just watched it, and its unironically holds up better most of the modern cape shit. Especially shit like black panther
Why was this shit on by critics?
It wasn't shit on by critics, it was well-liked upon and realize and gets a ton of praise now that some time has passed. The problem is that the marketing was shit so no one went to see it, most people didn't even know it existed until after it was on video.
too problematic for this day and age. standing on the wrong side of history etc.
really? because all i see are negative reviews on rotten tomato. I do see some positive stuff on idmb thats from the time it came out
really? what problems are there that sjws have with it?
It has a 78% on RT, and after only 7 years is already considered a cult classic. It's easily one of the best films of the decade
>what problems are there that sjws have with it?
In this age of widespread oppression making a movie about a cop equals rape.
it's fun. marketing was probably shit, cause never heard of it back then
i dont think were talking about the same movie...
character isnt black/jewish/women/faggot/muslim/disabled
>Why was this shit on by critics?
Wasn't it moderately well received?
the picture in the OP is obviously from the 2012 film, friend
i meant to talk about the 90s judge dred. uh oh
Yea Forums is two blocks down
Not sufficiently diverse
They don't want law enforcement to be portrayed as the good guys
This is kino town, city slicker. 6 months isocubes.
why is Yea Forums and /pol/ only 1 block away from Yea Forums?
>Not sufficiently diverse
There's a drokkin' mutie on the force!
This movie is the shit when you are tripping on shrooms or LSD.
Critics aren't worth the shit they spew on their YouTube channels. They're so out of touch with the movie going public that you can practically assume the real view is the exact opposite of what they're shilling.
>global rule 4 dash b, posting the n word outside Yea Forums.
>let me guess.... life
>*enters anonymous VPN*
>*counter bans proxy*
They spent years working on those slo-mo effects and you can tell, they are gorgeous
>what problems are there that sjws have with it?
Black attempted rapist and an unapologetically evil white woman are the main villains
i hate the moment where dredd shoots up the apartment block and the director has to show that the children all are ok and get up and scamper off. just don’t show the kids at all you dumb anglo cucks.
They'll end up in juve cubes anyway
did you see the part where they used 3 giant guns and thousands of rounds of ammo and didn't hit dredd once?
why not? the only injury he gets its from another judge
because they didnt set their guns to armor piercing
>Strong Independent woman as vilain
>Strong independent woman as secondary protagonist.
Nah I think the movie wouldve been fine. Its a yin yang sort of thing. Movie is too good to not enjoy
>why not?
Because none of the bullets hit him, stupid.
>Movie is too good to not enjoy
As a black man I used to feel some kind of way about the black would be rapist guy played by that dude from "Remember the Titans" but then I remembered that Dredd's female superior and the ill-fated doctor in Peach Trees were both black.
I would unironically prefer to live in a Dredd world than the sjw hellhole we have currently.
Nothing you said should have any effect on how you view a movie. Either a troll or stop being a fag.
the trailers were trash
>tfw you realize if this movie was made today Dredd would be black, his female sidekick would remain white (and they would fuck at one point) and all the villains would be white men
I really wanna read the comics. Which case file should I start off with? I heard 5 is a good place to start.
>I would unironically prefer to live in a Dredd world than the sjw hellhole we have currently.
t. casual
>Nothing you said should have any effect on how you view a movie. Either a troll or stop being a fag.
How would you feel if the majority of the characters who looked like you were portrayed in the media as sex crazed buffoons, criminals, or just plain bad people?
>How would you feel if the majority of the characters who looked like you were portrayed in the media as sex crazed buffoons, criminals, or just plain bad people?
nta but that's a large part of why I don't watch modern media these days. All the characters have preapproved privilege checkboxes that need to get filled in before any concern is given to their motives or backgrounds.
I see your fat girl and raise you a roided out muscle tranny.
>all that body hair
so capeshit is to blame for these trannies
>so capeshit is to blame for these trannies
She's a member of a tribe of hormonally altered female mutants.
It's hated for being an irredeemable pile of shit and you're a retard for liking it.
I see your roided out muscle tranny and thank you for storytiming, Citizen.
Because this is the guy who made it, who thinks that making good movies should just be him constantly jerking off to excessive violence and edgelordy snuff films.
nazi cop killing junkies instead of escorting them to the safe slow-mo injection room
where did you get these scans? is it all just purely 2000ad stuff?
We don't exactly live in the nice part of town.
And the last page.
>I see your roided out muscle tranny and thank you for storytiming, Citizen.
>where did you get these scans?
Can't remember, but I know this is from Judge Dredd magazine, not 2000 AD.
>implying there’s any difference between the 3
Because American critics are morons who didn't understand the source material and thought the movie was legitimately praising fascism and police killing criminals.
I'm by no means a Dredd expert, but I was recommended The End of America as my first a while back, and I quite enjoyed it.
