Dr. Luther

Dr. Luther
I'm Swiss Guard

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Are those gucci loafers?

they guard pedo priests from the italian police

You don't get to bring schismatics

t. Protestant blasphemer

Look at the swiss guard pulling up in his fancy pontiffical skirt

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I don't think the Swiss Guard is exactly that stout of a military force and hasn't been for quite some time. Pretty sure it's mostly ceremonial and they pawn off Swiss troops who aren't exactly stellar onto the Vatican.

You're a Flamboyant guy

i thought they had a no manlets policy

It was lowered to 174 cm

They are extremely well trained. They have to protect the pope from assassinations and border control

They're in charge of chasing away drunk tourists who stumble into Vatican city at night.


Serious question but why aren't they carrying guns?

They do

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They do. That's just a show for tourists

>ITT: papist heretics who have embraced their fan fiction instead of listening to Lord's word

Deus Vult!

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>"border patrol"
So they're the dregs, confirmed. Thanks.

Italian police actually patrols the vatican

they should return to true christianity

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chose one

t. has gay female reverend

how's the wall coming along?

That's the great thing about religion, you can label anything you don't like as heretical. Problem is that if the heresy gets too popular it becomes the mainline and then you're heretical.
Our own border patrol are nothing but dregs and retired military too fucked up/lazy to do anything else. Since we pay more on border patrol than your shithole country pays on its standing army, you can imagine how absolutely shitty your own border patrol is.

Yep =)

Repent you God abandoning beasts!

Why didn't anyone tell me that the circus is in town?

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t. prays to some bitch because God is too scary for them to talk to directly

oh fuck yeah gimme that big ass cosh. i wanna be the papal coshmeister.

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no need for border patrol when you can just refuse landing to boats

Ah, just a (severely and tragically) misguided eastern brother, not a filthy northern heretic

We live inside a papacy


>all of them are wh*te m*n

Hahaha yeah, ofc I am not a Lutheran (PBUH) trying to sow discord between papists and easterners

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The Manlet guard

What part of Swiss guard don't you understand ?

St. Paul, I'm RCIA.

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Dr. Luther, I'm IHS

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