Which of these most accurately describes user?
A. Depressed
B. Virgin
C. Pathetic
D. All of them
/wwtbam/ - Who Wants to Be A Millionaire General
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I'd like to phone my friend, OP.
*cough cough*
Ok he's good
this bloke's gonna do it lads
Hes going to go with the audience and lose.
he reminds me of mark corrigan
How does this show still use phone a friend if they can just look the answer up on the internet
they're all in a room in the production studio with some staff member making sure they don't cheat
The audience is dreadful since the reboot
>the state of this audience
He's smarter than that
population has gotten stupider in 10 years honestly
Viva Forever
he's gonna walk and take the money
Viva Forever was their first single after Geri left but she was in the video because it was made before she announced she was leaving.
>I hate you so much
But of a plebbitor there
shows what you know
He's got it right lads.
Even me?
>I'd like to hear what you think Jeremy
>Just so we're sure, you're using one of your lifelines here?
>Yes Jeremy
>Well, I honestly have no idea, frankly I don't know why this is an option, I've only been right on this once and even managed to fuck up one of the driving questions. So my final answer would probably be A.Depressed, because that's the only correct response if I'm your only lifeline left.
Fuck me that's so ballsy though!
had a chuckle at this
Shame he used so much on one question, would have expected the audience to know spice girls shit
Jon Barnes is a fucking UNIT
Audience is full of zoomers
Yea Forums lives 10 years behind everyone else so no
Mozambique is a Portuguese colony, why the fuck is it in the Commonwealth
They are the only non-British colony to join, they just wanted to be a member
Watching this show makes me feel quite stupid honestly, I'd not have a clue about that question
What's the question
Holy based
wait is jezza the fucking host?
This has to be the hardest FFF question
Another tory boomer hag
Where are the qts
No user he just randomly showed up and sat in the host's seat
Not quite
Only A for me, op.
>I’d like to phone a friend
>You don’t have one
>I'd like to phone a friend
>It's my mom
>this is considered harder than knowing the name of a space probe
finally, a question for Yea Forums
What's the question
Come on Yea Forums you have to know this
I don't
Ron won for Frost/Nixon or Apollo 11, right?
Howard must have won for some tripe such as Beutiful Mind.
Ron Howard deffo has an oscar
A, final answer
although moving towards C if i don't do something about A...
fucking normie
Fincher has only ever been nominated.
time for dignitas, love
What the fuck
Why do they even allow elderly on?
how come none of you lads applied if you're so smart?
No friends to phone.
we're your friends user :)
Imagine how awkward it would be.
> you still have phone a friend left user, why don't you use that?
Why do they have these first five questions? They're boring and no one ever fails on them or even uses a lifeline.
why do these contestants warble random shit? just answer the question
>or even uses a lifeline
Get rekt you boomer cunt.
>has never once in his life used Excel
What a fucking world
>works in a library
>doesn't know excel
Since Zimbabwe was still a member and South Africa had just rejoined they were the only country in the region that wasn't in the club. So I guess they just let them in.
>I make old recipes
>have the recipes changed
how the fuck are they old then
>more of a beer man myself
What's the question
whats the alcohol in a pina colada
Fuck boomers.