name one thing randyll tarly did wrong
Name one thing randyll tarly did wrong
He for sure failed at raising Sam.
fireproof his armor
he raised a man that killed a white walker
Keeping a head of hair, obvious he didn't do nofap to stop hair loss and get fire resistant powers
He raised a man that is raising another man's child too.
Retard should of just surrendered instead of letting his entire line die
Fostered a son that somehow remains fat bordering on obese despite living on a military, low-budget diet in the frozen north for years.
because he is a Godly Man.
abusive towards sam
didn't mean he deserved to burn alive though
He imbued a stoicism in his favored son that ensured his genetic lineage would most definitely die off, and raised the other to be a fat cuck.
randyls are raising soldiers
sam is a fat useless fuck and should have had a hunting accident
Should have joined Stannis after Renly's death and booted those usurping Tyrell shits out of Highgarden and become Lord of the Reach himself
Not chasing after that fat turd Sam when he stole the Valyrian steel sword.
he raised a ham that killed a white walker
Gods be good, I nearly pissed myself
>a ham
born amidst salt and smoke?
didnt rape sams gf
That scum from the north?
>raises Craster's sons while Craster fucks his own daughter
Is he the ultimate cuck in the series?
He named his son Dickon
I'm not too deep in the sublore of ASOIAF, but is there a reason why he wouldn't just send him to become a Maester instead of the Night's Watch? That would have played to Sam's strengths, and he could still have brought some honor to the family name.
he forced him to take the black to ensure that he would not have the ability to inherit horn hill. as far as i know maesters dont have an oath like that and they can leave the order if they wish
Isn't he supposed to be one of the greatest tacticians alive in the books. Should've lived to fight another day.
Ah, that's where I was mistaken. I thought it was a lifetime commitment.
He didn't take Sam on that hunting trip.
i don't remember anything in the books about the maesters vows, so i don't think anyone really knows for sure. we do know that qyburn was kicked out, but i don't think he was a true maester.
He didn't want him to be a maester at all. The idea was that he'd be a ranger or steward or whatever and die at the wall.
Maester Aemon took the black because he was worried he'd be used to usurp his brother's claim to the throne, so being a Maester definitely doesn't rule you out of the line of succession.
Didn't adapt.
He could had taken the black.
Dickon is a chad as fuck name.
A Maester isn't a vow of celibacy or disinheriting your rights to lands. Oberyn Martell as an example has several bits of a Maester's chain because he studied. Maester's are a synthesis of tutor and stewards that come from the only university in the seven kingdoms. You hire and fire them as you see fit.
He was ashamed of his son, he didnt want him in main westeros as a maester, so yeah, he did something wrong, Sam as a maester was an obvious way to solve his problem.
A ham, with hands like hams.
he didn't read the sign