Spoonys commentary to this movie is some of his best work
Getting a TV series soonish.
>A disused newspaper factory in the south of England is to be converted into a major film studio complex. The £78m Daily Mail printing press in Didcot, Oxfordshire, has been purchased by media company Rebellion. It will film adaptations of a Rogue Trooper film and a Judge Dredd TV show there. Six soundstages will be available at the 220,000 sq ft (67,000 sq m) site, creating 500 jobs. The complex is due to open in the spring.
Is this the guy who hates hollywood jabronies?
This is true. I remember getting excited when they announced they were making a new Dress film, but I remember the trailers not filling me full of hope. All the promo stuff seemed to focus on the SloMo shots. I was convinced Dredd would take some himself at the end to facilitate a dumb bullet time shootout.
Also they were really pushing the 3D aspect of this film. Some of the posters even stylised the name as Dr3Dd. I had to go watch in 3D at the cinema, despite being bored of 3D films by that point, because it was only being shown in 3D.
I'm glad I did go and watch it though, film is great.
Is this about the 90s version or the 2012 one. They are both better than a majority of capeshit.
God I wish that was me
Because it sucked, op.
>just one of the producers
>thinking he made it
The film makes sense now that I see this picture. No wonder it was so cringey.
The original movie has a lot more style and soul than the remake. I fucking hated the female co-star.
Stop. Dredd is a totally different film made by the British and shot in South Africa.
>pulpy violent, fascist power fantasy
>"why did it bomb??"
Only brainlets don't realize that it's actually making fun of american police brutality.
I don't give a shit. Stallone's movie is ten times better than the other shit.
Shit's been in progress for like three years noe. Hurry it up, you Brit bastards, it's taken so long that you've killed my waifu before the series even airs!
I doubt Urban or Thirlby will be in it, will probably be about new recruits or something. I'd love a series with Urban though. Also this documentary is well worth watching.
It's pretty good on speed too.
>rotten tomato
hearty kek
Imagine fucking on slomo. It'd be amazing.
The 2012 Dredd Urban is almost always good.
I Lolled so hard at this. Anything with cops equals rape now. The oppression doesn't really exist. It's just leftists and SJW faggots wanting something to complain about. Remember, I said leftist, not democratic, or even socialist.
It had the worst marketing ever. Watch this trailer and tell me you want to watch this piece of shit.
>Also this documentary is well worth watching.
I liked it because the creators shat all over the 90's American version lmao.
>It's easily one of the best films of the decade
Maybe if you exclusively watch capeshit. This is a really, really dumb line. Jesus christ.
IIRC Urban already said he'd be in if they asked him, but I'm not too worried about that, given there's a whole city of shit to make episodes about. More about whether the series will follow suit from all current prog stories and events, including no Judge Hershey.
>Scott Ian shows up as an interviewee and mentions liking the comics enough to write a song about them while also shitting all over American comics
fucking top tier
>The problem is that the marketing was shit so no one went to see it
That's certainly Karl Urbans view. I can see it.
I've seen others claim it's "too smart" which is pretty ridiculous. They never really justified it but it's seemingly just contrasting with capeshit.
I've never heard anyone say a bad word about it.
>How would you feel if the majority of the characters who looked like you were portrayed in the media as sex crazed buffoons, criminals, or just plain bad people?
You should just stop watching the news, Blackanon.
dredd 3d is absolute kino. im glad its ignored by the mainstream. excellent movie
the marketing was abysmal, and the little marketing it did get was entirely for it as a 3D movie.
most movie posters in fact, weren't for "DREDD" but "DREDD 3D"
this was around the point when 3D had hit peak saturation and was starting to get tiresome.
So nobody saw it till it was on video, where it's since become a cult hit, sort of like nobody saw Iron Giant in theaters because it got next to no marketing, but became a hit on video, and now it's become a "classic"
It's not good. Especially compared to the Stallone version. The old one with Armand is wonderful. The ABC robot standing up and saying war is bad ass.
This. It was marketed entirely as Dredd 3D so people automatically brushed it off as an interest as you would ignire seeing a poster for "Generic Monster 3D".
That, and in Australia it was released for 1 day at select cinemas... 2 months after it was released in Bluray in the states. And the wonder why we pirate so much content.
>I still bought it because it is a goddamn classic.
They already have for the past 3 years. It still doesnt change my thoughts on movies. Just stop being a fag or a woman. If you are a man you need to act like one.
>Letting a bunch of kike propaganda influence your opinion
Every slowmo scene literally is pure ecstacy on hallucinogens. This movie is beautiful with or without drugs but with drugs its some next level dog shit.
Dredd was never in theaters.
It was sold as DREDD 3D.
Bad marketing move but the slow-mo scenes looked great in 3D.
Dredd scenes require sound.
>Why was this shit on by critics?
Why open your thread with a blatant lie? Kill yourself faggot.
Good ol' white phos.