Why didn't Lucas pull the trigger?

Why didn't Lucas pull the trigger?

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Fear of having to withstand the backlash to carry Jar-Jar through the entire prequel trilogy as the secret big bad sith lord. The public wouldn't be able to handle this long con waiting for the ultimate reveal.

Because the tumor of the expanded universe already killed Star Wars decades prior.

>Thrawn won't emerge from the Unknown Regions with the remnants of his old Imperial fleet with Snoke's master Jar Jar
>EP9 won't end with Jar Jar's death but Thrawn still alive and essentially a galactic stalemate between Imperial and Republic forces
why even live

Makes me hate the faggots who complained about the movie in 99. I remember seeing it in theatres and being in awe (mostly because I was 8).

This is exactly what you geeky nerdy fucks get. Hope you learned your lesson. Let the story writer tell his story

it was never the plan. The original plan was to have Jar-Jar die and be a painful send off. Anakins turn was supposed to hinge on Jar-jar's death, not padme's. George changed it when he realized audiences didn't love jar-jar. Harry potter ended up doing it better by killing dobby, george admitted this.

Darth Jar Jar is the most reddit fan theory of all time.

>it was never the plan


Retards have spent years coming up with hidden meanings and secrets to justify bullshit in the prequels or make them better, the reality is it's just a coping mechanism.

George is just a businessman who saw a huge opportunity to milk his cash cow, so rushed out the prequels, marketing and merch had more thought than the script

I was 9 and i was pissed that maul jobbed amd only had 2 lines.... droidecarts were cool tho

He was to die but not like that though, it's a bit of both. Anakin was to ultimately kill his previously-trusted childhood friend Jar Jar and this fuels his turn.

seems like he tried to d to salvage elements of this in Padme's death, where they say it was him that killed her . But it doesn't work, because it's all this shit about how he killed her by breaking her heart... wtf.

I remember reading the "younglings" thing was added late as George wanted Anakin to have a heavy toll on his hands by the time of facing obi-wan and he couldn't justify the jar-jar death.

Jar Jar Binks is too clever to let people know he is the real Darth Plagueis.

>Dying to childbirth in a futuristic society

>Giving up the will to live
>Retarded, and also makes Padme a cunt leaving behind 2 orphaned children

She should have sacrificed herself to save Obi Wan or her kids or some shit, I can't believe that's all George came up with

This, I like the prequels but Padme's death has always been stupid

No reason to think she isn't still alive

The droids literally state to Obi Wan that she's dead, why would they lie to him, and how would he not sense that she's still alive?

>I can't believe that's all George came up with
why, he's not a writer

Because it takes about 30 seconds of thought to come up with a better and more believable ending.

It's like he literally thought "ok I need Padme to die or ANH won't make sense" then literally wrote down the first thing he thought of and left it at that

You guys are absolute morons.

You do realize how much each hint of cgi movement cost for animation studios right? Especially in the 90s. The lip movements, the force jumps, the hand gestures. The scenes that didn't obviously need him yet he was just in camera view.

Hell, the smirk at qui gons funeral. It's there. It's subtle. It's hidden in plain sight even, but it's absolutely there.

He was supposed to be Dooku at least. Yoda was supposed to fight him. Anakin was supposed to fight, or slay, him. It was all there. The build up. Him giving control to palpatine. Him walking with palpatine everywhere. He was the guy.

I get you are trying to be contrarian, but please stop being obtuse for the sake of an argument.

Jokes aside, I'm still upset that Lucas got scared out of pulling the greatest twist in cinematic history

All because the overreaction to a character


This. The only problem with PT was mostly in episode 2, and even that had good moments.
People complaining about how goofy Jar Jar was are fucking hypocrites, ignoring the fact that C3PO was exactly the same amount of annoying in the OT.

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one of the biggest ones for me was the design of "Dooku's" ship

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Yes, Ventress. Or the design they used for Kit Fisto.

>He was the guy.

You can say he's still the guy.

Even though he wasn't revealed, he's still the ultimate evil in Lucas' movies. He's the real TPM.


Ok who would be better
Jar jar
Count dooko

fucking hell i thought the image was the dole dippers penguin

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Jar Jar wasn't ready to let his true identity be revealed yet. He's playing the long game, and everything has been going according to plan. I expect the big reveal to happen in Episode IX.


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Guys book fag here, but luckily for you guys the books are cannon and therefor able to shed light on this

Jar jar has always been force sensitive, his mind is so empty that his body works with the force (sorta like drunken kung fu) this is how he can fight so well whilst being so clumsy

Back in the old (no longer cannan books) darth jar jar was real and came about because when he signed over the confederation to palpatine, he left himself open to influence to different force energies which the emporer exploited

In the now cannan book “empires end” it is revealed that jar jar is a clown like protector of orphans on corosant, hated by everyone because he is recognised as the man who put the empire into power, but he does not care and just wants to make kids happy. This is the true canon now, he will not be revealed to be a sith or ren (look it up or read a book idc) fuckin reddit

doesn't necessarily conflict with the idea of the clown thing being an act or him having ulterior motive in the PT

Can someone post the acid jar jar Lucas Jew meme for me? Much appreciated.

thank you

for a while in rebels Maul was just a kindly old man trying to help a kid

Well i mean maybe but its not probable, see the empire died out except the top 1% than they dissapeared into wild space for almost 2 decades and returned with a brand new hierarchy “the first order” named after the last command given by palpatine “the new empire needs children” which is why the storm troopers are so much better now, rather than mercs they are brainwashed, highly trained killing machines.. so even if jar jar was working that angle it does not make sense that he keeps them as his buddies rather than send them to get brainwashed...we also have to remember that jarjar cannot train apprentices...he operates on full instinct or lack therof which is why he is the perfect tool, a mind so clear the force can surge through him and pretty much impossible to betray you or pass on knowledge

So by this logic he does not have the brain power to be pretending or upholding a facade, he is not a caesar sosai in plain site he is just the forrest gump of the starwars universe again check the books empires end and it touches on this slightly in dark deciple

People hated Jar Jar too much so he changed the plan. It's a real shame because it would have redeemed the character and made the whole trilogy top Kino.

Absolute brainlet. The fact that something is posted on another website means you assume it's not true. Worse than the stupidest liberals.

The evidence within the film and in marketing material makes it pretty clear that JJ was going to betray the main characers.
Jar Jar is literally the title of the film. The Phantom Menace. The menace behind everything that no one suspects, not even the audience. See the Mule from the Foundation series, which is well known as one of Lucas' main influences.

I do agree completely, user.

Yes but maul is a intelligent being of pure rage, he is a manipulator, and he was using ezra, jar jar is someone to be used by the emporer, you cannot compare them to one another because one is a force sensitive retard with no goals in life who gets by in life due to “force luck”
The other is a prized student who is proficient in all things including manipulation. To update my refrences maul is bojack horseman and jarjar is mr peanut butter (they are both nialistic, but one can manipulate to get what he wants and the other just gets what he wants)

bojack cant peanutbutter

Peanutbutter cant bojack

I really like The Foundation.

>Jar backwards is Raj
>Raj means King
>Jar-Jar -> King of Kings

holy FUCK

I'm so sorry George

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