>Maybe Spielberg can no longer woo ticket buyers in the vast numbers he once did, but he seems to have found some testicular fortitude.
What did Armond "Honorary" White mean by this?
Maybe Spielberg can no longer woo ticket buyers in the vast numbers he once did...
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Netflix lemmings howl as the legendary director prepares to take a stand for cinema.
>He has riled the lemmings who gave in to binge-watching (what academics call “corporate autism”) and devoted themselves to cable presentations.
>Spielberg’s recent box-office flops lost him cultural clout, especially with those who easily fall for the latest trends. In his earlier pronouncement on what’s artistically distinctive about theatrical cinema, he dared to oppose the speciously labeled “Golden Age of Television.” He has riled the lemmings who gave in to binge-watching (what academics call “corporate autism”)
absolutely based as usual
Based based and based. King of Yea Forums has spoken. Netshits btfo
so netflix is good now?
What flops is he talking about?
>Movie-review shills never educate audiences about aesthetics. They simply provide hype, going along with the cultural collapse: film = TV.
the bfg I guess
I've read some Armond White pieces from the 90s. He was good then. Now he's an absurd, tabloid-level ranter. Nobody worth listening to comes out with shit like "He has riled the lemmings". You can't read that phrase without hearing it in Comic Book Guy's voice. He also praises stuff that's barely decent because the director hasn't tweeted about being a Democrat. He's a partisan hack. Being a Republican equivalent to the worst kind of liberal critic isn't really helpful.
He worships Barbra Streisand though you nigger
Nah he's great.
>no argument
He's terrible.
Read his prose. He wrote like a serious critic in the 90s, now he just slings buzzphrases and condemns people in childish terms.
>still no argument
Armond White pretty much exposes how worthless it is to be a film critic. He knows he's writing stupid shit, but nobody can really dismantle his arguments without exposing the baselessness of their own arguments. It's the reason why critic hate any mention of objectivity, as this would require them to actually present a form of methodology or foundation. The only reason why his criticism stands out is because he is a contrarian who employs the same mainstream rationale against it.
Except he does have a methodology, and he's written about it. What now, brainlet?
He's like a first-year media studies student who thinks he's doing deconstruction by pointing out that politicians are self-interested.
>all these seething lemmings
>(what academics call “corporate autism”)
oh my fucking god can this PLEASE become a term? not just "corporate autism", the whole thing.
He'd truly be the king of Yea Forums if he wasn't on his knees blowing hack snyder every time a movie drops.
>implying Yea Forums isnt snyder turf.
>implying that doesnt make him more based.
You don't belong here
I literally cannot find any academic who has used that but it's excellent.
>I don't like the way this person words things, as if that fucking matters
I can't fucking stand shallow thinkers like you
schindlers flix absolutely and utterly SHOAH'D
>the anti-Spielberg protests are ridiculous first of all because Spielberg hasn’t even made his statement yet. Why have the Interwebs jumped the shark?
Does white even understand the expressions he's using?
what the fuck was hard to understand about that sentence?
Undisputed king of Yea Forums
Has he ever been wrong about anything?
His review of the House that Jack Built was absolutely based
More like /Our/mond