transitioned in his late 20s im pretty sure that young transitioning is a meme even Sue is cute as fuck.
Yeah, bitch. Wouldn't want any kids to get the impression that willfully attempting to subvert natural development and your body's own genetics might have some negative repercussions that last the rest of your(short) life.
Robert Jackson
Also weird that Jazz and Amir are 18-19 years old and have been dating for, what, a few months? And Jazz is talking about having 8 babies wiith him
She'll be lucky to make it 8 months never mind eight babies
Dylan Johnson
That's the people who made it, instead of calling CPS and having Jaron removed from those lunatics.
Asher Moore
Too tired to go through that entire webm again but I don't recall Jarron including Ahmir in her pregnancy fantasy. Jazz is probably infatuated with pregnancies and having children because it's part of the female experience to mimick, like with how trannies idolize periods that women have. She'd ask for a kid even without a boyfriend at her side. She's going to try to live a full "female life" by age 25, having kids, etc...
Chase Cooper
>and the remainder of the country is a nightmare built for cars. Imagine having to use a personal vehicle instead of sitting on a niggershuffler that smells like piss. Yuck!
Wyatt Russell
I'm convinced they got the idea from Geek love by Katherine Dunn
Cameron Walker
that kind of mucus isn't normally noticeable, unless you have leaky gut syndrome. You're not fucking a pussy, you're fucking an abominable mimicry that literally smells like ass, and not just any ass, chronically ill ass.
Luis Collins
One of these days Jarron is going to wake up & "see", and skin that bitch, slowly.
His voice always turns me off. Trannies can never sound like women.
William Butler
>instead of sitting on a niggershuffler that smells like piss Only the actual niggershufflers are like that. The huwite people shufflers, especially the "commuter" ones, are entirely different & comfy.
Jason White
They need the vag because they know they'll be rejected by males and then, thinking >women are more accepting they'll turn to coercing lesbians to touch their stink trenches. Lesbians are indeed easier coerced because let's face it, women will do a lot to save their own lives when cornered by a mentally ill male who may turn violent any second.
Then when they try to report the assault or rape by the tranny, they're arrested for the hate crime of "misgendering" it.
It's an almost perfect plot, if you're fucked in the head.
Zachary Nelson
>I'M NOT INSANE. >chops dick off >SEE?
You legitimately can't *write* comedy this good.
Nolan Howard
you're fucking retarded if you think this lol/
Jonathan Collins
>this is what a 15 year old girl (male) looks like in 2019
>these doctors work for free SOMEONE is ALWAYS paying. These people ARE fucking goldmines who are going to get increasingly desperate to keep & increase their doings of everything as the inevitable cruelty of male aging knocks them more & more into blatantly obvious old drag queens. I honestly think the eventual lawsuits from this era of Merica will collapse the Merican medical industry.
Connor Allen
Yes. In a heartbeat. She's not drop-dead gorgeous or anything, but she's attractive.
Jaxson Ortiz
Yeahh... this nigga based
Easton Anderson
I didn't mention any cities. They're all over the place in Baltimore, DC, & NY.
Cooper Carter
Metro North
Hunter Fisher
The niglet's mother is fucking based. Straight up called Jazz a faggot.
Jace Gutierrez
>believing that butchered dick is 'rearranged' >bigotry cringe >'I used to be like you' Like who, an individual with an informed opinion, with a myriad of reasons to disagree with enabling mental illness and the crippling cost that it ensures? >but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a MTF pussy is just as satisfying to eat as a cis girl's lmao >muh mental strungth fuck off, it's a life-risking process and a complete waste of resources >I know who I am No you don't. Stop trying to validate yourself and this tranny faggot.
Carson Stewart
Alright, in the cities mentioned in the post I responded to. >Baltimore, DC, & NY. lol nvm, I'm not responding to anymore bait.
Asher Rodriguez
They only look fuckable when they are really young, like Skylar.
Hunter King
I want to rip open a time portal and show people in the 1950's what is considered acceptable in 2019.
He starts reaching for those fucking things from his waistline. They're flabby, formless parodies.
Connor Hall
Need more of her
Daniel Clark
>not in 1940 We would have sided with the good guys.
Easton Ortiz
Yeah, he's right, NY is full of shit. Except you also go there for new sights and experiences. What does he have going on in his life beyond building his tranny vid collection?
Colton Allen
Guys what if Jazz's failed surgery scares kids from repeating the same mistakes? That would be awful for the LGBT movement. If people stopped getting risky surgery with bad outcomes then they won't be harmed as much. The LGBT agenda is to harm as many trans children as possible.
Samuel Gutierrez
That's because they are mantits. The male body was not designed to have breasts.
Ian Evans
You aint stomping anyone with those estrogen rotted bones fag.
Jason Cox
She may not be the hottest girl ever, but she sure seems like it when you're watching that dumpster fire of a TV show.
Charles Ross
This nigger just wants his pay day.
Jaxon Robinson
Streaming this freak show with my Yea Forums bros is peak comfy
Nolan Ward
Imagine the tone the breeze flowing over the top of her gaping hole makes.
Cameron Foster
Hope you can tell your children about it, oh hold up a second
Exactly. The male body simply doesn't produce the sort of fatty tissue female breasts are made from. Breast tissue is denser and only drops in density with age. Men just get droopy, saggy mantits from the get-go regardless of hormones. The only trannies with good racks got them through implants.
