SUBJECT: Asses in Television & Film

>Content should pertain to television shows, movies, actors/actresses, film equipment, etc.
>Global Rule 13 applies—all images of actresses should be accompanied by relevant discussion.

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i can get behind this, if you know what im sayin

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God trips for god hips

>404 no ass found

So you think her anus hole is as ugly as her ass?

nyuck nyuck nyuck

she bleaches it

>SUBJECT: Asses in Television & Film
well this is one thread that will go without captain marvel

you got lucky this time incels

>not feet

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white women were a mistake

What about pussies?

was it kino?

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That’s a fine ass


for me it's Carla Gugino, kino ass, tits and legs

Attached: carla_californication.webm (710x934, 2.86M)

What a roast

No webm of zeta jones with the lazers?


Great post. Great trips. Shit thread.

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i made that meme like 10 years ago


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