Luke Sanchez
Dogs are scavengers so the smell of rotten meat would make them salivate. I bet vultures circle Jazz all the time. Tricked into thinking it will die so they can eat it because of the decayed smell.
Cameron Rivera
>halfway through fatkino Do it at 10pm EST my dude. You'll get more viewers, including me. Fatkino takes priority tonight especially because it's a fat tranny that doesn't want to lose weight but has to before they can get the gender reassignment surgery.
Why? It's the best horror series on television these days
Luis Cooper
Jesus, the color filter really showcases dem horrorshow tits.
Adam Ward
This. This is a show gifted to us from some Black Mirror dystopia. Pure existential horror. That it's actually real reality pushes the level of kino to one not experienced often.
>we just want to live our lives >*injects kids with drugs and fucks up their entire biology, in a twist of cartoonish evil that would have been considered satire in years past*
psh, nothin personnel tranny but it's time for jail
John Jackson
Black Mirror is garbage normiecore with bland sci fi tropes. I Am Jazz is unironically pushing the boundaries of television and storytelling.
Cooper Thomas
based lynch poster
Dominic Lopez
You can only fight the TEC if you use 3 one third inch tranny cocks.
The face should be Dr. WhenAJamacianTriesToSayThing
Parker Carter
Dominic Lopez
My 600lb Jazz is on. Who watching?
Jaxon Ward
psh, you're not even my real dad. Holier than thou's taste hipsters are more annoying than the normiest of normiecore shit.
Henry Walker
That was a pretty interesting and relevant article.
Discord trannies take note: >These people need help, but when the therapy in question is irreversible and disabling, it is not at all clear what that help should be. Many wannabes are convinced that amputation is the only possible solution to their problems, yet they have never seen a psychiatrist or a psychologist, have never tried medication, have never read a scientific paper about their problems. More than a few of them have never even spoken face to face with another human being about their desires. All they have is the Internet, and their own troubled lives, and the place where those two things intersect.
Hudson Cruz
I wish David Lynch made a movie with Jazz. Imagine him doing a recreation of Jazz's dream where she was a young kid and met the good fairy.
Right here mah nigga. I'm over in the thread right now.
Alexander Baker
wew, gross. I'm not a naturefag. I like women who shave their pits and legs and wax their assholes and use deodorant. Still, how can anyone think these neovagenes aren't disgusting aberrations?
Jordan Perez
This is honestly heartbreaking. Jazz could've still been saved up until the surgery. Now it's just the tragic tale of a boy put on a path to an inevitable suicide.
Leo Rodriguez
He's mistaking infamy for fame
James Anderson
He was rendered impotent via hormone blockers and hrt. Truth is that he was doomed from the start. I pray his parents enjoy eternity in searing hellfire
Blake Morales
>tranny fatty Best of both worlds huh
Jason Murphy
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
William Walker
When you pull out after jizzing in the infertile wound man-hole, do you ever smell pus or blood on your dick
Luis Thompson
I want to fuck pre op Jazz
Jackson Jackson
considering that know we know amirs mothers opinion on this i was thinking about what his dad must be thinking, but then i remembered hes black
I unironically want you fags to get better and a proper treatment instead of chopping your dick and killing yourself in disappointment after a while, blaming "intolerance" for it
Jason Nguyen
>Wouldn't it make more sense to just be pretty and wear cute things and suck and ride big hard meaty dicks and NOT get your own crotch mutilated into oblivion? some sex psychologist mention something along the lines that people are more homophobic than they are transphobic. a lot of people that considered transitioning but decided not to turned out to be gay. a lot of people that do transition end up going in "hetero" relationships. transitioning is like a loophole to stay straight it seems.
>After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you get put on hormone blockers, and I show you how deep a neovagina goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth.
Julian Morales
real talk, was hitler the bad guy?
Levi Torres
He had absolutely no justification for the concentration camps.
>US city after Pennsylvania My state is not a city. Assuming you mean either Philadelphia (which apparently ahmed is from) or Pittsburgh you are fucking wrong. Boston is a much better city than both New York City and Philadelphia; unless you happen to drive in which case shit sucks
Brody Nelson
TLC should put that out on trans kids career day. What parent doesn't want that as a future for their little boy, getting fucked in the ass and mouth, watched my millions. Sucks for Jaron that he's in the ugly and fat niche.
Drug money. The main hrt drug they give mtf trannies used to be a banned menopause drug. Those drug companies used to make bank off of it until, woops, it was greatly increasing the rate of breast cancer in women with menopause. They now sell it offlabel to trannies as a magical vagina pill. They literally make billions off of this shit.
How is it that with Ahmir, his broccoli head, and his West Philly origins, we don't yet have shoops of the Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jaron?
Evan Long
>tfw was very close to having a MTF girlfriend but blew it >tfw she transitioned in her teens and you couldn’t tell she was trans
Eli Wood
both at the same time they used his intestines to make the frankenvag
Ethan Thomas
fuck trannies and jannies
Colton Torres
>tfw very close to having a boyfriend >you couldn't even tell he was a man Congratulations?
Nolan Cruz
Good night, based and redpilled individual.
Jackson Hall
What's the deal with Ahmir? He hardly speaks and looks uncomfortable and contorts his face in awkward grimaces. Is there a huge pay day in this for hime? Because it doesn't look one bit that he's in love with Jazz or for that sake even wants to be there.